GM everyone welcome back to Quick price recap on what's going on in this week as per usual we'll be starting off real quick with some cryptocurrency prices so what's going on over there on the last seven days we did see a slight rebound from Bitcoin but both of them really didHave some wild weeks bitcoin price all the way down to 24 900 all the way down from 27 over 27k so yeah it's been quite wild in Bitcoin and ether front two similar price action really um both of them obviously massively impacted by the SEC and some other yeah implications in the USUm their lawsuits will go on and that's just going to be hanging over a lot of the other cryptocurrencies too specifically in the top 30 all coins Etc and as per usual that will put some strain at least onto nft prices too so without further Ado let's get into theNft prices of the week what's going on over the last seven days and we can see in the top four in the Avatar collections up here none of them really performing well the board Apes actually falling under that 45 eth threshold that they have been holding for quite a whileUm azuki similarly not really having the best weeks and crypto punks really turning back into their alter ego of just being the stable coin in the nft markets we did see some positive price movements for the generative art collections uh snow fro has been in the spotlight for a couple weeks nowCongrats there Auto glyphs in my opinion one of the most impactful and influential um generative Arts uh collections in the entire space glad to see they're doing well obviously one sale um for 175 each yeah I mean at the end of the day it is only a 500 collection so don't expectMuch trading to go on around there um with that being said I do want to just take a look into a couple brands that are um under the brand category here on nft price floor and just see how they're doing um we see Yuga Labs obviously with anEnormous lead across the um across the entire nft space really uh 12 collections in total under their regime 1.3 million youth brand market cap um leading Far and Away um second art blocks with 3.4 344 000 eighth market cap and then uh distance third really is almost at 200000 eth churro Labs obviously the creator of a zoo key and all their subsequent collections too um let's just dive into each one of those for just a second so if we look into art blocks we can really see a sharp decline off the top we saw the topThree click actions in the top 15 and it drops all the way down to number 32 for gazers by Matt Kane here um yeah I mean obviously the market cap is massively impacted simply by these top three Collections and then having long tail out towards the back I reallyLove scrolling through this simply because as an art blocks Outsider um it does help me get a better overview of what's actually happening in the space and also what collections there are and how they're being valued at these individual points in time we can obviously also have a quick look atChiro yeah let's scroll out to the seven day here beans actually outperforming azuki cool to see they have been rumored to at least in the future be dropping some kind of airdrop towards the beans don't know how much of that is truth and how much of that is actually wishfulThinking but um yeah that might be an explainer for why the two and a half percent price increase on the week alright circling back to Yuga labs they actually didn't have that great of a week uh Board of Yacht Club down mutant Apes down other Deeds down me bits downKennel Club down and codas too and honestly it's it's kind of wild at least in my opinion that these collections are down this much probably has a lot to do with just individual sellers right now who need to liquidate um we have a couple of big holders stillThat probably have a very big impact on the markets but as long as we don't see new buyers come in and at least see an interactive Market to buy into I don't think this trend is reversing anytime soon we still have a lot of flippers on blur simply trading back and forthAssets trying to find the airdrop they also had a couple announcements this week with airdrop season two and yeah that's just kind of putting the whole nft Market into a downward spiral at least surrounding those collections that can be actively airdrop farmed on plur so yeah I mean we can jump into boardAPI club and just have a quick look here we are trending downwards um this isn't really a chart that I love looking at as a charting perspective active at least at 43 eth right now I'm still above the 40th bottom we set back in May but obviously the downtrend isVery obvious just by looking at it we did break through these um the 50th 45 ether area that we've been holding for a couple weeks at least um yeah hurts to see as a buyer I'd be slightly wary of cat trying to catch a falling knife here we have seen at leastA couple big buyers come into the market I know that Maki was a buyer of a couple of these Apes just recently um but yeah as a buyer I'm still looking to at least see a base formed out but on the long-term Vision I do think that this is slowly reaching that valueCategory again 43 eth for a board ape and under um nine eth right now for mutants I'm just looking at the chart all the way down back to like the 35 eth top in April 2020 to yeah down massively obviously since then I do think that we're slowly reaching the value categoryAgain if you're interested in at least holding it for a couple weeks months maybe even years yeah if you're at all interested in that you can check out the interview that Carly Riley did with Dan allegri obviously the new CEO of Yuka Labs a couple weeks ago now already heDid end up naming his ape Pancho so in case anyone was wondering there you go he does also lay out the vision that he kind of has for the brand and also where he wants to go and it's quite Grand so I do absolutely recommend taking a lookInto that yeah just here by Tanisha just a quick overview of what they're actually building all the kinds of different things with heavy metal with dookie Dash what they're obviously already had a Legends of the mara more on the other side situation too it does seem like they have a lot in thePipeline that can potentially in the future a pump price again so if you're at all into to that kind