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Rewrite the video title ‘Ledger vs Trezor: Best Crypto Wallets?

should you get a ledger or a trezor hardware wallet in this video I'll compare the four main wallets from the two Brands and then give you my personal experience having used all four of these wallets right here I can tell you the specific differences and who they're suitable for and I'll leave timestamps for everything down below the first thing to look at when getting any hardware devices does it actually support the coins that you want to send to the device so what we've got here is The Ledger devices on the left and then the trezor devices in purple on the right and what you can see is there are some price differences between these models we'll get on to that later but the first thing is the coin support So as we can see on The Ledger side both of these devices the cheaper and the more expensive version support the exact same amount of coins which is really really good the S Plus was upgraded to actually bring it in line with the more expensive Nano X so that's a great use case for both of those devices and it has much more support than the trezor devices as you can see now Tresor is still really good and if you're just using Bitcoin Ethan some other major cryptos you're going to be absolutely fine but you can see side by side Ledger is way ahead in terms of the amount of coins that are supported so what we can do is go to the official stores I'll leave links to the official stores in the description if you're getting one of these devices you might as well get it from the official store because if there's a fake or a pre-loaded device going around you know which is a possibility if you get it from a dodgy site then that's not good and do not use those so make sure you get all of your Hardware devices from the official stores also when you download the software for these devices which is really important as well which I'll get on to in a second you can download it from the official websites as well just to be safe so on The Ledger Ledger site as you can see here all of the major coins are supported Bitcoin xrp Bitcoin cash polka dot binance cadano tezos uh Solana all supported now anything built on top of ethereum uh you know like usdc usdt uh it's all going to be supported as well so no issues there now for trezor it's uh not the same story so as we can see here uh the most the most popular coins are supported on both so the model one and the Model T support Bitcoin ethereum and erc20 tokens built on top of ethereum are also supported in Tresor so again tether usdc if you're using um you know the ethereum blockchain you're going to be fine however as we come down you'll see Solana and polka dot not supported at all on any of these devices um cardano is only supported on the Model T and not the model one and so what you'll have to do here is just search for the crypto that you want to hold and interact with and see if it's supported it may be that the Tresor wallets hold and support all of the coins that you're interested in and so no issues there but you know just on paper The Ledger devices especially having the cheaper version support the same amount as the more expensive version definitely is a good use case but that's going to be up to the individual user a quick note on pricing as well as you can see both of these brands have two versions they have an entry level model and then a more expensive model with some bells and whistles and some more support for different things well we'll go through the list of why you should pay more or not for these devices right now but as we can see you have the Nano X and the Model T they are the premiere versions premium versions with 150 and 220 price tag may change depending on where you live in the world and shipping but then you have the cheaper versions so the model one here is the cheapest but then you have the S Plus which is 10 bucks more so really they are going to head to head with the S Plus Us in the model 1 and then the Nano X and the Model T and there are some differences which we'll get on to coming through the hardware of these devices they're all fairly similar in size they all have a USBC Connection in the device and then they come with a USBC to USB a cable so you can plug it into your computer and actually load the wallet for the first time and then if you want to interact with the wallet you obviously have to plug it in to use the software as well the standout here is the Tresor Model T it does have a touch screen it does look good it's good to use however I don't think it's really you know a massive advantage over the others even the trezor model one and the two Ledger devices they have two buttons and you can get all of the same stuff done with those buttons as well it is slightly easier to do it with a touch screen but you are paying for that extra as well with the price of the Model T when you create a wallet on these devices they're going to give you a recovery phrase or a seed phrase that actually is your wallet and so if you lose one of these devices or it gets broken or something that doesn't matter you can just take the recovery phrase and and buy a new device and then just reload your same wallet and you have all of your coins there so 24 words is what you get on The Ledger devices I think the model one defaults to 24 words as well I think the Model T was 12 words when I used it but you can change this around in the settings as well so no need to worry there now this is really safe you just have to make sure that you keep your seed phrase as safe as possible because this Hardware wallet has nothing on it it just logs into the blockchain and so this recovery phrase is really important what some people do is use the crypto tag or crypto steel devices where you can basically just etch or stamp your recovery phrase into a plate of Steel some of them give you letters that you can just line up in a row as well it is slightly more when you're buying the wallet but it's a lot safer than just writing it down because that 24 words is your wallet and if the hardware device gets lost you need those 24 words something else that people do is take a photo of the words on a camera plug in a USB stick to the camera do not connect it to the internet and then encrypt the USB stick if they can on their computer when it's not connected to the internet there's some pros to that because obviously if someone steals a steel plate from you they can just read your seed phrase with a USB stick it's going to be encrypted and they don't know what it is but USB sticks can fail so there's pros and cons to every method right here but as you can see that's something that people can do now the Model T has something special which is known as Shamir backup this is an extra security step that only the Model T has what is Shamir backup well essentially usually you get a 24 word seed phrase and you write that down with Shamir backup you can create shares of that seed phrase essentially making it a list of hundreds of different words and what you can do is split all of those shares they're called recovery shares up so let's say you want to you know get a 16 recovery share from the device so they're going to give you a list of words 16 times over and then you can just spread that out geographically in different places or whatever and then you can say I want to unlock the device if five of those Shares are given at the same time and this just means that you can you know increase the surface area that essentially if someone steals one two three of the the shares they still won't be able to actually reload the wallet now with the normal backups that isn't possible you just get 24 words you could potentially split these up as well maybe just write them down and then split them up into three different you know crypto Steels or something like that maybe you want to do that there's different options around it but Shamir is way uh you know way more than that it's using the backup and it's creating many more words a lot of them are decoys in terms of the words they can't be used together uh you need a certain amount so Shamir is for I guess if you're holding you know generational wealth on here then you can do that but honestly the others as long as you have you know good uh practices keeping your seed phrases safe uh then you should be absolutely fine both Ledger and trezor have software that you must download in order to create the Wallets on the hardware devices it's called Ledger live for Ledger and it's called Tresor suite for Tresor so Ledger live is fantastic it lets you create different wallets and addresses it lets you manage all of the different blockchains on the device very easily and the best thing about Ledger live is really the Discover tab which is essentially like an app store for crypto so a lot of the most major and most popular defy applications basically you can use them directly within Ledger live and you don't have to go online and search for the websites and link up a metabask wallet to your Hardware device you can just use it directly directly within Ledger which I think is a better use case for a lot of people it does everything that you would need it to to do with trezor and Tresor Suite trezor Suite has come a little bit after Ledger live and so it's playing catch up a little bit it's definitely not a robust App Store in the way that ledger is however it does everything you need you can load up your devices you can create new addresses and you can create like a savings address and a spending address and everything like that and you can see all of the coins that you have the prices of them and you can send and receive coins from here and it is getting better all of the time Treasures are working on this a lot more right now with trezor as well though you can also just link it to an exodus wallet Exodus is fantastic software if you go to products right here you can see trezor Hardware wallet they have an official link up and so they are you know supported officially by Exodus now Exodus is much more interactive you can see here you can use dexes you can stake within the Exodus Wallet app as well and all you do is link up your treasure device sign transactions on the hardware wallet but use it within an account within Exodus and so you've got options here I know would say you know for everyone for what you need to do both of these are going to be absolutely fine Ledger maybe is a little bit more streamlined in terms of Everything Is Right In Ledger life now let's come to some extra details about these devices which are definitely going to sway you as to which one that you want to get we'll start with the ledgers right here why is the Nano X twice the price of the Nano s plus it's because this thing right here the Nano S Plus doesn't have a battery or Bluetooth and so this thing you cannot use it without plugging it in it just doesn't turn on until it plugs into a source that can actually feed it with power and that means the S Plus cannot be used with an iPhone it's just impossible iPhone obviously blocked this as well and so if you have an iPhone you cannot use it with the S Plus if you have an Android device and an OTG cable you can plug it into your Android device again it's not the best but it is possible to actually have it on and obviously start the thing up so this thing is good for computer at home use really or if you have an Android device with that OTG cable you can do that work around as well with the Nano X this thing is a bit heavier because I just picked it up and it has a battery inside which means you can turn this thing on independently and connect it via Bluetooth to your phone either Android or iPhone and that means if you download The Ledger Live app on your iPhone or Android device which is really good you can see the transaction you can sign transactions without a cable because this thing has a battery and so you can use it independently so that's why it's double the price because it has a battery and Bluetooth and you can use it with an iPhone by connecting it with the Bluetooth sign transactions anywhere you want without a cable when it comes to the treasure devices neither of these have Bluetooth right now and so you just cannot use them with an iPhone in any way as a standalone device like you can with the Nano X you can of course plug them in directly to an Android device no issues as long as you have the correct cable and it will take charge from the Android device so it can turn on however the Android app is coming soon for these devices and so if you really do want to use your Hardware wallet with the phone for right now it's making this video anyway it's going to be a little bit difficult with the trezor devices they're really more for at home you know offline sort of things to make sure that your crypto is as safe as possible whereas the Nano X does give you a little bit of flexibility with actually being able to connect it up to a phone much more easily without a cable all of these wallets are going to keep your cryptos safe in exactly the same way there are no differences there it just comes down to connectivity and software options and which one you think suits your needs versus the other I'll leave the links to the official stores down in the description so you can see more details on all of these devices I'm James as many zg cheers for watching and I'll see you in the next one

