Hey everybody teddy here and in this video i'm going to be going over the crypto.com d5 wallet i'm going to be sharing everything that you need to know how to transfer funds and how to set one up so if that sounds interesting definitely stick around so we've allHeard of the phrase not your keys not your crypto that means that if you hold your crypto on an exchange or an app like crypto.com you technically do not own it for example in my crypto.com app i have around 28.7 k now technically although it's under my name under myAccount on my phone i do not own it instead who owns it crypto.com and what i'm doing is i'm trusting these centralized exchanges like dot com to hold and keep my funds safe so the question is how do you have full ownership of your cryptocurrencies and that is where the krypto.com d5 walletComes into play where you own your own private key and seed phrases now the krypto.com d5 wallet is great for existing crypt.com users but people who do not use crypto.com can use this wallet as well the first thing you're going to have to do is download the appOnto your phone and then you're going to have to set up an account which i'm going to show step by step towards the end of this video the first thing i'm going to do is kind of walk through the app show the transferring process and then i'll show the pros and cons ofHolding your crypto on a non-custodial wallet like crypto.com d5 wallet versus the crypto.com app so the first thing you're going to want to do after you set up your account you're going to click on the top left corner and then you're going to be able to connect the app toThe wall going through a verification process through your email once that's done the next step is to transfer your cryptocurrency from your app to your wallet for this example i'm going to be sending all of my cardano into my wallet i'm going to click on cardona transferWithdraw and this is the great thing about the crypto.com ecosystem it's all connected i'm going to click on crypto.com d5 wallet choose cardano now typically when you send one cryptocurrency to another exchange you'll have to choose their native network or the options that they have in this case because i'm sending it throughThe chronos or krypto.com ecosystem you're going to be choosing the chronos network the amount i'm going to choose the max click on withdraw the fee is going to be around point 18 eta which is only about like 10 cents at the time of making this video which is extremelyCheap i'm gonna click on confirm and now my cardano that was on my crypto.com app that crypto.com technically owned has been transferred over to my crypto.com d5 wallet which now i have full ownership of for me this transfer took about two minutes i always recommend sending a smaller amount first just soYou get an idea before you send a larger amount this means that i can sell send withdraw my crypto to anyone anytime without anyone's permission this also means that crypto.com cannot freeze your account they can't pull your money out if they wanted to the government cannotHave access to your funds or even the greatest hacker in the world will not be able to hack your d5 wallet unless they have your seed phrases which i'll talk towards the end of this video now let's say that you have crypto on an outside exchange like kucoin which if you do useMy link down below you can get a 25 bonus when you make a trade of a hundred dollars which i'm about to do right now and you can get up to a 500 bonus i'm going to select the current price of ada let's do 50 which is around 403 ada worth 189Buy ada and then order has been successfully placed and within 10 business days 25 will be deposited into your account also kucoin will be choosing four random winners that use my link to win 250 each those of you that use my link last week here are the winners so congratulations for the fourWinners that won 250 each and i'll be announcing the winners from this week next week also for a limited time kucoin will be giving away new users free usdt into their account all you got to do is click on the link that i have down below follow the instructions fill out theForm and kucoin will be depositing the bonus into your account so now that i bought cardano in my kucoin account i want to transfer it into my crypto.com d5 wallet because technically i do not own the cardonal on the kucoin account kucoin technically does now in order toDo this i have to click on withdraw click on cardano and then i have to enter the wallet address and the network is going to be cardano i'm going to click on receive click on cardona and then i'm going to click on network but unfortunately the cardano network is notSupported on the crypto.com d5 wallet it's only the chronos beta and the bnb smart chain usually if you send something like polka dot and you click on network it'll support the polka dot network but in cardano's case it does not so i'm gonna have to send my cardonaFrom my kucoin account into my crypto.com account and then for my crypto.com app transfer to the d5 wallet so right now i'm inside my crypto.com app i'm going to click on transfer deposit crypto scroll down and find cardano click on the cardano network copy this address and then i'm going toPaste the address into my kucoin account click on the max amount the fee is going to be one eta click on withdraw and now my withdrawal process should have started so my cardona for my kucoin account will come into my crypt.com app and then for my krypto.com app i'm goingTo transfer it into the d5 wallet like i showed before now the crypto.com app has a ton of nice features which i'm not going to go over all of it but i'll go over a few right so they have a swap option this is where you can swap oneToken to another so for example i'm going to click on usdc to select the token that i want so cardano two let's just do something simple like ethereum select let's pretend i'm swapping all of my cardano to ethereum i'd be getting around 2.36 ethereum and i'm gonna goAhead and click on swap but it's not going to swap and that is because i do not have any cro tokens in my wallet so in order to make swaps you do need to hold some cro tokens within the d5 wallet or some ethereum depending on what you're swapping but this is theNature of d5 and using a decentralized exchange versus a centralized one if you are a longtime believer in the cro token well you can stake it on the crypto.com d5 wallet and earn interest on it so so far i'm running around 10 i only have 31 worth of crypto.com coinEarned so far 3.67 cents i'll probably do a little bit more later on but this