All right good morning good evening good afternoon everybody um we'll be starting at 903 Easter just to give everybody some time to get into the room if they're having issues um getting on this morning so stay tuned thanks all right good morning good afternoon good evening everybodyUm thank you for attending today uh we have a really great session coming up here for the next hour um with Kieran from our analyst firm berdantics who works in the APM space um and then vipin Nair from our product team who leads APM products uh my name is RyanUm I am our director of project marketing for asset Performance Management as well so today what we're going to do is really talk through a few different areas and topics with you um the first being verdantics and how the evolution of the APM Market has changed the greenQuadrant which came out in 2022 Kieran will take us through that and talk about the scoring models of methodology and then vipin we'll talk through at the end our 8 PM road map and really why we support how we scored and where we're going throughout the presentation feel freeWithin the interface you can ask questions in real time we'll try to save them for the last 15 minutes for Q a to make sure that we're answering any questions that aren't answered during this session we'll make sure we will follow up and get you those answers viaEmail as necessary so what I'll do is I'll hand it over to Kieran again really great to have you on and we'll we'll get right into it perfect thanks Ryan um hi everybody so um as Ryan said we're going to touch a little bit on the the ATM Market lookingAbout looking at what it is how it's changed over the years and um really what what's next APM Market before we touch on the actual green quadrant which is vedantics is Flagship research report where we Benchmark um prominent vendors across a technology space um so to really kind of kick things offI thought first thing we should do is Define what we we call apmtb now we call it a industrial software application and its Associated asset content that monitor asset performance predict failures and synchronize with iot and OT systems to generate insights that help optimize production reliability maintenance and environmental kpisNow throughout the presentation we're going to talk a lot about all these different kpis but one thing I really wanted to just highlight the start here is vedantics is no longer seeing APM as a maintenance tool but really as a tool that can be used to support activities across the whole asset lifecycleInteracting with business business units and stakeholders across the whole board and we'll touch a little bit more on that as we go along and to to kind of start things off in terms of that definition that evolving around an evolving amount of kpis I wanted to look at the actual APMCoverage and maturity what we're seeing at the moment is that APM as a software landscape is undergoing a bit of a shift both in terms of use cases as well as the value it adds towards stakeholders even if you would go back about five years I think if you spoke about APMBack then it would all be maintenance focused really um looking at how to solve maintain challenges firms trying to use APM tools to answer questions around how can I reduce maintenance costs how can I predict failures how can I um optimize my my maintenance activities in generalAnd similarly what we were talking about the Dubai personas and the key stakeholders involved in an APM tool or even the users we're really focusing on the maintenance side of things talking about maintenance functions reliability engineers and really very little interaction with operations and production and um kind of sea level stakeholdersBut there's a shift we're seeing in the market recently now what we're seeing is APM is evolving more and more to incorporate use cases Beyond maintenance looking to cover um kind of asset overall process and plant performance objectives as well as reaching your way up to sustainabilityOr related kpis we're looking at things like emissions monitoring and energy consumption and what that means is that we're no longer just targeting maintenance professionals we're talking about APM we're now looking at um the creation of data Engineers data scientists we have production planners and managers and sustainability experts all having theirOwn say and their reasons to be interacting with APM tools but saying that it doesn't mean that maintenance is no longer a key to API I mean maintenance was a lot of the foundation of APM it's it is a big part of why firms go to anATM tool if anything what we're seeing is a firm will will start the APM Journey looking at things like asset criticality and maintenance optimizations and get this type of um value of the tool first and once that's solidified slowly starts scaling upwards looking to cover full plant operations and moving into sustainabilityUm so that's kind of where vedantic sees the APM landscape and how it's evolved over the last few years moving away from just maintenance to touch operations reliability and sustainability um happy to pass over to Orion for a little bit of topology perspective here in front of how customers are seeingSeeing this landscape yeah thank you um and definitely agree and and I think just to flash this screen up on the back of what you just said a hundred percent and when you think about maturity models I wouldn't even think about it as a full maturity model I would say even customers orPeople who are using APM at just an asset level can be highly mature they kind of have data scientists they can be doing really really cool stuff with asset performance management software so so agreed on kind of the trend that we're seeing from going from asset levelAll the way up to multi-facility of those more senior people being involved and interested in the value that APM actually provides right so From ge's perspective when you just take a look at this screen and this is just from the past year of who we're really workingWith and growing with from a customer standpoint is anything from hydro and Renewables right of focused on very very specific asset level programs uh whether that's predictive monitoring and maintenance or just general o m work all the way up through some of these larger multi facility type type projects atExcel some core and Patronus right so there's a few in between and really with APM when you look out into the market at least for me today being on the product marketing side on the software end is there's a lot of push to do all this transformational work with EPM which isPossible Right digital