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Technical analysis is believed by many to be no different from Reading tea leaves meaning that what you see on the charts is entirely random so trying to keep track of patterns in prices is pointless well believe it or not but technical analysis has been around for 300 years and has been used withSurprising success by many Traders starting with Japanese rice Merchant honar mahisa in the early 1700s he was the first to discover document and trade patterns in prices he invented the Candlestick chart and trading candlesticks was his speciality it's believed that he made the equivalent of $10 billion in profitThat's why today we're going to show you how to trade like the first Trader I'll start by saying that nothing in this video is financial advice it's purely for educational purposes more importantly you should know that the the information in this video doesn't just apply to the crypto Market eitherTechnical analysis can be applied to almost any Market or asset that has lots of trading volume and if you happen to be looking to trade crypto then check out the coin Bureau deals page it's got trading fee discounts of up to 60% and bonuses of up to 40 Grand on the bestCrypto exchanges these are limited time offers only available to the viewers of this channel so check them out before it's too late the link will be in the description okay that said the first step to trading candlesticks is to understand what candlesticks are put simply candlesticks show you how muchThe price of an asset changed over a given period if you have your Candlestick chart set to the hourly then each candle corresponds to price changes in one hour of time every Candlestick consists of two parts the body and the wick which can come out out of the topOr the bottom as you can see here now the body of the candle tells you where prices started and ended during that period whereas the wick tells you the highest and lowest prices that were hit during that period logically a red candle means that prices went down during that period whereas a greenCandle means that prices went up during that period on red candles the starting price is at the top of the body and the closing price is at the bottom of the Body for green candles it's the opposite bottom to top if you look at a Candlestick chart for any asset you'llNotice that candlesticks come in many different shapes and sizes some candlesticks are all body and no Wick whereas others are all Wick and no body and if you look closely you'll notice that there are some surprisingly consistent patterns among them this is not a coincidence what all these candlesticks ultimately reflect is theCollective psychology of the people who are trading the asset in question specifically their emotions of fear and greed Hon's groundbreaking discovery was that these emotions often follow predictable patterns when the price of an asset suddenly starts going up people tend to feel greedy and buy this causesIts price to go higher and higher until they can't basically buy anymore as soon as someone starts to sell the price starts to fall people start to feel fearful and sell until they basically can't sell anymore what Candlestick patterns fundamentally do is give you a sense of where people could be in thisFear and greed cycle this cycle exists in all liquid markets hence why these patterns can be found in all of them notably these patterns can also be found on every time frame be it the 15minute or the monthly the caveat is that Candlestick patterns arguably work better for cryptos because the peopleBuying and selling coins and tokens tend to be more emotional than say institutions buying and selling government bonds fun fact most institutional buying and selling is automated but that's a topic for another time and by the way if you're enjoying the video so far be sure to smash thatLike button to give it a boost in the algorithm now Candlestick patterns fall into three categories neutral bullish or bearish bullish and bearish Candlestick patterns can be further divided into reversal patterns and continuation patterns obviously reversal means that prices are about to change direction while continuation means that they won'tSo let's start with the neutral Candlestick patterns now the three most popular here are the gravestone dogee the dragonfly dogee and the regular dogee which is also sometimes referred to as the long-legged doe as you might have guessed dogee is a Japanese word which roughly translates to quote theSame thing as you can see the gravestone dogee consists of a Candlestick that's all Wick and no body with what's left of the body at the very bottom what this tells you is that prices within that period pumped a lot at the start but ended up coming back down to the priceLevel that they started at during that period this apparent profit taking is why some Traders argue that the gravestone dogee is bearish but it's generally believed to be neutral this really depends on the candles before and after the gravestone dogee as well as the broader price trend we'll come toThe more complex Candlestick patterns in a bit now if you want to know how to identify and trade price trends you can check out our previous technical analysis tutorials in the description anyway the second neutral Candlestick pattern is the dragonfly dogee like the gravestone dogee the dragonfly