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Introducing the Tangem Ring Crypto Wallet: A Sneak Peek!

Introducing the Tangem Ring Crypto Wallet: A Sneak Peek!

tangum is launching their newest cold wallet soon the only thing is it doesn't look like a wallet and that's because it's a cold storage ring the new tangum wallet will be the first of its kind but what is it exactly how does it work and when will it be available well I just got out of a meeting with tangum senior marketing manager and she shared all the juicy details with me about the new ring and I want to share the details with you just don't tell tangum that I told you if you're not familiar with tangum they are one of the most popular cold wallet manufacturers in the entire industry their tangum 2.0 wallet is one of the best wallets taking just a few minutes to set up using nothing but your phone and one of the most affordable wallets as it's only $50 I'll leave a link to my full review of their 2.0 wallet along with the discount code in the description for you if you haven't checked that out yet but now tangum has decided to do something that no cold wallet brand has ever done and that is to make a wearable crypto wallet it's more of a fashion statement than it is a wallet the ring will work similar to the tangum cards with the hardware being mostly identical except it'll will all be packed into a wearable ring that means it is NFC compatible so you can literally access your crypto with a swipe of your finger and just like the tangum 2.0 cards you can generate a seed phrase import an existing seed phrase you might have and of course the tangum app will support the ring so you can set up your own pin code and biometric authentication the ring will also come with backup cards so that way if you lose your ring or your card you will still have a way to access your funds and even if you were to lose your ring you don't have to worry because that doesn't Grant anyone access to your crypto because they would still need your PIN code or your biometric authentication if you had that set up to access your wallet from what I can tell the ring will be pretty inconspicuous it'll look just like a normal ring and it might even come in different colors and of course it will come in different sizes it will also be just as durable as the tangum cards so you can go to the beach with it wash your hands and just wear it like a normal ring without having to worry about damaging your crypto wallet it's durability as a result of being crafted from zirconium dioxide which is a strong ceramic material often found in other Rings dental crowns and even joint implants it's known for its hardness making it ideal for Extreme Wear harsh temperatures and even the toughest environments although unconfirmed tangum is even considering collaborating with designer jewelry Brands to create a more premium version of the tangum Ring of course this is all just speculation and nothing is set in stone at this point as far as the price goes I'm not sure exactly how much it will cost to buy the Tanger ring if I had to guess just a random guess I would say it's going to be between 100 and $150 it could be more or less it really just depends they're still looking for a ring manufacturer so they're testing on different manufacturers and I'm sure once they find one and decide how much it'll cost to manufacture this ring they'll have a better idea of how much it will cost us as customers now as far as pre-ordering this ring tangum said that it should be available sometime in q1 of 2024 so we can expect to see this ring on the market anytime between January to March of 20124 and best believe I'll have a discount code for you to use if you do want to pre-order this ring so definitely subscribe if you haven't and I'll make sure you're first to know about the tangum ring and the discount code the first 100 prototype rings are being revealed at the 2023 cardano Summit and tangum was nice enough to offer to send me one of these prototype rings to test out and share with you and most importantly get your feedback so that they can create the perfect product that everyone wants to see so be on the lookout for my next video where I will show you a live preview of the tangum ring and in the meantime let me know if you have any questions about the tangum ring or the tangum wallet in general and if you're looking for a really solid cold wallet make sure to check out this next video where I review the tangum 2.0 wallet and I'll see you next time

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The Ultimate Ranking: 6 Outstanding Cold Wallets for the Year!

The Ultimate Ranking: 6 Outstanding Cold Wallets for the Year!