Transformations possible Cloud migrations possible Right bringing your own analytics is possible all of that is possible but when you look at a maturity curve it might not be possible for you today right but looking at what can be possible over the next five 10 15 years so getting to thatSustainability point which is everybody's mind for energy transition is how do we get there it's integral to look at that over a roadmap with APM because you still need to solve for your day-to-day concerns and your costs and your maintenance and your downtime and your Bad actors but as you inch forwardI'm sure a lot of people are feeling is you're going to start getting that senior level view on okay what is APM really doing for us on the corporate goal side so I would 100 agree and I think over these next few years we'reGoing to see a lot of change in terms of the the talent people coming into the APM space to really optimize what good looks like perfect thanks Ryan um next thing I want to touch on was the the market size and forecast for APM software now every year vedanticsUm or every few years pedantix one say Marcus hasn't forecast for the Technologies we cover it's based on a bottom-up approach where we take into consideration kind of our primary research talking to to people in the market publicly available data global economic data and so on to come up with a forecastAnd um in in the last forecast we did for the APM Market what we're seeing is as healthy growth rates across the whole APM market so it's going to scale to about five billion dollars by then 20.6 um there's a number of reasons we're crediting this growth and we can discussThe decor drivers in in the coming slides but one of the things I really wanted to bring out here is something we've heard a lot in the market especially from buyers of APM solution and it's that APM is becoming a must-do investment with all the the constraints we're seeing uncertaintiesUm around kind of production um environmental regulations looming recessions economic volatility um here in Europe has been a lot over the last year because of the Ukraine and Russia War and the potential impacts they could have going forward um we all felt aftermath of covid a couple of years ago and they're stillKind of lingering effects from there and really all this kind of I guess uncertainties meaning that day-to-day operations is is no longer standardized you can't you can't always predict what's going to happen going forward and then therefore there's a growing need for a flexible tool to help those activitiesAnd more and more so we're seeing um buyers of Technology kind of industrial facilities needing APM tools to support that moving into some of the other kind of key drivers we're seeing in the market um we could probably consolidate them all down to the the need to reduce costs byDeploying digital Solutions and to kind of improve performance sustainability metrics the five kind of key buckets we've got we highlight here is one mean cost time programs so we're talking about that it's really focus on reducing operations and maintenance costs through predictive maintenance the ability to kind of optimize capex spending by understandingRemaining useful that's useful um life of your assets and it's the kind of idea of um if we can better understand the asset Condition it's a lot easier to plan maintenance activities optimize spendings um really just be more efficient on your your assets your facilities your plantsIn terms of asset reliability and uptime I mean this is one that's been spoke about so many times in the past Springhouse APM but I think most of people in the pool will know how big of a role APM can play on improving reliability or reducing down timesUm really looking at the idea of being able to predict failures again but um why this is so important is if you think of the if you think of a a large Refinery or utilities um utilities provider or an oil and gas firm if you can increase your up Time byOne percent that's incredible amount of savings I think um an average oil and gas um production facility a one percent increase could be Millions per one percent increase in product in production is about millions of barrels of oil a day so I was like millions ofDollars worth of barrels of oil a day which could be significant to to um a company's Revenue growth digital transformation here we're looking at the idea of kind of enabling automation remote operations especially after covid the importance of um using digital digital solutions to a improve safety but also promote things likeRemote working it's been a core focus of a lot of the firms data and system centralization um I think the majority on the call will know that Silo data is one of the biggest challenges we're seeing in the industry right now um huge challenges around around collaboration and getting data to one ofAn essential Source we're seeing APM solve this issue by creating a holistic digital Solutions holistic digital system with core Integrations with kind of sensors historians um other Enterprise business Enterprise softwares Etc and really this is helping to kind of break down the barriers and improve communication across the firmAnd then lastly sustainability angle I mean sustainability is huge everywhere in the world right now all firms are being pressured with Net Zero goals and trying to to be more green and efficient and ATM is really just helping that kind of angle as well helping reduce emissions helping to monitor leaks andSeeps helping to better report um kind of carbon emissions and Carbon County Etc so a lot on APM side in just in terms of facilitating your sustainability developments to kind of emphasize this drivers a little bit more and um show the import and kind of I guess back up the claimsThat the dentists are making I wanted to bring in some some survey data now vedantix runs annual surveys every year where we interview nearly 300 Executives in um maintenance operations and safety safety roles and we and we try to get their their fields around priorities of Investments what they're planning toInvest in why they plan to invest it in certain software ethics and look jumps in the market in a better way so one of the questions we asked during our 2021 survey was around the importance of um the following factors and causing your firms to invest in industrial assetManagement software and what we're seeing here is that the traditional reducer maintenance minimized downtime use more digital technology and I think this has always been the case for the last five maybe ten years now but what's quite interesting on this one was quite