dogee isAll Wick and no body the difference is that what's left left of the body is at the top of the candle this tells you that prices within that period dumped a lot at the start but ended up coming back up to the price level that they started at during that period of courseThis apparent dip buying is why some Traders argue that the dragonfly dogee is bullish and finally we have the regular dogee aka the long-legged dogee like the gravestone and dragonfly dois the regular dogee is almost all Wick and no body the difference is that what'sLeft of the body is in the middle note that the body doesn't have to be perfectly in the middle for it to be a regular dogee just close by now you'll know that long Wicks on the bottom and the top mean that prices within that period pumped and dumped a lot but endedUp coming back to the same price level that they started at during that period this suggests indecisiveness by Traders and is therefore truly neutral now given how bullish the crypto Market has been lately you might be wondering how to know when it's going to start getting bearish this is where the bearishReversal patterns come in these include the shooting star the bearish engulfing and the advanced block note that this list is not exhaustive so starting with the shooting star it consists of a red candle with a small body and a long Wick shooting stars typically occur during a strong uptrend I.E after multiple greenCandles the long wick on the shooting star tells you that Traders are starting to take profit and that a reversal could be imminent now next up we have the bearish engulfing which consists of a green candle followed by a red candle that has a larger body than the greenOne in contrast to the shooting star the bearish engulfing patent doesn't depend on the broader Trend though some Traders argue it's more accurate in an uptrend what the bearish engulfing effectively tells you is that Traders are feeling fearful for whatever reason that's because they're suddenly selling moreThan they were buying just before from what we've seen cryptos experience lots of bearish engulfing patterns probably because of all the emotions involved now the advanced block is another common Candlestick pattern you see in the crypto Market it consists of three green candles with large bodies with the bodyOf the second candle being smaller than that of the first candle and the body of the third candle being smaller than that of the second candle what this tells you is that bullish momentum is running out of steam and that a bearish reversal is imminent the caveat is that it's a goodIdea to double check that the trading volume reflects this if trading volume is increasing throughout the pattern then it may not play out as expected and this relates to the other side of the coin which is the bullish reversal patterns these include the inverted Hammer the bullish engulfing and theThree stars in the South you'll notice that these bullish reversal patterns tend to look almost identical to the bearish reversal patterns except well they're in Reverse not surprisingly the inverted Hammer tends to confuse Traders that's because it's the exact same as the shooting star at least in theory inPractice however the inverted Hammer consists of a green candle not a red candle it also occurs during a strong downtrend not a strong uptrend with the inverted Hammer you must pay less attention to the long upper Wick which signifies profit taking and more attention to the chunky base of theCandle which signifies buying around a low level depending on the circumstances this means that prices are about to explode higher in contrast to the inverted Hammer the bullish engulfing is straightforward it consists of a red candle followed by a green candle that has a larger body than the previous redOne naturally this tells you that Traders are feeling greedy for whatever reason they're suddenly buying more than they were before and when it comes to the three stars in the South it's the perfect opposite of the advanced block three red candles with large bodies wherein the second candle has a smallerBody than the first and the third candle has a smaller body than the second this tells you that the Bears are running out of steam as with the advanced block however it's important to check the trading volume to see if the Bears really are running out of steam if theTrading volume is decreasing throughout the pattern then it may not play out as expected it's important to be aware of larger technical patterns and moving averages as well I'll remind you that we have other technical analysis tutorials in the description now given how bullish the crypto Market has been lately youMight also be wondering how to know it's going to continue this is where the bullish continuation patterns come in these include the bullish thre line strike the rising three methods and and the bullish mat hold I know these names are wonderful anyhow the bullish three line strike consists of three green candlesWith medium bodies followed by one candle with a large red body that brings prices back down to the start of the first green candle the bullish three line strike happens during an uptrend but it can be hard to understand if you watched our video about crypto trading strategies however you'll know thatThese massive red candles are driven by liquidations from leveraged lawns during bull markets