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The Ultimate Guide to the Top Crypto Wallets in 2023

The Ultimate Guide to the Top Crypto Wallets in 2023

**Top 5 Crypto Wallets: A Comprehensive Guide** Cryptocurrency wallets play a crucial role in the world of digital assets. They are essential tools for securely storing and managing your crypto holdings. In this article, we will explore the top five crypto wallets available in the market, including the wallet that stands out as the best […]

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‘Crypto Demystified: A Concise Explanation’

‘Crypto Demystified: A Concise Explanation’

I talk to a lot of people about crypto, yet almost NO ONE seems to understand what it ACTUALLY IS. In this video I dive into what is ...

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My Crypto Portfolio For Next Bull Run (Top 10 Plays)

My Crypto Portfolio For Next Bull Run (Top 10 Plays)

I'm sharing my 2023 crypto portfolio for the next Bull Run diving into the exact projects I'm looking at my investing strategy and my overall plan to get to 50 million dollars net worth next Bull Run Quick refresher last Bull Run I went from unemployment to 1.6 million dollarsIn one year six months and three weeks I also managed to hold on to most of that during the bear market and still have around 1.2 million dollars and since then I've been grinding hard I've been learning I've been growing and just striving to be a better investor so thatI don't repeat the same mistakes that I've made in the past so that I can dominate this next Bull Run and so that I can hit my 50 million dollar goal this is involved listening to podcasts reading books on finance history interest rates liquidity Etc spendingTwo to three hours a day on Twitter just keeping up with the market and all the different things that are happening in the space and so much more I definitely have not been idled this crypto winner I've grown a lot and I have no plans of slowing down anytime soon and throughAll this and just my personal experience investing in the market I've developed a strategy that thinks pretty different than most people's strategies and it's going to be the strategy I believe that's going to allow me to hit my 50 million dollar goal and my strategy isn't super Sensational it's not likeMega exciting it definitely doesn't make for like the best YouTube content and often when I share it with people it's usually ignored people I share it with think that it's too boring because they don't understand it and like most people end up making a massive mistake goingInto the next Bull Run so try to wrap your head around my strategy before judging it and listen to the full explanation I personally am a massive risk taker I've never shied away from making big bold moves yet when the best strategy on the board calls for doingSomething boring that most people don't want to do I'll take that move all day because again usually what most people don't want to do is the right move to make because if you're an average person if you do what you know an average investor does you're going to end upWith average results that happens every single time you can't do what everyone else is doing and expect to get this extraordinary result you have to do what most people aren't doing if you want to get the results that most people aren't able to get and this strategy isn'tNecessarily boring as much as it is dynamic and dynamic confuses people because they like things just simple and easy and more kind of like extreme they want like an extreme polarized strategy that's just like simple and just makes sense where Dynamic strategies kind of weave and change and adjust based onCircumstances and people don't like that but if you want to win big you gotta stop chasing easy and learn to put in the hard work that's required to win you don't see the top performers in the NBA just waking up and being like Oh I'm gonna go play basketball and they'reJust amazing at it like no they spent their entire life they made massive sacrifices to get that good and they have to continue to sacrifice day in and day out every single day of the year if they want to maintain that level of performance and there's no averagePerson that can just wake up and like go compete with these guys without having put in that same level of work it just doesn't work like that but for some reason when it comes to investing people think different they think that like the average person could just wake up and beLike Oh I'm gonna go invest and I'm gonna succeed and somehow not lose my shirt but it doesn't work like that you got to put in a lot of work to be really good at investing so that you can win luckily in the crypto space peopleGenerally don't tend to put in a lot of work so it's a lot easier bar to entry to to win in the crypto space than you know maybe the stock market where people are more educated but that's quickly changing and that's going to continue to change over time so you need to startPutting in the work if you want to win big so if you're somebody who's ready to put in the hard work so that you can dominate next cycle keep listening maybe one of my favorite things to talk about on my YouTube videos is the crypto cycles and I know I've already talkedAbout these things so many times in so many videos and some of you guys are just so sick of hearing about crypto Cycles but in order to properly explain my strategy and why I'm doing the things I'm doing I'm going to ask you guys to listen through one more explanation ofHow crypto Cycles work every crypto cycle has four distinct subcycles now I'm gonna make this easy enough that even a fifth grader could understand this so stick with me these Cycles are based on Timeless psychology and that's why they're so consistent then they seem to play out generally about the same wayEvery single time the start of the cycle and the first sub-cycle is crypto winner this is the bear market and usually before this we had this massive bull market where prices just ran up to the top everyone got excited things got out of hand and then prices just drasticallyCollapsed and after this massive collapse most speculators end up walking away all the scams end up dying and most people outside of crypto dismiss crypto is completely dead this season is brutal and prices drop 90 percent or more on extremely well-known projects and the hard thing about it is it doesn't happenAll at once there's a lot of these fake rallies you know throughout this cycle that