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Earning $200 Daily by Trading Crypto Altcoins: A Straightforward Strategy for Bull Markets

the Crypt bll Market is coming back hard and fast many people are looking to take advantage so in this video I'm going to give you a list of strategies the crypto Traders would be implementing during this time I'm also going to give you resources and how they actually work how to research them a little bit more yourself and then also up in the top right of each slide a risk rating this is my own personal opinion of you know how risky it is how much work it requires and the kind of risk reward ratio that you're going to go through I'll leave time stamps for everything down below let's get into the first one then which is token launches so what I mean by this is a token launch on a crypto exchange these can often come in the form of what's known as launch pools and this is basically giving away free tokens the reason that they're doing this is because they're using the large crypto exchanges which have all of the users and the investment flows to essentially advertise their protocol or their product product now this is actually something that I used to do when I was working as a stock broker we used to raise equity for companies so there are many companies that need money for their business or whatever and so what they would do is sell their equity in a what's called a private placing you go to your broker the broker's in the middle the broker has clients the broker also has this uh firm they want to sell some Equity at a discount to the current market price those investors get a bit of a discount and then those investors usually just flip it out on the market once the uh placing is over and everything is public the difference with crypto is that well there's one version of this that actually is exactly the same as that and it's known as a Launchpad that's where you are actually taking risk and putting dollars in and getting these tokens out and you're swapping that but launch pools are different where these Protocols are basically giving away tokens as kind of advert not advertising in but kind of a promotion to get their name out there so this is a big thing that happens and one is happening right now which is binance's launch pool for Ace now Ace is a game social VI blockchain that is completely irrelevant it doesn't matter there are an amount of tokens around 10 million as you can see here that are going to be given out to people that stake on the binance platform so what are we doing here you're taking a token either FD USD which is a stable coin or BNB which is you BNB chain uh coin you're staking that and you're getting an allocation of these coins for free so you're not taking any risk you're not swapping any of your crypto what you're doing is staking it for a period in Time 5 days and then you're getting an allocation of these free coins now this is not going to obviously make you a millionaire or anything like that the amount of allocation can be decent um but it's not you know life-changing however all you're doing is staking crypto that you may already have and getting an allocation of these free coins now once you get the free coins you can either just hold them and then you have these extra coins and you can you know ride them up during the bull market they may go up they may go down or what a lot of people do like I said is just flip the coins once they get them and just kind of book that money so that's how it works and there's two ways of doing this the first one is if if you have some of the coins that you can stake anyway then you can just stake them so if you have a stable coin or if you have BNB anyway and you have access to this not available in the US I think um but if you have access to this you can just St the coins and get the allocation and it's going to be a lot more than the staking rewards that you'd get for either of them the other way that Traders will do this especially if they don't really want access or exposure to a risk asset like BNB is they will um put a a delta neutral position in place this is a little bit more risky so what I just said if you've got these coins anyway it's pretty low risk and you're just getting some tokens the second stage is if you want to take out a more professional trading strategy here's how it works you don't really want exposure to BNB right if you're not invested in B&B anyway and you don't have BNB you don't really want exposure to it because it's a risk asset and if it goes down 20 % but you make 10% from this staking you're still down 10% right so what people do is they want exposure to BNB because it gets the best rewards you can see that um the stable coin here isn't going to pay as many rewards the most of the rewards are in the BNB BNB pool so people want access to this and they want exposure to BNB to get the rewards here but they don't want price exposure to BNB so what they will do and crypto allows this very very easily is take a delta neutral position that is we'll just do it with a round number right so let's say they buy $11,000 of B&B in the spot market so you actually take money you buy B&B coin you have exposure to BNB coin it goes up it goes down but what they can also do is sell the exact same dollar amount in the Futures market so if you can trade Futures you know you can take short positions and so what happens here is you buy $11,000 in spot you sell $1,000 position in the Futures market and then you have what's known as delta neutral because let's say you just have one BNB each or whatever it is uh that it would be actually around what four or five so we just call it five BNB you have 5 BNB long because you bought that you also have a 5 BNB short position because that's in the Futures Market you can take a short position how do you do that you can go over to trade Futures you can trade binance Futures right here and so we can trade the uh BNB Us doll tether so let's say you have uh an amount of money you'll split this up to take the same long and the same short position so you go in the spot Market you buy a B&B then you go to the Futures market and you take a synthetic position against the price of of B&B so we're going to go isolated margin we are going to do leverage we'll take it down to one so 1X leverage you have to fund the position with the exact amount of dollars if you go 2x leverage what this means is you only have to put half the dollars down to take the same position CU your 2x leverage so if you want a five uh BNB short position you only need to fund 2.5 BNB and the uh exchange will give you some extra on top to trade with the risk here is that if B&B goes up 50% in value you're 2x leveraged and so that means a 50% move equals 100 % for your money and you're going to get liquidated on a 50% move so if you don't want any leverage you can just go down to 1x but 2x leverage a 50% move to the upside you're not going to get liquidated so you can confirm that but or you can use 1 x leverage it's up to you but essentially you take a short position the exact exposure of your long positioning spot therefore you have a delta neutral position you have no price exposure to the price of BNB coin but you are farming these rewards a lot of Traders do this you can see it in the market as well whenever a launch pool happens you can see the price of B&B moving you can see open interest in the Futures Market expanding people are doing this short the Futures buy the spot you have a delta neutral position no price exposure to B&B and you're just farming rewards you can do that or if you just have B&B you can of course just uh AR this you know by staking on the pro on the binance exchange so that's token launches trading in the Futures Market definitely is more advanced I'll leave some beginners guides for just buying and selling crypto and some more advanced trading guides down in the description below I'll also link the crypto exchanges that I use you might be able to get deposit and trading bonuses on those if you're new not available for every country so you can just check the details via links below we're going to look at airdrops now though so what I'm trying to do in this video is give you some real strategies that actually we can take advantage of with crypto crypto is special there is a massive Gap in knowledge and understanding and we have that Advantage this time not trafi so we need to take advantage of it because the Gap is closing and so we can all just buy stuff in the hope that it goes up in value but these are really trying to take advantage of information time and price discrepancies for our advantage this is something we can do that trafi can't because they're not on chain yet and so we can take advantage of that so airdrop airdrops happen when the market turns into a bull market the reason is all of these protocols their businesses basically and they are you know invented by teams that want to make money and so you can think of these tokens a bit like Equity right so you know the team wants to create a protocol and of course they need money for development so they're going to create a protocol with some seed financing then when the protocol gets a bit bigger they want to ear more money they need to launch a token so that they can start earning from either selling that token on or just the token itself can be used as a currency for them to sell for more development funds now what we can do here is essentially use protocols and blockchains early on before they have a token and then when they actually get to Market and launch then they launch that token and they airdrop the token to early users so we can take advantage of of this as well now for me this is green and yellow because it really depends which tokens or chains have a path to launch tokens I'll show you some examples here you're really looking for the big VC backed chains or chains that have had a lot of money pumped in and they're looking to go to market with a token right how large or legitimate are they this is important because there are many scams and lower Market stuff that I just don't think is