helps secure and support the chronos network now if you're wondering should i just keep my funds in the crypt.com app or do i have to transfer all my funds over to the defile wallet well i'm goingTo be going over the pros and cons of both and it is up to you what you want to do the first pro is that it's easy and convenient to buy sell transfer and store your crypto and even track your crypto just in one app the second pro isThat sometimes we're talking sometimes right if crypto.com loses your funds they will sometimes return your fund especially if it was their fault on their end this is very unlikely to happen but it could happen right in most cases companies like crypto.com they hold around 90 of our cryptocurrencies in cold storageSo in most cases it's pretty safe the con of holding your crypto on the crypto.com app is that it can get hacked and maybe crypto.com will not return your funds right the other one is that it's a centralized exchange so technically again like i repeated it isNot your crypto you do not own it technicallycrypto.com owns it and you're trusting that they will keep your funds safe also during high volatility and volume crypto.com could pause buying or selling or even withdrawals so they have the power to do that because they again they are a centralized exchange so thinkOf holding your crypto in the crypto.com app like holding cash in a bank technically you're trusting that the bank will keep your cash safe now the biggest difference is the bank is fdic insured whereas your crypto is not now the pro of holding your crypto on a non-custodial wallet like the crypto.comD5 wallet is that you are in full ownership of your crypto this means that you own it you control it no one can take it away from you if the krypto.com app decides to pause withdrawals or pause transfer or pause anything or say it crashes technically you still haveYour funds safe within the crypto.com d5 wallet where you can't transfer it withdraw it and sell it now although the pros may sound great there still is a con to this right because you are fully responsible for your kryptos and your key and your seed phrases and all of thatIf you lose it right if you lose it or someone steals it then your crypto is stolen and lost forever there's no one you can report back to to get your funds back for example let's say you lost your password to your crypto.com app login right where all your crypto is you couldProbably go through some verification process to get your password back and you can log back in on the other hand if i lose my seed phrases or my private keys then technically there's no one that can give my seed phrases back because i am fully responsible for itKrypto.com does not have my seed phrases the government does not have my seed phrases only i do so when you own a non-custodial wallet think of it as owning a safe in your house and only you know the combinations to unlock that safe if you forget the combinations toUnlock your safe then technically your funds or your money is gone forever it's not gone it's just locked up and you just can't have access to it so there are pros and cons to everything right there are people who are strictly not your keys not your crypto and only useNon-custodial wallets so they'll buy krypton and exchange and transfer it immediately and there are those that just dollar cost average every day every week every month in an exchange and just hold it there it's really gonna come down to you and what kind of investor orPerson you are so if you're someone who is responsible and think that you can keep and manage your seed phrases and your private keys sure i think this is a great way to go but if you're someone who always forgets things and loses things i don't know you got to kind ofWeigh the options there next i'm going to delete the krypto.com defy wallet app from my phone so i can show you how to set everything up from the beginning and i'm going to clarify the whole seed phrase thing because if this is your first time setting one up you'reProbably very you know extremely confused what the heck is this seed phrase thing it's all going to make sense in just a minute all right so i'm going to go ahead and delete the d5 wallet delete app and it's gone i'm going to go ahead and redownload it soThis is going to be a really good example on how you can recover your wallet if you ever break your phone lose your phone or get it stolen but we're gonna go ahead and just set one up for now so i'm gonna click on open i will goOver the welcome message a crypto wallet that gives you full control of your crypto and your keys it's gonna be secure you're going to be using your 2fa and your face id as well send your crypto at preferred confirmation speed and network fees and connect your crypto.com default wallet to theCrypto.com app which i already showed you guys so the first thing that you're going to do is click on create a new wallet and then you're going to have to create a passcode and then i highly recommend you enable face id and 2fa now this next step is going to be veryImportant it's going to share the key to your assets if your recovery phrase is misspelled or stolen it's the equivalent of losing your wallet it's the only way to access your wallet if you forget your account password safe keep your phrase do not share your recovery phrase withAnyone it cannot be reset and crypto.com does not have access to it write down your recovery phrase and keep it in a secure offline location do not store screenshots of it online and then you're going to go ahead and click on backup my recovery phase and then it's going toGive you 12 words so i'm going to go ahead and click on reveal my recovery phrase and it's gonna show you your first word now you're gonna click on each box all the way until 12 and write those words down in order that is very very important also make sure you writeOne already two lizard three give and i'm not going to go through the rest but once you make it all the way to 12 you're going to click on continue and then it's going to give you four blank slots where it's going to ask you what word was in thatNumber you're going to enter it in and congratulations you have created your own wallet now let's say in the future i either lose my phone or get it stolen or i get a new phone then i'm gonna have to re-download the crypto.com d5 wallet and i have to import my existing wallet ontoThat new device check the box and click continue you're gonna have to create a new passcode enable face id and enable 2fa and then it's going to ask me to import my wallet restore with recovery phrase and then you're going to have to write down the 12 words you wrote downIn order when you first set up your wallet now i'm not going to show you this process because that means i'm going to be revealing my seed phrases to you so i'm going to go ahead and enter my seed phrases and i'll get right backTo you all right so all my words have been written down i'm going to click on restore choose my wallet name we'll call it eddie defy and there we go my wallet has been recovered and all my crypto is still there so that is how you set up aCrypto.com d5 wallet and how to restore one if you ever lose it well with that said hope you all enjoyed this video if you did please give it a big thumbs up if you have any questions or comments leave it down below question for you wall are you using the krypto.com d5Wallet or are you considering setting up one after you watched this video i'll see you guys in the next video over goodnight good morning adios