of thing trading game then I would currently be looking at those collections so let's do that for just a second you can currently pick up other deed for 0.6 you can pickUp a heavy metal for 0.85 an other side vessel for 0.215 and honestly all of those do seem adequately priced like I'm not trying to sell any of these currently anymore and if I didn't own any I would probably be in the markets to pick up some obviously not FinancialAdvice here but yeah it does seem like we're slowly trending towards that Valley category just because of the last couple weeks really our precipitous drops and we do know at least kind of the timelines on these projects we know that heavy metal and the other side vessels will be having some sort ofReveal during this year during Q3 probably so um yeah very interesting to see I have one more thing I really want to share with you guys it's about nft categories and it's all about what type of nft we are looking at so we have pure avatars we have Arts we have historicalNfts we have metaverse gaming and utility and honestly we can see just the absolute insane concentration of market cap that we currently have in the pfp sector uh 2.2 million eth aggregated market cap art coming in second place historical nfts just following really shortly and third if I had to bet on anyOne of these really blowing up it would probably be towards the metaverse and gaming side of things with apple really throwing their ring into the Hat ringing to the fight on the AR World 2 now so expect that to get some more mass Market appeal and possibly outperforming theRest alright that's it from my side hope you are having a lovely week good luck with your tokens if you're owning any and I'll see you guys back next week again see ya

gmgm everyone hope you're doing great I'm repping My Adidas merch today hope you are also enjoying some of that sweet sweet nft merch you got over the bull market uh before we dive into the nft price floor section of the video I definitely do want to just have a quick look at the prices that Bitcoin and ether doing right now and it's kind of interesting first time in a long time that we saw Bitcoin and eth kind of diverge on the one week time frame if up almost a percent Bitcoin down just above half percent not massive numbers and honestly kind of flat on the week but that's also what we want to see for the nft market stable youth prices mean we have a stable denominator means that people can build more on those prices too so yeah um let's see what what's going on so we have crypto punks just hovering over that five percent uh gains on the week just over 50 eth congratulations to my punk Brothers out there love to see it um congratulations definitely board apes are in a bit of a more precarious situation to be honest 45 eth isn't really that great um it's definitely below a lot of the support we had in the past and yeah I mean it's a nice bounce back from the 40 eth range but I'm not really bullish on that as of yet we still see a lot of the nfts simply being traded around from Flipper to flipper and that's really what you don't want to see you want to see a more diverse crowd of people that really come in with the intent of holding them long term I just want to shout out one thing here the blur amount of volume that we saw over the past couple months specifically as soon as they started subsidizing the trading from March 18th onward we saw massive amounts of volume but price is just kind of dropping down and down and down and that's really representative of who's owning the assets right now and who's being incentivized to hold them and it is the flippers it is not the holders to be honest but yeah again that being said going back to the main page again we did see a couple big winners on the week I definitely want to congrat congratulate all the art blocks owners zenica I know has been pounding that drum for quite a while so shout out to him too definitely for that fidenza is up 40 on the week chromie squiggles up 24.3 on the week love to see it love to see some good art up in the up in the green and ringer is obviously also 34.4 up on the week definitely going to look at those charts too so what is the chromie squiggles chart really tell us um we can see that only 1.7 of all chromos Wiggles are listed that's a really surprisingly small amount specifically considering we almost have 10 000 chromie squiggles out in the open again this past like week and yeah week and a half has been very exponential so it is kind of questionable for me at least if we can really sustain these prices during this kind of Market in the past when we saw massive jumps up we all saw massive jumps back down so I'm not 100 sold yet that this increase is actually going to be sustained move if you're in the market for buying one I might recommend just chilling out for one or two more weeks if you're a seller this might be a good opportunity again non-financial advice this is just something that we've been seeing over the past couple weeks fidenza's very different product simply because they only have 1 000 uh Supply 999 whatever um 3.8 of them are actually listed so that's a lot more with the higher price tag it's a very different type of buyer maybe also time frame that people are buying fidenzas at definitely want to shout out the big sale that happened this week we can actually see quite a couple of cool sales of the past week but definitely also want to shout out just number 971 for the absolutely massive sale of 370 each a micro trade fidenza looks absolutely impeccable 370 eighth sale price that's just 10 eighth down for what was paid just three months ago and like a bazillion times over what was paid two years ago at 0.178 back in the day also just want to give a quick shout out it's an off-chain sale that happened in the past week for the fidenza number is 725 was sold for just over one million dollars so I mean that's kind of insane too love to see it alright that's it for the week from my side I'm gonna go out and watch a game of football later today drink a beer have a good time hope you do the same stay safe out there don't get your seed phrase on don't get your assets on and I definitely wish that next week I can report on positive price action for your nfts too see you around next week bye