Do you want to know how to withdraw money from into your bank account? Then this video is for you. My name is Mikael and I made quite a few videos about the app because I think it is a great crypto app. And many viewers have therefore asked me, how do you actually get money out if you want to get money out. And it is luckily quite easy to take out cash into your bank account. And in this video I will show you how to do this step by step. And I will show you how to do it basically no matter the country you live in because there will be options for this no matter where you live. So I'm now logged in to the app and pulled it up. On the screen and let me just say right away that this is not a full tutorial about all the features you can use inside I will leave links below to more information and more tutorials I have about it that shows all the features. This will focus on how to withdraw money into your bank account because so many people are interested in how to do that and then ask me about that. So first of all what you need to know is that how to do it will vary from country to country. So therefore, first inside the app, I will show you three different methods that are available for me. And then we will also talk about some other countries by showing you some info on the website so there will be options no matter where you are. Any legit crypto app or anything like that will of course make it easy for you to get crypto into cash into your bank account or use it if you want to. But let's go over the first method which is not available in all countries. But it is available in a lot of countries especially in the EU. But if you don't live in the EU, don't worry. There are other options. But the first thing you need to do is to go to accounts and here you will have a Fiat wallet. So to be able to withdraw you would need to just simply go and exchange some of your crypto into Fiat. You can just do that by selling it or converting it. I've shown how easy that is to do in other videos but basically you just need to go to sell it and then you just choose to sell it into Fiat and then you have it. And where I live I have Euros so that's why I can see that here. But then you can see what I have in my Fiat wallet there, you can see it in Euro, and you can see the US value as well there. And that is what I have. I can buy a crypto for it if I want to or I can then transfer it in to my bank account. So what I need to do is to use this transfer so I just need to click that and then I can choose used to withdraw. Or this is also where I can deposit more money if I want to deposit from my bank account into to for example buy more crypto or earn interest or use some of the other earning options. I also have a lot of videos about how you can earn more on I'll leave a link in the top corner with more info about that. But anyways for this I would then choose to withdraw and in this case I would then choose Euro because that's the option I have where I live. And then it says more about this SEPA bank transfer so this is transferred directly into your bank account. So I would just need to click to withdraw. So one note is that this is only available once you have first done a bank transfer in to because that's how you connect your bank account with So you can't do this unless you have already deposited. it doesn't have to be a big amount but this is for them to confirm and to connect your bank account. So that's just one note you need to be aware of. But once you have done that, you can see all the information it has already been activated there for me. And then you just need to wait for a review and then within one to two working days you will receive the money into your bank account. There are some limits you see you need to do a minimum of eight euros. And there's also some daily maximum or monthly maximum you can do. So you just need to be aware of that. But basically that is just it you just follow the steps like this I could just click to withdraw choose how much I want to withdraw and then it I just have to wait and will arrive into my bank account. So that's one option if you live in Europe but there's also an option that's available in a lot of countries where you can use usdc or US dollars so let's go over that also. So if you want to withdraw US Dollars instead what you need to do is first to connect your bank again with your app in US dollars. So you need to go to deposit first if you haven't already done it. And then even though you want to use this option with Fiat, like regular currency you need to choose crypto because this is where you then need to find the usdc coin. And then you need to choose that and then you need to choose a bank transfer. So this is the first steps and then you go through this and you add your bank account. Once you've done that you can deposit money into directly in usdc or US dollars but that also means that they because they have this as you can see they do this in one-to-one ratio but that also means that then after you've done that you can also withdraw in US Dollars into a bank account. And this is available in a lot of countries. I'll just show you one more thing inside the app and then I'll jump to the website where I can show you exactly which countries this is available in and also what bank transfer options that are available in other countries. But first I just want to show you an alternative to easily spend your crypto inside app. So an alternative if you want to use your crypto instead of taking out to the bank is to use's Visa card. I'm now in my account because inside where I showed you where you have a Fiat account, you also have a Visa account. If you opt in for the Visa card, you can get a physical