So in the past three months i made a total of 27 trades that puts me at twelve thousand five hundred dollars in profit that's approximately 140 a day in this video i'm going to be going over the exact strategy that i use to make these trades it's a mixture of dayTrading and swing trading so if that sounds interesting definitely stick around so this video is sort of like a part two of a video i made a while back i'll leave that video linked down below in the comments or description i definitely encourage you to watch thatOne first but in this video i kind of wanted to expand a little bit more and share everything more in detail so there are three things that you're going to need the first is a crypto exchange of your choice that you'll be trading on the one that i'm going to be using andDemonstrating on today is called kucoin i've been using it for a really long time they have extremely low trading fees and they are also the sponsor of this video so kucoin thank you so much for sponsoring this video the second thing you'll need is trading view that'sWhere you're going to be doing all your analysis on they do have a free version but in order to access more of their indicators you will have to pay for it and the third thing you'll need is called lux algo they are a paid indicator that integrates with tradingView it'll let you know when to buy when to sell it also has really useful indicators like trend catchers and trend tracers which i'll explain and talk about later on in this video but they are also a partner of this channel i've been using them for a while i love itAnd pretty much i use lux algo to make all these trades now there are a couple things i do want to address before moving forward in this video if you've never traded before and you're interested in trading i highly encourage you to start as an investor first investA couple of dollars that you're willing to invest understand how the market moves and behaves before you begin trading even after this entire video and after i explain everything you'll most likely lose couple trades in the beginning and that's just how the game works you should never be trading withYour entire portfolio so let's say you have a ten thousand dollar account then you should only really be trading with five hundred dollars to a thousand dollars you wanna do this because you want to trade with a small amount of your account if you trade with your youKnow entire account it's going to really mess with your emotions you're going to make irrational decisions you're not going to sleep well you're going to be looking at your account every day you just don't want to be living like that this strategy does not require you toLearn any patterns the goal of this strategy is to make small gains and consistent gains time and time again when you're trading you don't really have to trade 10 different types of currencies the goal is to select one or two that you really understand and that you also don't mind investing in longTerm you want to choose a currency look left study the past behavior of that cryptocurrency to help you determine future performance of course past results don't guarantee future performance but certain currencies behave in a certain way that others don't with that said the cryptocurrency that i like to trade is called oasisNetwork also known as rose they recently got listed on coinbase and they are the currency that my team on the patreon group we usually trade if you guys are interested in checking it out i do have a patreon group link down below that's where i share all my buys sales myStrategies how i'm navigating these markets we have an amazing and growing community and you'll have access to the discord group where you can engage with other team members so right now i'm inside my trading view account the first thing that i'm gonna do is open up the cryptocurrency that i'm going to beTrading so anywhere on the keyboard you can type in rows and then i'm gonna go to the time frame on the top left and switch over to the 15 minute sometimes within a chart it may look very confusing but all you got to do is goOver to the price right over here and move it up or down or double click on it now because this is called the rsi strategy you're gonna go over to the indicator section and type in rsi the relative strength index should pop up you're going to go ahead and click onThat and you're going to see something like this now typically i do like to trade on the 15 minute time frame but there are times where i like to trade within the 5 or 10 minutes so for this example let's just switch over to the 10Minutes right in between now if you look at the rsi chart on the bottom you'll notice the numbers on the right hand side anything 30 or below is considered oversold anything 70 or above is considered over bought but generally you know it's really hard to time the topsAnd bottoms what i like to say is you can't time the tops you can't time the bottoms but there's a lot of money to be made in the middle or a lot of opportunity in the middle and that's what we're trying to take advantage of so the strategy is to build a positionDown near the 30s and sell anytime we get close to the 70s so what you would have done is bought over here bought over here and sell over here so let's play it a scenario right let's say you build a position right over here you went up around 1.5 percent but the rsiNever reached 70 and instead guess what the market decided to do it decided to correct down and now you are down around 1.25 but the rsi hit 30 again so you're gonna build another position over here and so now your average cost is somewhere right over here and then