in plain English everyone is bullish and betting that prices will rise when they fall just a bit it causes a lot of forced selling it's also important to note a bullish three line strike can be bearish during a downtrendOr in other circumstances for example if the red candle was caused by the US sanctioning that crypto project or protocol it's safe to say that it doesn't matter if that coin or token was in an uptrend anyway next up we have the rising three methods which consists of aGreen candle with a large body followed by three red candles with medium bodies and another green candle with an equally large body like the bullish three line strike the rising three methods is only bullish when it occurs during an uptrend now what the Rising 3 methods tells youIs that the Bulls and the Bears went to battle and the Bears lost the Bulls started by pumping the price and the Bears fought hard to bring it down in the end however prices pumped right back to where they were before the battle began putting the Bulls back in controlAnd in this sense the bullish mat hold is like the Bears went to war with the bulls not just to battle the bullish mat hold consists of a green candle with a very large body followed by three red candles with very small bodies and a green candle with aLarge body that goes higher than the first green candle it's a war between the Bulls and the Bears wherein the bears not only failed to bring prices back down to their pre-pump lows but were completely blown out to the upside low and behold bullish mat holds alsoSeem to be very common in crypto this makes sense given we've got the biggest bulls and bears this ties in to the opposite side of the spectrum bearish continuation patterns these include the bearish three line strike the falling three methods and the bearish mat hold now once again these bearishContinuation patterns are the exact opposite of the bullish continuation patterns the bearish three-line strike consists of three red candles with medium-sized bodies followed by a green candle with a large body that brings prices back to what they were at the start of the first red candle bearish three-line strikes tend to occur duringDowntrends which can again seem counterintuitive you'll remember that all this has to do with leverage when prices are going down every one is bearish and betting they'll go down further when they go up just a bit this causes forced buying that causes prices to pump given all the leverage in theCrypto Market that last green candle tends to be very large as for the falling three methods it consists of a red candle with a large body followed by three green candles with medium-sized bodies and then a red candle with an equally large body you'll recall thatThis is the battle between the Bulls and the Bears in this case however the Bears win the same is true for the bearish mat hold which consists of a red candle with a very large body followed by three green candles with small bodies and then a red candle with a large body thatBrings prices even lower not going to lie looking at this pattern gives us PTSD we've seen it too many times in crypto such my friends is war now to wrap things up let's look at a few crypto charts to see if we can spot these Candlestick patterns starting withBTC it appears that the recent spot Bitcoin ETF induced pump created an advanced block on the weekly What followed was a correction but it's too soon to say if it's a trend reversal zooming into the daily BTC appears to have had more than a dozen dois back inOctober the result was that prices moved almost perfectly sideways for weeks that was until BTC experienced an advanced block on The Daily which appear appears to have caused the correction we saw on the weekly chart now switching to eth you can clearly see the bullish engulfing on the weekly it happenedRight after eth hit its recent low of around 1.5k what we've seen since then is a huge surge to the upside all green candles with large bodies the regular dogee we see now could be a sign that eth will trade sideways and the daily chart for eth is similarly interestingWhen it was revealed that Black Rock was filing for a spot ethereum ETF eth pumped by more than 10% in a day after that it painted an impeccable three stars in the South pattern however this pattern did not result in a rally eth pulled back the daily chart for eth BTCTells a different story however as you can see eth experienced a three stars in the South pattern and it actually resulted in a sustained pump against BTC it's possible that eth is now in the process of painting a Rising three methods or a bullish mat hold continuation patterns but there's a bigRed flag for eth BTC on the weekly can you see it that's right an equally impeccable Advanced blog that foreshadows a bearish reversal given that eth is in a longer term downtrend against BTC it seems more likely than not that this bearish reversal will play out but there's no knowing for sure andTherein folks lies the reality of Candlestick trading and technical analysis in general you can never know for sure in a financial world free of tail risks and Tailwinds these patterns would probably play out perfectly every single time however we live in a financial world that's filled with those aforementioned tail risks and TailwindsIn other words there is no shortage of factors that could suddenly cause prices to pump or dump