Two thousand five hundred dollars with one single trade on Bitcoin in about two days this is how life can be sometimes guys in today's video I will show you exactly how I'm making around five thousand dollars every single week using this very simple but reliable cryptoTrading strategy guys it is very easy we are not using any fancy indicators and I will explain to you exactly everything what you need to know if you want to make a lot of money trading crypto so make sure to subscribe drop a like if you haven't already make sure toSubscribe for the best crypto content out there on YouTube guys and with that being said let's not waste too much time and jump straight in today's video okay guys so first of all I will explain to you exactly what supply and demand is how to find supply and demand zonesTrading Bitcoin or overall crypto and then I will also show you exactly how you can trade different supply and demand zones all right and on top of that if you stay with me until the end guys I will also show you this live trade right here that I have currentlyRunning with about 2.5 game profits and I will explain to you exactly how I did it what my thought process was and how you can do exactly the same so let's say we have Bitcoin moving sideways on the four hour time frame right and then we have what most people saySupport and resistance right and we can see every time Bitcoin is approaching one of these areas right here we have a lot of selling or buying pressure this is basically what supply and demand is in very simple terms right you can see very clear every time Bitcoin isTouching this level I'm just taking Bitcoin as an example you can use it in every single Market of course but I'm just using Bitcoin as an example right here we can see every time Bitcoin is touching this area we are getting a lot of buyers stepping in we have a lot ofPeople buying Bitcoin let's just say this is the price of ten thousand dollars and this is the price of twenty thousand dollars right and every time Bitcoin is touching one of these levels we have aggressive buyers and aggressive sellers stepping in like I said guys this is just supply and demand in verySimple terms but overall it is basically aggressive selling and aggressive buying at different areas simple as that so the big question right now is why is supply and demand actually so important the very simple guys because smart money and institutional Traders are actually using this type of strategy guys do you reallyThink if there was one simple indicator you can use where you can make a lot of money imagine guys hedge funds people are making big big serious money guys imagine there is some guy sitting and saying bro the RSI is currently around 70. let's take a shot or let's take aLong position right here and right there this is exactly the opposite what the usual retail Trader is doing because most of these retail Traders they are taking exactly the opposite traits of people who are actually making money in trading so right now we are looking onThe Bitcoin daily time frame guys and we can see right here that we have a lot of buying pressure coming in on the daily time frame at approximately 25 000 to about 25 500 this is actually very easy to understand guys right you can see that Bitcoin is consolidating onThe daily time frame for quite some time and every time Bitcoin is touching this Zone around on twenty five thousand three hundred dollars we can see a lot of buying pressure coming in right here right and Bitcoin is definitely having a very hard time to break this level so weCan already see this is some type of demand zone right here around 25 500 once you see a typical demand Zone on The Daily time frame you want to go down into the smaller time frames right so step number one open the daily time frame on the weekly time frame and tryTo identify a very obvious support or demand zone right once you identify one of these zones go down into the smaller time frame in my case just for example we have Bitcoin touching this area around twenty five thousand three hundred dollars for a couple of times until Bitcoin is actually trying toBreak this level for the first time look at this for our candle so we have this sideways consolidation basically and then we have this big fake alt this is what we call a bear trap or a fake alt when it comes to crypto or Forex tradeTrading of all trading guys what do I mean by that look on the four hour time frame right here Bitcoin is trying to break this level for the first time right this is where you want to wait for confirmation so step number one I will say it again open the daily time frameStep number two go into the smaller time frames and step number three look for confirmation before you're actually opening a trade I will talk about it in a minute stick with me until the end guys so you can see Bitcoin is trying to break this level on the forward timeFrame and imagine everyone this is what I'm talking about retail money because most people don't even know what they're doing they don't wait until the trade is actually confirmed and this is why they most of these people are actually losing money in the long term so you can see Bitcoin isTrying to break this level for the first time but look at this big four hour candle with this big body right here this black usually it is green but I made it black I don't even know why anyway and you can see the low of this candle is around 25200 and the high of this candle is around 25 700 so the body is actually very big and this is what we call a confirmation candle when it comes to trading Bitcoin so let me explain to you once again guys Bitcoin is breaking this level for the first time right peopleAre getting stopped out because they are setting the stop loss probably way too tight right something like that they set their stop loss exactly below our support area this is what you always should avoid and then they set those let's say take profit Target around twenty seven thousand dollars and youCan see what happens right here it's very simple institutional money is pushing down the price below our support area to fake out all these people who are getting a very tight stop loss and then they just