you would have rodeAll this volatility until the rsi hit close to 70. that is about a two percent gain and that is when you will sell once again you would buy down here when the rsi hit 30 you would ride this up and you would sell it right about now forAbout a three percent gain so the goal of this strategy is not to make a 10x a 50x it's just to make consistent small games time and time again but with a large account so if you have a small size account like a hundred dollar account and you make it two percent gainWell that's only going to be like two dollars right so it doesn't really seem like a lot but the goal is to have a high win rate instead of the dollar amount so don't think about the dollar amount too much think about the percentage gains that you'll be makingBecause if you can make a two percent gain on a hundred dollar account that means that when you make a two percent gain on a ten thousand dollar account that's going to be two hundred dollars you make a two percent gain on a hundred thousand dollar account that's going toBe two thousand dollars so practicing with a smaller account is gonna help you succeed when you have a larger account so right now we are on the 15 minute time frame this is my favorite time frame to trade on now the reason why i pulled this one out is because i thinkIt's a great example of times where the rsi hits close to 30 but the market continues lower we had another incident where we hit 30 again right over here but the market went lower so how do you know when to enter into a trade do youEnter in all the time when it hits 30 or do you hold off this is where lux uggle comes extremely handy once you've subscribed to them they're going to give you instructions on how to connect once you have you're going to click on indicator then you're going to search upLux algo premium it should pop up on the top left corner you're going to go ahead and click on setting on signal mode you're going to switch over to contrarian and you're going to leave everything as is that's the only thing that i like to switch off i'm going toClick on ok and you're going to see all these buy and sell signals switch over when the rsi hey close to 30 we received a buy signal and that's when i would enter my first trade now when i enter in i like to enter in 25 at a time in otherWords if i have a thousand dollar account i would enter 250 over here now the rsi dipped again near 30 around this range but we did not get a buy signal so typically in those moments i would not enter a trade because that would save me from more potential downside insteadWhen we hit close to 30 and we got another buy signal that's when i would enter in another 25 so i entered 25 over here and another 25 over here that means that my average cost is now somewhere around this range and usually when i use the luxe algo iDon't look at the sell too much i kind of use it as reference but i personally like to sell on my own you know terms so if i bought around here usually by a three percent gain sure maybe i could have sold right there that would haveWorked or i could have waited until the rsi had closed to 70 and sold at a 5 gain of course the market ended up going a little bit higher i can't time the top but the goal is to secure your profits because if i didn't secure my profitsThen then i would only be up approximately 2.3 percent now a common question that i did receive was eddie how do i connect my exchange to my trading view account and the answer is you can't right a lot of crypto exchanges don't support or can't be integrated with trading view with stocksA little bit different with crypto you can't and so you're using trading view for your analysis and you're making your trades separately through a trading account so inside my kucoin account i have about sixty six thousand dollars and this is the account that i like toUse when i trade actively the reason why i recommend kucoin is because they have an extremely low trading fee of point one percent so that is why when you make like a two to three percent gain and you're you know only spending point two percent including buy and sell you'reStill making a considerable amount of profit a lot of people i remember in the comment section in the previous video talked about how eddie my trading fees like one percent two percent three percent like yeah if you're gonna be paying that much more in fee then you shouldn't be using those exchanges butWith kucoin 0.1 with kucoin you're gonna have an overview main and trading these are the only three that we are going to be focusing on when you click on your main account you can see that i have about zero dollars if you go to my tradingAccount you can see that i have about 66 000 so you can have a main account where you invest regularly long term and have a separate trading account where you trade actively so the first thing that you're going to need to do is fund your account there are two ways to do thisNumber one you can send a stable coin of your choice like tether into your account or you can send over a cryptocurrency like cardano with extremely low fees and fast transactions into kucoin sell it to tether and then trade rose so right now i'm inside my coinbase pro account i have about twoThousand dollar worth of cardano and i want to withdraw it and deposit it into my kucoin account so i'm gonna go ahead and click on withdraw click on ada crypto address two and then within my kucoin account i'm not able to deposit it into my training account directly soI'm gonna have to switch over to main you can scroll down and look for ada or you can just type in ada on the search bar over here click on deposit the network you're going to select is going to be the cardano network copy the address and the network fee is about0.180 which is less than 10 cent withdraw ada confirm the code and my withdrawal has been started and what's really cool about kucoin is that once you started your transferring process you can track your status over here it just switched over to complete and it looks like my ada is over here nowInside your main account you are not able to buy and sell your crypto in kucoin which is a really good thing because it's considered like your holding portfolio in order to sell it or buy more of it you're gonna click on transfer and then you're gonna transferFrom your main account to your trading account for me i'm going to transfer the max amount confirm and then if i go click on my trading tab you're going to able to see my ada balance i'm going to click on trade and then you can sell itTo bitcoin usdt usdc or kcs which is kucoin's