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Creating a New Crypto Wallet: A Step-by-Step Guide with StrikeX Wallet

Creating a New Crypto Wallet: A Step-by-Step Guide with StrikeX Wallet

foreign welcome back everybody my name is dalen and you are tuning in to the strike ax Lounge I am starting a new series a series of how to's to get you acquainted with the strike X wallet now in this series I'm going to show you everything on how to use the strike X wallet how to get acquainted with it how to start a new wall how to import how to use all the different features in it so very exciting little Series this video is just going to get started off by showing you guys how to create a new wallet using the strikex wallet and then every video after this is going to show you uh everything else features included and whatnot so with that out of the way let's get started in creating a new wallet alright so we can see on the screen here a crypto wall that actually makes sense there's a few different bits of information here portfolio and asset tracking multi-chain and cross chain lots of great features about the wall it gives you a little rundown on everything but right here you can see there's buttons down here that say create a new wallet and I already have a wallet so if you're creating a new wallet you're going to click that first one and if you have a seed phrase that you'd like to input and transfer everything over from an existing wallet like say metamask or trust wallet you would click the I already have a wallet so let's just go ahead and click create a new wallet so that's going to go in and it's going to tell you a little bit about what your seed phrase is so 12 words that you are going to write down on piece of paper or put it on a steel punch card or something along those lines but your seed phrases for your eyes only don't show it to anybody this is your only way to recover your cryptocurrency account your your wallet account if you lose it or something goes wrong so remember this is for your eyes only and make multiple copies so click continue okay we can see right here your recovery phrase and it's going to give us 12 words and it's going to show us the order that those words are in where can we can refresh or we can copy them we can refresh and it'll give us an absolute new set of words if we don't like it or there's a word in there that we don't like so we'll just wait for that to load and then it's given us a new set of words so you're going to go ahead and you're going to either copy those words if you want to paste them don't post these online don't keep them in your phone I wouldn't recommend that at all unless you're copying these to put into a wallet or something but otherwise it's just a bad idea to have your seed phrase online in case you get hacked or something always keep it offline so let's say we like these words we can just continue okay now after you've written them down in order you're going to have to go ahead and say okay I think this one is in one you know and it's gonna we're just gonna click on these we didn't actually write these down this is just an example foreign okay we did not enter them in the correct order so it gave us an error so we're gonna go back and you can read your seed phrase again okay so now that we've put them in correctly it says well done we can go ahead and we can either copy them if you really need to copy them or we can go on to the next one and now we get to go ahead and name our wallet we can just name this test go on to the next part and it's just going to load for a second now we have to create an actual pin for the app that this is going to be used whenever we want to go into the app so let's just do one two three two three and we can also turn on biometric login or face ID if you're on Apple let's say yes and then go in congratulations and then it will say I confirm I have made a note and let's go and it will take you into your newly created wallet so that is how you create a new wallet again write down your seed phrase and keep that handy

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