Let's discuss Cardano's Djed UnderFire, SBF To Testify, and Polygon Deploys POL Token. Around the Blockchain is your place ...

As popularity for crypto continues to grow, so does the need for efficient and reliable platforms to purchase these highly sought after digital assets. The thing is, for some people, purchasing crypto right off an exchange might seem complicated and intimidating. If we want mass adoption to happen,We need to simplify the barrier to entry to get as many people in the door as possible. Let's get everyone that's on the sidelines in the game and tell them about Caleb & Brown, the leading crypto brokerage in the world. Let's get it! Welcome to BitBoy Crypto!My name is Ben. In this video, we're going to talk about the benefits of OTC brokerages and dive into why our affiliate Caleb & Brown is the best platform to unscramble the complicated game of crypto. And to be clear, Caleb & Brown paid us nothing for this video.This is not a sponsored video. But if you do click on the link associated with Caleb & Brown, we will get a percentage of all trades as an affiliate member, like any other affiliate program. So it's no secret that crypto has completely transformed the financial landscape as we know it.This new innovative technology has not only changed the way people look at investing, but it's cracked open the Pandora's box for possibilities for myself and thousands of other people. The past decade has proven time and time again that crypto is exponentially more profitable than traditional forms of investing.The problem is that there are so many people that are still sitting on the sidelines because they don't know how to get in the game. Normally, to be successful in crypto requires years of tedious research, discipline and an aptitude for applied mathematics. Here's the thing.The game that people don't know how to get in, well, it's evolving. Over time, it's been getting easier and easier to get into crypto. The barrier for entry has never been lower. Now, with the growth and progression of over-the-counter brokerages, it's never been easier to get involved.Caleb & Brown is the top crypto brokerage in the game. Before I exceed your expectations on how great Caleb & Brown are, and, of course, we've dealt with them a lot, I want to say this. If you're watching this video and you're already a crypto expert,Don't go anywhere because I'm sure you have that one friend or family member that wants to get in but they don't understand how for the same story over and over and over again. And, hey, I get it. Crypto is very difficult. When some people see an order book,And they don't know the first thing about slippage or a stop loss, they clam up and decide not to get in because it's too complicated. Happens every day. Some people need to sit down, talk to a professional broker to answer all their questionsAnd help them understand the ins and outs of what they're investing in. That's where Caleb & Brown comes in. And there's a reason why they're the leading OTC crypto brokerage in the world. That's because you can talk to your broker whenever you wantTo give you that peace of mind when you need it. With 24/7 global customer support and industry-leading cold storage solutions, you can ask all the questions you need at any time and sleep well at night knowing that your investment is safe. It's pretty easy to sign up.And if you want to sign up, make sure to click the link in the description. With over 250 digital assets to choose from, you can jump in and out of trades rapidly with no hassle. You can join as an individual,But they also offer assistance for companies, trusts and even self-managed retirement funds. Also, if you make an account, you have no obligation to trade, and you can take as much time as you need to mull things over with your broker.Be sure to ask them every question you can think of because there are no fees at all for talking to your broker. There's also no fees on spreads, deposits and withdrawals. All you have to do is pay for a flat fee for a buy, sell and swap order,And that fee is transparent, and there's no hidden fees after that. When you think about it, paying 5% fee isn't that bad when you realize what you're getting. First of all, you're mitigating your risk tenfold by choosing to work with a brokerBecause they ensure the security of your funds. Like I mentioned before, they offer offsite physical cold storage and they foot the bill for storing your crypto hassle free. Secondly, when you work with an OTC broker, you get that OTC liquidity. I can't stress how big of a deal this is.OTC brokerages in general often have access to large liquidity pools, and that's especially beneficial for institutional investors or high net worth individuals who want to trade in volume. Because they have access to such a large liquidity pool, you almost never have to deal with any slippage issues.Of course, slippage refers to the difference between the expected price of a trade and the actual executed price. If you ever moved a big bag around on Uniswap, you know