worth the bother of trying to get into you want to stick to the juicy ones you know where you can get a lot of juice out of the um the sponge as it were how easy is it to use or bridge to the chain some are really easy like salana is a big ecosystem they're doing loads of airdrops ethereum layer 2s super easy right you can they're they're actually integrated into a lot of exchanges so if you want to use some of these uh scaling layers on ethereum that don't have tokens yet that are constantly kind of um you know dangling tokens in front of users faces they're easy to get funds over to you can use the chain send transactions around use a couple of protocols and then maybe you're in for an airdrop the risk here is out andout scams like a protocol that tells you it's going to airdrop you put your money on the protocol use it and then they just you the protocol disappears that's like an outright scam that stole your money that happens a lot so we need to not do that also just like rug pools you know hacks hacks usually actually come from someone right that was in the team that you know got the keys to the wallet and uh you know stole all the money you also have slow rugs where the protocol itself just kind of isn't successful people kind of give up on it and it just goes to zero and you haven't got anything from the risk that you took so there are a lot of risks here but the way that you get an airdrop is you have to have a blockchain wallet if you don't know how to use them links below for metamask other wallets then what you have to do sorry this is deposit not Des deposit the coin so the layer one coin if it's salana you need some so that's why you see the salana price moving up right because people want to buy salana to get into the system to get airdrops ethereum on a lot of the layer 2 Solutions you'll need that then what you have to do is use the protocols right so if you want to use a protocol it's defi you have to trade one coin for another you have to use lending and borrowing you have to stake some coins that's really it so let's see how that works in practice this were the this was the arbitrum airdrop like uh everyone knew the airdrop was coming and if you just simply used the chain and used some of the protocols on the Chain then you got free tokens and this came at around a billion uh dollars valuation when it launched I think the fully diluted valuation was closer to kind of like8 8 billion or something like that when it launched so that's a lot of money coming out into the market what do you have to do you have to bridge funds into arbitrum you have to conduct transactions over two months or 6 months right you have to conduct more than 25 transactions or 100 transactions and then if you have bigger value you get more so there's like a usually um a scale so that people that use a little bit will get some tokens people that use it more will get way more tokens um but this is it right so you have to use the protocol as we can see here what's coming in this bull market and during bull markets everyone who doesn't have token wants to come to Market to get a good valuation for their token you've got some names here like Stark net this is a big Layer Two on ethereum very venture-backed so there could be a lot of tokens uh whose Foundation disclosed plans to allocate 1.8 billion tokens soon layer zero as you can see here salana with Camino kamino is a lending or a defire protocol on salana planning to launch a coins program or a points program seems like things are happening right seamless protocol a lending borrowing protocol on top of coin bases layer to issued seam governance tokens air dropped to users there is a lot of aird drops happening and so there's way more than you can put money into all of them so what you'll have to do is focus on one system where do you think that's going to be probably ethereum where the juicy ones are maybe salana maybe some other top 10 coins like kadano um so with base that's coin bases could be some juicy ones there Etc right you're going to have to do research here um so layer 2 stockk net reveals star token airdrop again so if you're if you're way late to this then you may not be getting any aird drops so you have to do your own research here here is some uh some info on how to do that so you can go to airdrops doio and this is going to be a step-by-step guide on how to potentially qualify for the starnet airdrop so use Rhino doy which is a bridge you can then buy some eth tokens and get them out into a wallet like Argent wallets so that is a wallet for Stark net and it's going to show you that I'll link everything down below like I said and then you know what I would do is go to Twitter and really analyze is this project large is it legitimate or is it just you know kind of low quality or if it's low quality in any way just what's the point of even bothering but you can see starnet they've got 250k followers they're a big project and so any potential airdrop here is going to get a lot of people talking even if you're not in this the layer one coin like eth in this case or salana is going to benefit from all of these airdrops because literally wealth is being created something was created now it's coming to Market Fresh money in and then people put some of that money that they make back into the layer one as a kind of riskof bet so these things happen again if you just look on Twitter I would say Twitter or X is the best place for this you get a lot of thread or right that writing these kind of airdrop threads where you can see what uh ecosystems potentially are doing airdrop and what um protocols may be good to use there's also this one here defi airdrops which is a Twitter account or an X account that just will list out many different airdrops again a lot of these are going to be either not great to get into potential just advertising like low lowb advertising which you don't want to get into but some are definitely genuine airdrops that are going to create wealth for a lot of users next we're going to look at exchange listings which are another way to try and Arbitrage price information and time differences something that we can do that usually only professionals can do like I said when I was working as a broker professional investors only had access to these placings where you got Equity at cheaper prices you you know invested directly and then you can flip them out on the market well we can do this now in crypto because we can use blockchains we know what's going on early and they launch on blockchains first so you can take advantage of that discrepancy get things on a blockchain and if they blow up and actually get an exchange listing that can be very profitable as more money flows into that coin now again this can work out or sometimes it doesn't work out so I'll give you two examples here so what is an exchange listing this is when a large exchange like bance buybit or bitg or you know any of the others coinbase list the token for trading for the first time now that token is usually listed for one of a couple of reasons the first one is it's just a big token of a big you know kind of project and so they did an airdrop of the token and the airdrop has come because the token now exists they're going to launch it on an exchange that's why airdrops are always um you know something people want to maybe look at well exchange listings are different where you maybe get a token that has been created maybe it was an airdrop maybe it wasn't but it's got enough around it where the trade volume is now beneficial for the exchange right because an exchange is just a business they just list anything that has trade volume because they make money off trade volume right so which tokens may get exchange listings this can be risky and uncertain because you don't know which ones can um but there's some points that we can look at here which tokens are popular that don't have an exchange listing yet on the big exchanges so binance coinbase obviously the big ones okx you know buy a bit if trade volume is high enough they might start listing it which brings different traders in right so if you can get into something on a blockchain it's more risky for sure but the payoff is is potentially there do do they have a lot of trading volume or are they kind of popular right now again many different types of tokens they could be meme coins which aren't listed on an exchange yet that if they blow up they might be listed on an exchange and you get those pumps really really risky there are other tokens where you think this is just a big protocol and you know it's very well publicized and it's a big project and so it's not listed yet well that means that if it does get listed it you know it may do okay is it part of a bigger ecosystem so again if you're looking for something very small and unknown then you know it might not get listed it might be way more risky and volatile to get into and and so not great if it's part of a bigger ecosystem like if it's a defi token on salana or ethereum right then it has a much higher chance of actually being brought just into uh big exchanges right and is it still fairly cheap I don't think anything in crypto can be described as cheap or expensive because very few fundamentals here but if you're looking at the coin you know is it still fairly low value in comparison to others has it already had its pump or not and things like that so I think this is pretty pretty risky right you're taking a flyer potentially on stuff that isn't going to work out right now in a bull market you may be okay in a bare Market or if we're coming if if you're late stage ball going into a bear you know this isn't this isn't really great right because people are probably looking to sell out so again this is this is pretty risky um and something that a lot of people may just not want to get into but I've got some examples here so this is a binance listing for Audi now Audi is a token associated with ordinals and inscriptions which um have been getting a lot of attention recently and have the Arbitrage in there because a lot of these things launch first outside of exchanges they'll so they'll launch in on blockchains in crypto wallets so you need to know which blockchains these are on you need to know which wallet that you can use to get these tokens first now this one Audi is a big token in the ordinal space and it eventually got listed on binance and if things get listed on binance they probably will get listed everywhere else because they're the leading exchange so this one was uh opened for trading on the 7th of November 2023 so if we look at this uh this is the 7th of November we'll just go back to one year so the listing was around here uh when the price was $7 now you can see it moved up a lot right so it already doubled in price but it's $7 here and then since the listing it's now $50 so that just shows you what an exchange listing can do for a token that's just in the right place it had a pretty low valuation back here in terms of the size of the project in terms of like the market cap right it was still pretty small and it just got listed and it's ordinal and it's Bitcoin right because ordinal is on bitcoin so you've got everything kind of coming together here it's a smaller project in a space that's growing a lot and has a lot of attention around it which is ordinals and inscriptions and it was pretty small and um you know it's coming into binance so that's it so everything kind of worked out where if you had got that would have been great now another example here is a couple of meme coins right flaky and pepe so the other side of this is you know binance will links list flaky and Pepe in The Innovation zone so let's have a look at that this was the 5th of May this year so if we're going down to the 5th of