like the announcement of money printing or the announcement of a pandemic respectively more often than not it's these tail risks and Tailwinds that invalidate technical analysis patterns moreover you'd have noticed that these technical analysis patternsLook very different in practice than they do in theory they're not always easy to identify and sometimes that's because there's no pattern at all so when you're not sure it's best to sit on the sidelines and wait until you see something you know alternatively you canSwitch between time frames to see if it gives you a better sense of what's going going on as a rule of thumb longer time frames are more powerful than shorter time frames that's because the shortest time frames are often very volatile especially if you're trading crypto and finally never forget that there areThousands of Traders out there who are seeing the same patterns that you are including wealthy individuals and institutions these entities can sometimes manipulate these patterns to make a profit from less experienced Traders and investors like you and me as Trader Dale Pinker likes to say what isObvious is obviously wrong always be on the lookout for Wales look at prices from different Vantage points and with different indicators stick to trading the assets you know and understand and practice practice practice you can use our videos to help and that's all for today's video folks so if you learn something newSmash that like button to let us know if you want to keep learning subscribe to the channel and ping that not notification Bell if you want to help others learn take a second to share this video with them and remember that the coin Bureau deals page has up to 60%Discounts on trading fees and up to $40,000 of bonuses on the best crypto exchanges these deals are limited and can save you a lot of money so be sure to check them out before it's too late the link will be in the description thank you all for watching and I'll seeYou next time this is Guy signing off

Do you want to maximize your crypto gains well if you do then you have got to be familiar with onchain indicators in this video we'll outline the top 10 indicators that will give you an advantage indicators you absolutely must have in your crypto trading toolbox soIf you want a market Edge be sure to watch until the end now before we get into the specific indicators I should say a few words about the types of indicators we're looking at and where you can access them all of the indicators on this list are onchain meaning they come directly fromThe data recorded on a blockchain this data helps us to determine the underlying health and activity of cryptocurrencies with this information you can make educated guesses about future price movements and this translates to potentially huge gains now if you want more of a background on on chain analysis then I highly recommendChecking out our video on it which will be in the description we also have a video on some of the top 10 crypto tools some of which can help when studying on chain indicators and that's also linked to below and one final thing of course nothing in this video is financialAdvice be sure to do your own research before you YOLO into any crypto despite what the indicators may be telling you all right then let's kick off the list the first indicator is daily active addresses now these as the name suggests are unique wallet addresses that have been active participants on the networkWithin a 24-hour period either sending or receiving funds each of these addresses can be tied back to individual users or Collective entities now why is this important well tracking the activity of these addresses across different cryptocurrencies can reveal a lot it's a bit like seeing how manyCustomers enter a shop each day it gives us an idea of the Shop's popularity and indirectly its performance when we look at the growth in the number of daily active addresses there's often a parallel we can draw with the assets price more active addresses generally means higher demand for a networkServices and its currency as this demand increases it can lead to an uptick in the currency's value which is why keeping an eye on this metric can be so revealing but it's not just about the price the health of a cryptocurrency network can often be gauged by theNumber of these active addresses a thriving bustling network with lots of active addresses is a sign of a strong user base on the flip side a decline could signal waning interest which may translate to a drop in value now active addresses aren't just a homogeneous blobOf data we can break them down further we can look at new addresses being created the total number of active addresses and even addresses that have gone back to zero balance normally new and zero balance addresses rise and fall together but when they don't it might tell us about the Market's mood swingsWhether it's bullish or bearish however there is a caveat to keep in mind each address is counted just once a day regardless of how many transactions it's part of and the these must be onchain transactions which are verified and recorded on the blockchain now on the positive side this ensures that metricsAre not inflated by offchain activities that wouldn't reflect the Network's true usage on the other hand though it doesn't give you the full picture of onchain activity since it doesn't distinguish