lure people back in thinking that you know there's going to be this recovery and they're going to be all right only to shatter them and dip even deeper and by the end most people thatAre involved in the crypto space are emotionally and financially shattered and just done with crypto forever yeah it's also during this season that strong projects not only survive but keep on building new ideas and new sectors are born and the infrastructure is laid out to onboard the next wave of new usersAnd it's during crypto winner at some point in this cycle the crypto ends up bottoming but few people notice because they're just so fearful because of all the trauma that they've gone through during this subcycle the next season after crypto winner is crypto spring this comes after the market is bottomedAnd all of that building and Innovation hits yielded some interesting and compelling narratives the infrastructure is drastically better than it was last cycle and there's new and exciting use cases still at this point almost nobody is paying attention you ask anyone on the outside of crypto about crypto andThey'll say that it's dead in a scam they won't be noticing any of this Innovation going on at the same time if you ask anyone inside the crypto space during this season what's happening with crypto they've never been more bullish and usually during this season they're like these little mini bull runs withLike certain sectors or certain ideas maybe going through a bull run type cycle and skyrocketing in price but overall The Wider Market generally just kind of goes sideways or maybe kind of Trends up a little bit and also sometimes during the cycle we see some major unexpected tips and shakeouts itNever breaks through that bottom price but sometimes it can go all the way back down and touch that bottom price it's also during the season that we see Bitcoin and eth start to climb in price leaving behind all of the other tokens which generally just again Trend sideways or sometimes Trend down theNext season after crypto spring is of course crypto summer a rapid increase in price of Bitcoin and eth but typically mostly Bitcoin causes a ton of Buzz where people are talking about Bitcoin and all the money they could have made and new stories are being run influencers are talking about you knowBitcoin and all the money that you could have made and you know people start getting really interested in crypto again and usually by this point it's been a couple of years since most people have experienced those big crippling you know emotionally debilitating crypto losses and they've kind of made peaceWith it and they're ready to potentially jump back into the market and usually during the early part of crypto summer a lot of people are really confused because Bitcoin and Eve keep going up in price but all of the like other tokens don't and they're like why are theseOther tokens not going up Bitcoin and eth keep going up but these ones aren't moving and they don't understand it and a lot of people get really frustrated because they're expecting these you know other tokens go up but Bitcoin and eth just keep going up and it's after thisInitial part of crypto summer that a lot of participants start looking at the market and they say you know Bitcoin and if those have gone up a lot so far and I missed out on those but I'm really bummed I missed out on those I'm getting you know massive amounts of fomo I'mGonna try to look for the next Bitcoin in East where's the value gonna go next I'm gonna go buy those and hopefully I can also experience some of those gains and at this point all of the other tokens that aren't Bitcoin and eth that are like decent projects start going upIn value as people start to pour into those projects hoping that they can you know be in early on the next Bitcoin or eth and of course with these tokens being smaller some of them just end up being massive winners that meant all these new crypto millionaires more newsStories start circulating more people start buzzing about crypto and it attracts an entire new crowd into the space and by the middle of crypto summer it gets to a ridiculous frenzy where you could throw money at essentially anything and it seems like the price of that thing ends up going up and it'sReally hard for most people to actually lose money at this point in the cycle and you know you're approaching the end of this part of the cycle when every influencer starts talking about crypto all of your friends start talking about crypto all of your relatives start talking about crypto you know you'reTransitioning from the Final Phase of crypto summer into the next phase which is crypto fall as all of the good projects have already gone up in value as Bitcoin and eth have already gone up in value people start looking where they can make their next big profit at thisPoint they're kind of addicted to making money investing they think they're Geniuses at making money investing and there's this whole new crowd that just got attracted in that they missed out on bitcoin they missed out on eth they missed out on all the good Blue Chip crypto projects and they start lookingAround and they see all these other smaller projects that are new they're doing these crazy things like offering crazy high apy and all these new terms that you've never heard of and they say well I missed out on those other things but maybe these will go up in value andUsually these smaller projects will pile on all these buzzwords they'll use like all these complicated crypto terms that you've never heard of to attract and investors who don't know any better and don't really know what they're talking about and most of these projects are basically tokenomics experiments tryingTo invent the world's best Ponzi by you know creating a Perpetual money machine and being that these projects are so small and then most VCS won't touch them retail ends up making a killing off of these products because they're able to get in early and watch these days go upTo multi-billion Dollar valuations meaning that really early people into these projects make life-changing amounts of money and the crazy part is during the first part of this season all these promises of it you know infinite passive income and everyone winning actually work where you know they areMaking these crazy ponzis but the ponzis are working at this phase in the cycle and people are making all the passive income and making all this money and everyone's happy because everyone's making money and everything's going up it's