native token for me i'm gonna switch it over to usdt now i do think that kucoin has one of the best trading interfaces from my personal experience they also do integrate trading view and everything is very big clear to seeThere's not a lot of confusion and your trading account will be protected by a six digit trading password that you will get to set i'm gonna enter mine in and then you'll be able to begin your trades so the amount of ada you can decide youCan either sell 25 50 75 or 100. so i'm going to sell all of my ada and then under limit i'm going to enter the price that i want to sell it at so i can either manually enter in 0.852 or i can just go ahead and click on the currentPrice it'll automatically enter in it for me click on cell ada and then right under this tab over here it's gonna let you know the progress of your order so right now 901 ada has been sold out of 2379. all of my cardano has been sold intoUsdt and now i can begin buying or trading the cryptocurrency of my choice which is going to be rose i'm going to click on trade rose usdt now if you ever wanted to trade a different cryptocurrency you can go to the top left corner over here click over hereAnd type in the cryptocurrency of your choice so let's say you wanted to trade matic all the options will pop up and you can begin trading it you can click on that and it'll set up separate tabs on the top left corner so if you everWanted to trade ada click on that matic over here or get rid of it and we just want to focus on rows for this video so when i trade i have two tabs open the first one is going to be training view the second one is going to be rows and iInterchangeably open them back and forth so i'll use trading view for my analysis and kucoin to enter in and exit trades so when a buy signal appears what i'll do is i'll switch over to kucoin i would click on whatever price that shows me right over here click on 25And then click on buy rows it's important that you highlight this copy and paste it to a separate note or write it down and that is because when you enter in another 25 percent the second time this number is not going to be the same it's going to be a lot smallerBecause your first order got filled for example if you have a thousand dollars and entered in 25 well 250 dollars is in a trade and you have 750 left over well 25 of 750 is not 250 it's going to be 187. so right now rose is getting a slight dip which isKind of nice if i switch over to the five minute you can see that the rsi is slowly reaching 30 and we did get a buy signal on the five minutes so you know just for this example i'm going to enter in a trade right now so i'm going toClick on the current price click on 50 buy rows and my order got filled and usually once i buy or accumulate i let the team know hey i added another 11 000 rows at 21.97 in my kucoin position next what i would usually do is use the priceRange tool right over here and then measure from the price that i entered at which is around here and measure up a two to three percent gain so let's shoot for a three percent gain under the annotation tool you're gonna go click on price label mark it right over there at22 632 cent so in order to lock in profit you're going to type in point 22 6 the amount is going to be up to you for me let's just say 100 click on sell and your order should be in the order books so if rose which everHit 22 6 then it would automatically sell at that level and i would lock in a three percent gain i don't plan on selling any of my positions so i'm gonna click on cancel now let's say that rose decided to come down to these levels over here where there is some supportWell then i would set a limit order down at 21.5 i would go to my kucoin account type in 0.215 and then i would enter the rest of my usdt position into rows so if rows were ever to drop down to 21.5 that's about minus 2.5 percent kucoin wouldAutomatically fill that order for me buying rows for me so that's another strategy you can use because previously that level was a good buying opportunity now i do want to switch over to the four hour time frame because i want to look at some macro trends on how to tradeBigger swings rather than you know small increments now when you trade on larger time frames like the four hour the percentage gains are going to be much higher so you know we didn't quite reach 30 this was close we got a buy signal so you know usually i wouldn't really enterA trade maybe to dollar cost average into my longer term positions sure but when the rsi hit 30 and we got a buy signal that was confirmed that's someone i would enter in a trade 25 here 25 here and probably another 25 here so i'm already 75 in the market myAverage price is somewhere around here i could sell when the sell signal came 13 and the rsi hit 70. but what if you sold too early right how do you know if you sold too early because you probably could have missed out on a 25 gain orEven up to a 50 percent gain well this is where the next tool within the lux algo comes in handy you can double click on any of the buyers or cells this will pop up or you can click on the settings button and you click on trend tracerThis is my other favorite tool within lux i'll go once you click on it you will see this line pop up it's a mixture of green and red lines here's how i use the trend tracer when we get a buy signal and the line is still green thatTells me hey we are still in an uptrend it turned red but i'm gonna ignore it because there were no signals that popped up thankfully the market continued to go sideways the trend tracer turned green but we got consistent cell signals that means that you would ignore these sell signalsBecause the trend tracer has not turned red and then we got another cell signal but the trend stayed green so the way to see these sell signals is sort of like a warning it's kind of the market reminding you hey you know you should consider taking some profits off theTable especially once you get three in a row but when you get a sell signal with the trend tracer turning red that is a confirmation that this sell signal is valid so all these buy signals are pretty much you can ignore or not considered valid because the trendTracer never turned green until right now so right now we got a buy signal with the trend tracer turning green this means that we are in a potential uptrend for rows like we did over here we got you know five buy signals in a row oneTwo three four five this red line does not count because we did not get any cell signals beforehand so pretty much this is green all the way throughout if this whole move was