May um you're looking at a one year here and the fifth of May was basically right here at the top so why did this one not work out this one's a little bit different it's basically just just the meme coin now this one kind of blew up in the bare Market as well and so in a bare Market really people are looking to just sell everything if they make some profits or if the thing goes up people looking to sell sell sell because the liquidity isn't there um and so this this was kind of the worst side of that which is it's just a meme coin that's pretty irrelevant it's not part of some bigger thing like ordinals is is definitely a bigger thing where people like interested in this pppe is just a meme coin launched in the bare Market it was not part of a kind of a bigger part of the market that is growing it's just a meme and you know it was listed right here when it had already got to I think a billion dollars market cap so it's way overdone in comparison to really what it should be around the exchange listing comes and everyone's just like sell so that's where it doesn't work out so we've got one that does and one that doesn't so you have to just make your own judgment here is it part of an area of the market that actually is kind of solid and has interest is it fairly small and unknown and could it potentially get listed so this one's a bit more risky but it's another potential now we're going to look at a strategy to try and time the market cycle and this bull market that's coming because no bull market is the same as another one and really we have to know when to take risk and when to not take risk so a lot of people get interested in the bull market the reason a bull market happens the reason prices rise and go to new all-time highs is because there is more interest so you have more people trying to get through the door right and so not everyone can get through there's it's like a price discrepancy right between there's an amount of supply and there's an amount of demand and demand is going up a lot and so prices have to rise that doesn't necessarily mean that a lot of real value is being created under the surface right so we have to know what the mark Market cycle is doing because once we know that we can know when to take risk and when to to lay off a little bit cuz things are just way overheated right so in terms of valuations like I said in crypto it's kind of hard cuz there's not a lot of fundamental value uh around but the reason why prices move so much is because a lot of these tokens are very small and they only have a very small amount of free float which is let's say you have you know a billion tokens you may actually get 5 or 10% of those actually trading on any given day and so when you get a huge influx of demand the price just goes crazy but then over time you know the price will eventually return to what it should be which for most of these projects is not a lot so you have to make sure that you know that and then make sure that you're timing it if you want to take advantage of a bull market so the first thing is the market cycle is real and it's around every 3 to 5 years the Bitcoin cycle is the market cycle because Bitcoin is a macro asset and it just is the market cycle because it's nothing else other than money it's not a business it can't do anything it just exists so the Bitcoin cycle is the market cycle so you have to time that if you're trying to trade it we'll look at that in a second but what we can do is guide our own risk taking now what I mean by that is you actually want to take the most risk during bare markets because that is when all prices are lowest and that means that the risk you're taking is the cheapest it can be when you're buying stuff in a bull market you're buying the exact same thing at a higher price and so you're paying more money for risk so do you want to pay a lot of money for risk or do you want to pay cheap money for risk you want to pay cheap everyone wants to buy everything at the cheapest price when you're buying an asset you're buying risk so buy it for the cheapest price well that only happens in in bare markets so you for me I think you need a a wider strategy the bull market is coming we can do some tactical stuff like this all day long but really we need a much longer term plan to have a really solid base of Investments because I can tell you that the way you make the most money is not this tactical stuff it is saying over a 10-year period I'm going to put a ton of money in a couple of assets that are really strong and then by the time the next bull market comes you have a big portfolio and a 50% move is going to make make you way more money than trying to tactically trade and do everything like this so for me you want to just take risk in assets you really believe in during the bare market so what I mean by that is 3 to 5e Market cycle Bitcoin has these big draw Downs you can see that here you can see that here here and here they are the times to actually allocate and take risk and put loads of money in if you can the reason prices go down in the bare Market is because of the market cycle and people are fear and scared about their liabilities in life and so they sell their assets for the fear currency that they need to pay their liabilities but if you can really think ahead and know that there will be a bare Market again at the top of a bull market maybe you want to wait and start to allocate as prices draw down again and get some really strong assets at these lower prices because that's what's going to make you the most money buying at the cheapest price so we know the fouryear cycle it's pretty easy this is the four-year cycle for Bitcoin these are each of the previous cycles and they follow a very distinct pattern this is the Bitcoin Haring here which just so happens to coincide with Market Cycles or interest rate Cycles as well which is very convenient so after the Bitcoin harving you get a massive Bull Run and a massive expansion in price bitcoin's going up ethereum's going up altcoins are going up left right and Center meme coins are going up everyone thinks they're great but we all know in the bare Market all of the crap and the you know shitcoins they're going to come down 90% so why do you want to be buying them in a bull market you want to be buying and timing the bottom of this cycle so here we can see we have the draw down we have the recovery into the Haring and then after the Haring the expansion that is a as you can see a you know 1,500 day time timeline so as we know here the best time to take risk this as you can see prices are getting drawn down then we get the recovery still good to take risk the harving that's when we get the huge expansions and during this you can still be taking risk because prices is still moving up but know at some point that if you're too late you're going to be buying stuff and the next 6 months is a draw down what you want to be doing is buying if you want if you want to time it buy now because in 6 months you're going to get the expansion buy now because in 6 months you're going to get the recovery buying here in 6 months you're going to get the draw down that's not not what you want to buy you're going to get stuck in shitcoins and garbage so that's not great so that's the market cycle 3 to 5 years within that you have those phases right you have the draw down you have the recovery and you have the expansion during that as long as you know where we are and again I'll leave this uh harving tracker linked below great you know great to see we know that within bull markets we get Corrections every bull market that takes place we get Corrections and you you can't quite see this but this is around 20 to 35% something like that if you know that we are in either the recovery or early ball any 20% draw down 10 to 30% is a buy because we know that over the next 3 6 8 months you've got this huge expansion coming for the market cycle we expect this to continue now if it doesn't obviously we're all wrecked but we expect uh crypto to keep growing it's pretty obvious that the the market is growing right so use that to your advantage the market cycle here and the market phase are you in Bull draw down or recovery and then in that when you get the draw Downs in prices 10 20 30% as long as you're in recovery or early ball they are buying opportunities if you're in late ball then just be a little bit more careful with what you want to buy and understand that you may be drawn down even further after that the next slide I have here is what I call trading Trio now in a bull market a lot of people want exposure to crypto and of course they want to outperform if they think that Bitcoin and eth and some other layer one coins are going to be going up in value that's all great but those are large assets and so even if they actually add billions of dollars in value that may be in percentage terms not that much well at least not as much as in comparison as to some other coins now this is risky for me and I'll explain why but what people want to do is they want to get exposure to things with high beta what is beta it measures the uh relationship in price between two uh distinct assets so if Bitcoin goes up 10% the high beta coin goes up 20% if Bitcoin goes down 10% the high beta coin will go down 10 uh 20% right so something with higher beta essentially moves in relation to the other asset so if you've got something that's 1.2 you know that it goes up or down 20% more than the underlying does so if bitcoin's going up 5x in this cycle you're looking for something to go up more than that like 10x now how how do you know which is going to go up well no one does right which is why it's very risky so here's what people potentially do everyone wants to fly something that's just going to go up a lot in the very short term now remember High beta is there for a reason you know there may not be fundamentals but essentially the trio is you have a layer one coin so that is your exposure to that system so you have a layer one and then on that you should have what's known as uh you know High beta tokens which are ecosystem tokens right so you have the layer one which is like the currency then you have high beta which is like stocks in the economy right so trading exchanges lending the defi tokens and then you have the mem coin which is eventually once people have made money in this they start to get confident they start to trade around and they start to speculate now I don't play around with memec coins I barely play around with defi tokens either but a lot of people do and that's why they get listed on exchanges right A lot of people just simply want to trade and speculate and be a DJ in a bull market and so you can make decisions but the trio would be to allocate you know an amount to the layer one and then say we're going to take some flyers here right so let's say you know 15% or let's just do 20% for the Flyers and then you can allocate to whatever right so layer one ecosystem coins and then some sort of meme coin on top now this is played out massively with something in the salana ecosystem so we'll just have a look at that now um basically you have salana which of course has gone up up very well right but even more than that if you look at some other coins so you know if we have GTO here GTO was an airdrop so again if you're looking at getting into you know other coins uh in the defi space you can either go air drops or anything like that this is just been air dropped and so the price uh we can't really have a look at but you know there was a a huge uh price appreciation this was Zero before you may have got airdrop tokens and then within the salana space you can see this one here so again this is a shitcoin it's literally worthless and it's being given away for free by a lot of protocols it is completely and utterly worthless it has no fundamental value it's a complete joke don't buy it but as you can see that's the trio right and so that is the trio that people get in is the layer one defi tokens and then the meme coin and that's basically a shortterm trading speculation around the bull market you're going to get absolutely wrecked when the bare Market comes in the tokens they're going to go down 90% even the layer one whe as well so it's about timing here that's why it's for me a lot riskier but that is the trading Trio my crypto investor course has 300 more videos like this on getting yourself set up in crypto using blockchains using wallets and feeling comfortable we have a private Community there as well I update it for free for existing users for all of time as well so check that via the link down in the description I'm Jam this mg CH for watching and I'll see you in the next one