at this point that people have gained so much confidence in theirAbility to trade and make money and again it seems like nobody can lose that they start taking out loans they start maxing out their credit cards they start selling everything they own and throwing it all into crypto and again it's working every everyone's making money it's like wow this is amazing yourUncle's texting you your Barber's talking about crypto to you everyone's talking about this crazy thing that they found this crazy Ponzi this printing them tons of money and they're all excited and everyone is just happy we're all gonna make it and influencers and experts start peddling these crazyNarratives that like we've entered a new era of economic prosperity and everyone's gonna make it and the bull run will never end and it's just gonna keep going infinitely and you know numbers gonna keep going up infinitely and it's at this point when things suddenly start to begin unravelingProjects on the fringes of the crypto space start collapsing Bitcoin and eth start declining in price almost everyone's in complete denial and they're screaming by the dip and then things just utterly and totally collapse and we go into the next cycle which is again crypto winner okay so you can seeThere are four distinct Seasons that are all very different from one another and each one requires a very distinct strategy and this is where most people go completely wrong they'll apply last season's investing strategy to this season's Market environment and get completely wrecked during crypto winner your primary goal should be holding ontoYour gains and preserving as much dry powder as possible so that you're prepared come next Bull Run during crypto spring your goal is to start deploying that dry powder into strategic positions so that you're prepared come crypto summer but during crypto spring you also got to be prepared for bigShakeouts during Crypt of Summer it's all about going in big on major convictions this season is about moving as fast as possible and trying to find an edge on the rest of the market the winners during this season also tend to be good projects that are building real innovative solutions during crypto fallIt's all about taking profits and extreme risk management this season is about keeping your head on your shoulders and following risk management and profit taking rules religiously and knowing that all of the top performers during the season are likely to be only short-term plays that won't survive theNext crypto winner and right now it's my belief that we're in crypto spring and my strategy is simple being that Bitcoin and eth usually move up first in most of the alts stagnate I have most of my funds around 90 percent City and eth with small allocations into otherProjects that I'm really interested in and I'm slowly over time increasing those allocations while keeping an eye on the market I have a high conviction that the concept of Bitcoin and eth skyrocketing before everything else will hold true this next cycle especially with all of the ETFs all the BitcoinETFs that are currently awaiting approval if those things are approved we're definitely going to see Bitcoin Skyrocket more than everything else as well as other companies are now starting the process of applying for eth ETFs and it only makes sense that once we see a Bitcoin ETF approved we're also going toEventually see an eth ETF approved I've pointed this out before in my video The Bull Run is coming but the sheer scale of the amount of institutional Capital that is ready to pour into Bitcoin in eth is absolutely staggering BlackRock filed for a Bitcoin ETF and it has 10Trillion dollars in assets under management to give you perspective the entire crypto market cap is just over 1 trillion so that's one private company that holds 10 times as many assets on hand as the entire crypto Global Market okay so most of my Capital sitting inEth and I've talked about in a video before why I have that I have a couple videos on on why I'm bullish eat if you want to check those out but if most of my Capital sitting in each but Bitcoin would work just as well and I'm slowly deploying that Capital into highConviction positions over time because I believe there's a risk of a market sell-off where you know the altcoins will be affected more heavily than something like Bitcoin and eth I also believe that Bitcoin and eth will appreciate in value ahead of the rest ofThe market and so this is a way for me to preserve and you know potentially grow my Capital ahead of building larger positions and some of these other tokens before crypto summer arrives so what other positions am I taking up to build out my 2023 portfolio well here's theTop 10 positions that I'm investing into for 2023. keep in mind that none of this is investing in advice none of this is me telling you you should buy these tokens you should always do your own research and blindly copying YouTubers is a great way to lose all of your moneyNumber one is optimism I made an entire video on layer twos and why I'm bullish on them if you want to check them out and go more in depth on you know my thesis behind Lair twos but in a nutshell optimism is a layer 2 built on ethereum once fully realized it'llEssentially have the same security as ethereum minus the cost or the expenditure of blockchain typically has to pay to secure the network plus with ultra fast transactions and Ultra cheap fees on top of that optimism also has this thing called the op stack I've talked about it and a lot of videos I'veTalked about it in last week's video talking about base chain the op stack is an open source development stack that other developers can use to launch their own hyper customizable layer twos with this Grand idea of creating What's called the super chain already the op stack is seeing some incredible adoptionWith major players jumping into the space including coinbase's base chain choosing to use the op stack and World coin choosing to use cop stack in World coins the project by Sam Altman the guy that founded open AI I'm bullish that those projects and many other projectsAre going to bring more attention to op in what's being built I'm especially bullish on op considering that base chain which again I made a whole video about bass and why I'm incredibly bullish on how bass is going to change the space and onboard a ton more usersInto the D5 sector on chain base chain doesn't have a token and I am bullish because op is essentially the closest thing there is to a base token