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Blue Chips? How About Blue CHECKS?! – NFT Market Analysis

Blue Chips? How About Blue CHECKS?! – NFT Market Analysis

hey guys pickle Rick here from llama Labs back with another episode of sailing the Open Sea this week we saw a bit of a slow down uh to start the week out just because of the the FED meeting um that was gonna happen you know sentiment was pretty good after the meeting volume picked up again but there were some you know some dips goodbye opportunities we're gonna go ahead and check back in on some of the projects we looked at last week do another update here on checks by Jack Butcher and some of the related collections uh also look into the Puma uh collection as they have some news um we're going to take a look at other Deeds as I said that this might have some price action some positive movement after the sewer pass price action and then we'll check back in on the digi daigaku villain collection that minted last week so we'll go ahead and start things off here with Jack butcher um obviously pretty much everyone at this point is familiar with the checks project he launched the open edition free mint that he did it's just gained a lot of traction he's you know innovating coming up with burn mechanisms doing a bunch of stuff on the side release date you know an open Edition mint that is feeding you know feeding uh providing meals for people so you know lots of positive sentiment around Jack we've just seen a you know just an accumulation period for these checks have just been steady steadily Rising um they were holding that 0.6 area 0.5 to 0.6 Zone and then a couple days ago I think it was actually yesterday um Budweiser tweeted this and tag Jack um it's really the first uh you know we're seeing the web to kind of get involved here and just from from there we saw this this pump from 0.6 um you know and it's just been pumping ever since people aping in you know obviously the burn is coming up 16k Supply and at this point we only have 530 listed um so it's just been continuing to accumulate obviously you get the people taking some profits it broke one ethereum today more people taking profits you know pretty reasonable there are some people who hold multiple checks um but yeah it's uh now hit the 1.5 eth Mark um I'm pretty sure it's because there was a tweet 12 minutes ago from people uh just kind of referencing the checks as well how big is your check mark and night mode so just kind of just added some more uh you know fuel to the Flames here and we just saw another pump um it was staying around this 1.3 1.4 area and now it's broken 1.5 uh another thing to consider here for this this particular you know these open Dish drops but this project in particular um people are looking at uh token ID digits as well um anything you know three digits uh you could see it's about 0.2.3 above the above the floor you can see here pretty consistent sales six four eight going for 1.9 655 1.75 um we can see here you know the lower the the token ID the higher the price is going uh I think I saw like a five youth sale earlier for um maybe yeah here you could see a two digit I uh token ID went for five eth another one here 4.6 uh single digit went for 13.5 that's pretty massive um so you know people are just trying to get ahead of any sort of gamification that might be involved in this ecosystem and so this has kind of bled into some of the related projects so Pepin and merge uh both you know pretty significant Supply 16k on no Pepin 30k on on merge oh Pepin had caught him been sitting in that .05 to 0.08 range uh for a while and with this checks breakthrough worth mentioning no Pepin is also um related to Jack butcher uh something he did as well and it is just you know kind of followed checks and just had a breakthrough um you know in the past 24 hours uh broke out of this like 0.09 area um and it's just been flying pretty much uh 1 000 listings out of a 16k supply uh not really sure what you know not much is known about what's going on with this collection it could be revealed that there's some you know utility in his ecosystem with this but uh you know similar price action here um anything in the uh people are also going for token IDs here you can see uh three digits going for above 0.2 um 0.22 0.25 above floor sales so not as significant as with checks but definitely something to keep an eye on uh and merge we saw it kind of just go from 0.03 today to about 0.08 it's pretty much at all-time high right now um but yeah so all these projects just kind of you know tracing each other following checks uh so this is definitely something you know open and open Edition meta um though it might be slowing down checks is not um so you know definitely continue to watch this for potential dip buys we'll go ahead and jump into the Nitro collection by Puma um the other day they kind of uh announced the upcoming um you know they have a collection coming up Swanee uh called the Puma collection in our server [Music] um was a good buy opportunity I think she called it around this 0.4 you know 0.38.39 area did see a pump to about 0.59 has seen a you know has seen a dip um potential by opportunity on some more news here uh so definitely just keep an eye on the Puma collection they are you know getting more and