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Securing Crypto Assets: Evading Gov KYC | No KYC Cryptocurrency

Securing Crypto Assets: Evading Gov KYC | No KYC Cryptocurrency

I got a question for you today about crypto and this is vital do you want to build a snowman kidding do you want to know how to hide your crypto from the government legitimately full stop no bs how to actually hide your crypto from these totalitarian governments from aMaster of sleight of hand like myself i'm actually gonna break down some very important stuff did i guarantee you have not heard on any other videos i will make that promise to you now let me know down below if i delivered i already know that i'm going to so todayIn operation how to build a snowman we're gonna get it okay so let's break a few things down most of you have a coinbase or a or whatever exchange you started with most of you started with these major exchanges and let me tell you there'sNothing wrong with that i have all these major exchanges as well i also use some more decentralized options which krypto is supposed to be a peer-to-peer decentralized and privacy is your right just as a side note did you see all the stuff that happened with roe versus wadeNow i'm not gonna get into that at all but did you see that the president united states came out and said privacy is a right did you guys happen to catch that he said it seven times i've actually talked to my team about this at length joe biden said privacy is a rightMultiple times now obviously he was talking about a different topic but he's right it is a right and we're going to break that down in an upcoming video it's going to be really really good but i'm going to try to stay on topic today most of you regardless of where you areIf you're in australia or bangladesh if you're in canada or the u.s if you're in the north pole the south pole i don't care where you are you probably started with coinbase right and even if you didn't this is going to be very valuable to you now most of youWill have the app and you did what's called kyc the know your customer laws which is the bane of most of our existence right well what do you do you need to realize that owning your crypto having your crypto keys is the only way taking custody ofYour crypto is the only way to truly control it if your crypto is just on an exchange you don't actually own it it could be seized or taken from you or stolen from you at any time so understand that a lot of people don't even seem to understand that they thinkThat the crypto on the exchange crypto on exchange is no safer than your money in a bank governments can take your money whenever they want under all kinds of hospice laws and all these things but if you have custody you have control it cannot be seized it cannot be takenAnd and can be made invisible which is what we're going to talk about today so you started with something like that most likely now if you've done kyc there's something i want you to know and there's actually what's called an expired id act buried in several different laws in the u.s nowI know that a lot of you are in the u.s but you stick with me for a second once your document expires it has to be expunged from the records with the united states or a united states company so even if you're a european and you addA coin base once your license or id or passport expires it leaves the system and this works for all american banks and bank like institutions where crypto exchanges actually are in that they're under that umbrella right now so the cool thing is once you're done and thisEven with your personal bang now does this take you out of the system no does this give you any ghost-like anonymity no but it does give you a few cool benefits that we're going to talk about here in a second so understand that even if you did kycOnce your document expires that document is actually taken out of the system in all banking institutions including crypto exchanges we're going to use for an example in this video now the next thing people say is well can't i store my keys on something like a burner phone no you cannot because wellYou can anonymize your keys on a burner phone they're too easy to access now this is one of my favorite burner phones this is the nokia 6300 this is the best burner phone i have tons of these in my opinion the best it's just a basic 4g phone this isActually the main phone i have with me on at all times at all times this is the best phone this is the one of the most locked down phones period with the exception of like a black phone this is one of the most locked down phones i had to do a lot ofWork to do that if you guys are interested i can do a dedicated video on how i make my burn phones locked down allows me to keep them longer but ultimately a burner phone's a burner phone that's not important do not put your keys on a phone so we need to talk aboutThe keys and how we structure this the first thing is if you have kyc what you need to do is create a corporate account now the ultimate thing is becoming a ghost is vital and you guys know that i talk about this in every single video because it is vitalHaving your crypto anonymous and running it through a corporation just the tax benefits in fact i would say probably 80 of my clients just the tax benefits in a couple of months alone pays for the program which is insane and it's actually something i didn't think about when i started theProgram but the tax benefits alone you get from becoming a ghost and running your crypto through a corporation is astronomical but we're not going to talk about tax benefits in this video we're going to talk about privacy and anonymity benefits let's say you had kyc you switched to aCorporate account well now there's a couple of things that myself and my team have been doing to actually structure it to where we can make the trail go cold understand that with the crypto exchanges unlike banks it's actually easier to make a trail disappear with banks than crypto exchanges because ofThe way the blockchain works because of when you go through the kyc process it is locked in the blockchain which is what i've been telling you guys about web 3 it's early stages of web 3 and you'll be locked in there but it's not a bad thing because you can make the trailGo to nowhere basically and once you create a ghost business with