and I believe a lot of value accrual is going to happen around op as base continues to scale I also believe that op at aCertain point will be viewed as sort of like leveraged eth I think Market Outsider is going to look around they're going to see Bitcoin they're going to see eth they're going to see these things closely related to each which includes optimism arbitrum polygon Etc and a lot of capital is going to flowFrom ethereum the next thing it's going to flow into I believe is going to be layer twos like optimism arbitrum polygon Etc and I have nine other tokens that I want to talk about but really quick if you're interested in staying up to date with the crypto Market byJoining the obsidian Council you get access to monthly research on all the projects I'm looking at and investing into for the next Bull Run in this video I'm sharing my top 10 but there are plenty more I'm looking at investing into as well as I add new ones everySingle month there's also airdrop guides in person media UPS free access to the airdrop Master Class course which is a 299 dollar course the node operators course and on top of that I just released the ghost tiger strategy which typically cost two thousand dollars to buy but all members get fifteen hundredDollars off the ghost tiger strategy there's a link in the description if you're interested in joining number two is Pendle Pendle is interest derivatives on chain this is a sector I'm less familiar with personally and I'm trying to learn but I'll give you my best overview of how I understand it worksPindle allows a user to take a yield bearing token think of staked eth and deposit it on the platform the steak eat is then split into multiple tokens that represent different things one of which is a token that represents the future yield of that token for example stakedEth earns around four percent annually on Pendle you can tokenize that four percent and then go trade it the net effect being you can lock in a specific yield for a token if you believe that the yield for that token might go down in the future for example with stakedEth as more people get into stake def it's likely that that yield could go down in the future so say maybe you want to lock in that four percent it well you're able to do that using Pendle this concept also isn't new it's from the traditional Finance space this is aConcept that has been around for a long time and my bet on pindle is one of two things the first is if pindle or this General concept makes yield farming or the space as a whole more efficient then that's going to attract capital and it's going to grow and be massive next BoraThe second is maybe that doesn't happen but the market loves a good Trad fight to defy narrative for example if you say oh we're taking this thing from the traditional Finance space and we're bringing it into D5 a lot of people speculate on the future value ofWhatever that is and usually they'll do that by comparing the number or the size of that market in the traditional Finance space and then you know saying oh well if it's uh five you know five trillion dollar market cap in the traditional Finance base then that meansThis project has a lot of room to grow so a lot of people speculate and push the price up so regardless of if it's real adoption or maybe it's a narrative driven adoption in both cases I think it's primed to see some upside come next Bull Run number three is akash akash isA project that I dive into deep on my recent video on the d-pin sector and I do a way better job explaining what Akash is and what that entire sector is in that video than I could ever do here so if you want to dive in deep and understand this emerging sector ofCrypto and why I'm bullish on it as well as some other projects that I'm bullish on in that same sector go ahead and check out that video number four is uniswap uniswap has been making some massive moves lately they recently announced uniswot V4 which is a huge update to uniswap that will introduceFeatures not seen in any other decks including something called hooks hooks allow developers to customize and add new features to liquidity pools and this in general allows for Innovation and the creation of unique trading features and overall just expands the amount of use cases within the uniswap ecosystem thinkOf kind of how when Apple added the App Store to the iPhone how that massively expanded the amount of use cases a cell phone could have before that cell phones came pre-built with like the apps that they could have on it and that was it you didn't add any other apps to thatPhone but when Apple added the App Store it completely revolutionized the way that a phone could work and the amount of things it could do this is kind of what these features do to uniswap they allow sort of like an app economy to be built around these liquidity pools andHooks are just one of the features that come with uniswap before there's a ton of other features that come as well they're really exciting but on top of unit swap B4 unit swap also announced uniswap X which is incredible and about the same thing it introduces like sortOf like this app economy but instead of around liquidity it's built around transactions and I won't dive too deep as it gets extremely technical but basically uniswap X will make things cheaper faster and easier for the average user it also revolutionizes the way we use Bridges allowing for cross-chain bridgeless swaps which mostPeople probably don't even know what that means but it's absolutely insane and a huge innovation in the crypto space uniswap has been one of the projects that has continued to build and innovate during the bear market and in my mind that has solidified them as aCrypto Blue Chip that will do well next cycle number five is own and anyone who you know hasn't kept up to date with Olympus is probably really confused at this point because Olympus was a project that primarily saw most of its growth during last season's crypto fall andLike I said most projects that are you know big during crypto fall tend to be basically ponzi's games that end up falling apart and dying over the crypto winner period never to come back again Olympus however is quite a bit different Olympus is always aimed to be a decentralized reserve currency of sortsI like to think of them as the decentralized stable asset that's not pegged to any sort of fiat currency and the fact that I just called Olympus stable might seem kind of weird to you if you only played around with Olympus during its legendary