more involved in metaverse and web 3. so you know lots of potential opportunity here um you know they're talking about their upcoming drop and you know obviously their involvement in the web 3 space has uh you know can you know contributed to um we saw 10K you know 10K TF um so keep an eye on this for sure obviously Puma big entity um so anything they're really really doing in web 3 is just worth monitoring we'll go ahead and take a look here at other deed I had mentioned last time when we were taking a look at sewerpass that we could see the uh you know the solid price action from sewer pass could be an indicator for some movement in in other deed we did see it get up to about like a 1.8 1.9 floor it had been around like a 1.3 1.4 for a while obviously uh 100K Supply it's going to be hard to to get that floor up but you know going up by like about 0.3.4 is still pretty significant 4K listed out of 100K Supply um you know you can see here someone just bricked the floor uh it's a lot of listings um obviously taking profits due to this recent pump um but yeah obviously any any you know anything related to Yuga is there's not much you know not not a whole lot of risk obviously the entry price is is a lot steeper than most other collections but it's not a lot of risk of a loss um you know you guys gonna continue to bring value to their to their holders and it's you know the most established blue chip in the in the space so just being a part of that ecosystem is always gonna uh you know continue to drive some positive price action there the last project we'll take a look at here is Digi daigaku masked villains they have seen a significant dip here back to 0.39 their Peak was around like a 0.6 uh you know they've continued to have more announcements regarding the unmasking looks like it's going to be an eight day claim uh they do have the big Super Bowl commercial uh you know coming up as well their advertisement in the Super Bowl so we could see another pump leading up to that maybe coming as a result of that as well um so continue to keep an eye on this see how the you know uh do your own research of course look at more into the ecosystem and how this will play a part and um yeah I mean it's on a pretty good dip here uh obviously the volume is going into checks and these open Edition projects at the moment but you know uh the founder four digit daigaku knows how to Market knows how to um you know get attention they had a space the other day that had a pretty High attendance count so just continue to keep your eye out for any announcements you know give the Twitter account a follow and just you know look for any other buy opportunities we'll check again on some of these projects next week I appreciate you guys for tuning in

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Open Edition Meta Taking Over?! – NFT Market Analysis

Open Edition Meta Taking Over?! – NFT Market Analysis

Hey guys pickle Rick here from llama Labs back with another episode of sailing the Open Sea seeing a big boom in the past you know past week or so um on some of these projects that started out as you know open Edition mints on manifold or some of these otherSites uh lots of these artists slowly branching out in web 3 with these mints just kind of doing some cheap mints getting some uh getting some love on Twitter getting some recognition and especially ones who have pieces that have sold for um you know High values but in the past their you knowCollection pieces that are coming out now are starting to be a little bit more uh valued especially when there's some you know some sort of uh burn mechanism or deflationary mechanism involved so definitely um start to look around uh do some research on on maybe get involved inSome art communities that uh are getting you know getting to these first we'll also look into the sewer pass um which we touched on a bit last time and the digi daigaku villain claim uh was today as well so we'll take a look at what's going on thereSo we'll start things off here with the sewer pass obviously people are just still playing the game lots of people I've been just posting their high scores and one thing to note with with Yuga um they sort of just like defy uh defy the logic for most um most potential playsThere's 23 000 nfts in the supply uh only 650 are listed um you have to realize that these these people who are invested in Yuga these Apes uh ape holders um they're not just here to take small profits um they really uh they're stacking up on super passes getting higher tiersUm you know lots of consistent above floor sales on these on these other tiers because they're trying to get the this these high scores to um you know try to get the most rare possible uh you know whatever these Mecca dogs that are coming in the futureThey want to get the best ones and we saw these these were around 1.9 um and people you know people were saying that they missed out uh on that first dip to like 1.2 and we kind of just never saw these dip again it's just you know people kept waiting for moreDips and they just don't really come like lots of accumulation here just been fluctuating between like 2.6 2.8 but it did go over three eth and so that's one thing to note with these uh Yucca projects these drops um you know could be an indicator for uh other deed