Okay guys let me sh to you some simple tips on how you you can actually make some money online by just doing Simple task with this particular video um this platform is just a new platform is an investment platform so uh you can alsoGo to my YouTube uh in my YouTube I have a section of investment platform which you can actually see them there so this is an investment platform which can actually allow you make money so what you need is you need to tap on the link on the descrition once to tap you areGoing to get this particular uh page where you just need to enter your email password you confirm your password and then you you enter a payment password payment password is just a password you can use it for either with drawing your cash okay so also we we have uh what weCall uh invitation code which is going to be automatic once you use the link in my description so me already have an account which I just need to uh log to my accounts when you log to account is going to give you this welcome to the investment platform remember to registerWhat so before we go through you need to know about this particular platform so certificate of R is also here you can see here and they also earnings which you can do it every single day we have level zero where you just your daily commission is investment investment is 0And then earning 020 in 30 days you can uh earn it in 30 days so we have level one where you you need only $20 to get started and then you'll be earning $280 every single day uh that is for 30 days so we have level two which is$78 to get started you'll be earning $18 every single day so we have level three where you'll be earning uh 37 uh well you need $378 and you can be earning uh $92 every single day and so forth and for so on so let me take youThrough how you can actually uh you can actually now now do what you can invest okay how you can actually invest in this platform to invest you just need to come to this place which says recharge okay just tap on the icon which says rechargeSo once you tap on the icon which says recharge it's going to bring to a page where you can either copy this link or you can scan this QR code so you can use any crypto wallet of your choice you can use metam mask you can use binance ofAny of your choice okay I prefer bance course is easy and simple for somebody to use so in binance you come where they say okay once you're in binance I use binance cost is is simple in the next videos I'll be using uh trust wallet also for beginners which is also easy soIn binance you come where they say sport wallet and then where it says uh withdraw so in binance you withdraw so if you're sending crypto is different if you're sending money out of crypto you withdraw but if you're receiving money into crypto account you you deposit soYou just need to tap on withdraw and then you select the coin you want that is usdt you follow the procedure once you're done doing that process you come and say submit in this platform so once you submit your money is going to be unlocked so the next thing you do is youJust need to go and do what and buy it okay uh you just need to buy it okay you need just to buy it like here me I'm going to buy level one which is for $ I'll be earning $280 every single day I just press buy I press buy successfully so IAlready bought it successfully okay so I've already bought it successfully so you can check here I've already bought and with my $20 which I've already invested and my daily income has already start coming here you can see it's already $2 so I've already made how do you withdraw to withdraw youJust tap on the withdraw icon there it will request you to actually add your withraw PIN uh to add it you just need to come to binance okay this time in binance you press on deposit usdt you scroll down T you so you come here you just need toSet your password okay set your password uh the first thing you need login password and then you withdraw password you confirm it and then you save it so you have saved your withdraw password the next thing you need to bond a wallet to bond a wallet is just easy uh the link youCopied from binance you just need to paste them here and then you put your password you submit it successfully so now we can proceed to withdraw uh please enter the amount $80 then a password we enter the password and then we just press on the icon which saysWithdraw so our fun has been withdraw successfully and uh we can also do the same thing every single single day so uh in order to maximize your ways of earning you can come to uh a front page and scroll down here you can see this particular place where you can also copyYour link and say it to your friends once you copy your link and say it to friends you can up to level three level one level two level three every single day you'll be earning money so if you like make money online like this one make sure to subscribe so that everyTime I upload content I amazing like this you've been about to be notified so in my bance it doesn't really take long to receive the money okay that's the most important thing it doesn't take long to receive the money in my bance account so what I need is I need to justUh refresh it up okay just refresh for you to receive the money money doesn't really take long it doesn't take long let's keep refreshing so you can see my balance the current balance there so uh the money has already come you can see at $280 soIf you like how to make money online make sure to subscribe the channel
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