Ibrahim can you break down exactly why crypto trading is permissible in Islam so the first thing is is buying crypto Halal Haram now if you're buying Sharia compliant crypto currencies or crypto assets that's perfectly fine the second question is now can I sell that well if you are selling it and it's aPermissible asset then no problems whatsoever so you might say hang on what about speculation what about price volatility well it doesn't matter really because when you are buying and selling a Halal item even if you are doing it for investment purposes or trying to make a margin on it that's perfectlyFine and that's the way markets work

Is crypto investing Halal let's find out my name is Ibrahim Khan I'm an ex-corporate lawyer with an Armenia degree and a masters in Islamic Finance in principle our humble view is that crypto is permissible because it is a digital asset however there are types of cryptocurrencies and types of investmentIn crypto that could be potentially problematic so for example if you're buying a coin that is used to invest in the adult economy that would be problematic if you are investing in a project that deals in interest again that would be problematic however there are many many projects that areLegitimate they're doing useful things they're using staking and yield farming strategies that you can invest in that are perfectly fine make sure that you check out our list of Halal cryptocurrencies and always check with a scholar if you're in any doubt