Today I'm going to share with you the best cold wall that's currently available on the market I have personally tested and reviewed all of the wallets you see here so that I can give you an honest review of each device I won't be sharing any cold wallets thatI haven't personally used myself as I want to give you my hands-on experience and true and honest opinion about each cold wallet I've ranked each wallet by the following criteria price security support design as well as user friendliness also be sure to stick around to the end of the video because IWill be answering some of the most frequently asked questions about Hardware wallets let's get into it first up we have the Keystone Pro now the Keystone Pro is my top pick it's the best overall Hardware wallet in my experience and that's because it's extremely secure it has a massive fourInch touchscreen and it's pretty simple to use the Keystone Pro only cost 169 dollars and you get a ton of features for that price in terms of security the Keystone Pro excels among other cold Wallets on the market it is completely air gapped it has an eal 5 plus secureElement chip as well as a biometric fingerprint scanner on the back a self-destruct mechanism as well as open source firmware and we know everybody loves open source firmware the pro currently supports more than 5 000 coins including nfts as well as over 200 blockchains and it's directly compatibleWith over 25 software wallets including metamask as far as the overall design of the Keystone Pro I really enjoy it it's a heavier device it does have a thick plastic outer shell it has this beautiful large four inch touchscreen and then it also comes with two batteries which is just attached by aMagnet one is a rechargeable lithium ion battery and the other one takes four aaa's which I really enjoy that way if this battery were to fail you always have the backup battery or even if this one dies you can whip this one out and you're good to go also since theKeystone Pro is completely air gapped the only access point that it has on the device is right here on the side and that is for the micro SD card where you update the firmware over overall the Keystone Pro is really easy to use the most challenging part is the setupProcess it involves formatting a Micro SD card which is not included with the wallet to FAT32 file format so that you can download the firmware onto it insert it into the wallet and then update the firmware on the device also there are some other steps during the setupProcess to ensure that you're installing an authentic firmware from Keystone unfortunately Keystone has a guy that will walk you through every single step or you can even check out this video that I made right here which shows you exactly how to set up the Keystone ProWallet so if you're looking for a cold wallet that is super secure extremely affordable and pretty simple to use I can't recommend the Keystone Pro enough also for all these wallets that I am reviewing I will leave a link for each one in the description below so makeSure to check that out because I also have discount codes for most of these wallets that you can use to save some money next on the list I have the one key touch this wallet is the perfect balance of security and USB ability the touch has a Sleek design a user-friendlyInterface and it does have some pretty robust security features as well priced at 249 dollars the one key touch is definitely not the cheapest Hardware wallet on the market however considering its features it is comparable to other wallets for that price you do get a secure element chip open source firmwareAnd of course your standard pin and passphrase protection even the product package itself came with some different security features there were two tearaways on the back of the box that way you know when you receive the wallet that it hasn't been tampered with and then there is also a security wrapAround the wallet itself so that you know that the wallet has not been touched by anyone before it arrives at your door notably one key is the only Hardware wallet manufacturer that coinbase has invested in which speaks volumes about their trust that they have in one key as a cold wallet manufacturerOne thing I do want to mention about one key is that there was a weak point found in their firmware a few years back which made it so that you could potentially hack this wallet however since then that has been updated and that issue is no longer an issue this wallet does provideExtensive crypto support as it does Support over a thousand cryptocurrencies on 43 different blockchains I actually really enjoy the design of the one key touch it's small and compact I mean look how small it is next to this pencil it's constructed using aircraft grade aluminum and it's a solid onePiece so there's not really anywhere that you could try to open up this wallet it does have a USBC port on the bottom because this wallet is not air gapped meaning you can use either Bluetooth or the USBC connection to update the firmware although the screen is only three inches it's actually aReally nice screen they did use a good glass for the screen and so it is very responsive and accurate when you tap on the buttons which is something I can really appreciate after using a lot of Hardware Watts some of them don't feel as great this is