bootstrapping phaseDuring that time they had an apy of over a hundred thousand percent it became the most forked project in all of history spawning a ridiculous amount of scam projects however since then they've successfully transitioned out of their bootstrapping phase and become incredibly stable and this is due to aFew things including their massive treasury of over 200 million dollars and the introduction of something called range bound stability or RBS RBS is a system that essentially enforces the stability of own by creating thick walls of buy and sell pressure at the lower end and upper ends of the price thisKeeps ohm in a weird sweet spot where it's less stable than a stable coin but more stable than just about anything else and if you're not familiar with yield farming or maybe how the space works this is really useful for yield farming if you don't want to experienceImpermanent loss because if you have a stable coin and you know the price of the other asset goes up rapidly well you experience you know heavy impermanent loss or with Olympus because it's again less stable than a stable coin but more stable than everything else there's certain pairings where it's able toExperience a lot less in permanent loss and it's attractive to different yield Farmers they also recently teased something called cooler loans which will allow ohm holders to take out a loan against their own without having to sell and my reasoning for choosing ohm is pretty simple it's currently valued atLess than its treasury assets which for me is always a no-brainer on top of that the token itself is extremely stable and I don't see it dropping in price anytime soon especially considering the coming cooler loans which makes it way more attractive to Simply take out aloneAgainst your own than ever selling so for me it's extremely unlikely that I'll see ohm drop in price but I do think it could appreciate in price lastly once cooler loans come out I could take out a loan against my own at 95 of its value only having to pay point five percentInterest meaning I can take up my position in Olympus then take 95 of my Capital out and go deploy it somewhere else allowing me to essentially deploy my Capital twice benefiting if there is any potential upside from ohm while taking minimal risk number six is sphere sphere is another one I've talked aboutExtensively I recently did a video called my twenty thousand dollar bet where I do a much better job than I ever could here explaining why I'm bullish on sphere why I'm invested into it and what I believe the future could hold if you're interested in diving deep andLearning more you can go check out that video number seven is index the Marquee cap for this project is Tiny currently sitting at only 12 million and index aims to bring indexed funds on chain which I think is a genius idea index funds are a really simple conceptImagine if instead of having to do all the research bridge over funds and use multiple dexes Etc you can invest in say a basket of some of the top projects on arbitrum we'll call it the arbitrum index and imagine if you could do the same for the metaverse layer 2 tokensNft projects the d-pin sector the real world asset sector on-chain options the cosmos ecosystem emerging small cap cryptos the game 5 sector AI tokens and more all with just the click of a button by buying something like the layer 2 index for example you could with theSingle click of a button gain exposure to a basket of assets including arbitrum optimism polygon and more this is the kind of thing in my opinion we need in their crypto space to see massive adoption my bet is essentially with index being easily available to buy inCoinbase for one you're just going to see appreciation the price of the token as people who don't really know what they're doing or on coinbase and they're just buying random tokens but I'm also Ultra bullish on anything that makes the crypto space easier for the averagePerson and I think that this does that and I think because of that it has massive potential number eight is polygon and number nine is arbitrunk I'm bullish on both of these for essentially the same reasons I mentioned that I'm bullish on optimism like I said layer2's have a massive advantage over layer ones because of their lack of security costs I also think that they'll act as sort of like a leveraged eth closely following eth as it appreciates in price and I have individual reasons for specifically polygon and arbitrum that ILay out my layer 2 video which is worth the watch if you want to dive deeper and learn more which is always a smart move if you want to win long term lastly number 10 is Adam I had high conviction for the app chain thesis and Adam goingInto crypto winner however so much has changed since then and we've seen massive growth in the layer 2 sector this caused me to have to reconsider my position and my view of Adam and I'm currently unsure on Adam it's in my portfolio and it's the top holding andI'm sure base case it'll do okay during the next Bull Run but I'm weighing if it's currently the best place to have my Capital I'm always reevaluating and I'm always taking a second look at my choices and decisions and why I'm doing things and again I'm at a point whereI'm just unsure about Adam and I'm not quite sure I have a really great answer moving into the future it's something that I'm sitting on looking at researching and just trying to come to a conclusion on and I have tons of other positions that I'm taking up those areCurrently just my top ten and even those top 10 positions again are pretty dang small because of my overall thesis and strategy investing in this season I'm also like I said adding new positions every single month if you want more insight into my process make sure to check out the obsidian Council andDefinitely check out some of those other videos that I posted on those individual sectors or individual projects that'll give you a lot more insight into my thoughts and why I'm choosing those ones specifically it is my belief that now is the time to be putting in work if youWant to be early for the next Bull Run as always if this video is helpful make sure to hit that like button if you have any questions or comments or any products you want me to check out let me know in the comment section below and ifYou want to see more videos like this make sure to hit the Subscribe button and the little bell next to it to be notified each time I release a video thanks for watching and I'll see you next week [Applause]

