Hello and welcome to Ether property in this video I'll be talking about what what are the top 8 blocks and Technology trends that we can anticipate in 2023 so let's get started the number one is blockchain 4.0 there are many various versions of blockchains one two three so blocked in 4 isBasically focuses on scalability because there is some limitations on where a blockchain can be used so to cater the high-end scalable decentralized application the blocks and 4.0 is going to be the use factor or Trend going on in 2023 number two is stable coins in 2022 we saw a huge crisis in variousSectors in internationally right the boards and everything so if if you can see there is a fall on Fiat currencies in many countries so if the developer of stablecoin can find the solutions to maintain The Preserve the value of stable coins through decentralized way then this will alsoGoing to be the huge Trend in 2023 now number three is social networking problems now we all are connected with each other when the world connects with each other through the use of social media but there are some pains some problems in it like the Privacy the data control securityAnd all sort of things so if the blockchain can integrate with social networking then it will be going to be the huge Trend as well now number four is interoperability and blockchain networks because ethereum let's say for example any blockchain at the moment is not too much interoperableWith any other blockchain so one ethereum cannot interact with binance marching right so that there is no way to do the asset transfer among each other so they cannot exchange the data they cannot connect with each other so in 2023 there will be a huge Global International effort that is going toHappen on how they can connect with each other through decent LifeWay so that was also going to be one of the three number five is for economy and finance the blocks and Technology we saw a huge Trend in 2022 in the sector of D5 decentralized Finance so the same effortWill continue to expand that industry that sector in 2020 three so that's also basically one of the trend that is going to happen in this year now number six is government agency integrating blockchain so the recent example is India basically launched their own digital currency so similarly many other governments also governmentAgencies are also thinking about how they can use blockchain technology for their security storage of their data for their own government purpose for their own business or their own citizens so that's also one of the biggest Trends going to happen in 2023 it's anticipated of courseNumber seven is the rise in the demand for blockchain experts because blocks and Industry is expanding expanding at the massive speed even though there are a lot of Crisis going on internationally but still the blockchain technology itself is expanding and therefore the need of the talent need of the expert who feel theGap is also Rising so this is also one of the biggest Trend in 2023 number eight is asset tokenization now blockchain offers the feature of tokenization right so basically what it does is it gets the real world object tokenize them especially in the form ofNft we see a huge trend for nft as well in 2022 so basically this helps to make it more transferable it makes the physical object which is in the real world makes more easily transferable through the use of blockchain technology so the nft or asset tokenization also one ofThe biggest Trend in 2023 so I hope I covered almost all anticipated Trends if you like this video hit the like button subscribe to channel and as always God bless you all
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