definitely one of theBest screens that I've used in a hardware wallet overall the user friendliness of the one key touch is great it's super easy to set up I had it set up in about five minutes using the Bluetooth connection you just download the one key app and then you connect theHardware wallet to your phone using bluetooth and from there you can set up your wallet and if you want to update the firmware you just have to connect it to your computer where you can download the firmware and update your wallet super simple and yeah great wallet forBeginners or experts alike next we have the tangem wallet this is not only the most user-friendly wallet it's super simple to set up it is also the most durable cold wallet that you can buy you can buy a pack of two cars for right around forty dollars or three cards forJust over fifty dollars so it is a really affordable wallet just because a tandem wallet is super affordable does not mean that it lacks security it actually utilizes an eal 6 Plus secure element chip which is one grade higher than that found in the Keystone Pro for example and it also hasInternal key phrase storage which means you nor anyone else actually knows the seed phrase to the wallet of course this is different than most wallets you're probably used to where you have that 24 secret recovery phrase that you use to recover your wallet if you happen toLose it or damage it with these the extra card is your recovery phrase It's the backup so if I were to lose both of these wallets I would actually lose access to all of my funds that's why I do recommend buying the three pack if you do buy the Tantrum wallet tangentWas nice enough to send me this two pack to test out and review so that's why I have two of them but if you were to lose say two out of three of your tangent wallets you'd want to use that last wallet to transfer your funds to a newWallet before losing your last card because obviously that would be bad if you lost access to all of your funds now you're probably thinking the same thing that I was thinking that sounds terrible why would you want that on the flip side with a normal Hardware wallet the sameThing could happen because if you lose your secret recovery phrase well again you're out of luck and you can't restore your funds so really this is just your secret recovery phrase imagine it written down on a sheet of paper obviously you could write down more phrases you could store it in 10Different places whereas with the tangent wallet you can only use a maximum of three cards per Wallet account you can also manage over 6 000 cryptocurrencies with the Tantrum wallet across 23 different blockchains it doesn't support managing nfts directly through the wallet or the app however ifYou connect it to say an nft Marketplace like openc you could manage and store your nfts there so technically you can store nfts on it there's just no way to manage them directly using the wallet obviously when it comes to the design of the tandem wallet I mean it is superDurable you can fly exit you can freeze it you can put it in water you can submerge it in water I did another video where I literally put this in a glass of water the entire video pulled it out and it still works to this day also there's another YouTuber who literally destroyedA tangent card he ran it over with a forklift he drilled through it he shot it with a gun and then at the end of the video he scans it and it still works so without a doubt tantrum is the most durable and longest lasting Hardware wallet on the market that's why tangentActually offers a 25-year replacement warranty for your tangent wallet if you're a beginner or you just prefer a super simple cold wallet I definitely recommend tangem it is NFC enabled so you just hold it up to your phone and that is how you connect it to theTangent app where you can manage all your funds as well as your wallets this this is really good it's more like a debit card than it is a wallet and I think that's exactly what we need if we want to see mainstream crypto adoption next I have another one key wallet thisIs the one key Classic this wallet is the most budget friendly and compact Hardware wallet on the market for just 89 a one key touch is a true steel it doesn't have all the fancy options like a large touch screen and it's not air gapped however it does have all the sameSecurity features as the one key touch so you do get the secure chip element and open source firmware as well as your pin and passphrase protection you can manage over a thousand cryptocurrencies across 43 blockchains using this wallet and I did forget to mention that both the classic and the touch are compatibleWith various software wallets again including metamask might not be the most durable wallet because it is only three millimeters thick which is about equal to three cards if you were to stack them up and it only weighs 20 grams it's definitely the lightest wallet I haveEver held next to the tangent card of course but this still does have a screen it's got a power button some arrows and then your enter button so navigating the device even though the screen is small and it's not touch it's still really user friendly and just like the one keyTouch you can use the one key app to manage all your phones and your wallet on your mobile device desktop as well as your browser extension