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‘K Invested in Convex for Lucrative Returns…’

‘$7K Invested in Convex for Lucrative Returns…’

I took seven thousand nine hundred and five dollars two months ago and put it all into something called convex Twitter influencers swear it's a money printing machine so I decided to put it to the test convex is a governance platform where you lock your funds to literally get bribes they are considered ethicalBribes in that they are transparent so I locked my funds and I waited for that sweet sweet ethical bribe money to come in month one my seven thousand nine hundred and five dollars had turned into nine thousand six hundred and forty two dollars via appreciation and I made 344Dollars from bribes month two my seven thousand nine hundred five dollars was now worth 12 896 dollars because of appreciation and I was also able to make another 362 dollars from bribes I'll continue testing but so far this strategy seems legit follow to see what happens next

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My 2023 Predictions For Crypto

My 2023 Predictions For Crypto

2023 is here and most people that aren't paying attention are setting themselves up to yet again miss out on massive crypto gains and possibly one of the biggest wealth building opportunities of our lifetime Warren Buffett one of the greatest investors of all time once said be fearful when others are greedy andGreedy when others are fearful in this video I'm gonna go over the bull case for crypto in 2023 why I think 2023 has the potential to see Bitcoin and eth double in value and where I see crypto going over this next year and into 2024. how many times have you seen this exactScenario play out Bitcoin goes up in value people start talking about it but quickly dismiss it is really just nothing Bitcoin goes up in value even more people start getting more and more interested but still most people don't buy into it then Bitcoin absolutely skyrockets everyone at the same timeDecides you know what it's time to get into Bitcoin they all invest people over leverage themselves they think the market can only go up from here everyone gets excited everyone becomes an overnight crypto expert and then the entire thing collapses and as it's collapsing people are saying buy the dipIt's gonna go back up but it goes lower then those same people say you got a dollar cost to average in we're all gonna make it it's gonna go back up and it goes even lower and then they still persist and they say the Market's bottomed there's no way it's going lowerNow is the time to go all in and then the price absolutely breaks through the floor experts start saying Bitcoin is dead sell all your crypto people get angry how did how did this happen and what how did people let this happen and then they just give up and say you knowWhat I'm done investing I can't invest into crypto anymore and then they forget about crypto and they move on with their lives then after some time Bitcoin starts to go up in value again and people start talking about it but they dismiss it and then the entire cycleJust repeats itself the same exact pattern repeating and people making the same mistakes over and over again I've personally watched this exact same cycle play out twice before and it's literally happening again right now and people are making the same exact mistakes crypto has crashed everyone's left the expertsAre proclaiming that crypto is dead it's time to sell all your crypto and that means if history repeats itself again we are potentially on the cusp of one of the greatest wealth building opportunities of our lifetime and there's some insanely compelling reasons to believe that in 2023 2024 and 2025We're going to see some big moves up in the crypto market so I challenge you to take the time and listen to this entire video listen to my arguments maybe you end up wasting like 10 minutes of your life watching this video and you're like man that was a stupid argument thisGuy's obviously living in la la land and has no idea what he's talking about or maybe you'll hear my argument and be like I didn't know that that is life-changing information and uh you know maybe it goes on to impact your life in a meaningful way or maybe justEducate you a little bit more about what's going on in the crypto space and some of the crazy stuff that's about to go down reason number one that I believe we could see a massive move up in the crypto markets in 2023 is that historically there is a thing thatHappens in the crypto Market that 100 of the time has caused a massive Bull Run and it is called the Bitcoin having some of you are very familiar with this others of you have maybe never heard about this before very simply the Bitcoin having is this event thatHappens every four years in crypto where the amount of Bitcoin mind per block gets cut in half today 6.25 Bitcoin are mined per block and after the next having that'll get cut in half to just 3.125 meaning the amount of new Bitcoin coming into circulation every single dayWill be reduced by half and this economic shift in supply and demand in the market narrative that surrounds it has historically one hundred percent of the time caused a massive crypto bull run some people say this has to do with literally the change in supply andDemand you have a reduction in supply of new Bitcoin coming in the market you have a consistent demand and that just causes the price to go up other people say it has to at the fact that people believe the price of Bitcoin will go up surrounding this narrative becauseHistorically the having has always caused the price of Bitcoin to go up people believe it'll do it again the next time so they go and buy Bitcoin which causes the price of Bitcoin to go up and you know it's kind of like a self-fulfilling prophecy yet otherPeople believe it's kind of like a mix between the two that you have these people that believe the price is going to go up and so they start buying plus you have this reduction in Supply on the market which means it's a little bit more scarce and that causes you