about a 61 gain and we expect something similar from down here a 61 percent gain would put rose orApproximately around 32 cent of course past performance does not guarantee future results but we know that 32 cents was a range that rose got rejected at so could we get rejected again possibly the trend tracer for the four hour is great for swing trading so that means thatYou're holding a position for a couple days or even weeks for larger time frames like the daily time frame i don't really like to use the trend tracer instead i like to use the trend catcher to kind of help me determine what kind of trend we are in green means we are inAn uptrend in other words time to sell red means hey we're an accumulation or a sell-off in other words you should be accumulating or buying now just to share a little bit about kucoin one of the reasons why i first got into them is because they had rows not only that theyHave over 600 different coins in their platform they are probably one of the largest selections of all coins compared to a lot of different exchanges out there they have a great desktop app and a mobile version they have 24 7 customer service and you can buy crypto with yourCard or through bank transfer you can observe how the market is doing through their market tab or you can trade by doing spot margin or they even have trading bots i'll probably explore this later on derivatives futures i recommend avoiding them don't even touch them especially if you're new to trading soThey do have that option i don't recommend it i'll probably never teach it and under their earn tab they have crypto lending you can earn on your stable coins or your crypto and so many other things that i have to still explore the only thing i use is just toBuy and sell spot all the other features i'll probably explore them later on but ton of features amazing exchange but really where kucoin shines is the 0.1 fee if you hold their native token kcs the more you hold and the more you trade the lower your trading fee will be wellWith that said hope you all enjoyed this video if you did please give it a big thumbs up hopefully it was helpful and insightful for those that are interested or currently trading remember to trade responsibly don't get too greedy or you will get wrecked i'll see you guys inThe next video over goodnight good morning adios

In the past two weeks I've made a total of 13 trades and I've made a total profit of five thousand seven hundred and seventy one dollars in today's video I'm gonna be sharing the exact strategy that I use to make these trades so if that's interesting definitely stickAround all the things I talk about will be linked Down Below in the description but there are five things that you need to know first the first thing you need to know is that the strategy does not require you to learn any sort of trading patterns second of all you will need aTrading view account it's free to sign up but if you want to access more features then you will have to pay third you will need a dedicated trading account your holding portfolio and your trading account should be separated and you should never mix the two the twoThat I personally use are pionics and kucoin I do have links down below if you're interested in signing up fourth is you will need something called the Lux algo now it's not mandatory but you'll see why throughout the entire video It's better having it than not having it and for full disclosure theyAre a partner of this channel I am an affiliate with them I love using their cater and I highly recommend it to most people who are trading on a regular basis you can always try it out for a month and if you like it you can alwaysGo for the lifetime deal for me it's never about how much it's going to cost but how much it's going to make me and the fifth thing you need to know is that I'm not a financial advisor nor anything that I share in this entire video Financial advice so make sure you doYour own research and do the diligence before you make any sort of trading and investment decision now this strategy is called the RSI strategy now it's a strategy that I personally used for years and it actually helped me get out of debt for most people I actually don'tRecommend trading just because it can be an emotional roller coaster and most people lose trading that is why I always encourage people not to use more than you know five to ten percent of your entire portfolio so for example if you have a ten thousand dollar portfolio youShould only be trading with 500 to a thousand dollars that way you're not going to be constantly glued to your phone all the time and it's not a life and death situation this is a strategy that my team and I were currently working on so if you're interested inLearning more about the strategy and you want to follow my trade what I buy what I sell my entry prices my exit prices definitely check out the patreon group link down below now the goal of this strategy is not to make a 10 a 20 or a50 type of gain instead you're trying to make small gains consistently time and time again we're talking about two to three percent wins over and over and over again for example if you make a two percent win it may not seem that great right but if you do that 35 times wellYou've doubled your portfolio a three percent win may not seem that impressive right but you do that 24 times well you've made a hundred percent gain in other words you've doubled your account now the first thing that you're gonna have to do is choose a cryptocurrencyThat you want to trade of your choice you do not have to trade like 10 different cryptocurrencies you just need to stick with one that you understand and trade that consistently for this entire video example I'm gonna choose a cryptocurrency called Rose or Oasis Network this is a cryptocurrency that IPersonally understand and I think it'd be a really good example for this entire video now the first thing you're going to do is click on indicators up here and then type in RSI relative strength index should pop up you're going to go ahead and click on that and this chart on theBottom should show up now this trading strategy requires you to be either on the five minute the 10 minute or the 15 minute time frame depending on which time from you personally want to trade on for this video example I'm going to actually stick with the five minute timeFrame so the basic idea of the strategy is anytime the RSI dips 30 or below you enter into a trade so right over here we would have entered a trade right here as well this reached only to like 33.34 could we have entered maybe and