high up is to push from executivesAnd I think this push has really been um driven largely because the sustainability pressure was seen across the world but it really just shows that top-down initiatives there the involvement at sea level now to to drive investment in Asset Management Solutions really trying to trying to improve bothOperations and maintenance by by getting more with the existing digital solutions that you already have the next thing I wanted to look at is the sustainability angle of all this um one of the big drivers we're seeing much of our sustainability um is really around uh replacing agingAssets and reducing emissions costs I mean nearly 50 of the the respondents in our survey said that these were were high value investment initiatives for them and I think that just shows the power of sustainability and how it's driving the the change in mindset and even a cultural change away from just lookingAt we need to optimize revenues we need to maximize our production but so too do we need to make sure that our assets are running efficiently we need to make sure we're not over overly emitting emissions whether that's an oil and gas and reducing flaring or down toManufacturing where you're trying to see can you reduce um I've scope two scope three emissions reduce your supply chain impact Etc the other thing that's quite interesting here is there's still quite a lot of interest on improving data capture and Reporting and the development new infrastructure and processes again focusing the idea onThere's a green few The Greener future out there and we need to start um taking these considerations in case when we make investment decisions and the last thing I wanted to show from our survey side was really well we've spoke a lot about the priorities investment ideas of firms well how doesThat relate to actual software Investments specifically towards Asset Management I'm always seeing here if you look at the first um kind of four potentially five use cases here we're seeing they're all APM oriented use cases it's core use cases of an APM platform firstly showing the the realUm interest in an APM tool but also I think it's quite interesting is we're seeing 35 respondents are interested in Integrity Management Solutions now Integrity management um while very powerful and very important ATM tool it does require a base understanding of asset health and a solid Information ManagementCapabilities as well I think this shows how investment has kind of progressed over the years and how firms are now saying that we've already got a base level APM tool we can do some sort of condition monitoring we need to expand this further to start looking at Integrity managementUm reliability management and so on and I think it goes back to kind of the the what we're saying earlier on when Ryan was talking about this the kind of myself and I want to talk about the maturity model how firms are looking to come in come in implementingA maintenance tool but look to expand that as they progress their their kind of digital life cycle the other interesting thing here I thought was quite nice is that if you look at just investments in commercial software for the first time failure prediction is it would come out the highest of 15 percentI think that that represents the size of the market where um people are realizing APM is a powerful solution it's accessible to to to everyone really and it's important to invest now before your mystical behind and lose that kind of momentum that other firms are seeingUm they're going to be great to maybe take your thoughts on some of these market trends we're seeing and do you guys agree kind of what's ge's perspective on on all this thanks Karen uh actually I would like to kind of go back to the first slide whereYou showcased how important it has become from a top-down up close right I just want to kind of highlight the push from the executive leadership uh five to six years back that was not the case right it was really driven from the reliability Engineers the operationsTeam to buy an application but now as you said it's coming from top down but the other challenge with comes with that is the ability to convince that leadership team on why you're in this right the question is always why you're going to invest it so in G digital weSee that and we want to help our uh you know the customers on proving why it is important and what we do is a simple whiteboarding step understanding the outcome so it's important to before we kind of position any software we start from the outcome mapping right and thenRelated to the application that they are going to invest in even if it comes to an asset performance uh management applicant so what that does is that it gives the Nation for the reliability Engineers to go back to the executive leadership team and say that okay theseAre the outcomes that will be mapped to the softwares that we are going to invest in so just wanted to uh you know let you know that we are seeing that change in the market and uh within G digital we have an entire process to enable the team to help uh convincingThis executive leadership team Kiran uh now we can go to the third slide uh you know where we talk about all the different capabilities that are uh you know folks and looking into when investing in Asset Management activities and one thing which I do want to callOut is that none of these capabilities should be looked in silos right I should not be just looking at a application which is just helping me predict various there are multiple applications which will help you do so but you know just uh predicting failures does that reallyHelp you you know it will not really help you unless you understand what are the potential failure modes and the actions that is supposed to mitigate them right we can always get all the predictions but if you don't know what you should be tweaking from a maintenance strategy perspective whichYou see that as asset maintenance planning it is of no use right and that's where it is important for us to understand that we should not be looking at these capabilities from a silo perspective but at a holistic Enterprise level so that you have an entire asset Management program in place with allThese capabilities so just wanted to you know highlight that we should not look any of these in silos but as a holistic Asset Management solution with sheet digital provides here yeah thanks okay in the next point I mean your complete UI Asset Management as a whole isUm well that's I guess distinct software as in in the market is a complete landscape and it's something that I think vedantics