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  • RealTalkNFT
2023 NFT Market Update | 0 Billion?!

2023 NFT Market Update | $230 Billion?!

Surprise surprise 2022 year and nft numbers are in and it looks about the same as it was during the 2021 boom more importantly what's the projections for 2023 and here's where we can look back in history 2021 we did 25.1 billion dollars in entity sales now that radarTook in account wash trading so that's all nullified in 2022 we did a total of 24.7 billion dollars worth of NFP sales which is pretty much in line with the year before now if Forbes article predicted that by 2021 the nft market would be 11 billion well we shot wellBeyond that we ended up 2021 with about 30 billion dollars this article predicts a more aggressive Outlook a 33 Global growth year on year projected 231 billion by the end of 2030. entering 2023 China has entered the nft game with their own state ran nft blockchain and Marketplace they're looking at an annualCompound growth rate of 50 per year from this year all the way up to 2028 now don't let this lingo fool you you're projected to reach 48 000 Million by 2028 which is simply 48 billion dollars a year which means that in 2023 the energy Market is going to be slightlyLower in total market sales in my opinion and that is right you guess it because of inflation what does nfts have to do with inflation and the answer should be nothing but because we're in the early stages of this industry it has not depeged from that of theCryptocurrency and stock markets you can see from 2016 to 2020 that inflation on the average was around one to two percent but due to the illness and infinite money printing in 2021 we got up to 4.7 average and ending out 2022 the numbers will be out in January 12thIt's looking like an average of seven to eight percent of inflation what inflation does is decreasing our purchasing power we can see that the S P 500 has dropped a whopping 19 percent in a one year period to get our inflation's number to drop 500 down to around a twoPercent area range which is a comfortable level we're gonna have to continue Rising interest rates for 2023 for the entire year what that means is job loss economic downturns and yes the dreaded word a recession coming for us in 2023. lower discretionary income will result in less speculative assets doingWell like that of nfts this can also mean a great opportunity to get into some good projects that you've been eyeballing for a while in fact three major companies are hitting somewhat all-time high volumes and trading even during these times in the last 24 hours we have zero announcements from theProject itself The azuki Entity collection has had sales of up to a quarter of a million dollars the pudgy penguin aftermarket Only Knows One Direction that's up and two to right they have hit a new all-time high smashing the previous record by close to 2X but most importantly during this timeIs not only when you hold but it is when you build and the builders are out in full Flex new technologies are looking to disrupt the norm the next being movies that will come out on open C there are many perks for having a movie on the blockchain one of it being theDistributed media files on different server nodes another of it being an asset that you can actually sell repurpose and actually get access to more utility and benefits this is in contradiction to iTunes and Amazon which only gives you a tethered video file which one day they can actually severThis is nothing new movie burst already came out with their first edition launch of a web 3 movie with Lord of the Rings and with Warner Brothers they come up where nfts with behind the scene Peaks and other goodies that normal holders would not have not only that theirSecondary markets pretty robust if you're sick of holding it you can just sell it on a secondary Market video streaming is slated to be over a 90 billion dollar industry movie burst has got their hands full they're not only looking at disrupt movies but they're looking to enter into streaming gameEvery day we're seeing advancements in technology but more web 2 companies coming into the web 3 space not too long ago Timex made a big leap into nfts in collaboration with board 8 Yacht Club this was an immersive experience for board eight yacht club members only and rightfully so because these watches wereOver two thousand dollars a pop safe to say that starting New Year's 2023 the gas is not off the pedal in fact more Brands more technology advancement is coming this way I hope to be wrong here but due to monetary inflation and for our government trying to get it underControl there's just going to be less liquidity in the marketplaces and more volatility to come that doesn't mean that there won't be projects taken off like pudgy penguins and azuki and big opportunities to get into Blue Chip projects that maybe you were out priced on before you'll find out more aboutThese opportunities and what I'm buying and selling every day in the nft landscape check out my link down below if not don't worry follow along I got three Market updates every single week I'll see you guys on next one peace thank you

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