In this video we'll learn to use Samsung wallet so let's get into it the app is pre-installed on Samsung devices so you can just search for it and open it this is the start screen click on this continue button the next screen is the sign in screen my email is alreadyFilled so I'll put in my password next it will ask for the phone call permission lastly let's enable fingerprints so only we can use the app it will ask for a pin that can be used instead of fingerprints okay this is the main interface to add aCard tap on this add button or tap on the menu button then choose the payment card option you will see this plus icon touch here and the camera will open to see the supported Banks and cards in your country click on this info button this will take you to the dedicated pageThere are three ways to add a card to Samsung wallet you can just scan a card and it will copy the details you can also add details manually however the feature I like is the NFC option with this you can just tap your car on theBack and it will get all the details this will also ensure that your NFC is enabled and working next add your name and the CVV to finish the process once that's done you'll see these terms of service screen scroll down to read or click here to agree weMust verify this card you'll see some verification methods the most common is sending a call to your phone this phone number is from your bank clicking here will SMS you a code which you must insert here to verify the card that's it you will see the edit card youCan add another card or go back to the home screen tapping on a card takes you to the card Details page Samsung wallet gives cards a digital card number that is shared with the business to keep your original card secure you can also delete this card or contact your bank from here theApp supports many card types you can add Loyalty cards vouchers digital keys and even boring passes let's add a loyalty card quickly tap on this plus icon and choose one of the options I'll use the camera option and point it to the barcode to add insert a card name toRemember later that's it Samsung wallet also supports using one of the added cards as the transport card it does not support transport passes but if your transport system supports credit cards you can enable the feature here with this you can use the card for transport even if the phone is lockedAll right let's see how to use Samsung wallet open the app if Samsung wallet is your default payment app you don't need to open it choose the card if you have multiple unlock the app and tap the phone on the contactless terminal you will hear a tone and the phone willVibrate once the payment is processed you will get a notification tapping on it takes you to the payment overview where you will see the total amount and business name you can also see your activity by opening card details in the app now before we go let's cover theSettings this quick access feature adds a handle at the bottom of the screen you can swipe up to use the app however I don't like it as it sometimes opens when I unlock my phone the app also lets you disable the verification method in this menu we have some other options in theSettings but I hardly touch them so this is it thanks for watching the video please let me know what you think of Samsung wallet below and take care

The Ultimate Showdown: Google Wallet vs Samsung Wallet (2023) – Decoding the Beloved Tap to Pay Apps
so Google wallet or Samsung wallet the video compares the two so let's get into it all right in terms of devices Google Wallet is offered on all NFC supported devices whereas Samsung wallet is available on Samsung Galaxy phones when we add a card in both we can scan the card or add details manually there's a flashh icon in both if it's dark outside Samsung wallet supports NFC tab so you can just click ha and tap the card on the back of the phone to add details automatically Google Wallet does not have this feature however if you use Google products in your daily life you'll probably see your cards here and with a few clicks you can add the card without entering all the details when you add a payment card both create a virtual card number this number is shared with the business to keep your original card secured both support a wide range of cards there isn't much difference to be honest you might find a few more supporting cards in Google wallet but both support most cards you will find the supporting Banks and cards in Google wallet by tapping here and selecting your country in Samsung Wallet tap on this icon to go to the dedicated page for your country both also support other card types including Loyalty cards vouchers and booring passes one thing that Google Wallet supports is adding transport card you can search for yours in this menu Samsung wallet can use one of the payment cards as the transport card but it doesn't support the original transport passes to add Loyalty cards we touch here while shopping you open the app and tap on the loyalty card and scan the barcode lastly Google Wallet supports buy now pay letter apps Samsung wallet is limited in that regard so if you use one of those apps Google Wallet will be your friend all right let's see how to use both usually when you add a payment card the payment app asks you to make it the default you can go to the NFC settings to check the default payment app as I use both I just open the app I want to use and instead of the default app that app is used Samsung wallet is more secure as it requests you to unlock the app by providing the pin or scanning your fingerprint changing the verification or removing it is possible in the settings to use both open the apps and choose your card if you have multiple on this contactless terminal all you need to do is tap your phone the notification sound of Google Wallet is loud and it vibrates when you tap Samsung wallet also vibrates but its notification sound is quiet and short when the payment is processed you get this notification you can also see your activity in the card menu I like the activity view of of Google Wallet it shows the business location address and a call Button before we go any further let's talk about additional features Samsung wallet has this quick access feature that displays a handle at the bottom you can swipe up and use the app however the problem is that it sometimes opens when I unlock my phone and I must close it which sometimes takes a few seconds also Samsung wallet makes it easier to raisee your personal data go to settings tap on this button and click on this raas button Google Wallet takes you to your Google account to see and delete your data so which one is for you well you are here because you already have a Samsung phone I suggest using Samsung wallet because of its Rich user experience easier setup and security it's also pre-installed on your Samsung phone so you don't need another app