Visa card. I have a full video where I explain more about that I'll leave a link in the top corner also because you can get cash back whenever you use it no matter the shop you use it if they accept Visa card whether it's online, offline then you will get cash back and it gives some other great benefits also. And one benefit is for example you can just here go inside your account here and then exchange whatever crypto you have into your Visa card because it's a debit card. Then you will have money here and you can just spend it whenever you want to spend a Visa card. But if you want to know more about that option because that can be a really convenient option where you also get cashback and other options then I will leave a link in the top Corner because there are some more details you need to update in for this also if you want one of the cards with more benefits. You also need to to stake some Crow coins but I explain all about that in that video. So make sure to check that out. It's just as an alternative so you don't have to take it out to your bank account but get very easy access to it. I have one of the cards as well as I show in the video there that that I have a link to. But let me just jump to the website and then we'll talk more about this where these US Dollars bank transfer is available and options in other countries also. So in the help section on the website of you can see they have this usdc bank transfer via Swift. So as mentioned you first need to go in I showed you how to do that and connect it and then you can see here which regions it's available in. You can do it in Europe and all these different options there you see these countries there and also when Asia is available. All these countries is where you can do this. So you can deposit and you can receive this also. And explains more about how to do that. You can also just follow the steps inside the app. So I just wanted to show you exactly where you can find more information about that and which countries it's available in. But there are also bank transfer options available in other ways in some countries. So let's talk about those options also. So if you just go to the help section of and search for bank transfer. You can see there's different options. This is the one I just showed you with the bank transfer via Swift there. But you can also see there is for SGD there, there is also for BRL there, there's like many different options. So if you search here you see Australian dollars there. There's some different options depending on where you are, Canadian also. So I would suggest that you go here and read about that if you live in one of these other countries. But in many countries as you could see you could use the USD option if you don't live in country where you have the SEPA option available. And then of course you also have the Visa card as an option. So to sum it all up, makes it very easy to withdraw your money if you want to withdraw or convert your crypto into cash. And if you're not yet a member you can get a 25 joining bonus if you sign up for an invitation link and use my invitation code. And at the same time then choose to opt in for one of the Visa cards I will leave my invitation code below so you can check that out if you decide this is for you. But no matter what I hope that this video helped you because a lot of people have asked me how to withdraw money, what do I do if I some point want to convert my crypto and all that and it is really easy as it of course should be for a legit crypto platform. So I hope this video helped you and if it did then make sure to hit the like button and also don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the notification bell so you won't miss out next time there's a video with tips and tricks about different ways to make money online.

Starting crypto trading without any investment is indeed possible, although it may require more time and effort. By earning free crypto through various platforms Start trading crypto without investing anything and i know it sounds strange but there is actually an option it might take a little bit longer than if you just put in your own money but it is possible and i have done this myself and in this video i will show you step byStep how to do this so before i show you the process of trading crypto without investing anything i just want to clarify a little bit because i know it sounds a little bit strange because by nature of course trading requires some kind of investment whether it is crypto trading or anyOther kind of trading but i have tested many different ways to earn online for free and that's why i've also found a method where you can start trading crypto without investing any money it will take a little bit longer and a little bit more effort than if you put in your own moneyBut if you're not willing to do that then you can still start trading crypto without putting in any money but as mentioned i just want to make it clear it will take a little bit of extra effort and a little bit of extra timeBut i will show you how to do that step by step there are a couple of different steps and the first step is that you need to get some crypto to start actually trading and you can get this without investing anything and then the next step is to actually trade it on aPlatform and i will also show you how to do that step by step so let's start with the first step and that is how to then get some free crypto so you can prepare for actually trading so if you want to start trading and are not willing to put in any investment orMoney then you can use different platforms that allow you to earn crypto for free and i have a lot of information on my website and on my youtube