I did not learn about this for a very long time when I was just starting out in day trading so you might not know about it either once you start day trading and you start becoming profitable but you need a lot of capital to make a lot of money what you can doIs try a funded account challenge companies like ftmo will give you 30 days to prove that you are a profitable Trader and if you can gain 10 percent on a hundred thousand dollar account twice they will then give you a live account with a hundred thousand dollars in itAnd you get a profit split you keep eighty percent of the profits and they keep twenty percent of the profits if you make ten percent on a hundred thousand dollar account that means you're making eight grand a month tell me if that's more than your current dayJob if so day trading might be for you

The reason why the stochastic RSI for day Traders is really really really really really really cool is because when price goes up and then comes down and you're assuming because you're a price action Trader that it's going to reject here you look at the stochastic RSI and you can see that it's massivelyDown here and then it starts Crossing up and you get into a long position with a one to two risk to reward ratio and you made a lot of money get in on the swing low watch stochastic cross over and then make your money follow for more

if you are a day trader and you don't know how to use a Fibonacci tool please watch this video a thousand times and use these exact numbers when you see a huge move up like this and then price starts coming down you take your Fibonacci retracement tool and draw it from the bottom of the move to the top of that move copy these settings and only use these settings please price starts at one goes to zero comes down to retrace at the Fibonacci gold zone between the 0.5 and the 0.618 which means this price went up and came down and retraced 61.8 percent of the current move up it's almost a guarantee if it rejects off of this area to hit this first price Target the second price Target is the negative 382 and the final price Target is the negative 0.618 Fibonacci retracement and Fibonacci extension a 54 pip stop loss and a 297 pip take profit a you're welcome follow for more

so many of you guys waste hundreds of hours back testing the wrong way I'm going to show you how you can streamline everything click on the indicators tab up here at the top and type in FX Market sessions by biotoki add that onto your chart and this has pre-made boxes for Tokyo session London session and New York session they're way less intrusive than all of the other indicators click on the settings and turn off session three and two rename session one to mine this is your session now for me I can only trade between 5 AM and 9 A.M every single day and make sure you set the time zone correctly I'm GMT plus two then just click OK and now when you're back testing your strategy you can see that this is the only section that you are going to test don't waste your time back testing hours that you're not going to be on the charts

Everybody on planet earth is losing their mind right now when it comes to cryptocurrency so the question on everybody's mind is trading cryptocurrencies still worth it in 2022 stick around and i will tell you Welcome back to the channel everybody my name's artie and this is the moving average a show where we discuss everything day trading to keep you profitable now for those of you that know me well you know i am a seasoned veteran when it comes to cryptocurrencies i hold a bunch of themI trade them quite often and i've also lost a metric ton of money on all of my cryptocurrency positions that i'm holding long term but that's okay because i know they're gonna rebound the reason that i suggest a novice does not trade cryptocurrencies because the traditional way to do technical analysisIs to look at market structure the price should make higher highs and higher lows crypto currencies does not respect this theory and what you usually get to happen is market structure breaking failing to create that lower low making people assume that the trend is going to changeAnd then the trend continues and then it fails again and then it forms an uptrend and then it says [ __ ] you i'm gonna keep going down this is the same issue that i have with gold it does not respect trends it does not respect any form of technical analysis it does respectSupport and resistance areas with the small caveat that occasionally there are massive wicks out of that zone case and point so if you are new into day trading do not trade bitcoin do not trade ethereum do not trade litecoin do not trade xrp don't even consider day trading cryptocurrencies as part of yourStrategy if you are new you should be sticking to 4x pairs they usually respect trends and technical analysis very very well only seasoned traders that have seen these charts and understand the volatility that comes with day trading cryptocurrencies should involve themselves in doing so if youWould like to practice as a hobby as you are trading forex that is completely fine but until you are comfortable doing so i wouldn't do it if however you are day trading crypto currencies but you are doing it on a spot exchange and or on a cryptocurrency that offers youLeverage trading like buy bit then when a trend is going you are looking for fibonacci retracements to the gold zone when cryptocurrencies are trending really really hard they like to have a bull run up retrace down to the fibonacci gold zone and then continue up to the opposite fibonacci retracementDuring the last bull run this happened over and over and over again every single time it had a nice bull run up it retraced to a fibonacci gold zone this was my bread and butter in the last bull run i caught every single one ofThese moves and i made a killing i have not been shorting any cryptocurrencies since the peak that we were at last november because it's just been an absolute bloodbath you can see this massive dump right here retracing to the 382 and continuing down i mean this isAbs like it's just it happened almost overnight nothing but bad news coming out about cryptocurrencies so i've stayed away and literally every single time i saw a massive dump i thought to myself essentially my assets are on sale so all i did was buy every single one of these dips that isWhat is known as dollar cost averaging in a bear market when everything is on sale and you keep buying as the price drops not knowing when it's going to stop if you got in here at 46 you got in here at 35 you got in here at 27 and you got inHere at 20 and you bought one bitcoin on every single one of these dips you invested a total of 126 000 and you have four bitcoins so your average price because of your dollar cost averaging is now 31 500 which is right on this line so onceThe price goes up above that your entire position is in profit from that point on versus if you just bought here and you hate yourself until the price goes back up to there because then you break even dollar cost averaging is the smartest thing to do in my opinion in a bearMarket if you are leveraged trading or spot trading on a spot exchange only do so in a bull market and when you're in a bear market it's just everything's on sale so i would add up and like build my long-term positions at that time why you may ask because when ethereum was atFive thousand dollars people would have sold their first born child to be able to buy it at a thousand dollars and it's there right now but everybody's skeptical and then when it goes back up to five they're going to hate themselves that they didn't buy it at their opportunity point i probablyBought like 65 ethereum on the way down here which has made my dollar cost average around 1700 which means that if it returns to the peak i get 187 profit on 65 ethereum which means approximately a quarter million dollars in profit for me and all i have to do isWait and ride my bike what i want to get through to you in this video is to stop panicking and look at the massive opportunity that's literally laying at your feet you're not going to see prices like this anymore in the future when your kids are old and graduating college or gettingMarried and having kids of their own and you get in to this crazy market now you're going to be a happier individual when you're older because you're going to be sitting on a lot of money as long as you don't have those weak hands that can't handle the stress and fluctuationAnd volatility of the cryptocurrency market so if you can't handle spikes and dips like this where we're down what 79 from the peak don't do it and if you guys are still watching this video this far into it that means that you like the video so i'd appreciate it if you clickThe like button down below now if you guys want to learn about this fibonacci retracement tool that i'm drawing up here check out this video right here and if you haven't already make sure you're subscribed to the channel for more videos like this thanks so much forWatching and we'll see you in the next one