have done a lot of research looking into that kind of convergence do we see that link between an APM and eam an AIP solution where where the convergence lieIs it is it really going to be distinct softwares in in two to three years time or is it going to be one big Asset Management solution and yeah specifically when looking at kind of use cases that they are on the slide there looking at it as a holisticUm kind of overview of what you need to to achieve your aims is definitely crucial perfect next thing we wanted to move on to I think now we've given you guys hopefully a good flavor of what the market looks like and um what APM is we want to touch on toThe the vedantes queen quadrant for actual asset Performance Management now firstly what is a green quadrant um so a green quadrant is vedantics is Flagship report it's a benchmarking of prominent vendors within a market we we look to do kind of live demos in-depth questionnaires we do a lot of researchInto the market talking to to buyers vendors consulting firms the kind of everyone involved in the market to get a full picture of what's going on to provide a kind of in-depth analysis of that market in this case APM what we're trying to do is really identify who the key vendors are analyzeTheir offerings and provide a comprehensive overview for both software providers and buyers to understand that landscape our report covers things like Market drivers um ATM use cases key differences between different vendors and helps potential buyers potentially shortlist APM tools for their for their kind of APM investment needs yeahThe methodology behind a a green quadrant or GQ is quite a a long process it's really under two parts one you've got the the existing research section now this is a continuous development of identics we're constantly doing writing new reports running surveys interviewing Executives talking to vendors talking to potential buyers justUnderstand the market and this really helps us scope out what a lance what the market landscape looks like helps understand what APM use cases are what the evolution of that market is what are core functionalities how important functionalities are above others and so on the other side of the report is muchMore focused on the vendor side now what we do is we ask all participating vendors in our GQ to fill in a 200 in this case a 206 Point questionnaire and provide two and a half hour demos um two and a half hours probably if not two hours umAnd these these questions demos all cover things from from software capabilities looking at different scenarios can kind of vendors achieve goals based on different size but also goes into looking at what is over company strategy how are they performed over the last 12 to 18 months what is their kind of MarketMomentum and presence in the area and we use all this data to kind of collate it into one big picture to help Benchmark APM vendors against um the kind of the big trends and use cases we're seeing in the market um one big thing about the GQ is or aFew big things is that it's meant to be a an unbiased report and to make keep it unbiased what we do is we have a a transplant inclusion criteria so we reach out to to kind of all firms that have at least I think it was five out of the10 APM capabilities that we defined were crucial to an APM software they had a minimum of 50 employees an excess of three million dollars in Revenue now obviously not all firms want to participate and um we can only go as far as as the information we're provided our analysis isUm taken into account from a buyer perspective we do rely on Fresh Integrity from our participating vendors and we score based on evidence provided from the questionnaires and demos and we provide them on a comparative basis based compared to kind of other vendors in in the quadrant so what that means isWe score relative to others so even if a vendor is called a lower score in in the in our analysis it doesn't mean that they've got a a bad um off-rankers capability it just means in comparison to the others in on the quadrant there is um maybe a higher higher umHigher capabilities available kind of the the gold standard for that functionality the bar is being set a bit higher by someone else and the last thing I want to bring out here before I go on to the actual quadrant and kind of what the scores look like EtcIs that the GQ is a snapshot in time now we Benchmark our vendors based on their capabilities that they demonstrate in the demos and the question is from when the demos were done so in the APM GQ in the case of the APM GQ this was in kind of the demos were doneFebruary March in probably March 2022 so about a nearly a year ago so what you're going to see in the next few slides with regards to kind of where we ranked um vendors how G digital um scored in ltq was based on the position in kind of March 2022. soUm the the ATM GQ and how it scored well um the GQ is scored based on kind of two main parts capabilities and a market momentum now capabilities make up the the y-axis on the quadrant you see on the right hand side of the screen there while the momentum makes up the rightRight the the x-axis then we're going to mix up the x-axis so capabilities is split up into both Technical and functional capabilities and focus on the breadth and quality of vendors and their platforms technical capabilities look at things like um kind of software architecture so they're taking consideration things likeData capture Integrations UI configurability and so on while functional capabilities focus more on kind of core APM use cases so looking at things like Health monitoring failure prediction reliability analysis Integrity management and so on whereas on the momentum side so the x-axis this is more around vendorPresence so here we're looking at kind of render presence in the market I mean so this is more I guess Market driven metrics like Acquisitions Partnerships Financial Resources customer attention and um similar um cinematics each obvious capability and momentum areas are also split up in subcategories for example asset Health monitoringTakes into consideration um a vendor's ability to support the development of a asset Health database and the ability for a platform to offer kind of failure diagnostic tools so that you can provide alerts visit notifications when when conditions differ to the norm so all of these kind of subcategoriesAre scored based on three based on it's based out of three relative to other vendors in the market each sub-country is also weighted based on how important it is to the to the overall kind of larger category and those