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Effective Crypto Trading Strategy for Maximizing Portfolio Growth in 2024

This video is a clear and simple strategy to take advantage of the next crypto bull market when Bitcoin starts to move and go through its expansion phase there is a lot of opportunity so let's learn how to actually take advantage of that how to set things upProperly so that we can make very good investment gains through a crypto cycle time stamps for everything and all of the other resources I talk about linked down below the first step is to make sure using a crypto exchange that you trust go to defi llama and then go downTo transparency this page shows us all of the exchanges that do proof of reserves this is where they cryptographically prove that they are holding client Assets in wallets that they own so this proves that they're not doing an FTX and stealing everyone's money and they haven't got any of itLeft right so the exchange can still go bankrupt as a business but if they've got your crypto you'll get a recovery the other option of course is just to withdraw your crypto into self- custody on a hardware wallet like Ledger treasure or some others then you haveFull control over it and there's no counterparty risk there are pros and cons to every method but just make sure number one that you're putting money onto an exchange that is in business and is trustworthy I'll leave some link below to the ones I use and have usedFor a very long time throughout Cycles um they might have deposit and trading bonuses depend depending where you live as well so you can check the details below let's start with comparing Bitcoin and altcoins and what we're actually doing right here in order to make money through one expansion phase and oneCycle these are the broad categories for this video there are many different categories like defi game fi social fi other sorts of categories that's kind of irrelevant from an investment standpoint what we're really looking to do is to trade broad categories of coins that have specific amounts of risk andVolatility and return to the hopefully to the upside but many will be to the downside let's make no mistake though what we're trading is the Bitcoin cycle the Bitcoin cycle rules all and the crypto cycle cannot move outside of the Bitcoin cycle it's a one thing it's theMacro cycle Bitcoin cycle crypto cycle they are all intertwined and so I'll go through later on on the video how they're intertwined how they move and then why people try to play this with riskier assets for higher potential returns we are looking at the Bitcoin cycle though so you have Bitcoin andThen you have other coins that we may want to invest in so one category is BTC the other category I've got for this video is real altcoins what I mean by that is not all coins that just will be successful over time but ones in a cycle that have aNarrative of having an actual real use case so we can see there are many like this right so I've categorized ethereum BNB salano kadano Tron polygon Avalanche chain link right these are coins where their team teams are actually serious about saying we are doing something useful and important and we have a realUse case and so that's a type of coin right and so those narratives can pop off based on certain things for example upgrades like salana is introducing a new validator client that's something that people can trade maybe kadano has defi that is launching and reaches a certain tvl that is something people canTrade BNB launches a new chain you know on ethereum and launches applications that's real and some people can trade that you know polygon has a bunch of exchanges that are now using its technology to produce layer 2 networks on ethereum real use case that's a narrative around that that's theNarrative that people trade and you want to trade around those narratives in an expansion phase because they may give you higher returns then you have coins that just don't really have any real n narrative apart from just being a speculation right so meme coins you know other things they don't really doAnything apart from some you know faint hope that they're going to go up in value these things ironically during very very bullish phases where money is being made also can go up now ones that went up last cycle usually don't go up in the following cycle there are newCoins that come in there are new meme coins that are created different type of narrative a different typee of meme that's popular at that time but as we can see we're moving up the risk curve right so Bitcoin has its cycle it's pretty bedded in right now and then weGo up in Risk right in this direction so you can just use this very broadly as saying how much risk do I want to take in a cycle if I know Bitcoin is going up 3 to 5x then how much do I want to allocate towards higher volatility withHigh higher risk because not all of these are going to do well and outperform some are going to outperform others but you can have baskets you have baskets of risk so in an expansion phase the only thing to think about is the baskets of risk that you want to takeAnd then it becomes simple then we get into high beta really what we're doing with a Bitcoin cycle is simply trading the Bitcoin cycle with extra risk if you want to get involved with all this stuff because what you're trying to do is out perform BTC in smaller coins what isHigh beta High beta are coins that are much smaller but have an association with something much bigger that is moving in a bullish style now that can be Bitcoin as the premier asset and then ethereum and other large ORS that move with that because Bitcoin drags themInto bull cycles as well and then they may outperform but it also works for example with with ecosystem coins so on ethereum you have defi coins you have Unis swap or RV and then you have a bunch of lay two networks like optimism arbitrum base and then you haveApplications built on those networks like you know Unis swap or FR Tech or the other ones right and so all of these are extremely risky and volatile but have a correlation with the less risky asset this is all on a scale are these not risky these are risky everything'sRisky but Everything's Relative so we're moving up the risk chain right here so you're getting into like ecosystem coins defy coins social F coins meme coins on certain specific chains so this is extremely high risk and you have to know that an 80 to 90% chance of this youKnow performing in a cycle and then going down and not coming back up this is of course much lower risk and lower potential volatility so everyone can have baskets of risk that they want to take specifically in their strategy we'll look at the Bitcoin cycle in aSecond because that's going to tell us exactly when to take risk and when to offload our positions but firstly I want to talk about fundamentals versus narrative during a bull cycle during an expansion phase where Bitcoin is going up in value and dragging many other coins with it there is rampantSpeculation and narratives filled out into the market these have nothing to do with the fundamental value or use case or potential of a blockchain now there are two types of trading you either trade narratives throughout a cycle and just get into some risk or you actuallySay I'm just going to invest in things that I think will be here throughout five or 10 years if you're a longer term investor there's two different strategies they can work for different types of people if you go to token terminal this is fundamental data forCrypto and it's going to show you how many users there are on a blockchain and how active it is so you can have a look at this and you know what we can see is that fundamentals are miles away from the valuations of these chains so forExample you have ethereum here over the last 30 days it made $166 million as a blockchain and a lot of that value goes back to people who own ethereum it's worth 200 billion but at least it's it's making money and so there's some fundamental value there right and itShows that this network is growing over time and and actually producing Revenue for people that own the token Bitcoin doesn't produce revenue of course but it's wildly different Bitcoin is a unique asset um with its proof of work Network and the way that it's set up butIf you look at other assets these aren't money right these are not money these are just application chains or chains that actually just have one simple business and so the reality is these assets have to make money and return that to investors in order to have someSort of value long term but the fundamentals can be wildly different to where the token actually trades at example of this is salana which over the last 30 days made $2 million but the uh chain is worth around $30 billion as of right now so you've got a30 billion valuation with an asset that actually trades and earns $2 million a month so those valuations are not in any relation to each other right so there is really no fundamental value in most of crypto there is just hope that some people may use it and the way that thePrice goes up of those tokens is because the token is essentially completely owned by the very small amount of holders and so the price can go up a lot within a cycle because you get a very small amount of buyers that come in price goes up there actually aren't anySellers because the tokens are either locked up or the foundation doesn't sell them or can't sell them quick enough and so you get these huge price discrep discrepancies and volatility that's something that you can take advantage of in a bull cycle but always know that if you'reTrading a coin that isn't really very large and and actually fundamentally valuable then it can drop very very quickly just as it goes up 50% down 80% down 99% down because the reality is there's no fundamental value there so know what you're getting into with altcoins and even Bitcoin as well can goDown 70% in a bare market right so there is huge volatility here fundamental value is completely detached from valuations and that's just something you have to live with if you want to take advantage of it you have to make sure that you get in and out because youDon't want to be holding the bag when we turn into a bare market so how do we time the Bitcoin cycle in order to take advantage of the expansions and we can actually take advantage of that with you know many different types of assets weCan take all the risk that we want the the Bitcoin cycle is really the macroeconomic cycle it coincides almost perfectly so you have the Bitcoin cycle macro you have debt refinancing Cycles the business cycle it all seems to coincide within this 3 to 5e window andThe Bitcoin cycle is every four years so within that cycle there are expansion phases and there are draw Downs now for Bitcoin it's very very clear fundamentally that the Bitcoin