know thePrice of Bitcoin to Skyrocket up regardless this single event is responsible for sparking every single crypto Bull Run we've ever had and the next Bitcoin having is in April of 2024. now one thing a lot of people don't talk about though is what happens typically leading up to the Bitcoin havingHistorically what we see is 12 months before the having the price of Bitcoin starts to Trend up and this has happened in this exact same way for every Bitcoin having that there's ever been 12 months before a Bitcoin having the price of Bitcoin starts to Trend up that wouldMean that if Bitcoin follows the exact same pattern we should start seeing the price of Bitcoin trending up in April of 2023 and traditionally Bitcoin is the leading indicator of the entire crypto market so when Bitcoin goes up eventually everything else goes up as well so if history plays the form all ofThis would be extremely bullish for crypto but the big argument against this right now which is actually a really compelling argument that we need to dive into is that this current season that we're in is way different than anything that's ever existed before all the other previous Bitcoin havings existed in anEra of easy money and currently we exist in an era of really you know tough monetary policy where the macro picture is vastly different than anything cryptos ever had to go through before and so some people believe that this time things won't actually play out theWay they have played out in the past that they're going to be different so so let's take a look we are definitely in Uncharted Territory when it comes to the macro picture with the global economy covet supply shortages plus insane stimulus printing with extremely low interest rates and the war in UkraineHave created sort of like a perfect storm for a macro disaster this has caused inflation to Skyrocket and the FED to try to combat that has raised interest rates faster than literally they've Ever Raised interest rates in history these interest rate raises are responsible for the collapse of theStock market the crypto market and every other like you know investment on the planet currently and the purpose of these interest rate raises is literally to make people buy less stuff make companies make less money and have more people be unemployed with the general purpose of weighing down the economy soMuch that it ends up crushing inflation back down to what the FED considers a reasonable level and you could also really easily imagine why people having less money and businesses making less money is really bad for stocks in crypto so the mass of interest rate raises we had in 2022 absolutely have decimatedThe stock market they've decimated the crypto markets but what's next for 2023 how will these same things affect the markets in 2023 well the fed's already told us exactly what they're going to do they've said that in 2023 they're going to continue rating rates and they're notGoing to lower rates until inflation is absolutely crushed and under control but here's the thing though the FED doesn't actually get to dictate this when push comes to shove when the FED raises interest rates as fast as they have literally faster than they ever have in history they risk breaking things reallyReally bad that's why every financial analyst on the planet right now is predicting a massive recession in 2023 but it's not just a recession that the FED has to worry about they can break all kinds of things in our financial markets that have nothing to do with the recession our current Financial systemWas built in this season and in this era of like free easy money imagine like this little village that like they lived in this prosperous peaceful area where like you know it just always rained at the perfect time their crops you know were grown in the most fertile soilPossible they had no enemies they had no natural like uh things that they had to fight against they just lived this like free easy life and imagine they lived like that for like 10 years okay and life was just prosperous they didn't build any protections no defenses noArmies no like you know saving their grain in case they have a hard season because life's just great and then imagine overnight suddenly it stops raining they have a massive drought they have all these pests that come infest their crops and they have a massive Army that's coming to invade that's kind ofLike what just happened in our financial markets it went from this era of free money peaceful awesomeness to this era of like extreme hostility where Only the Strong Will Survive there is a good chance that somewhere in our financial system right now there is a massive weakPoint that is beginning to crumble and the longer the these high interest rates go on the bigger risk that one of these weak points ends up breaking and the whole house of cards ends up coming down we saw that in 2008 with the financial crisis and have the potential to seeSomething break like that in 2023 although I'm sure it won't have to do with the housing market it'll have to do with something else and you can be sure that if something does break our elected officials will scramble to fix it and they will try to fix it the way thatThey try to fix all of their problems which is by printing more money and they're likely to couple that same move with either stopping you know raising interest rates or potentially even lowering interest rates to combat the situation depending on how dire the situation seems and again even thoughThe FED might not want to at that point stop raising rates and they definitely won't want to lower rates unfortunately at that point they won't have a choice if Capitol Hill decides that's what they have to do also remember how I said the intended purpose of raising rates isLike higher unemployment less company profit less money for people to spend and overall a struggling and depressed economy well while that might help the FED achieve their goals it doesn't exactly help officials get reelected over in Washington and we have a major election cycle coming up in 2024 for theU.S