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How To Analyze Any Crypto Token in 5 Minutes (Dune Analytics)

How To Analyze Any Crypto Token in 5 Minutes (Dune Analytics)

What's up everyone welcome back to web3 data djends today I'm going to teach you how to analyze any crypto token in just five minutes I've created a new dashboard it's revamped basically just 13 charts tells you everything all the context you need to know behind anyErc20 token now if you don't know when erc20 token is check out the newsletter below or if you just want to read through this check out the newsletter below I have a quick primary here about how it's used in governance how it's used in membership and defy for todayWe're going to be looking at the optimism token op which is basically their governance token for their chain it's not the native token used to pay fees huge shout out for them for the Retro public goods funding number two they've distributed I think like 10 or something Million worth of tokens to theCommunity web 3D editions was one of the selected winners so thank you very much for that without further Ado let's get into the dashboard so I like to think about tokens in terms of three categories right one is momentum momentum is just like how many wallets are interacting with the token and howAre they interacting with it there's liquidity which is where tokens coming from and where a tokens going to and the last one is like distribution so like how well distributed is the token is it fairly distributed what are the average Holdings by different percentiles let's just get into it all right in thisDashboard I've already put in the op token I've switched to optimism you can do any evm chain and I've started from April 26th which was the day it was deployed and I'm looking at things by month I also exclude contracts so and all of these like balances and distributions and whatever queriesContracts that are not multi-cigs or like contract wallets like Argent or Dharma those are excluded from the analysis where only really want to look at users so looking at momentum we can see that the number of addresses interacting with op has increased pretty much exponentially since September 2022. all right let's reflectThe token price and if we break down their actions into either a newer choir which means they didn't have the token before or they're accumulating which means they already had the op token their wallet they just got more of it or dumped some or dumped all we can seeThat most of the new like the wallets interact with the token are either new or accumulating all right so that's pretty indicative of a healthy Community it's worth noting that the volume has been pretty stable at about like 100 million tokens transferred note this isn't traded this is transferred aHundred million tokens transferred basically every month so the volume hasn't really picked up we can just also look at who's behind all these actions so you can see a wallet's current balance when they first acquired the token how much totally have acquired how much total they've dumped and I've putSome wall labels here I think this one is also an OP Foundation wallet but if I just wanted to see all op wallets for example I would just type op here and I think this is only one that's labeled but there's 1.17 billion optimism tokens in here and fun littleTidbit this 662 000 rows because this query tracks everyone who's ever owned the token I can quickly look here and say okay there's been 662 132 holders of op tokens at some point in time all right you might also want to see what transfer activity is happening so inThis query I've shown you the 95th percentile of token transfers right so I think for optimism it's probably like 1K or 1.3 K is like the 95th percentile of token transfers you can see a lot of the transfers are from centralized exchanges but it can be helpful to just searchLike multi-zig and just get a sense of okay what have all the multi-sig transfers been this one was 141k which is a lot if I click into it I can see oh it's transferred to the optimism Foundation wallet so that's probably just them like give doing something backBut this is good to know and look over time of even in the last week all these wallets that are multi-cigs have been pretty active so let's get into the second section now on liquidity so liquidity there's token sources and token destinations so sourcing is just saying okay for May2022 wallets got four percent of our tokens from unknown contracts 29.5 of tokens was just a wallet to wallet transfer 19 of transfers were multi-sigital wallet 12 or from dexes and then 35 were from op like optimism contracts all right and you can see over time this has changed especially as IThink it got listed on centralized exchanges in June it looks like so then 21 of token sourcing has basically come from centralized exchange since then there's some other protocols here you can see Rubicon you can see song finances in here premium iron bank right so theseAre all like maybe things you want to look deeper into right so if you clicked into this query and then put in the same parameters I could actually search here like Rubicon and see like all right here's an example transaction let me just go and check out dig deeperInto what's going on in Rubicon like why what action is being taken so in this case they're withdrawing some shares all right so that might be something I will want to look into to understand why 35 of token sourcing is coming from Rubicon in October or November DecemberAlso important is where tokens going a lot of the times you're not holding the token in your wallet you've deposited somewhere or staked it somewhere for various reasons it could be for liquidity pool for yield whatever and here you can just quickly see oh there's 50.9 million op tokens and MerkelDistributor which is like means it's unclaimed yet or not distributed yet a bunch of it is in like decks liquidity pairs but if you dig through this here there's some vaults there's some staking contracts this is all stuff you'd look into and see like netflow is how muchIt's holding over time and then Valley in and value out self-explanatory no liquidity analysis is done without some sort of Dex specific analysis so here I'm saying all right let me see the op tokens liquidity per Dex protocol and the volumes right so if I wanted to beAn LP or even just a Trader I would want to know like what protocols to swap or provide liquidity to so here I can see that unisop and velozerum are basically competing for the top spot there's like a tiny difference in liquidity of tokens this is notional right so this is 3.7Million op tokens are in velodrome but the trading volume is like almost basically the same so there's probably some incentives or farming going on here just given how big the difference is between these two and the others but it's just good to know if you're interested in the specific poolAddresses you can put these into optimism scan as well all right third final part let's understand distributions so in this case I'm looking at what percent of holders are holding how many tokens all right so a good cutoff point is normally 50 so if I just try and find 50 roughly hereSo it looks like 50 of wallets so 261 000 wallets hold 3.5 tokens so that's a pretty small amount given we're about to look at total Supply if all is an exponential distribution not too surprising given this is a governance token and it's got like over 500 000Holders at this point right it's good to know for some other tokens like FWB you'll see like a much more even distribution and like membership cutoffs right so if optimism said like you have to hold a minimum of 100 tokens to gain access to something you'd probably see aBig like drop off at the 100 Mark average Holdings to Total Supply so there's a total supply of 4.29 billion this is just the time series version of this chart so I can see oh there was a point in time where 50 of wallets held like 122 tokens each but that'sBasically decreased this tiny amount per wallet could be a bunch of reasons for this but it's something that I'd be curious about digging more into because like huh why are there so many wallets with only like tiny amounts of op tokens in it the genie coefficient on Palm ratio I'mNot going to go too deep into it here because of how I'll say unequal but how like exponentially distributed this curve is these two metrics aren't super relevant here but if you're looking at a smaller Community something under like ten thousand or five thousand holdersThen you really do want to look at these metrics because like if it's only a 5 000 or like less person community like it should be pretty evenly distributed so that's the token overview dashboard if you have any suggestions you can just DM me on Twitter or if you've put in aToken and found something interesting yourself please just share the chart with me or just share it on Twitter and tag me I'd be very interested to see what patterns people find on different tokens and thanks again for optimism for the retroactive public goods funding job and I will see you all very soon

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