weightings are are signed based on vedantics is ETC and how important it isIn the market and that's taken from our surveys our discussions with vendors and Technology buyers once you've got a score for all the subcategories it's scaled up to to the overall capability of momentum areas for example that I think asset Health monitoring had four different subcategories in our GQUm Sameer failure prediction I think reliability analysis had five um so all of that scaled up to give you a square of three for each of the capability areas and then that scaled up even further to give one big score for capability and one for momentum and that is plottedOnto the grid onto the quadrant because the right hand side to provide um the position of vendors in the market vendors are positioned as leaders Specialists innovators or challengers leaders are we Define leaders as those with kind of well-developed functionalities across both um Technical and functional probabilities as well as strong momentum ratingsInnovators tend to be vendors with um a really strong breadth of capabilities across specific Industries challenges tend to be those with really robust capabilities for Unique APM use cases where Specialists tend to be um firms that offer a range of ATM capabilities that have quite a strong Market presenceThe the background of the GQ and the green quadrant next we're going to touch on what how GE digital scored on in the in the GQ but before going into natural duty to the score I want to spend just a few minutes talking about the key vendor strategies we're seeing in the marketAnd this is largely because vendor strategies and the growth and the kind of the future of the market does impact the way we score and the way we associate importance to to certain factors we see kind of seven main strategies in the market um the first one being around theDevelopment of data management platforms we're seeing a number of vendors new and existing vendors who are creating or enhancing existing platforms to create a kind of a data management a data Hub that already streamlines data captioning contextualization processes I think um those are the core if you're familiarWith the API Market with no um but there were no kind of the amount of Partnerships and Acquisitions that's happened in the last year I mean there's been a flurry of m a a lot of big billion dollar deals in the last kind of two three years within the ATM spaceMoving on to the the third trend um there's been an expansion functionality to cover worker focused Solutions touched on this a bit earlier on but kind of aftermath of covid there's been a big push to support remote working and training activities um number four is looking at data visualization and 3D visualizationCapabilities I mean this is really just to improve data capture and improve um different sources of data coming in the more data you have the more opportunities you have to to kind of optimize your performance GE dish to a great example here with their partnership with business which I'm sureUm vipping and Ryan will touch on later on but um that partnership really helped um improve kind of visualization for inspections and planners to help improve Integrity management opportunities um number five looking at self-service analytics I think this one's quite an important one um APM as a solution can get quiteComplex there's a lot going on and many firms are now hiring data scientists and software experts just to manage APM platforms but not everyone has that keep not everyone has that that luxury related to a full data scientists you know everyone has a team big enoughTo to have a dedicated APM person in charge so we're seeing is the development of um kind of analytics for engineers easy to use drag and drop environments that anyone can kind of take a get hold of and start getting value from APM tools um the next being around ESG energy and transitionDecarbonization capabilities we've touched a lot of sustainability already on on the webinar so far but big personal ATM vendors to help reduce emissions improve reporting help with leaks and seats management Etc and lastly the creation digital twins I mean APM tools are provided so much value to both maintenance and operations and allThe sustainability nowadays and we'll combined that data with some real-time data behind dashboard operatory advice should we improve client performance so GE digital going back to the Judas unit and the green quadrant and what that's all meant for geodigital well based on our rankings of it on the akmGQ we saw GE emerge as Market leaders within the ATM space they will see some of the highest scores from from a capabilities to see the highest score of my capabilities point of view and one of the highest on my ranking point of view um G did you receive top scores acrossThe across the whole board with majority of the Benchmark capabilities being above average in particular the GE APM suit should receive the top scores for reliability Integrity management and this was largely because of G's ability to help optimize inspection strategies and streamline kind of auditability and compliance governanceShe digital also offers a dedicated asset criticality analysis module which helps criticality assessments and really helps um I guess fast tracking the develop the the onboarding of of potentially new APM users and then another big theme of the DJ digital offering that that kind of highlighted its strengths was it's wasIts library of failure marriage I mean not only does this offer sport reliability analysis but their predicted maintenance capabilities it offers is vast and also allows them to to progress this into kind of assessing the impact of our environmental risk as well which help the environmental performance out of thingsUm that was a very quick um snippet on kind of G digital as a whole in terms of why it scored so well I'm going to pass on to vipin and Ryan now to really get more detail about the GED still offering and kind of their perception of the quadrant okayYeah thanks thanks Kirin uh I mean you know this thank you for decoding this Matrix and what it means from a momentum and capabilities perspective right so just to highlight our Solutions around reliability management maintenance optimization and integrity management have been there in the marketFor the last 20 years right it's a very well established uh product line with uh hundreds of customers and it gets matured year over year so you know we we are not surprised that we are leading uh the quadrant from a functionality and capability perspective but one aspectWhere we would like to work on was