a ghost card start buying your crypto on exchange like coinbase you're set but you need to understand about your keys because just having crypto on there is not going to work so where do you put your keys we're goingTo start with that then we're going to talk about the anonymity side well for a lot of people something like this would be a good option this is an encrypted usbc drive this is a good option so you've probably seen hardware wallets like the ledger or the trezorThere's lots of other i did a full dedicated video on the best hardware wallets but what about your keys right well a good option is these keystones which i have a handful of them that i really really like and what this does you can open it and you could put your24 words in here and in here you can take this and put it somewhere safe now do you put this in a safety deposit box no because you just gave your keys back to the bank yet again so either wise you have a safe for this or you findSomeplace safe what a lot of people do with only with um you know things like this is they will put uh a safe like in concrete or they will put this in again you do not put your hardware wallet and concrete your uh keys you'll put them in a slit you'llPut them in concrete you'll put them in a safe you'll put these somewhere where they cannot be found because ultimately this is you want it to be metal you want it to be virtually indestructible one method i like though is these encrypted drives right you can put these on yourKeychain their encrypted drives similar to like i talk a lot about the yuba key right so i take yuba keys with me everywhere i have several of them for all the different devices i only use hardware authenticators and i recommend you only use hardware authenticators well this is another hardware optionThat even if somebody got this they can't break into it and if they're if you have a couple of them then you're pretty much set so this is uh the nxc this is the usbc one because most of what i have is usbc but ofCourse you can get it in pretty much any variation and that's a good option and having a combination of these is a good option for your keys making sure you take custody of your own keys now utilizing privacy coins like monero privacy coins that actually utilize as yourPurchase base which i did a video on how to buy things with monero you can check out here i showed like four options in that video on how to use your monero and turn it into physical products goods or services and there's a lot more you canDo in fact we're seeing companies all the time start taking monero really popular movad takes monero now one of my favorite vpns that's not a dvpn and there's a lot of other good options so understanding that your documents actually expire in the exchange is good but taking it toAnother step so we know we're going to take custody we're going to use something like this to take custody of your keys and you're going to put it in a safe place the cool thing about these is you can keep them a little more open because they're encrypted and you canHave a really long passcode that you actually punch in it's a digital um so i'll show you here boom and you see it pop on like that i don't know how well you can see that but it's a digital passcode so i have to put the passcode in unencryptedThere's no computers currently that can break the encryption on these now eventually with quantum computing can they break the encryption you know we've been talking about quantum computing forever so i know several encryption experts and kind of where we're going in the encryption world maybe but again as as encryption levelsUp as these level up the the ways to break them levels up so it's kind of like it's almost like they're keeping up with the joneses but right now these really aren't able to be broken and um it allows you to keep your keys handy soYou have custody of your coins now when you have coins in an exchange that is controlled by a government and make no mistake all exchanges that do kyc are controlled by a government when you sign up for that exchange moving forward i would only sign up in aCorporate account now how do you do that well first thing you need is a ghost business and you need an alias structure so an alias corporate structure to be able to sign up for the coinbase account what you can do is a registered agent officer to actually go to the kyc process soWhat we've been structuring at privacy x is different registered agent officers that we're working with to go through the kyc process because they're an officer of the corporation but they're paid as a contractor we're able to structure this in your articles of origin and your operating agreement inYour corporate documents and so they're able to go through the kyc process it makes them the front man officer and then it allows you to take custody of the crypto because you're the majority shareholder in the corporation so we're able to structure it to go around kyc legally in that mannerFor our clients in our ghost program also that's just the tip of the iceberg obviously we go much much deeper but to give you guys a basis now what that allows you to do is take full custody through a kyc exchange in a ghost business that's literally and then if you useSomething like monero literally i i hate the word impossible but there is to break that to break that chain of anonymity is about as close to impossible as you're going to get unless you have the world governments coming after you full stop with everything they got that's literally the only way they canBreak that chain and why are they coming like what have you done for them you would have to be a war criminal or you would have to be i mean it's insane i mean just as subpoenas alone they would need to get all that would be preposterous theAmount of chain of custody they would have to do would be out of this world and that's why you can actually structure it through a corporate officer see these are all benefits you don't have to yourself under a standard company or under yourself like if you go through kyc it'sA full facial scan of you and it's your documents now again if you've done your documents in the past like i said there are expired identification acts that are buried deep in a handful of laws that you can actually utilize actually you don't even have to utilize it's