rightOver here as well and another one right here and then you're going to exit out of your position before it hits 70. typically when we hit 70 that is when it's overbought but the goal of this strategy is to get out before it hits 70. so we're talking about 60 to be veryConservative we can't time bottoms we can't time tops but there's a lot of opportunity in the middle and typically what we're looking for is anywhere between a 2 to 3 three percent gain so aiming for a 2.5 gain is not a bad idea as well so I've measured out all theOpportunity there would have been in the past 20 hours so there was a 1.5 opportunity here 2.5 3 2.8 4 and a 2.2 currently now in hindsight when you look back it's really easy to be like oh if you entered here you would have made this percent if you entered here youWould have made this many gains because when you look at the chart we have no idea what the next 20 hours are going to look like it's easy to say what happened it's very hard to say what's going to happen so the question is how do youKnow when to enter right what if you enter into late what if you enter in too early well that is where the Lux algo comes in I'm gonna click on show and here is what's great about the Lux algo there are times when I'm kind of likeShould I enter I could enter but is it a good time to enter but when the Buy Signal turns on that's typically a great time or confirmation to me to enter into a trade and the thing about trading is that you don't have to stay in front ofYour computer and just watch the charts and try to monitor the price the idea of trading is just to enter when you see an opportunity and exit when the opportunity is right now we're actually going to go backwards and see previous data to kind of give you an idea of howI would enter a trade and how I would exit a trade now if you go ahead and double click on sell or buy you'll see the settings pop up if you go to Signal mode by default it's going to be on confirmation I switched mine over to contrarian and the signal sensitivity isGoing to be at 12 at default I'm going to keep it at 12. so here's how I usually enter a trade sometimes a Buy Signal will show up but the RSI is not hovering in the 30 ranges therefore I ignore this Buy Signal and it is notValid but there are times where they buy a signal will pop up and the RSI is in the 30 range therefore I would enter a trade now the moment I enter a trade let's say I entered around here I'm aiming for about a two to three percentGain and once my trade is up around two to three percent I exit the market to lock in profits and then I wait for the next opportunity so maybe the Market's trending downwards oh we got a buy signal but the RSI still not in the 30Ranges so I wait the market goes lower great we got a Buy Signal plus the RSI is in the 30s or it did below 30 that is a time to enter the trade let's say your goal is to make a two percent win well you can set a limit order up here lockIn your profits and yes there are times where the market will still Trend higher a little bit more but you're not going to chase and you're just gonna wait now let's play out some other scenario as well so we got another Buy Signal and there are size sitting you know at 33That to me is a valid trade so I would enter a trade right there now what happens if you enter a trade and it does not hit your sell Target so the market only went up a total of 1.5 percent we did get a sell signal so technically youCould have sold out of your position but what if you didn't because you wanted to make a three percent gain and then the market dipped well this is where the next part comes in and that is that when you enter a trade you're not gonna enter with your entire account so for exampleIf you're trading with a thousand dollars you're not gonna enter the whole thousand dollars here you're gonna enter in sections because you wanna make sure that you have cash on hand so typically for myself I like to enter into a trade with 25 to 30 percent of my account forExample I would enter about one-fourth of my cash position right over here if the market dips I got a strong Buy Signal the RSI did below I would enter another trade right here so my other one-fourth position is right here and now my average entry cost is somewhereAround here so right now half of my cash position is in a trade and half is not could you have entered another one-fourth over here you could have but for me I probably wouldn't have just because I wanted to hold on to some cash and now that because you have a lowerAverage you can either sell at a break even and wait on the silence for the next opportunity or you could you know continue your goal and make a two percent gain lock it in or a three percent gain it is completely up to you obviously this entire move up was aboutA 4.5 move but again we don't know where the top is so we're trying to be conservative and then consistently aim for a two to three percent gain uh we're gonna go ahead and switch over to the 15 minute time frame to give you a different perspective on how to do theseTrades now the difference between trading on a five minute time frame and a 15 minute time frame is going to be the amount of time you're gonna hold on to your position so if you're trading on the five minute time frame well you're trying to enter and exit out of yourPosition within one or two days on the 15 minute time frame you're holding on to your position just a little bit longer now personally for myself I really like the 15 minute time frame so we have a great example right here you know we got a giant dip the RSI dippedBelow 30 and we got a strong Buy Signal you could have entered right around here and instead of aiming for a two to three percent gain because the time frame is a little bit longer you would increase that to three to five percent and so youCould have sold at a five percent gain instead obviously the market went a little bit higher but we're aiming for five percent max and then another one we got a Buy Signal plus the RSI went down below so let's just say we entered a little bit higher around here you wereUp around three percent then you went minus a little bit but eventually the market went up and you could assume sold at a five percent gain and then what happened with rose afterwards well Rose kept going higher and higher and higher this is why we trade with a smallPortion of our portfolio because sometimes the market could go higher and in those incidences we are writing up our holding portfolio I trade Rose but I also hold rows in my holding portfolio where I do not touch that way when the market