Hey guys evan here in this video i'm going to show you how to set up two-factor authentication on crypto.com so first you want to open up your crypto.com app and then you want to click on the top left where you see the settings icon right here next you wantTo scroll down until you see the two-factor authentication right here once you're on the two-factor authentication screen go ahead and make sure that enable two-factor authentication is checked right here next we need to install google authenticator or a similar authenticator app now i personally like to use authy iThink this is the best authenticator app so go ahead and download whatever authenticator app you want in this case i'm going to choose authy now when you set up your authy app you want to go ahead and click on where it says add account and now we need to either scanThe qr code that we saw earlier or we can enter a key manually so i'm going to click on enter key manually and click on where we saw that copy button right here it's going to say secret copied let's go ahead and enter in that secret key andThis process is going to be very similar if you're using google authenticator so let's go ahead and click on where it says save and now we should see our crypto.com authentication token let's go ahead and click on copy then let's click on where it says proceed to verify weWant to paste in that two-factor authentication code and then click on continue and now it says that two-factor authentication has been successfully enabled let's go ahead and click on tap anywhere to continue and that is how you set up two-factor authentication on crypto.com if this video helped you outPlease leave a like but that's gonna do for this video thanks so much for watching and i hope this helped you out
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