push the price all the way up again so the big question is howCan you take advantage of that and how you can actually make it work for you and how can make actually money out of that now it gets very important guys listen once the price of Bitcoin is reclaiming this support area right 25 300 like I said we have one touch aSecond one a third one and then you want to wait until Bitcoin is actually able to reclaim this previous support area you can actually also go into the smaller time frames for example like the one hour time frame and we can see once we had this big fake alt and this bigOne hour candle with this big body with our confirmation candle closing around twenty five thousand eight hundred dollars this is where you want usually to look for potential trade guys right once this for our candle right here sorry one hour candle is closing around twenty five thousand seven hundredDollars this is our confirmation to enter a long position immediately the best thing you can do is to set an alarm alarm on trading view in my opinion then you will get on your iPhone and alarm and you can open your long position immediately right then what youCan do for example of course this is not Financial advice I'm just explaining you how I would trade this type of scenario right but what you can do for example you can set your stop loss below the previous low of the support area right here you can see we have this previousLow around twenty five thousand five hundred and fifty dollars so just set your stop loss around 25 and 470 for example and go with the take profit Target or of let's just say 27k right so you have already a risk reward ratio guys of one to four what do I mean byThat a risk reward ratio of one to four is basically let's say you are risking 100 with this single trade right this is your risk 100 but you can make up to 400 hundred dollars in profit even if you lose let's say sixty or seventy percent of your trades you would still beOverall profitable because this is what we call risk management right so your risk is let's say around 100 but your reward is around four hundred dollars this is what you have to understand and this is why you don't want to get emotional when it comes to trading losses guys right because you knowExactly that you have a trading plan and you know exactly that once you win another trade you are already back in profits so this is why you should always go for risk reward ratio ratios of one to two one to three or one to four evenSo you can see let's play it real quick let's see you let's say you're entering your position right here setting your take profit around twenty seven thousand dollars right you are you are being patient right here and you can see the price is already moving into yourDirection so what I would basically do guys at this point when you when your trade is already running in some big profits I would set my stop loss back at my entry point where I entered my trade why would I do it very simple because you just have the protection that youAre not losing any money even if you are getting stopped out you're you're being break even right you're not losing any money so this is what I'm personally doing when it comes to trading once I'm already up I just move my stop loss slightly above my break-even point or myEntry point and then I cannot lose any money right but let's continue this trade right here we can see the trade is perfectly going into our take profit Target over some time and then we can actually make like I already mentioned from 100 we have the chance to make atLeast 400 in profits guys this is how simple trading can be actually all right okay guys so let me show you actually a live trade that I took just a couple of days ago as you can see this is a Bitcoin isolated long position with 10xLeverage so I bought around 67 000 worth of bitcoin around 2.488 BTC right at the price approximately twenty six thousand dollars and as you can see my position right now is running around 2 482 83 dollars in profits in just about two or three days guys by the way veryImportant if you also want to trade Bitcoin or any type of altcoins with or without leverage right if you want to make let's say ten thousand dollars flipping 1K into 10K without any issues without any withdrawal issues or anything like that the most trustworthy exchange I know is bit get guys I'mUsing this exchange for years already I have all of my money out there and if you also want to use the same exchange to trade there guys go and check the first link Down Below in the description if you sign up with my link and if youTrade on bitcat with my link down below you will get some additional bonuses like for example trading fee discounts and some deposit bonuses so make sure to check the links Down Below in the description guys but this is actually one of my previous traits that I calledOut in my Discord Channel with about 2 450 in profits right now guys and if you're actually looking on the chart this is right here's my entry guys my entry is around 26 and 100 this is where I entered my position guys right and as you can see right now this trade isAlready already running in big big profits go and check out the video on the right side if you want to learn more about crypto trading guys make sure to join the free telegram Channel and make sure to subscribe to this channel for daily crypto content with that beingSaid also very important make sure to get whitelisted for my trading course that is coming out in a couple of days you will get the early discount and Early Access go check out the second link Down Below in the description see you for another one guys peace