auto-generating soIt auto-populates so as soon as your document expires within 30 days of a document expiration it actually just gets deleted out of the system and funny enough i was at my personal bank yesterday and the banker was talking about this because there's a bank i've banked withFor over 15 years and they had almost no information on me on my own bank which is really really good they had the core information right but they didn't have any ids they didn't have any photo stuff they didn't have any updated anything because i never update anything with them becauseThere's no need to that's why aging banks but again that's more advanced corporate tactics that you could utilize that's what all the powerful politicians and corporate people do that's why these politicians are able to structure their money to put it mildly that's how vladimir putin it's a small scale heWent much deeper but how oligarchs and people like that are able to structure their money this is the entry point but we go much deeper in the ghost program obviously but i want you guys to understand that so a lot of people are like cody can youReally do anonymous crypto guys i could make the most the most centralized forward-facing crypto in the world anonymous because that's what we do and so understanding how to run an agent process understanding how to run an officer structure is going to allow you to be able to do thisIn a format where you actually have control of your crypto now i do not advocate tax evasion i do not advocate break the law you don't need to break the laws to do any of this i do advocate keeping things above board but i also don't advocate governments breaking the lawAgainst us me and you privacy is a right and it's a right that needs to be protected and while as a citizen unfortunately i do have to pay a large amount of taxes because i'm a successful individual and you potentially have to pay whatever you have to pay in taxes i will stateThat i pay my taxes i pay a lot in taxes and i don't break any laws for myself or my clients but i help clients disappear every day and become ghosts and utilize their right to privacy but also understand that the government doesn't have the totalitarian rule set that they pretend to haveThere's no such thing as a ruling class and if they think so we need to fight back with action not with violence and not with words that fall on deaf ears but action and this is action privacy acts we take action against the fight of tyranny and these ridiculous laws and theseTotalitarian governments and we stand up for our freedoms because your privacy is your freedom make no mistake your privacy is one of the fundamental founding keys of your freedom you give everything away with the social credit scores with web3 tracking you if you end up in a centralized situation which is what allThe big companies and governments want obviously the cool thing about web3 as i've stated multiple times is with decentralized peer-to-peer we have the ability to do whatever we want back and forth with just us but the big companies are not going to go peer-to-peer decentralized they're going to go fully centralized andLocked into web 3. so this is our chance right now to kind of shift the conversation shift the way and the direction of where things are going especially in something like crypto which is going to be the founding principle of freedom for most of us not giving governments full control ofThe monetary situation in all countries in fact a lot of countries are just giving up and saying i'll just make my my uh currency bitcoin or some other crypto i mean there's talks right now you've seen in africa there's a couple places that have made or are making uh bitcoin legalTender we've saw talks you know you look at what they're doing in panama you look at what they're doing right now they're having a council in pakistan they just reversed a bunch of laws including icos in south korea people are starting to wake up to the factThat this is vital and countries don't want to miss out it's why the united states is so uh you know kind of so in and out on what they want to do because they understand if they regulate it too hard it's gonna put them nine pegs back and it's actually gonna[ __ ] the dollar so you have them right where you want them you just need to take action anyway appreciate you guys checking this video out i told you that i would deliver i guarantee you've never heard about that structure and doing if you want us to help you with that entire structureBreak it down step by step and do it for you check out the first link down below but i just wanted you guys to start thinking about this i want you guys to understand that there is action and the reason i made this video more than anything is because one of theMost popular comments i get is it's too late it's over people feel defeated and helpless and i see these comments hundreds of times a week and it's actually kind of heartbreaking i see the and i could barely respond to him because i'm like i don't know how toTalk to somebody who feels defeated and feels broken from the government system because we can fight back we can take action and we can win but it takes all of us pushing back rising up and making our voices heard and making our actions apparent making them understand thatCrypto's here to stay we're going to keep investing in it they want to ban the thing all out tomorrow if they could but we've made it so that's a really tough proposition and now that more countries are getting in it's it's putting a lot of pressure onPlaces like the us and canada and europe and australia because it'll put them all in the back seat if all these developing countries embrace crypto and the supposed you know first world west doesn't and it's going to be a disaster and they know it they want to ban it butThe other countries have made it really really tough so take action now while you can understand that you're not defeated and never let a government or some totalitarian organization defeat you understand that your voice matters the actions you take matter and the actions you take now will affect your future and your family'sFuture appreciate you guys checking this out have an amazing day and i'll see you guys in the next video

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Is MONERO Still a Privacy Coin? Exploring Crypto-to-Cash Options without KYC