network is growing over time there are more people using it there are more active address addes there are largerInstitutions each and every cycle that come in so that network is growing fundamentally now from there now that we know that we can just take advantage of these short-term 4-year price cycles and when do you take risk you take risk when risk is cheap paying a lot of money forSomething is never a good idea so when prices are high during the peak of a cycle it's the worst time to take risk that's the most expensive time to pay for risk and that is when you do not buy now you look to S actually sell and takeProfits during those during a draw down that is where you take risk because risk is cheap so this is when you start to take risk now of course as we're coming out of that as well there is a a a opportunity to take risk here as wellJust the top of each cycle is clearly not the time to be taking risk and it's actually the time to be maybe taking profits when exactly is that this is the harving right here so we know that the harving is in April 2024 around there soFrom that date you can see what happens after each Haring you really get a 300 to 500 day window where the price expands into a new alltime high that is when to wait and take profits so after the harving in April 24 you're going to get an expansionBetween 2 to 500 days after so let's call it 12 months to 18 months something like that is usually the peak of the Bitcoin bull market as Bitcoin draws down it's very very unlikely that many altcoins will start keep going up during that time so if you're taking risk youWant to be in before that the best time as you can see is before the Haring it seems like there's a draw down around a, 800 to 1,000 days after each harving that is when you get the bare Market bottom Bitcoin starts to bottom out and so altcoins will potentially do that asWell in this cycle in blue down here that time has passed and gone that was the FTX explosion lunar and everything else right this period between you know 5 to 100 uh th000 days right here this was the bottom of this bare market and the bottom of all previous Cycles youCan see that here the average of them so this this is the best time to take risk this is when you're paying the lowest price for risk and as you can see we're climbing out now coming into the next Haring in April 24 there is still timeBut time is running out to take risk in BTC given that after the Haring it usually reacts to a new all-time high this is not just Bitcoin this is the macro cycle as well and the economic cycle just happens to ur inside every four years or so so in terms of timingIt's you know let's say 5 months or so that we still have to actually take risk and take Longs and then wait for the expansion phase another 12 months after that now there are opportunities in between there there are draw downs and everything like that and specific coinsPump and dump at different times this is a broad General uh cycle right here so the draw down occurs that's the best time to take risk you get this slow recovery phase and then after after the harving it's usually maybe a few months before it starts to react and really go to theUpside so have that in the back of your mind as a Time rather than price we don't know what the price will be but this cycle is based on time and the effects of the macro and everything like that so we are coming into that rightNow as you can see so it's going to be volatile but that is essentially you know what we're looking at now you can also go to look into Bitcoin which is a free website again a link below many other websites do this which is onchain data if you don't know about onchainData then check out the crypto investor course um so this is a course with over 300 videos now um I update it for free for existing users so check the course I'll link it below but it's a you know it's a starter guide for investors withCrypto I have 15 years experience in in uh investing I was a professional uh back in the day I was um you know fully qualified investment advisor I've put that invest M stuff towards crypto so if you want to know about crypto tokenomics how to do onchain data how to analyzeThis stuff plus my research down here which is for free for existing users you can see that here every few months I just up update it with latest research latest onchain how things are looking in the macro and my portfolio all my trades are all in there so if you want to checkIt out just check the link below but I'll go through that in this video in terms of onchain data onchain data is amazing because it gives us a real look at where lows are and it gives us a look at the Cycles very simply MVR VZ itTakes it gives us a score of the realized cap of Bitcoin when Bitcoin is massively overextended mvv is very very high when Bitcoin is drawn down to the downside and it's extended to the downside mvv goes way down that shows us Cycles so that's the orange here if weJust take out this right what you would say is well buy when risk is cheap and sell when risk is expensive that's all we want to do so you buy in the green zone you buy when risk is cheap you sell when it's expensive buy cheap sell expensive buy cheap sell expensive buyCheap you can see what we're doing in this cycle we are down in the buy Zone here and we're climbing out of it just like every previous cycle given that Bitcoin is growing as a network we would expect this to then have a reflection toThe upside as well so if you put the market cap back you can see that mvrv Peaks at the top of every bull market right one here two this one this one mvrv Peaks and goes into the red zone so that shows us Cycles so in terms ofTaking risk if you want to say when do I take risk when do I go in it's not about price it's about time in the cycle and where the cycle is we're still towards the bottom end of a cycle as of this video but you should use this as yourTime your timing for taking risk risk okay to buy when it's cheap as we get up you want to start thinking do I really want to to be taking more risk what is the risk return here because as prices get way way overdone and the cycle getsVery very late that's the worst time to be taking risk right you really don't want to be there because if you're taking risk in stuff especially if you don't believe in it and it's way overpriced in terms of fundamental value the next part of the cycle when thingsGet way overdone is not to the upside there are always Cycles even the S&P went down like 30% right last year during a bare Market market Facebook when it changed to meta went down 50% one of the biggest stocks in the world so you can get draw Downs so what I'mSaying is during the peak of a bull market valuations get extended money is very loose you really don't want to be taking risk here so use these cycle and onchain data to really look at when you want to be taking risk and not everything is the same thing reallyWhich is just the cycles of of growth so you can see realized cap huddle waves when the dark red expands you can see these expansions these are the massive bull market expansions right this means that new money is coming in as of making this video we're still in the kind ofBare Market recovery phase so again when risk is cheap that's when you want to buy it assuming that you want to take a certain amount of risk when risk is expensive you should be looking to offload and not be going very very long and very risky stuff because a smallChange in how this you know this Market moved the riskier stuff moves the most and so you're going to get caught out so we want to take the most risk when it's cheap and then wait during the expansion phase there are many opportunities you just don't want to get caught in at theTop of a phase again we can use the 200 we moving average so it's a moving average of the price of Bitcoin over 200 weeks that plots a very smooth line which you can see down here whenever Bitcoin draws into this line risk is cheap the bitcoin price is cheap inRelation to its growth so a bare Market here is when you take risk then you take risk you can take risk for a while especially in Bitcoin and altcoins during this phase when we have these big expansions where everyone says everything's going up that's really notThe time to take risk we can see we're coming out of this phase again going into potentially some sort of expansion phase again next I want to talk about beta or beta however you want to call it what is this this is a concept that measures the expected move in an assetRelative to movements in the overall Market when you're trading altcoins when you're trading smaller cap stuff what the investor is actually trying to do is gain exposure to something that has correlation to bitcoin so when Bitcoin moves up 1% how much does ethereum move how much does salana move how much doesMcoin move because if Bitcoin is up 100% these things have a correlation or a beta to bitcoin and so you know how much is that that and is it worth it going out on the risk curve or not so what we can see here is this is research I didFor the crypto investor course um so I actually put this down in May this year so you can see uh the Discord groups here I just sent this as a bit of research so you can screenshot this and read this but I'm just going to very quickly go through here so from theStart of the 20192 bull market right so kind of you know at the start or Midway through that if you put money in and what was it 3 years later after the bull market and during kind of the draw down Bitcoin went 3.27 X the top 10 coinsIncluding Bitcoin went 4.3x so they did outperform Bitcoin only you got better performance from buying Bitcoin plus top 10 the top 10 coins excluding Bitcoin went up 41x so they still outperformed Bitcoin and then the top 10 to 30 so under top 10 those 20 coins went up 3.9xThey outperformed Bitcoin so Bitcoin was actually underperforming versus versus these coins so that's that so if you do want to take extra risk there might be some extra returns for you but there is a lot of hassle here you can see that 40% of the top 10 coins lost money notEven lost money in Bitcoin terms they went down in dollar terms so when you're buying those 10 coins four of them are going to go down in value just straight up the others underperformed Bitcoin but there were two coins Ethan BNB that outperformed so of those 10 coins onlyTwo or 20% of them were actually worth investing in so that shows you that either you are extremely good at research SL lucky or you have to just kind of buy these 10 coins knowing that 80% of them are garbage of the top 10 to 30 55% 1155% of them went down in dollar terms five outperformed Bitcoin and doing and Ada were essentially the ones that brought up the entire stack to actually outperform so what this shows is with altcoins you are really you know you're in the wild west and you do have toDiversify if you don't think that you are able to spot the two coins the 10 to 20% of coins that are actually going to outperform if you can't do that and you want to diversify a little bit it has to be 10 15 coins knowing that you know 60%Are just 60% going to lose money more or less and most of them are underformed BTC so this is what we're playing with now this is from the mid bull market to a bare Market that's very different within a bull market like I said within a bull market maybe you know the moreMore are going to outperform BTC during the bare Market they really fall off a lot but it shows what we're dealing with and shows the type of um diversification that you need if you're going to be playing around in altcoins this is a sample crypto portfolio or cryptoStrategy that you'll see a lot around I'm sure many other people will show you something like this with you know low-risk portfolio which is going to have