In today's video I will show you my Trend trading strategy for crypto simple reliable and without indicators so if you are looking right now for the perfect strategy for crypto trading and be successful long term then watch until the end like this video make sure to subscribe to my channel and with thatBeing said I would say let's not waste too much time and jump straight in today's video so guys when it comes to trading most people make it way too complicated they're using 100 different indicators they always get stopped out they always get wrecked sooner or laterAnd they are just not profitable in the long term guys and I will give you a very simple but like I said reliable strategy how to avoid this type of mistake so let's talk about this strategy and let me explain what I'm talking about so as you know guys weHave a different type of Trends we have uptrends uptrends are defined based on higher lows right and higher highs simple as that and then we also have very simple downtrends downtrends are looking like that we have lower lows and lower highs right as you can see this isA very simple downtrend at the end of this video guys like I said make sure to watch until the end and I will give you a very great example how to use this type of strategy also in your chart in different Bitcoin Forex anywhere you can use it anywhere basicallySo first step what is the first thing we have to do the first thing you want to do you have to understand different Market structures we have different Market structures based on different time frames we have the weekly time frame one week then we have the smallerTime frame the daily time frame then we have the smaller time frame the four hour time frame broke down into even smaller time frames to one hour time frame and then we have the 15 minute time frame this is the only time frame that I'm using when it comes to enteringMy trades right so why is that so important to understand guys very simple because we have the weekly time frame this is the most important one this is basically the time frame where you can identify very strong Market structures and up basically you can identify in which direction the market is goingAlways on the weekly time frame this is where you want to start if you are using this type of strategy then you are going into the daily time frame to identify find the daily Trend breaking down into the four hour time frame to identify the four hour time frame and then if youWant to enter your trade you are looking into one hour and 50 minute time frames guys right so let's open the Bitcoin charge real quick and let's let's use this type of strategy on the weekly time frame so what we have right now this is the Bitcoin chart on the weekly timeFrame no indicators no Trends I I just try to keep it very simple as simple as as I possibly possibly can guys so basically we have put the Bitcoin shot right here as you know guys Bitcoin broke all the way down to about sixteen thousand fifteen thousand four hundredDollars we've been trading in a huge downtrend guys right this was the previous downtrend on bitcoin on the weekly time frame right as you can see this is a very simple weekly downtrend like like I explained already before right how is downtrend formed we have this previous all-time high on bitcoinAround sixty eight thousand dollars with another lower high around forty six thousand dollars and we have also lower lows forming on the weekly time frame until a look this is what I'm talking about until this downtrend is breaking following with an uptrend guys so whatDo we have right now on the weekly time frame we have an uptrend on the weekly time frame guys right so the most important time frame like I already said is the weekly time frame so what you want to do before you're entering your trade before you're entering your newPosition you want to take a note for example right you always want to want to um want to once you always want to keep it simple sorry guys English is not my native language so I don't care anyway you want to keep it simple so take someNotes we have look at the Bitcoin shot then take some notes weekly time frame is bullish right so we have weekly is bullish then we are going into the daily time frame guys right then we are going into the daily time frames we are looking on the daily time frameAll also the same as you can see the daily time frame is also bullish this is the daily time frame on bitcoin guys look at this we have also like I explained already before low higher low and then we have also High higher high higher high higher high right so this isA very simple uptrend and as long as Bitcoin is holding even if you're getting a pullback around twenty five thousand dollars this current daily uptrend remains strong right so this is the daily uptrend guys so we have the weekly now we have the daily so daily uhTrend is also the same like the weekly time frame bullish guys right and then we go down into the smaller time frames like for example the four hour time frame now it gets very interesting so make sure to listen and watch Until the End guys like I said now it gets veryInteresting if we are looking on the smaller time frames like the four hour for example we can already identify that look look at this guys the four hour time frame is currently consolidating so we have not a very clear uptrend and not a very clear downtrend so basicallyBitcoin is going sideways on the smaller time frames for approximately let's take a quick look approximately yes for about 50 days Bitcoin is basically trading between twenty seven thousand dollars to about thirty one thousand dollars so there is no clear Direction on the four hour time frame so let's take some notes onceAgain I will explain to you in a minute why that is so important guys so for our time frame we have sideway section right and now this is where it gets very interesting guys now we are looking for entries so now we are going as lowerInto the smaller time frames and this is where we identify a potential entry guys now look at this we are looking on the one hour time frame right now now look at the one hour time frame it's bullish guys look at this this is the currentChart that we are looking at on the smaller time frames guys look at this this was the previous one hour time frame that we had basically once again bullish guys right as you can see bullish higher high and also higher lows simple as that so Bitcoin was basically trading bullishUntil we had this huge breakdown so why is that so important so as you can see we have a bullish on the one hour time frame we have bullish on The Daily time frame and we have bullish on the weekly time frame so why is that so importantGuys very simple because you have to understand the