Is MONERO Still a Privacy Coin? Exploring Crypto-to-Cash Options without KYC

A lot of people have been asking me is monero no longer safe and the biggest reason are these people right here the 3.6 billion dollar money laundering scheme that even warranted a netflix documentary but monero got wrapped up into this because they used a lot of privacy tools not theRight ones i'm doing a full video breakdown on what they did wrong but the fbi will love that but the fact is they did several things wrong including the way they used alphabay the dark web site but there's some other things they did wrong i'm going to break down moneroIs monero no longer secure what you can do to make monero secure and also off-ramps for your monero slash crypto very very important if you're in us canada europe australia new zealand you know planet earth because of the way things are going in crypto an operation real privacySo most of you seeing this right here which is an irs challenge for over 600k to break monero and the lightning network now the irs the nsa the fbi and several other agencies have been trying to break monero for a while have they been successful all signs point to no according to theMagic 8 ball however the fact is with everything that's going on right now the craziness in the world and with crypto becoming the new standard for people's long-term investment and to make money with record lack of trust in things like stock markets on a worldwide scale also thingsLike housing markets which are in a giant bubble and other assets crypto gold and silver are kind of the core assets we're not gonna focus on gold and silver we're gonna focus on crypto more specifically monero now a couple of problems people have is monero secure yes to a degree however aLot of people don't take monero and a lot of people get into monero and have to switch it out for other currencies why well monero fees could be a killer and they know this they kind of got you so when you're in monero are you private are you secure in my opinionYes they've not been able to crack it not even close some people have tried to put out some false information saying they did but they did not now the problem is once you're in you're in but how do you get out right because with a lot of places not taking moneroAnd if you get to a less privacy focused coin then you'll be traced around the blockchain well there's a few things that go into that the first thing that goes into that is you need to be in a situation where you can use a non-kyc exchange bisque bisq i did a wholeBreakdown on the exchanges i recommend you guys to check out this video and you see the exchanges i recommend but obviously you have to be on kyc but the fees could be killer what are some other options they do because even when you get to your exchange if you're using aBank now at privacy as we help people build ghost lives ghost businesses and go through the entire process so you can be private secure off-grid a ghost and live a life not dictated by the social credit scores by these insane laws that all these countries are putting out howeverEven at that you do have to be careful you always have to be careful because you're going to break your anonymity if you're not careful with what you're doing with your ghost business and with how you bank what country you bank in a lot of these things have to beGreatly taken into account obviously we go in depth first thing down below over at privacy x but talking about monero and talking about what's happening with this and these guys utilizing monero there's a few ways people get out of it one local monero local monero has been very popular localMonero has a few challenges which i've talked about in the monero video i did in the past which is why i personally don't use a lot of local monero because there's a lot of logistical and privacy issues with that one thing people do when they're actually trying to use it asCurrency to buy something is you just trade it in for gift cards that works really really well utilizing from crypto like monero to gift cards and then you can take your currency buy whatever you're gonna buy and you're set and you i've showed on this channel how to get gift cards 100 anonymousEspecially for small sums that are under 500 that's super easy and then you're set so gift cards is a good option you can get as many as you want so if you had four grand in you know monero you get eight gift cards all with 500 bucks and there you goNow that's an option another option and if you follow me for any length time you might know that i play high stakes poker in vegas texas florida really the south southern united states premium poker and you get your money in poker chips well kind of is what it is right because youAll know how casinos operate or maybe you do maybe you don't but to utilize your crypto and get it into poker chips well now they're starting to use crypto atms well crypto atm's not really that impressive that's more of a novelty well now what some casinos are doing is for specific clients actuallyTaking crypto i know this for a fact because i live in the entertainment capital of the world i live in the best funnest city in the united states for sure the beautiful las vegas at least you know i spend probably about eight months a year in vegas the other four monthsIt's been in other places but the fact is that's an option getting it into the poker ecosystem the poker economy if you're not familiar how poker works poker has its own economy its own ecosystem it's it's a really cool world which i did one video on before i'mGoing to be doing some videos in the future so make sure you subscribe and stay tuned for that but getting it in poker chips is actually becoming a viable option because now casinos are starting to work with crypto so are a lot of other places like uh someYou know car dealerships some houses have been bought in crypto especially here in vegas they're doing beta programs not as anonymous now with the house you would obviously need a land trust to be able to purchase you couldn't purchase in your own name or it would have zeroPrivacy but these are things that you can utilize to be able to move this forward also in other countries now utilizing monero or another crypto taking it from monero and exchanging it for let's