the momentum piece uh which Kiran mentioned and especially the partnership right uh because not every time we can build uh by ourselves and in that case we have to go uh into the market find out the right partners and come and collaborate withThem so me and Ryan will spend some time on how we've been continually building this momentum through partnership uh so I'll cover you know from right we'll go from right to left from stork let's start from stock um and we what one of the things whichWe heard loud and clear was our ability to deliver content which is ready to use right predefined asset strategy templates so that customers can start using the application from day one and what we have seen is one of the challenges is the time taken to implement the solution so in order toMitigate that risk we kind of collaborated with a you know industry leader called stork who's been in this industry for almost multiple decades uh you know doing consulting and we work with them to get you the best in class uh library for predefined assets which you can easily now load andStart from day one and definitely designed by the industry experts uh and ranging from oil and gas mining to power generation so you get for all the verticals the right content uh and one more critical thing which I do want to call out is it's not only focused on theGeo equipments but we also provide content for balance or plans ranging from you know rotating mechanical electricals and safety and instrumentation control asset so that's been a big step and we have already seen customers adopting these accelerators uh for you know accelerating their Journey towards Asset Management so that's theFirst one moving towards the right uh which Kiran told is one of the key functionalities which industry is looking is contextual visualization or 3D visualization right so so we did uh partner with visionize on this and right now you have the capability to pull it information to Performance ManagementAnd visualize it in visiones vsues data so it it provides you the context of real-time context and it picks up the real-time data like Risk corrosion thickness and health from APM and give you the contextual visualization of the data obviously it gets gives you a better you know so if you have aAging Workforce it gives you a good perspective of the asset entire history of the asset so it gives you the ability to train the new Workforce in a much quicker way so again these two from stock and visionize from an industry perspective we believe it will add a lotOf value in your journey with that I'll hand it over to Ryan to talk about Trend Miner and AWS yeah thanks and all I'll go through is pretty quick so we can talk some road map as well important part of today um so so on on the trend minor AWS sideSo treadminer it's a software AG company um us being a leader in a space an asset Performance Management one of the things we heard is on the process analytics piece so we went out um we spent about six to 12 months actually working to find the right partner for processAnalytics and I'll get into a little bit on the next slide is around this ecosystem of analytics Kieran hit on it right senior leaders are now getting more involved there's a need for more data contextualization Trend minor for us is a no-brainer in terms of partnering it with our asset PerformanceManagement solution to give you all the forms of analytics that you possibly need to actually wrap your arms around your operation right so I saw a question there on real cost right cost avoidance getting analytics into the process piece is a way to also actually measure realCost of how you're performing as an operation right as well as the piece of predicting failures right cost avoidance um the other piece is Amazon web services you're all probably very familiar with AWS um we worked with them I'm in the middle of last year to actually better alignThe way we go to market right um when you look at that maturity model at the start and where things are heading and the need for Integrations and bring your own analytics and data scientists for us to continue on that maturity curve with our customers and Prospects was really really importantRight so this partnership is really a commitment not only to getting the best technology into people's hands but also our our Visions align very much so on the sustainability piece of working in the cloud right getting rid of server costs and op really just opening up thePossibilities of what you can do in asset Performance Management so we can talk all day there but I'll move on and and really where I want to just kind of set the stage for VIP and as we talk through our applications that perform well and where we're heading in the futureAll of this data and all these applications it needs to go somewhere right um You talk about data silos and having technical debt you're running applications from 10 years ago versus brand new applications and now you add the layer in of leadership starting to be more in tune with what APM doesThere's a bigger need now than ever for modernization also building the right systems for the future as you go right so this is just a quick visualization on our our back-end infrastructure as you saw on the last slide that we're modernizing in a great way for the futureUm not to say it wasn't modernized before but we're starting to build in eks right containerization opening up for configuration rather than customization which really gives end users the ability to do what they need with the software faster right so really what we can do is we can ingestPretty much any data data point that you need eam cmms time series historian we can plug into all that we can do your Edge device work and pull that into our APM ecosystem where you can analyze visualize action integrate um all of these things together and theReally really big part that I think when you look out into the market is there's a bi-directional aspect to this once you push data to an application like APM strategy or reliability or integrity that's great but that data and what you get also needs to come back so that yourOperations teams your engineers can then take that data and make other business decisions right so it's no longer when you look at our Trend minor partnership and our store partnership and visionize it's not just about uptime downtime reliability and Bad actors anymore it's now using that data to make differentDecisions and what we're going to see over the next few years is when you talk about this sustainability and ESG and bippin's going to touch on this you need a way to take this data and also