asWell that is a much higher Supply but uh with the success of this you know still getting some above floor sales on higher tiers people might you know start reinvesting in other Deeds so definitely keep an eye on super sewer pass for any potential dips and other deed justBecause uh the Apes aren't really gonna let these go that low they're just gonna start scooping them up and and sweeping uh we'll go ahead and shift over to something I was talking about earlier with these Independent Artists uh lots of them have been getting a lot ofSupport and coming up with these these cool deflationary mechanisms uh we had this project proceed with caution uh that minted recently um it came out the the blue one was available for mint I forget if it was either free or like 0.00 for ethereum Mint or something like thatKind of stayed around like a point you know point zero to 0.15 and uh I don't if you saw my column llamaverse I called them on on the first pullback from they hit point three uh they pulled back to 0.23 I called them around 0.25 and they just kind of took offUm hit point four pulled back um hit and then hit a high of around 0.68 um the first real explosion happened when uh basically what the deflationary mechanism is here um there's a cap of 1051 for each color you can burn a dark blue to get one ofThese other colors and it was made known that red happens to be a uh highly sought after color in in the this artist's collections he tends to favor the red so red sold out quickly and the red floor actually got to about a 0.9 ethereum so you can see here it's pulledBack it still sails around like 0.6 0.67 0.68 but it peaked at around 0.9 when the the remaining collection was around 0.68 so lots of profits to be made here the pullbacks um we saw this go to 0.68 pull all the way back to around 0.49 here hit point six again umWe saw some pullbacks some pumps and it's currently down to 0.45 the yellow and um purple have sold out and so we can see here um so we have yellow is at 10 51 as well I I believe we still have Arctic green orange and pink that still need to sell out soI think there's maybe 10 12 hours left in the burn should be over on Friday so who's to say whether you know this could see more pump once the burn is over especially if these aren't sold out these could be more valuable as people try to collect full sets lots of peopleHave been you know sharing their full sets on on Twitter um so uh it's still not known what what's going to happen with full sets or um you know what's what's going to happen after the burn is over but a lot of people are enjoying these sort ofLike you know gamification that these artists are doing right now um another another one that's been popping off is by Jack butcher it's these checks um they are kind of holding around a 0.2 to 0.3 floor and then in the past couple days I'm not sure if people are taking profits fromProceed with caution but uh 16k Supply only 830 listed we know that there's a burn coming for this and we saw them Peak at around 0.5 ethereum and these just keep getting swept uh every time there's a dip we see a sweep so there is a pullback right now to about 0.4 ethUm but you know we could see uh there's been a bunch of derivatives that that are crediting Jack you know for for inspiration so uh we could just see um another pump here in the coming days when we when we see what's next uh JackHas been on a few podcasts I believe he was on the proof podcast as well to talk about um what he's doing but you know it seems here like the contracts already for for testing so the burn should be coming soon um definitely just keep an eye for whenThat's going to happen as uh you know with when the burn starts uh there's only 830 listed so um you know Supply shock could hit pretty hard on on a collection like this we'll also go ahead and take a look at digidaigaku I'm sure a lot of a lot of you saw GabrielUm you know has been tweeting about these for for our I want to say like one or two months um built up a crazy following and uh you know people everywhere are pretty much uh we're pretty much trying to get white list for the digi daigaku villains especially after the announcement thatThey bought an ad in the Super Bowl um they did start the claim today currently sitting at a 0.55 floor it was a it's a free claim so you know lots of profits to be made here and we should see these profits just you know kind ofFlow back out into the uh into this secondary like into other collections um so look for uh some you know look for where these these profits could be going maybe more into these art projects that we've been looking at or you know seeing as did you die Goku is you know that animeStyle um we could see a pump in some some anime project floors so just keep an eye on on the villains um there is an unmasking that you can do with them as well so some potions related to the project uh have been getting bought a very large ecosystem so just look toSee what happens when this sells out and what announcements come out as well um you know right now still just kind of no updates since the claim started so uh could you know could potentially go either way continuing off of that art meta we have Toshi's uh project I'm sure a lot ofPeople are familiar with the artist Chuck Chi is the artist for alpacadabras this project