say bitcoin litecoin or ethereum or what well probably ethereum wouldn't be the move but whatever otherCrypto you wanted to be exchanging that is that an option yeah it's an option it's absolutely an option but the thing you want to keep in mind is then you lose your privacy and your anonymity you still have to make sure you use a non-kyc exchange if youWant to keep it private if you don't want to keep it private it's just an investment well then you could use you know coinbase or provided it's not in your name you have your assets in a ghost business like we teach you guys to do then you'll be set but ifYou wanted to have another layer of privacy and security using monero which is the best option now there's other options you can do this stuff with like the pirate chain a lot of people are talking about secret network which i'm an investor in i will say thatZ cash i'm not a fan of i've been i get asked a lot about z cash i don't like z cash at all i don't like how they're partial privacy i don't like a lot of things about zcash and i've talked about that in previous videos but you know utilizing utilizing moneroOn a offshore business card is an option transferring it to your offshore bank is an option and now a lot of offshore banks are starting to work with crypto there are some laws and regulations and monero is a gray area but it's how you use it and then the other thingIs so you've probably seen how they use tumblers most predominantly on the dark web there's a lot of tumblers that are really good well with monero you don't need the same process because bitcoin's not actually a privacy coin it's just sold as a privacy coin monero is an actual privacy coin in factWhen monero came out i believe the official name was bit monero and uh they were trying to do a bitcoin 2.0 so it came out in like 2014 which was a handful of years after bitcoin trying to be better and then eventually dropped the bit and just became monaro becauseThey're just better in every way and so that's something to keep in mind a lot of exchanges over the years have de-listed it some have brought it back but really what it comes down to is you're keeping it in cold stall orange or you know a storage on your computer so a exchangeBecause of the key so how the governments are getting these is when you have crypto on exchanges on almost all of them it can actually be seized especially by a government this is what a lot of people don't understand a lot of people think crypto is something it's not in factCrypto is in a lot of ways more transparent than traditional banking because traditional banking has a bunch of laws rules and regulations crypto does not so while you and i don't have the exact same laws rules and regulations yet either do the governments they can sidestep all theseWiretapping laws all of the even here in the united states there's a lot of rules and laws that were protected like telecommunication laws banking laws uh you know customer information laws there's certain things that we're protected by when it comes to banking system you're not protected by those things even from the governmentWhich is how the government is able to get in and seize the government could probably seize about 80 to 85 the united states government could probably see about 80 to 85 percent of all of the crypto in the united states and probably about 60 of all of the crypto in theWorld if they really wanted to because of the way the structure is set up with these exchanges and also a lot of these desktop wallets why i don't personally ever use desktop wallets because of the vulnerabilities i only use hardware wallets i will never use a desktop wallet or a quote unquote softwareWallet unless it's short term like a meta mask but you use it in short term move things up i will never store crypto in that because to to hack that and to seize that is far too easy even if you allegedly have the keys there's just been too many exploits soWith monero the exploit isn't with monero it's with the use monero kind of makes you trapped in a lot of ways so to get out switching it out or getting creative like with the poker industry which a lot of people are doing buying it utilizing gift cards usingLocal monero or using a swap to swap it into a different currency to ultimately get it out but it's got to be a non kyc exchange and so this is why a lot of people struggle with monero and i've talked to a lot of people who don't likeMonero because they feel like their backs up against the wall because the incredibly high fees and you're not wrong so monero at its core is it cracked i don't think so i've seen a lot of people who are supposedly experts say yes i personally don't believe it i wouldHave to see some definitive proof to believe that but that's the smaller issue the larger issue is you've got to get creative on how to use it now i'm not talking about avoiding taxes i pay all my taxes but what i'm talking about is structuring it to where people can't track everythingYou do the government has no business tracking you and stalking everything you do like they pretend you pay your fair share of taxes you do your thing the government is not your overlord even though they act like it and so this is what i'm talking about but i'm in no wayShare before i'm talking about dodging taxes and i do not recommend anybody does that i recommend you adhere to your laws but also privacy of writing this right needs to be protected if you don't protect and i don't protect you you bet the big companies the big corporationWill not protect it we will stay in the fight we will keep putting out content here on privacy x appreciate you guys support if you haven't already make sure you give this video a thumbs up like and share helps out a lot we're going to beTalking a lot about some of these topics coming up i did a video yesterday talking about crypto and some of the massive changes coming which is not good if you haven't seen that video i recommend you go watch it but i've got a breakdown of these laws so i'm going toPut line item by line item of these laws and start talking about what you guys can do to take action so you want to stick around for that also lots of other privacy and security content coming like always have an amazing day guys i'll see you in the next video

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