One of the best crypto signals providers out there is this app right here called the crypto Club signals okay so if you are looking for signals to trade crypto to trade features and Sport then this app is your go-to place all right so I'm going to just review I've been using theApp for a while now so I just want to review how accurate the signals and share that with you so that you can give it a try if you want to okay and the beautiful thing is that you can actually try their signals for the next 24 hoursFor free and if it is something you love then you can go with their paid um subscription so let me just open up the app and share that with you all right so once we open up the app what currently the app is meant to work withAll of these exchanges but currently it is only working perfectly with the buyers okay from the app you can have access to your telegram chat from the app you can actually link it up to your binance okay and you know trade whatever signals you get it directly on yourBinance account I will share all of that with you okay so comment only we are on the exchange option here so which is the binance and from here you have access to all of the person Finance okay these are all the pairs on the binance exchange ifYou want to sort them by usdt busdb BTC and all of this you can go ahead and do that okay if you want to have access to your chat on telegram you can just click on this um this um chat here all right because we are signing up with your telegramNumber and the rest so you can have access to all of your telegram chat here okay so where to get the signals is right here this middle here where you say Club okay this club here is where you where you get all of the signals so if I click on the glossUm right here is you have channels you have posts you have signals okay so our focus is just on the signal option here so when you have access to the paid signals you have access to all of the signals you see here all right so makeSure you're on the signal Tab and you see all of the signals that you see here I think this one just dropped okay I'm not taking this signal yeah so this one just dropped all right and you see the entry price all right so these are all the targets they take profit targetsOkay so any signal that is dropped here once the first take profit Target is hit just like this one here okay you'll see that the take profit target has been hit I'll look at the result and share with you and show you and show you what youExpect okay so for ethereum it has not triggered yet so you can actually do that now the beautiful thing is that if you link up your binance account to this app you can actually click on this set order and automatically places the order on your binance account all right youCan link up your binance account with um via API all right so if I scroll down you see all of the different signals this is called another signal so after this video now after recording this video I'm going to take some of the signals okay so you see Litecoin um theySend the signals um a few hours ago two hours ago okay it has hit take profit one take profit two has equally been hit all right and all of this you see the signals here with if you click on it it opens up okay so you seeAll of the different take profit levels and then you see where to set your stop loss okay so this is your stop loss this is your entry price and all of these are take profit Target one two three and going on okay so uh this is what you see here and all ofThat all right so if I click on the result option here you will see all of the pastries all of the past signals that this platform has sent okay so if I click this is what it loads up okay so you see the profit in total in percentage okayFor the past last 24 hours okay those who have been using these signals have made over um 267 percent that is if it so if you're able to take all the signals that this platforms and then you would have been able to make all of this then lastMonth all right so last week you see all of the signals here now for this phone signal okay so this first two this one yeah hit take profit one and two all right which is 14 so the next one here is a Litecoin which is still ongoing okay this is actuallyDone uh around 21 this has equally hit all the take profit Target which is 31 so you can see all of this all right so you see all of these signals here you see that all of them in one way or the other except for this one okay this oneActually hit the stop loss with about minus 48 percent so if you check all of this all right so you get all of these winning trades winning signals I actually love the app I've been using them for a while now so I just decidedTo share it I will leave a link in the video description so if you want the app you can download the app sign up with your telegram number and then what you do is you can come in here so once you click on the chart you want to go aheadAnd click on you know the menu icon here so once you come just go ahead and click on where it says um um CC VIP subscription okay so click on the CC VIP subscription so once you click on the VIP subscription you will see all of the different subscriptionFor one month is 19 approximately 20 dollars for three months you have it for um fifty dollars okay for a year you have it for 150 dollars in all of this but what you want to do make sure you toggle this on to be able to try outThis signal for 24 hours okay so you have access to all of the signals provided on this platform for 24 hours and and at the end of the day if you want to subscribe okay you can just go ahead and subscribe to any of this package that you see here okay and youCan pay with crypto or your Google pay so the whole summary here is actually that the signals are good now if you want to start taking trades directly on your binance account the first thing you want to do is to link up your binance account by just clicking on thisPortfolio here okay so once you click on portfolio it will ask you to connect your account and once you click on connect now so it will allow you to connect your account with an API so once you come in here to ask you to create an API andLink it up to your binance account so you're going to use binance which is the exchange that is currently active with this app okay then go to your binance account create your API copy the API key and paste here and then the secret key and paste it and then click on ADD onceYou add this up it should be it will automatically bind your binance account into the app so whenever you now get signals from this app all right like if I come to the clubs when you get signals you can now click on set order okay and it automatically take that trade on yourBinance account all right now when you get a signal for instance this one year when you get the signal what we need to do is just to click on it okay once you click on it to open up so you see all of the different take profitLevels okay see all of the different take profit levels and then you see this instruction done it that is because I don't have my API my balance I can't buy in there even though I would just say set order and automatically to place this order on my binance account allRight then it will place it with all of the take profit levels and stop loss and then it would start taking those profit accordingly the way it is right here okay now another thing that is worth noting if I scroll down here for instance for the Litecoin okay that hasHit take profit one two three if I go ahead and click on it and then I scroll down here there is this note here I want you to take note of okay so you see the warning here from this app that this signal has already reached the target okayUm once it has reached like the target one two three whatever the app will you always want you know to take the trade okay because if you take the trade maybe you want to Target uh for instance if you hit Target one two three and thenYou want to Target or four and five the Apple just warning so whatever you're doing right now is on your own okay you're doing that at your own risk so it's actually something I actually love for binance users you can just link up this directly to your binance accountAnd then you can start taking you know trades directly here or you can just whenever you get the notification for the signals you go to any exchange of your choice for instance you are using buy bid okay go to any exchange of your choice and then take that trade thereWhich is what I've currently been doing and you know just go ahead and try out the the the signals for the next 24 hours and see if it is something that works for you okay that is basically all I have to share with you you in thisVideo If you do gain value from the video give it a thumbs up and use the comment section to let me know what you think if you try out this and it works for you come back and leave a comment for me okay and let me know how if itWorks out or not all right so that is it until see you again in the next video bye for now
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