was very hyped but also extremely over allocated saw Raffles for this on if you ever checked the alphabot there was a raffle for this like everyday multiple projects and so you know when when people areConstantly losing those Raffles there's always going to be that fomo after the after the sellout um there was a really big gas War people were using their minting Bots and that's always like uh always going to come with some negative sentiment and so we saw that with the peak being right afterSellout you know points to eight floor and it's just been slowly declining um since since that mint out uh you know with these types of projects these over allocations people who fomo in uh at the top um they tend to undercut quickly you knowThey panic at the first sign of of a of a loss and that's kind of what happened here is just a steady decline but it has held this 0.1 area twice now so look for this to slowly accumulate and and bounce back up um already seeing the sales go back toAlmost 0.15 uh you know reveal hasn't even happened yet so it's possible that with reveal and some you know a good announcement uh this really picks back up to maybe those 0.2 levels so definitely still keep an eye on this project art meta is still like in full effect people supporting artists soUm definitely uh just keep an eye on the Twitter uh that's pretty much going to be it for this episode thanks again for watching everyone and see you guys next time

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Hey guys it's pickle Rick here from llama Labs welcome to another episode of sailing the Open Sea We are continuing to see some more consistent volume in this month and people are feeling pretty bullish some of the things we'll cover today the azuki one year anniversary some more projects with uh some veryStrong uh communities the shift recently in people investing in uh unique art you know obviously art blocks being one of the main projects for this and we'll talk about the mutant Hound collar reveal make sure you stay tuned for the end of the episode as we will be doingAnother giveaway for uh 25 in usdc we'll tell you more about how you can enter at the end of the episode So we'll go ahead and start here with the one year anniversary of azuki obviously azuki very well known uh Blue Chip I think their floor is around 15 16 in ethereum right now they held a Twitter space yesterday everyone kind of just talking about their journey in theAzuki ecosystem and then some news got dropped a new uh part of the the ecosystem halloumia not much information known yet but you know people are speculating maybe certain traits of the beans might be involved or this is one of those things we saw recently with you know Yuga making their recentAnnouncement with that you know with their video drops and their new mint we saw a lot of price action in board Abe Kennel Club mutant apes and board Apes so you know this could cause some more price action for both azuki and beans but you could also see some of thoseProfits leak out into more anime projects uh get into another anime meta here um so you know just something to keep in mind uh obviously we ran the poll for which projects we wanted to look at on this episode but one of the communities that rated the poll pretty hard wasBrawler Bears project that minted out a few months ago they didn't have much marketing going on but the community has stood by the team the team has been you know putting a lot uh into the ecosystem a lot of development their founder Scott he is the the dev lead for the plague soThe project has gotten a lot more uh recognition we know how hard the play Community goes here we can see Scott uh you know Dev for the plague also Valeria Studios works with several teams founder of the brawler bears and you can see here you know people always talking about their their brawlerBears they they raid tweet tweets pretty hard pawns you know here talking about the bears as well uh so you know they have lots of support from strong communities and they themselves also have a strong Community uh we saw them go from about 0.0 to 2.03 in the last week toUm about a point one one three one fourth floor above floor sales on rares they have pulled back a little here 0.09 which is to be expected you know if people were sweeping back here um it's understandable that they would take some profits the owner count isStill kind of low so uh you know we could see could see that get better here as more people start to hear about the project and and jump in so definitely something to keep your eye on uh look follow them on Twitter just to stay up to date on any upcoming announcementsLooks like they do have you know they have been talking about some new quests maybe some more information on that might uh might cause some more price action here a pretty big project of course that a lot of people are aware of art blocks had their friendship braceletMint claim clothes this week we've been seeing this hover between like 0.5 to 0.7 every time there's a dip we see more sweeps it looks like pranks he actually uh swept up a bunch of them here today but yeah we definitely uh want to keep our eye on anything art blocks relatedArt blocks usually puts out more Collections and holders of previous collections have kind of like Priority Access for those under 