You own crypto you need to know what just happened Ledger who create crypto Hardware wallets have released a disturbing new service and if you sign up to it you may be at risk of losing all of your crypto this is because they will take your secret recovery phraseWhich is your login and password to your crypto and they will divide it onto three separate companies servers this allows users to recover their seed phrase through a government ID if they lose it let's break down why this is a massive security risk identity fraud happens to 20 percent of Americans soNow these scammers can steal your crypto with the ID they stole from you the three companies holding the fragments of your seed phrase can hypothetically put them together and just take your crypto Ledger itself was hacked in 2020 exposing the personal information of 300 000 customers to the dark web stay awayFrom this service follow me for more

Ethereum has tricked the entire world and this is what you need to know the world's second largest blockchain has officially made the merge to proof of stake this reduces their energy usage by 99 but also creates a serious risk you see in order to stake ethereum on yourOwn you have to lock 32e on the network that's 50 000 because of this crypto exchanges have created staking pools which allows you to lend them your e so you can stake any amount and get paid interest the problem is that sixty-four percent of all staked earth is currently held by only fiveCrypto exchanges making ethereum after the merge highly centralized this is serious because these companies have to follow the rules of their country or they get shut down this is something we saw earlier this year in canada with the trucker movement with proof of work the government cannot control the blockchainBut with proof of stake they've essentially given the government the keys to control ethereum