Recently my credit card got hacked but it's okay because this seems to happen to me like once a year now but i had already memorized my credit card number so i was a little bit bummed out that i would have to memorize a new one but there was just one problem becauseBefore my credit card arrived in the mail i still wanted to use it because that was my favorite credit card but i wasn't able to until apple pay came in to save the day because you see apple pay had automatically updated the same credit card on my apple wallet to theNew number so i could still use it even though i hadn't gotten my physical card in the mail yet and that got me thinking how does apple pay actually work hello my name is d.i lee and you are my vip i'm a software engineer by day andYoutuber my part time and on this channel we talk about tech news and reviews and in this video we're going to talk about why you should be using apple pay how to set it up on your phone what's happening behind the scenes and one cool tip i think everyone should beUsing okay let's get right into it why should you be using apple pay well it seems like contactless payments have gotten even more popular since the pandemic it's almost like you can't go to a coffee shop or a restaurant or the grocery store and not have the vendorExcept apple pay or some kind of contactless payment and because i can store multiple cards in my apple pay i don't even have to carry a physical card on me that much anymore and that's super awesome and convenient so how do you set up apple pay it's super simple all youHave to do is open up the apple wallet press the plus button up at the top press the credit card and then i find that it's easier just to take a picture of it the information id recognition on that is super good really fast better than punching the numbers in yourselfAnd then follow the instructions and you should be able to have it set up in no time what's happening behind the scenes when you're using apple pay well in order to understand that first let's take a quick look at how traditional credit card work when you have a creditCard and you swipe it let's say we have a visa card then using the visa network they will ask the bank whether this card number with these information is allowed to make a certain purchase for example to make sure that the amount that you're trying to spend is not over the creditLimit that you have once that's approved then the transaction will go through and you'll be allowed to make that purchase but the bad thing about the credit card is that every time you swipe it sends over your credit card information and so if anyone gets a hold of thatInformation then they could use your credit card at their leisure and this is where apple pay comes in and it's quite clever how it works and if you're finding this video helpful i'd really appreciate if you gave it a like see what apple pay does is apple is anIntermediary between you and the bank so instead of sending your credit card information over when you scan your apple pay they will send an encrypted token over to the bank instead the bank can also decrypt it and make sure that the information is correct and once theyVerify that it is correct then they can send that information back to you and make sure that you can swipe your transaction so whereas with traditional credit cards they need to send over your credit card information with every transaction with apple pay they're sending a different encrypted token soThat your credit card information is not attached to that transaction and in that way it's a lot more secure than traditional credit cards now that we've gone over the advantages of apple pay i want to share one really cool tip if you go into the settings and you go intoWallet there's a spot for express transit card if you put in your favorite card there whenever you swipe contactless payment for transit you don't even have to open up your phone or anything you've just placed your phone on the reader and it will go through automatically no need to authenticate noFace id needed no nothing this is so cool and such a huge time saver i never use my metro card anymore and i just put my phone on it i don't have to do anything other than that and it's great i've been telling a lot of my friendsAnd it always catches them by surprise so i really want to share that information here okay let me know down in the comments whether you have apple pay set up or if you've tried using the express transit card and let me know how it's changed your life thank you so muchAgain for watching and i'll see you in the next one [Applause] you
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