presidential election both sides across the aisle want a member of their team to be holding the office of President and for them it's not ideal to have the people voting for them experiencing record amounts of unemployment and not having money and living in this massive recession andUsually this looks especially bad for the party that's currently holding all the power so usually before an election they like to try to fix these problems so they can claim credit and get votes and how do politicians usually fix their problems the easy way of course promiseTo print a ton of money and lower rates I think it's not that unrealistic to expect some of these sort of things to happen I also think it's not that unrealistic to expect both sides especially if we experience some sort of massive recession to be promising someSort of stimulus coming into the next election they opened Pandora's Box last election and call me crazy but I I think people love free money and I think it's going to be too hard to resist for them to just say hey uh massive recessions going on vote for our site we will giveYou lots of free money and then the other side will save we'll give you even more free money it's called modern monetary three and if you believe that you can literally print unlimited money with zero consequences and you also know that if you give people money they'llVote for you the recipe just seems to hint to the potential direction of you know them printing a lot of money and giving it to people and to Me overall the FED is fighting against the tide and they will not have the final say when itComes to win to start lowering rates so if any of that were to happen or play out the way I'm saying and you couple that with a Bitcoin having I think it could be insanely bullish for crypto in 2023 2024 and 2025. okay to sum that allUp I believe that potentially 12 months before the Bitcoin having we could see a massive run-up in Bitcoin and other crypto assets due to historical patterns and I also recognize that there's some validity to the macro argument that like we've never been in an environment likeThis before but we're also coming into a massive election cycle and what Capitol Hill wants during that election cycle is really going to dictate when interest rates stop getting raised and when they start getting lowered again so for me overall when you look at the pictureOver the next two years I actually think the macro is going to be overall bullish for crypto stocks Etc now pile on top of all of this the fact that Wall Street is quietly in the background building out massive crypto on-ramps for traditional investors who up until this pointHaven't had easy enough access into the crypto Market we have Legacy companies like Fidelity feverishly building out crypto products that they can offer to their clients clients who are generally older and have substantially more wealth to invest and I predict soon every Legacy Wall Street firm will have someSort of crypto offering to offer their clients and the reasoning is simple and that's just because Wall Street is greedy Wall Street makes their money by stocking their platforms with investment assets that people want to trade and then charging you a fee when you do trade so the more stuff you invest inThe more money they make and just like a store they want to stock their shelves with the financial products that are gonna sell the best they really don't care if they're selling you stocks crypto or a bag of rocks as long as people are buying it and they're makingMoney off their trading fees they're happy and they see the absolutely astronomical amount of money that these crypto exchanges are making and they want to be making that and next cycle they're going to be far more prepared and excited to push these products to their customers customers who Again byFar controlled the vast majority of the wealth on the planet and the last reason that I am insane bullish for crypto going into 2023 and 2024 is despite what you may have heard crypto is an insane Innovation poised for massive growth and adoption it is the first Global Financial system not built andControlled by a government one thing that we probably all could agree on is that anything that the government can do the open and free market could do a hundred times better you know this if you've ever gone to the DMV or used any sort of government service andGovernments in general have an extremely poor track record when it comes to financial systems and for the first time in history people now have the option to choose a financial system that's open and Global and yes and crypto it's still very early and there's still a lot ofProblems to overcome but given the insane amount of funding in the crypto space and some of the smartest Minds in the world working in this space I'm confident that these problems will all be solved with time and almost certainly crypto will be unrecognizable a decadeFrom now and that in a nutshell is my bookcase for crypto in 2023 you get to decide for yourself if you think my argument is compelling or if you think that my argument isn't compelling and you have holes that you want to shoot inIt if that's the case let me know in the comments below your counter argument or where you see gaps in my argument that you think are maybe less than sturdy I'm always very open and receptive to people kind of critiquing or criticizing my thoughts if you want to see more videosLike this make sure you hit that subscribe button and the little bell next to it to be notified each time I release a video as always none of this is an investment advice none of this is me telling you to specifically go invest in crypto or not invest in cryptoObviously it would be pretty dumb just to say hey I watched a YouTube video I listened to an argument uh you know didn't do any of my own research and threw my life savings into crypto that would be pretty dang stupid of anyone to do if this video is helpful make sure toHit that like button thanks for watching and I'll see you next week

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