different up and downtrends different Market structures in Bitcoin because if you want to enter a potential long or short positions you have to set realistic targets and you can only do it if you know how the overall Market structure is looking soWith that being said if we are looking for example for one hour time frame Trend uh one one hour um time frame trade let's say you are taking a short trade it's not it's not possible like it is possible of course everything is possible in trading but itJust doesn't make sense to set your stop loss and sorry to take you take profit around eighteen thousand dollars something like that for example when the overall weekly time frame is bullish guys it just doesn't make sense and I will definitely not recommend it becauseWe are we have a very strong option on the weekly time frame and if you want to enter potential saw trades right you have to set realistic targets so this is why you have always to understand different Market structures in different time frames so now the question is how toEnter into a trade this is what this is basically the most important thing about this strategy guys and this is why I was also talking about before about the 50 minute time frame guys because if you want to get into a position right if youWant to get into a trade on the uh for example on the one hour time frame I always try to break down all of my trades all the way back into 15 minute time frame so as you can see we have the one hour time frame right here and weWant to wait right this is very important guys listen carefully we have this uptrend right here on the one hour time frame and we want to wait until this trend is breaking into One Direction if this trend is breaking to the upside we are looking for potential long entry right because this MarketStructure is breaking into a potential upside into potential upside guys otherwise if this trend is breaking to the downside right we are looking for a potential short trade always keep it simple guys don't use too much indicators don't try to make it over complicated always try to keep itSimple so look on this example guys right you are setting your order for example around 29 200 for a potential short trade so let's see what happens right here as you can see guys look now this is very important when this happens guys right when this happens weWant to wait let me delete it once again real quick when this trend is breaking guys right this is where you want to set your alerts you I have the link for trading view Down Below in the description if you get the premium Edition you will get a discount with myLink Down Below guys and then you can set up to 10 alerts on trading view but anyway I'm just telling it for you guys you don't have to use it but I'm always setting a lot so for example you are setting a lot right here on 29 200 andThen you're getting an alert as soon as Bitcoin is breaking this trend right here right this is where you want to this is where you want to get into smaller time frames then you are getting into the 50 minute time frame guys right you're getting into the 50 minute timeFrame and now look at this let's take a quick look now as you can see we are getting into the 50 minute time frame and now look look guys look Bitcoin is breaking this trend this way you want to enter your position guys right now you're getting your alert aNew phone for example this is where you want to enter your position I would recommend for stop losses and take profits don't don't make it over complicated try to set very realistic targets right so when it comes to stop losses go for a very simple risk rewardRatio of approximately one to two one two three for example you can set very simple for example not Financial advice it all depends on your trading strategy but I will explain all of that in my future video so make sure to subscribe and drop a like guys for example let'sSet our stop loss Above This previous High somewhere around 29 500 and our take profit Above This previous high right sorry Above This previous low right here around 28 800 let's say it set it even a bit lower so we have a risk reward ratio of one to two so thatBasically means if we are risking with this trend with this trade right here let's say we are risking 500 with this trade to make it very simple for some people who don't understand if you have a risk reward ratio of one to two right we are risking let's say 500 usdt to getA potential reward of 1000 usdt you always try to keep the risk management positive to be profitable in the long run so let's see what happens this is where we enter our position guys right let's let's press play and as you can see let's take a quick look how this trait would eventuallyPlay out right so now that's already going into our Direction now at this point when we are already in profit around 50 I would very simple set my stop loss back to my break-even point and start to take profits but this is another topic guys now you're already in profit and youCannot lose any money right now you're even more in profit this is where you cover your profits guys right so you would be making a for example if you're risking 500 of course you would be making approximately one thousand dollar in about one and a half hoursThis is what I call profitable trading guys all right this is the basically a very simple strategy and you can use it on any type of Market in Bitcoin in crypto anywhere so just be patient with it guys like I said I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible on my YouTubeChannel I will make a series about trading strategies scalping swing Trading long term short-term Trading long trading software anything you want so make sure to watch this channel guys in the next couple of months and you will learn a lot of alpha completely for free subscribe to this channel shareThis video with your friends drop a like if you want guys if you want to support my YouTube channel you can check the link Down Below in the description on bitget and sign up to get up to eight thousand dollar in bonuses and then if you are trading on bitcat with my linkDown below on the description you can also access my VIP Discord server also completely for free with that being said also join my free telegram completely for free down below in the description and follow me on Twitter guys GM cryptos to name cops