next up is the elliepal Titan mini it is the most affordable air gap Hardware wallet on the market and for only 79 it is alsoThe cheapest wallet that comes with a touch screen although the elliepal mini does lack a secure element chip the firmware is open source and it does have a self-destruct mechanism as well built in that way if any tampering is detected such as if someone were to open thisWallet then it would basically erase everything on the wallet La pal Titan does come with this little fancy security adapter as well which is designed to protect against Data Theft when connecting your wallet to the cable this wallet supports more than 10 000 coins across 36 blockchains as well asNfts although you can't manage nfts directly through the wallet or the app again you can connect to nft marketplaces where you can manage your nfts there I do really enjoy the design of the Ellie pow it is basically a brick it's a sealed aluminum casing with a 2.4Inch touchscreen again this is a good quality glass that they use it wasn't as sensitive as the one key touch however it does get the job done it has the camera built into the back as well and overall it's a really sturdy and solid Hardware wallet especially for 79 thisThing is legit one thing that I did forget to mention about all these wallets the one key touch the Ellie pal Titan mini and the one key classic is that they do have internal batteries so they're not removable if you were to open up the wallet and try to remove theBattery you would likely destroy the wallet unlike the Keystone Pro that does have that removable battery so although it's not a huge deal if your battery does fail you can still connect it to the power source and use it that way you just won't be able to replace theBattery overall user friendliness of the Le pal Titan mini super good took me 10 minutes to set up by connecting it to my phone using the QR code scanner on the back and downloading the Le Pal app super great even if you're a beginner and you're looking for a air gapHardware wallet definitely recommend the Le pal Titan mini now I know I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for the next wallet on this list and that is The Ledger Nano X The Ledger nanox has long been one of the most popular cold Wallets on the market it's a No-FrillsWallet that is really simple to set up and even easier to use and manage all of your funds and for 149 dollars it is a fair price considering what you get with the Nano X in terms of security it has the eal 5 plus secure LMN chip LedgerAlso uses their own bolos operating system which helps prevent malicious apps from being installed on your device and if it were to happen it would separate it from the firmware itself so that your wallet would not be compromised and of course you have your user generated pin code to protect yourAssets but let's not avoid the elephant in the room I am well aware that ledger did announce their seed phrase recovery opt-in option where if you were to opt into this Subscription Service yes you do have to pay a monthly fee if you want to enable that sea phrase recoveryLedger would then take your seed phrase from the wallet they would separate it into three different shards and send each piece to a third party company where they would hold that for you and then if you were to ever lose your seed phrase lose your wallet just completelyLose access to your Ledger Nano X they'd be able to send the seed phrase to your new wallet so that you could recover all of your assets obviously the point of Cold Storage is that you own your keys not your keys not your crypto but if you aren't concerned about Ledger having theAbility to access your seed phrase there's no reason why you shouldn't buy The Ledger nanowics while it's no longer my first choice because this was literally the first Hardware wallet that I ever purchased it definitely isn't my first choice anymore however it is still a good Hardware wallet that does get theJob done again if you don't like Ledger if you don't like their new firmware update with this new C phrase recovery option then do not buy their products this is not for you if you don't care about that then you could definitely try out the Ledger nanox Hydro Nano XSupports over 5500 different cryptocurrencies using The Ledger live application and it is a super user-friendly application I've used it for years I really enjoy it it's uh it makes managing your wallet really easy also it does support nfts now not a huge fan of Ledger Nano X's design you haveThe plastic shell right here which encloses into and aluminum casing it does have a pretty small screen and then you just have this button two buttons to navigate the device it does have a smaller battery inside actually after two years the battery on my Nano X failed I'm not sure if there wasSomething I did wrong maybe because I didn't charge it often enough because I definitely was not using this wallet on a daily basis I would pull it out only when I needed to use it however even though the battery failed I can still use it by connecting it to the USBSource to power it on so it's not a big issue in my opinion I'd like to hear what you think let me know in the comments are you still a fan of Ledger or have you moved on now I want to answer some frequently asked questionsThat I've seen in the comments