either Bitcoin or a mix of Bitcoin and eth wow risk still extremely volatile in price but Bitcoin has been around 15 years it's very clear thatThis asset is is uh demanded by a set of people and those set of people are growing over time so in terms of low risk you know it's still very volatile ether's been around long enough where it's you know been through a couple of cycles and seems to you know have a useCase there as well now that doesn't mean you still can't lose money it might underperform we just don't know right but in terms of crypto that's what people will put as lowrisk and E in terms of medium risk you know an amount in Bitcoin and E that is less top 10Basket which would be some EXP % of the portfolio like 20% and then 10 to 30 uh down here would be 10% now remember these actually did outperformed Bitcoin last last cycle and so you know that is potentially somewhere where you'd want to put money but with that comes a lotOf extra hassle not only do you have to buy potentially 20 coins which is a nightmare right so how do you do that where are you going to buy them are you going to keep them all on your exchange because are you going to take these outOn blockchain most of these coins are built on ethereum where during a bull cycle the blockchain fees are like 20 bucks or higher so you're going to withdraw all of them into an eth wallet from there how are you going to sell them you're going to go to a DEX andYou're going to pay another $100 to actually get the um the the asset um signed into the Dex and then trade it or you going to send it back to the exchange it's a nightmare it's an absolute mess if you're looking for maybe a slight over outperformance overBTC or E maybe that isn't something that you'd want to consider right because we've seen what the data shows is that potentially not massive outperformance here in the big scheme of things it depends obviously which assets that you buy so that's an issue now with highRisk you know people are saying just go down in BTC and E terms again but essentially what we're looking at is spreading a ton of assets over a lot of different altcoins which is a nightmare to manage and even if one does really really well a lot are not and I've putGems here so these are those you know very very speculative ecosystem coins the highest beta the highest reactions so you know you've got Bitcoin and then smart contract chains and then layer twos and then apps built on layer twos they are going to be some things that goOff and do very very well and be the stars of the cycle you know potentially you may own it but you may have to own 20 other coins as well uh because we don't know which one is going to pop off this is really the only way people putTogether public Public Market portfolios in crypto if you're not a VC then you won't be getting seed rounds and series a rounds where you're getting tokens basically for free you're going out into the public markets and so you can outperform Bitcoin it's possible with the top 10 20 30 coins or looking upSome smaller coins or coins that are newly released but you have to go through a lot of garbage to get the outperformance if you're slightly better at research you can maybe push up this percentage a little bit um but it takes a lot of work and you know there is justSomething very simple which is Bitcoin that maybe is a much easier bet for a lot of people uh and so another way of doing this is actually what a lot of people do is trade with a bit of Leverage I can't recommend leverage but it is something that a lot of Traders doSo I'll explain that here uh the way that leverage works is that people essentially choose to trade in you know crypto Futures where you can take leverage that means that you make a trade and you get a 2X 3x 4X leverage trade on what you put in so instead ofUh buying altcoins and having to buy 10 20 30 assets and manage all of that to try and get some outperformance what people can do is just simply leverage the price of BTC so how they would do it on a leverage exchange uh either on a centralized exchange or you knowDecentralized exchanges do this now is you trade with leverage so you can actually trade you can see here with an amount of Leverage let's just do 2x as an example press confirm you can now have a shortterm trade crypto Futures are for short-term trading uh not long-term because there are costsInvolved uh funding costs and things like that but essentially you now trade with let's say $1,000 you can leverage that 2x mean meaning your $1,000 trade that you put in is worth $2,000 in the market now essentially what you're doing is increasing your beta or beta to bitcoinFor every 1% that Bitcoin moves your position moves 2% if you do 3x leverage for every 1% Bitcoin moves moves your position moves 3% to the upside and to the downside this is a way of playing the Bitcoin cycle which is much more predictable with you know somethingWhere you're increasing your beta to the upside uh during during the expansion phase what's the downside of leverage number one you have to put your assets on a centralized exchange which you may not want to do the second thing is you uh can get liquidated because you are essentially borrowing money from theMarket here the way it works is that with leverage the money that you put into the system is there to pay for any potential losses so they say sure 2x leverage we'll open a $2,000 trade for you if the price moves down 50% your $1,000 is now worthless becauseYour trade was 2,000 50% of 2000 is a th000 your initial investment is gone so the downside of Leverage is that with a very highly volatile asset class like Bitcoin and crypto things can move down a lot and during Cycles you may get a 20 to 50% draw down it's very possible soIf you use 2x leverage your liquidation is at 50% if you use 3x leverage a 33% move down in the price of the asset you're trading wipes you out if you're using 4X just a 25% move and uh with 5x if a 20% move to theDownside occurs you get wiped out so you can see your your higher beta right for every 1% you you can have your price move a certain percent but the risk is there now there are many ways to manage this for example people will put anAmount in let's say you put you know you have your 90% allocation to bitcoin and eth and you know two other altcoins but you want some extra volatility when you think prices are rising you go and take leverage you don't overdo it so maybe only 5% of your stack or 10% of yourStack is in a leverage position cuz you're thinking we're in in a bull market and you want to you want to get higher be beta right you want to get that risk going to the upside so 10% of your stack is in this trade rather thanLooking at a bunch of other altcoins and saying oh man I have to buy another five and seven coins here and God what's going to happen with this one and is the team going to sell the coin and what's happening you can just say it's justBased on price and I take extra risk so 10% of my portfolio goes towards a leveraged trade now during that right if the price moves down and comes to my liquidation if it's maybe 6 weeks after or 8 weeks after you can put more EquityInto the trade so what you can do is actually just put more dollars into the trade to move the leverage down and just start paying off the leverage and so that reduces leverage and gives you more Breathing Room in that trade right and so it's a way of actually getting moreBitcoin or or whatever crypto you want to trade now and then paying it down if managed well now I can't recommend leverage because I've seen it wreck so many people and people use way too much leverage right they use 10x leverage you know and then a small move wipes themOut they were directionally they were directionally correct in a trade and the volatility wrecked them and lost all their money and then the trade was correct after so there is massive risk with leverage of course risk and reward go hand inand so I can't recommend itFor normal people uh I think if you've just got a normal you know job and a family and you're just looking to invest this type of thing is is uh much more for experienced people that can manage that risk but it is a strategy people use either leverage directly with thePrice or you're trying to leverage price movements with altcoins let's be fair most of these altcoins are going to last one cycle or so and you're just taking extra risk and leverage with them as well so it's about timing timing the cycle and timing the beta that you haveTo that cycle and knowing that fundamentals are usually way far away from the F the uh the actual price of these things so you have to know exactly your strategy before actually pressing the buy button at all if you want more specific guides on actually trading using exchanges how to withdraw cryptoTo your own wallets I'll leave all of those videos down below the crypto investor course is 300 videos which is step by step on all of this as well so you can check that out if you want I'm James is mg cheers for watching and I'll see you in the next one

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The Ultimate Fibonacci Trading Strategy Guide (Simple Tutorial)

The simplest most effective Fibonacci retracement trading strategy on Earth I'll show you exactly how to implement this with your trades step by step so come to your trading View and click the Fibonacci retracement right here if you don't have trading view I'll link them below it's completely free just go andUse it so fib retracement and then I'm choosing the Bitcoin USD chart right here to show you just click anywhere on the chart and draw the FIB CU we want to go to settings right here and then you can choose this you can screenshot this and take a note these are the mostPopular FIB retracement levels you know 3825 618 these are the levels that I'm going to be using to see where we get pullbacks I'm going to enter at those levels we can use these for our pullback entries and stop losses for our trades as well so these are the levels we'reTrading off Fibonacci can be used on many different time frames I'm going to show you on the day chart here as we just get slightly stronger data for a swing trade versus the lower time frames for day trading so recent price history for Bitcoin as of making this videoWhere exactly do we draw the Fibonacci at this point you want to draw it from the low point to the high point in a swing so where the price action actually shows us that it has changed and had had an actual swing that's where we draw soVery clearly we have a low Point here in price that low Point turns into a massive swing to the upside so with Fibonacci what we're doing is trying to find good entry points within a trend now this trend clearly is to the upside and maybe we're getting an uptrend hereSo what we can do is draw this from the low point to the high point in a Range so you can just draw this out now what we have here from this low to this high that is the swing and now we can actually try and get our entries whereThe price draws back down to our Fibonacci retracement levels which are these right here so as you can see from this swing this one that we measured the price did draw down from that but it didn't reach any of our FIB retracement levels so potentially you just don'tTrade that right you actually wait for that to come now what we can see is that there's another impulse from that draw down to the upside so what we would do is actually take that again right here because it's part of the same swing right so we're not changing the entryLevel for this part of the the price action and as you can see we actually did get a draw down from this this into our FIB levels and so these are actually the levels that we can trade and enter positions presuming that we are in an uptrend we want to generally