exactly what I'm talking about and you know how much of a problem it can be.OTC brokerages like Caleb & Brown help minimize slippage because they aggregate their liquidity across OTC market makers, as well as centralized and decentralized exchanges. Not only do they have great liquidity, they also have all the popular coins you would want.They constantly stay up to date with their new altcoin listings and have already added 19 new coins this year, including SUI, Arbitrum and even PEPE. Also, since the firm is based out of Australia, they have access to coins such as XRP, THETA and TFUELThat are unavailable on US crypto platforms. Shout-out to the XRP Army. To be clear, it's not illegal to hold XRP. You don't have to worry about any legal issues by going through a broker, especially the best one in the game. It's been around since 2016.Caleb & Brown legally operates within regulatory framework as they comply with know your customer and anti-money laundering regulations, or KYC/AML. You'll often hear those acronyms. But it should really bring you a sense of security and legitimacyBecause OTC brokers like Caleb & Brown have to deal with very strict compliance matrix. Besides having the best liquidity and security, my favorite part about working with Caleb & Brown is the fact they can personalize your service for your needs. With 24/7 global support,Brokers that have been in the game for 10+ years, you have people in your corner with the proper training and experience you would want by your side when navigating the difficult road of crypto, Ask your broker anything you want to set out your goals,Figure out what the objective is together and make it happen. Crypto is difficult enough as it is. Whenever you want anyone do it alone, Caleb & Brown also educate their users with weekly blog posts called the Weekly RollupTo keep you up to date on all the must-know crypto news in the industry. At the end of the day, it's hard not to be impressed by Calvin Brown and everything they offer. If you don't believe me, ask one of their 22,000 customers spread out over 107 countries.Caleb & Brown's mission statement is to help people better understand and navigate the complexities and opportunities of digital assets--- building a much better future for all of us. And that's exactly what they're doing.So if you want to get in on the action, be sure to click the link in the description, get on the phone with a Caleb & Brown broker and kick start your journey in crypto today. And I will say Caleb & Brown is company that we have used numerous timesIncluding when we bought our building here for the BitBoy Crypto studios. So we know they know what they're doing. And we've used them quite a bit. That's all I got. Be blessed. BitBoy out.

They came out and said, if the government now subpoenas them for that private key, they'll have to give it to the government. So that's a massive problem. Welcome to BitBoy Crypto! My name is Ben. Today, we're going to be talking about hardware wallets.We're going to be giving you guys our No. 1 pick for hardware wallets. And, no, as of this moment, it is not Ledger. Now, Ledger is currently doing damage control. Why? It was found that there was a backdoor for them to discover your private key through an update basically.Then they came out and said, if the government now subpoenas them for that private key, they'll have to give it to the government. So that's a massive problem. Now, I will tell you, I think we're going to have Ledger on the show tomorrow.I think their CTO is going to come on the show, and, you know, maybe they can redeem themselves some. However, what they've said is extremely troubling. Today, we said on Twitter and on the show that we will no longer be supporting LedgerBecause, you know, this is not the crypto ethos that we want a part of. Unless they change and reverse course and get rid of that feature, there's no way we can ever support them again,Which is really sad because Ledger has been, you know, just a pillar in the crypto community forever. And it's really, really, really sad. So we are going to let them come on the show tomorrow or maybe later this week and let them say their piece.We're going to give them a fair opportunity to, you know, go over what, you know, their thoughts and their views on everything are. I think they can get rid of that. I think they can get rid of that feature. And if they get rid of it,Then maybe we can get back to supporting them. But let's go over some of these top wallets. Alright. We're going to start here first with BC Vault. Now, why are we putting BC Vault first? BC Vault is, in my opinion, the very most secure of all the wallets.They've done something that is absolutely insane. Check out this Medium review here about it. Find out the basics, their approach to solving theft attempts and yada, yada, yada. But this is a wallet that has something really cool. They gave 30 reasons why you should choose the wallet.Now, first and foremost, this will tell you how much they put their money where their mouth is. The BC