of other YouTube videos first question is what happens if I lose or damage my Hardware wallet well as long as it's not the Tantrum wallet if you were to lose or damage it you would really just need to buy a new wallet and then you can useYour secret recovery phrase to restore your wallet on any device for example if I were to lose my ledger wallet I could take the recovery phrase and import it into my Keystone wallet and have access to all the funds that were on my ledger device next are cold wallets completelySafe from hacks the answer is no nothing will ever be completely safe from hacks especially if you are willingly giving out your seed phrase or clicking on phishing links so although cold wallets are much more secure than a software wallet because they do keep your privateKey offline you can still get hacked if you aren't careful let me know what your favorite Hardware wallet is from this list in the comments section and I'll see you in the next video

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Top Bitcoin Marketplaces for Buying and Selling NFTs

Top Bitcoin Marketplaces for Buying and Selling NFTs

Bitcoin ordinals or Bitcoin nfts are starting to gain some real traction and a lot of people are wondering where can you buy and sell these nfts on the Bitcoin blockchain well in this video we're going to take a look at the best Bitcoin ordinal marketplaces where youCan easily buy sell trade store and some even create your own ordinals so let's get right into it number one on the list is ORD swap wordswap is the first trustless Bitcoin ordinals Marketplace that launched in February 2023. it has become a super popular Marketplace to buy sell and even create your ownBitcoin ordinals and it also offers users a super nice user interface so it's really easy to navigate as well as wallet options the great thing about wordswap is that you can actually use your existing metamask wallet to buy and sell and store Bitcoin ordinals or swap charges a three percent fee on allPurchases as well as a flat fee of 0.00 0.0025 Bitcoin which is about five to ten dollars depending on the value of Bitcoin plus a five percent fee to inscribe your own Bitcoin ordinal using ORD swap super simple user interface you can easily navigate between Collections and the market as well as theInscription page using the tabs at the top of the website so if you're a beginner who is just getting into ordinals or even if you're you know an advanced ordinal user who just likes a simple user interface word swap is definitely worth checking out they haveBeen doing a lot in a space they have been innovating and moving extremely fast as Bitcoin ordinals continue to progress next on the list is ordinals wallet ordinals wallet was created in early February and came onto the scene right as Bitcoin ordinals really started to gain traction within a week afterLaunching ordinals wallet began showcasing popular Bitcoin ordinals collections such as ordinals punks and ordinal rocks and it was also one of the first platforms to offer a simple solution to transfer ordinals and just one month ordinal's wallet has become the premier ordinals nft Marketplace if you're looking for the most user-friendly Marketplace OriginalsWallet is it there is no competition of course this is Up For Debate but in my experience this Marketplace is super user friendly doesn't matter if this is your first time buying or selling an ordinal ordinals while it makes it really easy the marketplace itself is completely trustless so it makes itReally easy to buy and sell ordinals that said you can't inscribe or create your own Bitcoin in a t using this platform yet however I'm sure that functionality is coming very soon as they have been doing a lot in the ordinal space as for fees ordinals wallet charges 2.7 percent on theirMarketplace and they're also working on implementing a 4.2 percent Creator royalty fee if they do this quickly they will be one of the first if not the first ordinals Marketplace to provide Creator royalties like I said the UI for ordinals wallet is super simple they also have their own wallet obviouslyThat works with the marketplace very soon ordinal's wallet is going to offer some new functionality as well such as a floor Suite feature and it looks like even a game that you can play on the marketplace they are definitely one of the most Innovative ordinal marketplaces right now they have made the wholeProcess of buying and selling ordinals super easy the interface super easy they're definitely one of the top ordinals marketplaces in existence right now next up we have gamma gamma is known as a great Bitcoin ordinal Marketplace they first became popular because they were one of the first platforms to allowPeople to easily inscribe their own ordinals which they still offer users but now they've turned it into a complete ordinals marketplace where you can buy and sell your own Bitcoin nfts before they're Rebrand gamma was actually where they offered a Marketplace to buy and sell stats nftsWhich is a Bitcoin side chain that you can buy and sell and create nfts however they do still offer Stacks nfts but now their main focus is on ordinals along with the ability to buy and sell ordinals gamma allows you to create an entire ordinals collection without anyCode or even upfront cost and create your own collections page