channel here about different ways to do that i just wanted to show you a few exams and then below i will leave links to listsOf more platforms that will for example allow you to earn bitcoin or ethereum one platform is free cash where you can earn in different ways taking surveys taking paid offers participating in daily promo code giveaways and a lot more and that's just one option anotherOne is coin supply one that i also have used quite a bit that allow you to earn both bitcoin or dash or dogecoin and litecoin and then you can quite fairly easily get them out or fast get them out another one is reward xp you see you canEarn bitcoin once you've just earned ten dollars you can take them out and last one i just quickly want to show you is time box where you can learn by taking paid service watching content doing small tasks playing games taking paid offers participating sweepstakes a lotMore so these are just a few examples as mentioned i want to leave links below to full list of different ways to earn crypto online for free that's not the topic of this one this is just the first step to be able to trade and that is ifYou are not willing to invest anything then you can use different platforms like that to earn completely for free you just need to invest a bit of time in doing the different tasks so that's the first step join different platforms like that and start doing different tasksThen you have earned crypto then the next step is to get that crypto out into a platform where you can trade with it and then setting up the trade so let's then go over the next step is to take that out into a platform a wallet where you can use thatSo from many of the different platforms where you can earn crypto for free you can take it out to more or less any wallet but you need to make sure of course to take it out to a platform where you can trade if that is your goal if you justWant to hold it of course you can just take it into any wallet and hold it there until you might want to sell it at some point but if you want to do more like trading and have more options you need to make sure it's a wallet thatAllow you that one option is buy nands and i am now logged into my binance account and it has a lot of different options also for trading and that's why i wanted to show that here i'll also show you how to set up an automaticTrade so you can see how to do that step by step and also i will leave a link to binance below if you decide to join binance not already a member if you join through my invitation link you will get a 10 discount on trading fees for liveSo that will give you a little benefit there but anyways you find no the wallet that you want let's say that i have earned on reward xp i have earned bitcoin then i would go here and say to deposit and then i will copy my walletCode i'll not show it my exact wallet code here but that is how it is no matter what wallet you want you just need to click to deposit and then you will get your wallet code you will go back you'll paste it and then you will submit it and that's basically how itWorks on more or less all platforms where you can earn crypto for free you just need to find it let's say it's another one you have earned like litecoin you would choose to choose to deposit that and take that wallet code paste it where you can withdraw litecoinAnd then depending on the platform some will pay out within you know a few minutes some within a few hours some within a few days that all depends on the platforms you're using but that's the second step now you then first have earned then you have takenOut your crypto into a platform where you know you can trade with it so the next step is then to set up trades so you can start earning more with the crypto that you have now without investing anything so on binance you can see there's a lotOf different options so one thing is that you can go to the trade section personally i do prefer to use a tool like bitscab i have a video about that i will leave a link in the top corner where you can connect it to a lot of different exchanges and there's someEasier ways to automate the trades and things like that but that will cost a little bit of monthly fees to have a tool like that so in this video we are focusing on completely free methods that's just if you want to optimize further you can check out that video butIn this video we'll use completely free methods and that means like finance free platform to sign up for and you can earn the crypto for free once you have it how do you then trade so for this one i'll just show you a very basic and easyMethod and that is where we then will go to this spot and this can look a little bit overwhelming at first but just stay with me it is fairly simple and basic you see if i just scroll down you can see i can buy btc or sell btcThat's because right now you have a pair when you're trading like this you have a pair so i have btc usdt which is a stablecoin so i can then choose these two against each other you can say or i would for example buy btc with usdt or if i sell btc iWould get usdt but there's a lot of different pairs you can see over here on the right side there's a lot of different options you can also search for example i know i have some l-run and for example if i would say there you canSee that i would pair it with it could be busd for example i would choose this one then you can see it changes in the left corner so now this is the pair then i could go down and then you have these options you see limit market or stop limit soJust for this basic one very basic trading i would choose this limit so that means that i can set a specific price and if we're talking about this then trading this is a very basic and easy simple