go longThese are the levels where we can enter trades in order to then benefit from more swings to the upside in the uptrend from here we can look for Confluence that these Fibonacci retracement levels are actually something we might want to trade so the FIB levels are good butLet's get another indicator to show are these price levels something that we actually want to go ahead and trade with so something we could use is a support and resistance level now we can use a line or we can just use a general areaSo what I can see here is that the FIB levels around here are you know around let's say the 20,000 level if we go back we can see there is a big support and resistance Zone where a lot of trade happened around here right so there's aLot of trade around this level which means that Traders are happy to trade here and what we want to do is find out you know is this something we can trade so we've actually broken through all of this to the upside and so clearly if weHave a draw down we're in the FIB levels and we're at this very heavy area of trade so that gives me an idea that actually this price level is somewhere that we would bounce from if we are in uptrend right and so this is somewhere where you could actually make entries ifWe consider we're in an uptrend that's where it would bounce from right these other areas where a lot of people people have traded so that gives us Confluence that this area is something that potentially is a tradable level given that we assume we may be in an upwardSwing in price momentum so Confluence here that we've actually got two indicators now or at least we have one indicator and the price action showing that this may be an area we can trade from I want to show you exactly how this worked in the previous bare market andThen how it is also working within this up swing that we're having as of making this video anyway so this is the previous bull market and as you can see there are are where Fibonacci would have worked so we have an upswing here thisIs you know a top here and a draw down so a low before a big impulse to the upside right so let's see if FIB is actually going to work right here we have the low and then a huge swing to the upside now let's say you missed outAll of this right and it just you know didn't retrace and so you couldn't do it we now have a retracement as you can see from the low to the high we get a retracement within the levels so that is an area where we could have actually entered positions hoping for anotherImpulse to the upside you can see here again from this so we have this draw down that was the low and we have an Impulse to the upside that impulse stops here and we get a draw down again that comes into the FIB retracement levels somewhere where we can enter a positionAnd let's go again we have this one into an Up Cycle right here and we have the retracement levels showing us that these are potentially areas where we could enter moving forward into the uptrend again now import importantly let's do that again to here a low to a swing highAnd as you can see we have FIB trement levels now you might have got into some trades right here and this is where you would have got stopped out of your trades so you had one two three trades in a row which were perfect and then weGet stopped out that is day trading you are going to lose and get stopped out sometimes you can see now that we've actually gone into a lower uh lower low so we have the uptrend here we have a low and a higher high and then you'dExpect a lower low and then to bounce but it didn't it actually gave us a lower low that was the end of the bull market the end of the uptrend uh the later on in the bull market it did actually come back up to this level butYou can see the trend here ended at this point so at the end of the trend yep we would have taken a long position and got stopped out but we've had three good trades one bad trade that's actually pretty good for day trading and swing trading so that is when we stop andReconsider our strategy but Fibonacci worked on three occasions in a row to actually get this uptrend so doesn't matter the price levels what you're looking for is uptrends with higher highs and higher lows you're getting these pullbacks and you're using Fibonacci to get those entries from hereI'll show you exactly how Traders would enter a position here on a trading system so we're going to use our Fibonacci again so FIB retracement I'm using bybit here they have FIB levels as well so we're going to go from a swing low to a swing high I'll link bybit downIn the description as well if you're new you can get up to $30,000 as a deposit bonus if you do trade crypto you can just sign up deposit trade you get 30k there um buybit is not available for everyone you can also use Apex as wellWhich is by bits onchain exchange so if you're familiar with crypto you use your own wallet like metamask or something you can just trade directly on chain you don't have to put your assets into a centralized exchange at all and you can day trade here uh you know with cryptoFutures so it's buy bits on chain exchange but in any case you can find out the details below from here we can go to Fibonacci and then we have the swing low into a swing high now from here there's two things you can do you can either enter at the0 five level andJust say when we get retracements to the 0.5 level that's when I go in you can also choose the 618 level if you want or the 328 it's up to you but let's just say5 is in the middle we can say when the price gets down here that's when weEnter our positions the other thing you can do is actually split your entry three ways right so into thirds so if the price gets down to the first FID retracement at 382 you enter a third of the trade if it comes down into the 0.5 you enter another third and then if itComes down to the 618 you enter another third right and that splits up the trade because we don't know exactly where things are going to retrace there's pros and cons to both because if the price comes down and moves up and you've only got a third of your tradeing well youMissed it if it actually comes down here and you put you know most of your trading up here then again you got a worse entry so again it's kind of swings and roundabouts but you can make your own decisions here once we got our entry now we can put our stop loss andTakeprofit levels in so what we can do is come to a long position here it's on the left hand side and then say that our entry was around here so our Blended price let's say was this now if we had waited for this level as well we wouldHave actually only got 2third of our trade in here right we got this level and the 0. five level but it didn't draw down here so we've only got 2/3 of our tradeing so again you can make decisions here if the price pumps a little bitMaybe you just want to enter the last third of your trade or whatever it's up to you but to keep it simple we have an entry here at this level let's make it a little bit of a worse entry um and then we have a stop loss price where shouldYour stop loss price be well if your entry is here you want it below this 618 right because that is a retracement level so you want it slightly below that for me if the price moves all the way down below this it's becoming not a retracement but more of just a a selloffRight and so that's that we potenti getting into the wrong side of the trade at that point so from here we can have that stop loss around this level and then we would want um a takeprofit level again this is up to the individual Trader do you want to take profitsQuickly if you pump you can look back and say are there support and resistance levels where the price is actually meeting resistance and so do we want to put our stop loss right about here do you want to wait a bit longer and see if the price actually moves up to thePrevious resistance Zone which should be this one right so you can take profits there or if you're in a big uptrend and you think the whole Market is going to move into a big uptrend you just want to get your entry and then wait for some other major price level where you thinkIt may get to so there's three ways to do it it's up to the individual let's just say we're going to move for a fairly long-term swing trade somewhere slightly below the previous resistance so that would be our entry our stop loss and our take profit and you can see onThe right hand side we have that now entry in Gray stop loss in red and our take profit in green now that we have our stop loss level we know how much leverage we can take in our trades I can't recommend leverage but I know aLot of people day trading in crypto use Futures and leverage uh on their exchanges well we know right now that our entry is this and our stop loss is this that is an eight let's call it 8 and a half% move round it up to 10% thatMeans 10% is our potential downside that means means we know we cannot use more than 10% leverage if you're just leveraging up a big trade right because 10% leverage if you're 10x leveraging $1,000 you've now got a $10,000 position 10% move on that is $1,000 it wipes outYour entire account so we know we can't use 10x leverage that's too much we need a liquidation price below our stop-loss price because we don't want to get liquidated we pay more fees right so we don't want to do that so we go to leverage and we just used 5 6 7xLeverage that is fine because it's within our stop loss level right so we don't want to get liquidated is the main thing if you want to know way more about using leverage and and really what it entails I'll leave some free videos down in the description as well the crypto investor course goesThrough the entire thing as well if you want to get a bit more professional but from here we're just going to open a position so whatever that may be takeprofit stop- loss we know the stop- loss price is around 23 645 something like that so you can very easily put that in right23645 right and then the take profit again you can put that in at what it 30,000 or 29 you know 850 something a little bit below that right and that would be your entry and exit in a long position so that would be the entry stop loss potential take profit your entryWith the Fibonacci retracement level using Fibonacci to day or swing trade is inherently risky of course but at least it gives us a firm yard stick of if then if we retrace then we can enter firm position with stop loss and take profit levels and of course then we just needTo know are we in an uptrend or a downtrend and that's fairly obvious by the way the market is trading at the time you can use onchain analytics as well for crypto to actually know this as well including Bitcoin Cycles that's for other videos I'll link lots of helpfulVideos and tutorials down in the description as well including the links to buybit if you want the deposit bonus and Apex as well I'm James as mg cheers for watching and I'll see you in the next one

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Crypto Day Trading Course for Beginners

Ultimate Crypto Day Trading Course for Beginners

Cryptocurrency trading is an exciting venture that involves trading digital assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Day trading, specifically, refers to the practice of buying and selling financial instruments, such as cryptocurrencies, within a single trading day. This can be a lucrative activity for those who are well-versed in the cryptocurrency markets, but it also comes with a unique set of risks that need to be carefully considered before embarking on this venture. Learning the basics of cryptocurrency trading and understanding the different strategies, indicators, and tools can help traders to make informed decisions and maximize their profits.

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