as far as the storage is concerned for your ordinals they store a high resolution image on an interplanetary file system similar to what you'll find on the ethereum blockchain however a lower quality copy is stored on the Bitcoin blockchain andDefinitely that way you know your ordinal will exist for as long as Bitcoin exists so not to worry there another really cool thing about Gamma that I'm sure a lot of people like and I think it's kind of similar to the wearable Marketplace that is popular inThe ethereum realm is they do have a community tab where you can follow other artists and collectors that way you can keep up with what they're doing what they're collecting what they're trading and just to get more people involved with the organelles ecosystem I think it's really cool so that's somethingUnique that only gamma is offering right now I'm sure other marketplaces will have their own version of a community tab however gamma is crushing it with their version that said If you're looking for an easy to use ordinals marketplace where you can buy and especially create your own BitcoinOrdinals I highly suggest checking out they are absolutely crushing it and they have been moving extremely fast with the ordinals revolution as well next on our list we have ordinals Market ordinals Market aims to be the premier destination to buy and sell Bitcoin ordinal nits that said ordinals MarketWorks a bit different than the rest of the marketplaces on this list is they actually use emblem Vault to enable users to buy and sell Bitcoin ordinals so what is emblem emblem vault is a tokenized multi-asset wallet that allows you to trade nfts from different blockchains that means you can buyBitcoin ordinals on the ethereum blockchain basically from my understanding they wrap an ordinal using you know their wrapper and then offer it on ethereal marketplaces such as openc so I could go and buy a Bitcoin ordinal on openc that's wrapped using the emblem wrapper that means you can buy theseOrdinals on the ordinals marketplace using Eid and Bitcoin and potentially even other cryptocurrencies you can also use your existing nft or cryptocurrency wallet popular ones like metamask coinbase wallet and Trust wallet will all work on the ordinals market since it is technically on the ethereum blockchain as far as security isConcerned M1 Vault does verify all the ordinal entities that are in the emblem Vault they do this by authenticating the emblem Vault contract address the emblem ball Bitcoin address token details inscription owner as well as the Vault verification the great thing about organelles Market is that it lowers theBarrier to entry for those who aren't quite caught up with the whole ordinals ordeal so if they just want to continue on the ethereum blockchain trading nfts using their metamask wallet they can do so on order levels Market without the need to learn anything new next up weHave ordina ordina is an ordinals aggregator that helps Traders find buy and sell some of the most valuable Bitcoin ordinals across the entire blockchain now originally ordina actually started as your basic ordinals Marketplace similar to the ones that I've mentioned on this list already however I talked with the team and theyDecided to move towards more of an aggregator type platform so that means they provide data across the entire blockchain for all the ordinals that exist on bitcoin that said ordina is kind of similar to a Marketplace like which is another nft aggregator that is really popular in the ethereumNft space I think what ordina is doing is really great there's definitely a need for an aggregator platform in the ordinals ecosystem so Props to them with ordina you can view ordinal collections across the entire blockchain and see how much they are listed for doesn't matter which Marketplace they are listed on youCan see where they're listed you can go directly to the seller and you know make an offer through them or you can go directly to the marketplace it'll link you to whichever Marketplace has an ordinal listed which makes buying and selling ordinals on ordina really simple and you'll probably find the best priceIf you're using ordina Additionally you can even submit your own ordinals collection to ordina and they will publish it on their collections page I'm not sure how long this will last I doubt that it will last forever I'm sure they will have a fee for this eventually butTo kick off I'm sure they're just offering it as a free option to get more people to use the platform that said you can't actually buy ordinals directly on ordina just yet if you want to buy an ordinal you just use ordina to find the best deals across the blockchain andThen ordina will direct you to whichever Marketplace or seller that is offering that ordinal all that said there are a ton of ordinal marketplaces we're currently crushing it we're innovating and moving extremely fast that I can't cover in this video because you'd probably be watching it all day and IKnow you don't want to do that so I wrote an entire article breaking down every single ordinals Marketplace that currently exists you can find that in the description below make sure to check that out if you want to know more about ordinals I'll leave that video right here for you thanks for watching

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