Vault puts one Bitcoin on every single one of their wallets. Why? To prove to you that you can't crack it. If you can crack their wallet, then the Bitcoin is yours.To date, zero have been cracked. And, by the way, guys, if you want to check out the BC vault, we have down below for you guys a link at the top of the description where you can go and you can buy one of these. It's a great wallet.It backups securely. No more time-consuming and user-unfriendly applications, which, Ledger Live, not the friendliest, proven security, no more online attack vectors, no more batteries and wireless connections, no more switching between different applications. And you guys can see, there's just a lot more. There's a lot more here than that.It just continues to add more and more and more features. So here's a quote from them. "What's even more intriguing about this innovation is that the manufacturer preloads each device with a one Bitcoin bounty wallet.Essentially, this is a private key, encrypted as each wallet is present on the device--- the key tallies with the public address that contains one Bitcoin. Suppose you can break it, kaboom! One Bitcoin is all yours." So you guys to see from there, they are really tough on security,And I think BC Vault is one we're going to be leaning on. It's probably our go-to wallet as far as hardware wallet goes. Now, you have some that are not hardware wallets, that are hot wallets. But this one right here is Safe.Now, Safe is formally known as Gnosis, the project formerly known as Gnosis. It's the most trusted decentralized custody protocol and collective asset management platform on Ethereum and the eventual virtual machine. You guys go up here and see the wallet. Click on the wallet here.It's going to show you exactly what it looks like. Now, this is how much we trust Safe wallet. This is where all of our BEN coin-- at this present moment, our BEN coin is going to be. And our liquidity pool as well.We may change that in the future if we can find something better, but I don't know if we will. So, once again, put your money where your mouth is. This is what we are using here at BiBoy Crypto and HIT Network and the BEN Coin Foundation.So, obviously, you know, suffice to say, we think this is a great wallet. It's got something called the Vault inside of it. It is really, really good. Really suggest you guys check it out. Now, this-- and it works with different networks. You can see Polygon, Arbitrum, BNB, Gnosis Chain, Avalanche, whatever.$39 billion worth of assets are stored here. So the last ones, we're going to run through pretty quick. Exodus Wallet is an oldie but a goodie. Exodus Bitcoin and crypto wallet manage and swap 260 cryptos. This is also a hot wallet, a desktop wallet as well.You guys can check it out. They have a newsletter. We really, really think this is a great one. Now, this is not going to be an extremely in-depth review, like I mentioned. But SafePal, SafePal is another one that we really, really like.You guys can go over here and check out the wallets. They do have a hardware wallet for SafePal. And these have all been vetted by our team. These are all really great, really great wallets. It's only $50 for a SafePal S1.They've even got a deal there where you can get a bonus. You have the expert choice, the standard package, hardcore bundle. And, you know, a lot of people are used to Ledger because we've used it so much.Ledger is certainly a wallet that has a certain kind of method to using it. Many of these wallets work much different. Now, as far as other hot wallets go, we like Trust Wallet. We think Trust Wallet is great. It holds a lot more coins than let's say the Coinbase wallet.Not the Coinbase app, but the Coinbase wallet. You guys can get this on your phone if you're looking one to add. I do use Trust Wallet. It's brought to you by Binance. Binance is actually behind this wallet. They bought it back in I think 2021 maybe, somewhere around there.Maybe 2020. You guys can check that out. But I think it is another good one. So let me know, what is your favorite hard wallet or hot wallet choice? Drop it down below in the chat. And don't forget to check out the BC Vault.We have a link right below for you guys to check out. If you guys go up here to BC Vault and go to shop, after you click our link, of course, thank you for supporting the channel, you guys can see how much they are.These are all in euros at the current moment. Do I have a VPN on? Because I have a VPN on. That's why. You guys can see-- let me see if I take the VPN off if it'll go back to normal prices. There you go.See? I took it off, and you guys can see now. They range anywhere from $120. They do have a gold one that's $1,600. They got some merch, some cool stuff there. So make sure to check out BC Vault. Like I said, click the link down below. Support the channel.Support the BEN Coin Foundation. We appreciate you guys. And we're going to give Ledger a chance to rebut. We'll see what they have to say tomorrow or the next day. That's all I got. Be blessed. BitBoy out.