so imagine making 100 every single day with trading here we have ten thousand dollars and this is what I made from Trading just last month and if you want to learn how to do it properly then make sure to listen carefully and watch until the end I will give you a step-by-step guide how you can make 100 every single day from crypto trading so take some notes and listen what I have to say Okay so first of all let's say you have a one thousand dollar right now and you want to flip that one thousand dollar into 10K right so you want to to 10x your Investment Portfolio right 10x and this is actually a very realistic scenario when it comes to crypto trading first things first what you don't want to do and the biggest mistake you can do is actually a risk way too much money so let's say you have one thousand dollar and I'm seeing that mistake people are making this mistake in crypto still over and over again so the first thing you can do if you have a one thousand dollar into a risking actually let's say 2 or 300 love for every single position so let's say you are wrong with your analysis for the next three times then you are already down around 600 and you are you have only four hundred dollars left you are getting emotional and you are making a lot of mistakes so the best way to go in my opinion if you have let's say one thousand dollar is to risk approximately two to five percent on every single trade so with that being said let's say once again you have a one thousand dollar right and you wanna make a lot of money with trading so what I would basically do I would risk approximately Max Max around five percent for every single position for every single trade that I take so in this case I'm risking around fifty dollars for every single trade to make a potential return of 200 or 300 right this is how we want to work when it comes to trading guys so now let me actually give you a step-by-step guide how I will actually start to trade as a beginner Trader so we are looking right now at a four hour time frame on the Bitcoin chart right step number one is actually very simple we have to identify the overall trend on the four hour time frame right on the four hour and on The Daily time frame because you always want to identify the Trends on the bigger time frame before you go into the smaller time frames and what we can see right now let's go actually into the daily time frame we can see on the daily time frame very simple that Bitcoin for example you can also use this strategy with every other altcoin or anything you want to trade but we can see right now on bitcoin very simple we have a very strong uptrend on The Daily time frame right how to identify an uptrend very simple and uptrend is based on higher lows and higher highs doesn't matter in what time frame you're trading this is a very simple uptrend we are making one high followed with another higher high then we are making one low uh followed with another higher low another higher low and so on and this is exactly what we can see right now on the daily time frame on bitcoin so if we are looking right now on the daily time frame we can see we have one low one Higher low right and then we have also one high and one higher high another higher high and another higher high so we can definitely say that Bitcoin right now is in a very strong uptrend on The Daily time frame so this is Step number one based on your analysis so let's say Bitcoin is in a very strong up or downtrend in an uptrend you always only want to take a long positions with this followed strategy in a downtrend you only want to take short positions right so now we have an uptrend so we only want to take long positions so for the strategy you want to use two different very simple indicators you want to use the SMA lines this is the SMA line that I am using you go to indicators type in smas by Beta it is used actually 1000 times because you can use it once a single indicator for different SMA lines right and then we want to use the RSI right go to indicators type in RSI and then you will see the relative strength index right and this is what you can see right here below below the chart this is the RSI guys so let's keep things simple I'm only using the 200 SMA line and the RSI so the strategy is as followed you want to get into long positions only when the RSI is oversold and the price is trading below the 200 SMA line on the four hour time frame and you want to get into swing long positions all right guys so let's take a quick look on the chart and let's identify one very simple opportunity opportunity so Bitcoin is trading from Sixteen thousand dollars all the way up to about twenty four thousand dollars then you can see right here Bitcoin huge pullback with approximately to approximately twenty one thousand five hundred dollars ten percent pullback price is coming below the um 200 SMA line on the four hour time frame so first criteria is met right here right price is trading in a huge uptrend below the 200 SMA line and then we take also a quick look on the RSI for everyone who don't know everything below 30 look on the right side on my screen everything below 30 right here is considered oversold and everything above 70 is considered overbought and we want to enter when the RSI is oversold so in this scenario look at this guys we have right here a very oversold scenario when the RSI is below 30 and on top of that the price is trading below the 200 SMA line so this is where we want to enter a long position for example let's say we enter a long position right here on this support right we want to enter a long position right here on the support what I would be doing what I would do basically in this type of scenario I would set my stop loss exactly below this previous low right here so you identify a previous low this in this case below 21 and 450 dollars then you set your stop loss slightly below the previous low for example let's say around twenty one thousand dollars even and then when it comes to your take profit Target you can set your take profit