does continue higher I feel likeI haven't missed out at least I'm holding on to some cash and I am consistently increasing my cash position through these trades if the market decides to dip like 50 percent well at least I'm still holding on to some cash in my trading portfolio now if you wantTo make more longer term trades without using the RSI strategy let's get rid of this and we switch over to the one hour time frame well the one hour time frame is a much bigger time frame than the 15 minute time frame therefore the amountOf profit you can take is going to be higher instead of aiming for two to three percent gains or three to five percent gains now you can aim for anywhere between seven to ten percent gains with the one hour time frame and these numbers that I share areSpecifically for rows based off of my own analysis and study on the Lux algo whatever cryptocurrency you decide to trade what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna have to look back at previous data to help you figure out future behavior of that cryptocurrency for example uh we got the first BuySignal here yes the market went lower you have to be able to stomach these volatilities but if you held on and sold at the first sell signal well that's a 10 gain same thing we got a Buy Signal down here first sell signal came up that's about an 11 gain next Buy SignalCame around here we went down about four percent went back up sell signal came up 10 next Buy Signal we got down here and then we could have sold up here for about a 10 gain again if you for some reason did not sell the market wentLower well at least you could have sold on the next sell signal at 15 so if you follow this exact strategy using the Lux algo well in the past two weeks you would have made a total of four trades and you would be up more than 40 percentThis is a compound interest calculator but we can actually use it to calculate trades as well so we have a ten thousand dollar account we made four trades total and each time you made a ten percent gain well your account would now be up forty six percent versus let's just sayYou decide to buy and hold let's say you bought right down here and you decided to hold up here you currently be up around 15 of course you could have gone as high as 26 but that's if you sold and locked in profits but because we didn'tSell well yeah it's gonna be about 15 if we just make three more ten percent trades then you've almost doubled your account and the reason why your account size is going to grow exponentially after every win is because every time you win a trade you're gonna re-enter aTrade with those profits and once you make profits from your trade then you're gonna grab your profits plus your previous profits and enter a new trade and you get the idea right every time you win a trade you're using your profits to make more profits so thePurpose of this entire strategy is not for you to make like these twenty Thirty forty percent gains it's to have a consistent win rate because if you she could have a 90 to 100 win rate with a thousand dollar account imagine how much that will grow when you have a hundredThousand dollar account if I can win a hundred percent of my trades with my current account if I have a million dollar accounts that's gonna be crazier so you're developing and you're sharpening your trading skills through this strategy once you become more familiar with it then you can explorePatterns and you can explore other types of trading strategies but this is what I personally enjoy on these shorter time frames now and then there's something called the trend Tracer and Trend catcher I like using the trend catcher when I do trades and Trend Tracer forMacro view of the market for example if I click on Trend Tracer it'll give you a general idea which direction the market is going so right now we're on green therefore I'm going to assume that we're gonna be in a very slow uptrend but how do we know if it'll continue upwardsWell that's when we turn on the trend catcher and what's great about the trend catcher is that it sometimes let us know which direction the market will go before it goes that way so for example if we go to Rose and we actually go to this peak over here it turn turned redAnd it actually warned the market that it's gonna Trend lower anytime the trend catcher turns like green red green red green red that to me just indicates that the market is consolidating but if we're in a continual uptrend and it turns red well it's time to exit out anytime we'reIn a consistent downtrend and we start to see some green well it's time to enter back in So using both the trend Tracer and catcher having them both on is never a bad idea as well now when it comes to this trading strategy it worksWell if you have a larger account if you have a thousand dollar account it's going to be very difficult to make a hundred dollars a day why because you have to make a 10 gain every single day and that's very very difficult in a regular cryptocurrency Market I do notUse leverage and do not recommend it because that's how you can get your entire account wiped out instead your goal should be to build up a larger cash position that way when you make a two to three percent gain your gains are going to be much greater in dollar terms forExample on my very first trade it was about a nineteen thousand dollar trade uh this was about a four percent gain so 700 134 in profit this one was an eight thousand dollar entry and this is only about a three percent gain so a three percent gain on a eight thousand dollarTrade is two hundred and fifty dollars so that's why this strategy is much more effective when you have a larger account now if your goal is not to make a hundred dollars a day it might just be to make ten dollars a day a thirty dollars a day that's totally fine asWell because if my goal was just to have a consistent win rate well every time I get paid for my job I would move over a certain percentage over to my trading account and continuously compound my pay into my account because again if you could have a very high success trade winRate with a small account well you can as well with a larger account well with that said hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give it a big thumbs up remember to trade responsibly if you have any questions or comments leave it down below as well if you're interestedIn learning more about trading and just what I do and how I'm navigating these markets consider checking out the patreon group link down below and I'll see you guys in the next video over good night good morning adios thanks