free way so first now now you have some crypto thenYou have the option to for example either convert it into another crypto if you want to do it like that or you can just keep it let's say you have converted it into to l1 you can see i have some there now or you can keep this btc and then youSay when it reaches a certain price i want to sell it and then you have some cash and when it reaches another price then i want to buy again you can do that if you want to so right now as of recording this video hopefully that willAlso go up eventually but this is the price for one l1 in busd so i could say here for example i wanted to sell 10 or i want to sell one and then i would choose the price that i want to sell at so you can calculate that in percentagesIf you see the current price then you can say for example if it increases by 10 which is not unusual in crypto for certain coins anyways that it changes like that even you know within a few hours sometimes sometimes of course it can take weeks i cannot guaranteeAnything like that this is also not any recommendation of any specific coins this is just to show you how to set it up any investment you do is completely at your own risk i'm not a financial advisor i just want to make that clear i'm just showing you technically how toDo it you need to make your own decisions about what you wanted to invest in on or what you do not want to invest in and i just want to make that clear but anyways let's say i then want to sell it when it reaches like 50Worth i could also say like 60 or 70 or whatever but of course you also need to think about like the long-term goals how much do you want it to increase and then anyways what i then need to do is if i set it to 50 or 60 whatever my goal is iWould suggest you decide on for example percentage you say like if i burn five percent or 10 or 20 and then you just set it automatically and then you do not have to keep an eye on it or worry about it and then all iWould then need to do is then click it has said when it is this price i will sell it so now i'll just put in this limit order as it is called and you can see now it has limit cell order created so it will just sell that and i will getB usd when it reaches this certain level there and that's how easy it is then you can just wait and then when it happens it will automatically then do this trade and then you can set up other trades if you then have the usd you can then sayLike okay i want to then buy bitcoin when it reaches a certain price then you would just set it up the other way around you said what amount and then what price should be and then buy and then that order will also be placed and that is how you can do it automaticallyIt takes a little bit of effort to just set it up once in a while but it is easy and the great thing is that you do not really have to then keep an eye on it all the time and this is a very basic way of getting started to trade withoutInvesting anything i just also then want to show you now the order is there what if you made a mistake because no that might happen so let me just show you where you then would need to go to be able to cancel it or whatever if you decide to do that atSome point you can see in the top menu there's something called orders you can go to spot order and that's where you can get an overview and it then loads all the orders these ones are open orders you can also see the order history if you want to and then it opensUp the all the open orders you can see in the left menu you can also look at the order history and you can see i have set it up there and then it will actually automatically sell there once it reaches that price and then i canJust click here to cancel it if i do not want to do it anyways it is always good to know where you can get an overview and how to cancel it if you do anything wrong so this is a strategy you can use if you want to start trading cryptoWithout any investment and in a very basic and simple way if you want to do it more involved so it's like more automatic you can use other tools as mentioned i already have left a video in the top corner where you can see more about a method where it just does itContinuously automatically without you having to set up orders like this manually but this is a great way to get started very easily and you can do it without investment it will take a little bit more time of course if you want to do it without investment because you doNeed to then spend a bit of time of earning the crypto first but then it can be a way to potentially earn even more with the crypto you earn i just want to make it clear that there's of course no guarantee that the prices will go upCrypto markets are volatile so it might take patience sometimes you might be able to earn these 10 20 whatever your goal is within an hour sometimes it might take weeks a month sometimes it might go down that all depends on what coins you're doing and the market you'reIn and this is not financial advice any investment you decide to do is completely at your own risk i just want to make that clear once again but so many people have asked me about how to start crypto trading without investment and it can seem a little bitStrange if it's even possible because by nature trading will require some investment but it is possible if you do it this way and i hope that it helped you figure out how to do it and also if it's the right way for you to make moneyOnline or not and if it did help you then make sure to hit the like button and also don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel and hit the notification bell so you won't miss out next time with your video tips and tricks about different ways to make some extra moneyOn the site online you