contextualize it with other high-level performance for your organization rightSo this is a very quick view on what we have built behind our applications to help pull them all together but then also contextualize the rest of the data your it and OT data that you need into the same system so that you can move faster as an organizationOkay I'll go a bit quick here so just wanted to let you guys know that you know we are not resting on our lawyers right we are leading in this space both to Mechanical integrity and reliability but I just wanted to let you know that we had just a recent release uh inDecember 2023 2022 version B5 with a lot of added capabilities so especially I wanted to touch upon uh mechanical Integrity where we are introducing uh Next Generation mobile inspection for paperless debt collection we talked about 3D visualization but we have also introduced an interactive 2D visualization and we have also focusedOn ease of use and that's becoming a big uh you know requirement from our customers so we have been focusing on usability across multiple modules so that's within mechanical Integrity uh and within reliability uh when smart signals uh one of the places where we are investing uh and is around sensorReliability or sensor Health monitoring and the virtual sensor repair so we all know that we are depending on the sensor data to predict the failures right and we are seeing there are there are faulty sensors in place and we are coming up with a solution on understanding whichAre the quality monitors and uh you know avoiding them from the predictive uh models and we are also doing a virtual sensor which means that we are reconstructing that data from the faulty sensor and we are ensuring that we are able to use the correct data for giving you better prediction so sensorReliability monitor or sensor Health monitoring is one of the places we have to go to invest in 2023 and also on the same up front like Integrity we are going to focus on simplifying and improving the automation of Analytics 6 and also the workflows around it so withV5 we are not stopping in investment in you know two of us both of our industry leading solution which is integrity and reliability um so with that I went kind of uh get into you know a bigger portfolio so what one thing which we should understand isUh G digital does not just mean a reliability or Integrity solution we have a much wider solution set and uh the good news is that we have a soft uh you know a suit of solutions today which is available today to address many of the challenges so we all know about theAsset Performance Management we touched about integrity and reliability but we also have a world-class asset strategy tools right which helps you optimize your assets maintenance strategies and then push it to your EA tools that's very critical for a holistic Asset Management program we also have a best-in-class of brown Solutions whichIs again allowing you to do data collection using devices and eliminating any paper based data collection right and finally all this data is kind end up accumulated under the asset Health module that we have which is finally to understand the asset health condition or the conditional monitoring which helpsYou connect with various OT data sources and Define you different Health apis like the asset Health index So within the APM space I just wanted to highlight that we have again it's not just reliability or Integrity but we have a wider speed of solutions and now talking about which Ryan andKiran talking about you know the next level of requirements is Earth in today's world is just around EST and also decarbonization right and to and and to enable that we're already starting working on the next generation of solutions which is all the operation Performance Management with various Solutions like production planning whichHelps you predict uh you know the requirements the energy requirements we have the performance optimization tools which helps you to enhance the right dispatches uh and which basically enhances uh you know your thermal efficiency and also improving the efficiency and reducing the Ambitions this is just to let you know the lay ofThe land and it's just not just end at an APM perspective but we are also continually working on the next Suite of solutions yeah uh anything to add Ryan on this slide huh just just making sure if not uh what I would like to do isKind of give you a high level uh you know road map on what we are thinking next and this is something which we have been working since last two years and we have been taking vocs from multiple customers so during the course of 2021 and 2022 we have conducted more than 100Interviews with a lot of decision makers in heavy industries from oil and gas to power gen to understand what energy transition means in their work uh and you know and we have kind of laid out a a pro a program here which starts from operationalizing the plant which is inBlue which if you start from the left hand side it starts from operationalizing the plant with the help of Maintenance operations planning and risk to operation and finally an environmental and then it migrates in it moves to optimize how you can help optimize the entire process right so thePath from operational using a plan to optimizing a complete process to transforming the entire Enterprise can take multiple forms but in general we see that this journey starts at the bottom from maintenance and operations to planning then risk performance and finding the environmental piece of it soWe are today recognized as a leader in asset management and Performance Management but we do recognize that to enable a successful energy transition it will require a step change the way software workflows and systems work together to manage increasing complexity and the volatility of the market so withThat said uh you know in order to make sure that we are ready for the future we are working on two new uh product lines which are the Enterprise carbon management and that is the step number one to work towards an Enterprise carbon management we are working on anApplication which helps you to collect Aggregate and Report uh the CO2 information so that will be a stepping stone right the first step is to ensure that we have the capability to collect it aggregate the data and Report the CO2 emissions efficiently and accurately soWhat that allows us is to prepare us for the future and set us for ability to give you uh to monetize on carbon and also to to provide you the right strategy to achieve the Net Zero strand so just wanted to let you know that this is a beta application which