above the previous pivot high on in this previous cycle right here so we can see the previous high is around twenty four thousand one hundred and fifty dollars right and then you can set your take profit right here twenty five thousand dollars foreign and you can already see in this type of scenario you can actually get into a risk reward trade of one to five so that basically means if you get into a risk reward ratio of one to five you can risk let's say if you're risking one hundred dollars with one position and you have a risk reward ratio of 1 to 4.8 or one tooth let's say one to five right let's say one to five in this case if you risk 100 you can make a five hundred dollar profit trade and then back to your question if you have let's say only one thousand dollar in your portfolio and you are risking let's say ten percent in the worst case I would actually not risk 10 but let's say you're risking ten percent with one single trade imagine making 500 with one clean long position on your one thousand dollar portfolio right in this case you're already up fifty percent right and your portfolio in this case would be around one thousand five hundred dollars already and then you are risking another ten percent of one thousand five hundred dollars so in this case one hundred fifty dollars and so on and then you have a compound INF effect okay guys so this is one very simple scenario another one for example right here Bitcoin is considered oversold Bitcoin is coming down to about nineteen thousand seven hundred dollars we are also trading below the 200 SMA line then you want to look for the RSI RSI once again oversold you're entering a long position right here setting you to take profit Above This previous High stop loss below the previous low let's say around 19 200 another potential trade with a risk reward ratio of one to four and in this case let's say you are risking once again 100 you can make up to 400 in profit so now let me give you a very quick example how I actually was executing one trade in my Discord Channel guys all right if you wanna by the way if you wanna uh join my Discord my VIP Discord where I'm trading every single day all you have to do guys is just to create a new account with the link Down Below in the description on bitget if you are looking for a great exchange for trading Bitcoin with or without leverage check the link Down Below in the description on bitget sign up on top of that you will get the trading fee discount that I negotiated for you guys you will get it nowhere else a 15 training fee discount and the deposit bonus up to eight thousand dollars all right and then you can join my Discord where I'm always calling all of my setups ever every single day so as you can see this is one setup that I called and let me give you a quick live trade example so what happened on the one hour time frame guys you can see Bitcoin came all the way down to about twenty seven thousand dollars so let's take a quick look on the RSI RSI is definitely oversold around 20 at this point and then we can also see on the SMA lines we can see on the one hour time frame SMA line is also around 29 500 so basically both criterias are already met on the one hour time frame and also on the four hour time frame guys we can see on the four hour time frame RSI is also oversold SMA line is around 28 500 so both criterias are met and in this case let's take an entry right here with the long position and let's set our take profit Target let's say around 29 200 and our stop loss below this previous low not too tight not too far away let's go with the risk throughout ratio of 1 2 four like the last time for example let's set our stop loss around twenty six thousand seven hundred dollars let's play and let's see what happens so as you can see guys this is just another beautiful example how this strategy actually is working look if you are patient enough guys you have to be patient enough with the strategy look at this I'm getting nearly stopped out on this week this is where you don't want to get emotional and you have to be patient with it because most people most beginner Traders if they see that their stop loss is getting all nearly hit let's say around twenty six thousand nine hundred and thirty dollars they start to panic and they are closing their position this is what you don't want to do you want to remain calm in the situation right and you just want to wait out because you don't want to win every single trade you just have to win around 50 to 70 percent of your trade setups if you are going with the risk reward ratio of one two three one to four or so and you will be profitable in the long run so in this case you are actually making money let's take a quick look you're waiting for approximately three to four days you don't have to sit in front of your computer air every single day for eight to or nine hours you can track all of your stuff on your iPhone as you can see right here for example if I have an open position on a bit get I'm just even if I'm not at my computer I'm just trying to track all of my positions every single day on my um iPhone right and this is why this strategy is actually one of my favorite strategies because I don't have to sit in front of my computer every single day for 8 or 10 or 15 hours and um looking over my trades guys right I have my app on my iPhone I have everything by myself and I just can't track my positions even if I'm not at home guys right so this is just another great live trading example how to execute the strategy in one and once again the most important thing when it comes to trading guys is not being being emotional being disciplined when it comes to trading and you are I'm pretty sure that you can make a lot of money if you had some value from this video guys please make sure to drop a like subscribe to my channel for more trading tutorials like I said join my VIP Discord join my free telegram if you don't want to miss out also by the way very important guys make sure to follow me right here if you don't want to miss out on anything here is my name GM crypto make sure to follow me over there and with that being said guys see you for another tutorial and peace out bye