3 000 listed on a almost 40K Supply so that's a pretty solid and just a lot of above floor buys if we take out the outliers here you canSee that there's like some 6E 5eath um you know lots of above floor buys and that's just a good indicator for how the sentiment is for the ecosystem as a whole this obviously isn't a like crazy utility project or something like that this is a community and art project soYou're not going to see a lot of like short you know flippers here definitely mid to long term hold so if you can get in maybe with like some weath offers um definitely a good opportunity here uh going back to the community projects another project that saw some recentPump uh Moon Runners they hit the pole pretty hard ended up winning over you know art blocks mutant hounds and uh so yeah we're gonna go ahead and take a look at them they had an AMA recently um looks like they're doing another they'll be doing another AMA as wellCurrently hosting one but you know they had a they had an AMA regarding their new announcement on staking um they're introducing Soul bound uh staking and tiered staking as well uh seems that the more Runners you have staked the higher tier you are so you know you could kind of play this two-wayOne of two ways either buy dips you know kind of like we're seeing right now to have a higher tier of staking or you can kind of go for rares you know filter you can check out like diamond Furs that's their floor is 0.35 see you knowSeen some buys recently you can look at the gold first currently you know 0.3 here um sauce I'm going for 0.49.47 even uh you know solid width offer here uh hopefully that wasn't like a you know a stolen or scammed nft um but yeah you know definitely a goodIdea to either look for rares for potential Flip or you know just sweep up on the dip um to take advantage of these you know this tiered staking uh the community goes pretty hard every time someone you know tweets about it they get pretty good engagement look for these dips kindOf like what's going on right now and look for any other announcements that are bullish indicators for you know another another pump we saw them go as high as like 0.23 I believe um during during that pump maybe 0.24 no reason why we can't see that happenAgain especially if a lot of these Community oriented projects are following similar Pro you know similar paths like plague and sappy seals we'll go ahead and close things off here with uh you know one of the bigger more anticipated um reveals we had the mutant Hound collar reveal it was a manual burnReveal so you needed to burn in your collar in order to reveal your Hound so I know a lot of the times I talk about you know when when a project reveals it's a great snipe opportunity this is like a tougher one to do just because the whole collection isn't revealingUm you know at an exact time so it's not like you can catch one on the floor before they delist uh people are kind of gonna list based on what traits they have the thing you can do on these manual reveals is the original nft we'llSee like a dip uh here's when the when the reveal happens so the floor was around like to ethereum and we saw it uh here's here's where it was it was around 2.2 and then it just took a massive dip to like 1.4 and that was a great buyOpportunity for you to get back in and it went back to 2.2 so you could have easily just flipped um you know a pre-reveal collar and it has you know taken another dip held here around 1.6 ethereum only 350 listed and it looks like about 6000 of the callersHave been revealed so we have seen a quite a few above floor buys quite a few between 20 and 25 ethereum as well which is a really good indicator for the for the project obviously a lot of Yuga holders are invested in this just because uh you know they're going toFind some stuff that resonates with with their Apes but yeah this is definitely a project you want to look you know if you're trying to snipe some rares go ahead and you'll want to filter by Form probably maybe look for some gold or trippy you know noise is always prettyGood 1.5 floor right now but yeah this is definitely one where you want to try to find some good forms that get listed kind of low good flip opportunity maybe put out some weath offers and we could see this it looks like this is kind ofThe you know 0.8 seems to be where the bottom is holding um could see a retrace here potentially push above one ethereum with another announcement from the you know from from the team um kind of like what next steps are going to look like and could see some ofThese profits leak into the rest of the space as well we're going to go ahead and wrap things up there regarding the giveaway for this week's episode uh I touched on earlier how azuki's one year anniversary might lead to some uh kind of like a Resurgence in some animeProjects so let us know what anime projects we should be looking into that might see some pump might see some of the profits um kind of leaking in from from azuki and beans make sure you comment your Twitter handle as we will be dming on Twitter the winners to get them that 25In usdc but yeah definitely leave a leave a comment and and your Twitter handle and we will look forward to seeing you guys on next week's episode Thank you

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