is alreadyAvailable uh around Enterprise carbon management and if anybody of you is interested please reach out to us and we have an entire a team working on this and we're really looking forward to invest on this in the next couple of years along with that we are also working on theThe fleet orchestration piece uh and that is you know eliminating right now we depend on a static performance curve to do the predictions but we are going to work on introducing Ai and ml to provide you with better predictions on the energy market conditions and provide you with a better insights right uhWhich is finally helping you with reducing cost and the Ambitions so these are the two big themes that we are working on around EST and the decarbonization uh I know we are almost on time but uh just before I close out I take few questions just on a wrap up we want toLet you know that at G digital uh to enable new product lines or to increase the momentum we have introduced a Zone management so not only we focus on existing product login we have an incubation Zone to invest on new ideas uh we'll continue to invest on criticalWorkplaces as I showed which is integrity and reliability uh to write at this point we want to help you reduce the total cost of ownership and focus on cloud different employment uh and then as you saw that we are working towards the Next Generation solution to empower energy transitionsSo with that uh I think we would be able to take some questions uh Ryan and I think I'll take one question I think it's from which is all cost linked to APM is avoiding its cost avoidance what about the real cost yeah definitely right soOne of the elements is uh from is predicting failures is on cost avoidance but we did talk about the other elements like asset strategy optimization so predicting failures is one Element but another element of a successful Asset Management program is to Define and optimize the asset strategy and when youOptimize the asset strategy that's where we are talking about the real cost because we can now uh you know reduce a major overhauling with condition monitoring and a predictive uh you know a predictive monitoring strategy so you should not look just from predictive perspective but we have to look at theOverall APM suit to get into the real cost uh also so that's one question which I wanted to take uh and I think there is it could be seen several places conference sure so Kiran do you want to take this there's a question from Joe it would seem thatSeveral players are missing from the quadrinal Aspen Tech Emerson hexagon uh can Implement as why they are missing yeah sure um I guess um looking at some sort of for those who can't see the question the question has the vendors of aspect MSN hexagon in four Oracle am ifsUm or ifs and Ultimo now uh kind of why were they all included and there's two parts to that I mean firstly we do have distinct software segments still so APM em vendors are different they are covering um different functionalities EM1 on the workflow Work Management side where APMOne the kind of production um activities but saying that as we did discuss earlier there's a convergence of em vendors we are seeing more and more these em vendors are looking to offer things like condition monitoring and predictive maintenance type capabilities but for the purpose of our poor lookingAt the inclusion criteria and the capabilities of vendors to cover the use cases those em vendors just didn't make the cut um so that's really why the likes of kind of ifs Ultimo um weren't really in the report hexagon I know maybe they should have been in theCourt by the time of I mean we wrote we did the report now they were definitely be in it at the time of doing the report as I said it was a snapshot in time the heck's getting for um acquisition was still quite new hexagon just weren't really in aPosition participating in the suburb of a court when I think there's a lot going on internally in terms of restructuring getting that deployment getting there kind of uh marketing error around what the new platform is going to look like um Aspen Tech they actually were on theOn the quadrant and quickly go back to it um they were sorry my slides aren't work oh yeah I think we're on the quadrant they did come out as a market leader in the report and the the likes of um Emerson and others they were reached out to but not everyone wanted toParticipate or not everyone got back to us and we can age it so much on based on publicly available data um some vendors we did consider on publicly available data but if we're enough to actually represent then we wouldn't include them in the report so really yeah it's just aroundInclusion criterias and just what data we have to to include them in advances a question Joe thanks uh one more question I'll just take it I think it's from Carl a great overview of what future holds could you commend on the college flow shift you are and you're not witnessing so coupleWhich two comes on top of my mind Carlos as I mentioned there's a lot of uh you know push from the c-suite right now from the leadership right rather than being a bottoms up it's becoming a top-down approach and in this we have to enable both right both the top uh theC-suite leadership but also the actual users let them know to understand where they are standing in their journey to understand the maturity model and then create a business case and present it back to the leadership the other is also the uh you know from a culture perspective an adoption or latestTechnologies like 3D visualization tools AI MLS and also uh the you know the the accelerator so there's a lot of new latest Technologies being adopted by our customers from a culture perspective uh with that uh you know I think we have just one minute and I just want to uhThank in you know on behalf of Ryan and Kieran uh for attending this webinar uh we are we hope that it was useful uh and helpful to understand about the asset management uh journey and where we stand and how does vedantics uh score uh do the green quadrant and web G digital asAn organizational uh we'll be soon sending out an email with the recording and if there are any questions please do reach out to us so you know again thank you so much for the attending the session and for your time yeah and quickly um Alfredo we'll get toYour question on the sap integration that's a big part of what we do we'll make sure you get the right answer on that um so we'll be following up on the more technical ones to make sure you have what you need thanks everybody thanks everybody
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