between an address that's part of one transaction in a given time frame and one that is involved inMultiple transactions in that same time frame this illustrates a general rule for indicators they each tell part of the story but used together they can be truly powerful now the second indicator on our list is actually a pair of indicators daily transactions and daily fees they're connected so we'rePresenting them together so first let's unpack these terms daily transactions are pretty straightforward they represent the sheer volume of activity within a blockchain over a single day transaction fees meanwhile are payments made by users to compensate miners for the energy and resources spent to validate and record transactions to useA transport analogy daily transactions are like a car's odometer which shows them miles driven but over a 24-hour period transaction fees meanwhile are like the tolls on a blockchain highway however these tolls are not fixed but operate like a dynamic Marketplace when the network is busy the tolls I.ETransaction fees can go up when it's quiet fees generally go down understanding the eban flow of these numbers can offer us invaluable insight into the Market's mechanics a surge in transactions and fees often points to an uptick in demand for the blockchain services in turn thisIncreased demand can fuel a rise in the cryptocurrency's value conversely if the numbers dwindle it could hint at a dip in interest and possibly in price however there's a wrinkle to iron out here not every transaction is accompanied by a fee and even for those that are the costs can swingDramatically based on how congested the network is this can happen within moments making the fees one of the most volatile aspects of blockchain Economics nonetheless both metrics are incredibly useful at a glance they can help us gauge a crypto's present state and its immediate demand and possibly predictPrice swings too the third indicator you should be familiar with is the exchange Supply indicator this is a number that tells us how much of a cryptocurrency is currently stored in exchange wallets so then why should we care about this well it's all about understanding what mightHappen in the market if there's a lot of a particular currency on exchanges it could mean that people are about to sell which would obviously lower the price of the coin or token this is because crypto holders typically transfer their assets from Hardware wallets to exchanges before they sell they could alsoTransfer their assets from other hot wallets but as I've advised countless times before Hardware wallets are the safest way to store your crypto and if you want a discount on yours head on over to our deals page anyway just as a large amount of a particular coin or token on an exchangeCould signal impending sales the opposite is also true if there's not much of that particular asset on an exchange it suggests people are not about to sell but are in fact hodling this can be indicative of a future upward price movement but again it doesn't give us the whole story notEvery coin on an exchange is up for sale some are tied up in things like loans or earning interest or just sitting there because their holders don't appreciate the importance of self- custody and remember the amount of crypto on exchanges can change quickly depending on how the market is doing I'll also addThat the amount of coins that are on exchanges also impacts on the General market liquidity which can drive volatility I.E the more coins there are the less likely large buys and or sells will impact on the price and vice versa for Less Supply on exchanges that saidKeeping track of exchange Supply is like taking the Market's temperature used alongside other indicators on this list it can give you vital Clues as to where the market is heading and while we're on the topic of exchanges I should let you know about the coin Bureau deals pageOver there we have some of the best exchange deals including sign up bonuses of up to $40,000 as well as trading fee discounts of up to 60% these are available for a limited time only and are exclusively for the viewers of this channel so be sure to check them out while you canLink below now next up we have the market value to realized value or mvrv indicator for short think of this indicator as a thermometer for how heated the market is about a particular cryptocurrency here's how it works mvrv compares the current market price of a cryptocurrency to its real value what itWas worth when it was last moved on the blockchain we figure this out by dividing the total market value which is what people are willing to pay right now by the realized value which is more like the historical price tag of all coins in circulation so it's a measure of howMuch more expensive Bitcoin is relative to when it was first potentially bought now this ratio is super useful it's like a reality check that shows us if a cryptocurrency is potentially overhyped or maybe flying under the radar if the mvrv is above one the market might be getting a little too excited thinkingThe coin is worth more than its historical average historically an mvrb above 3.7 indicates a price top on the flip side an mvrv below one could be a sign that the coin in question is undervalued next up we're again cheating a little by combining a few indicatorsInto one but it makes sense since there are a group of metrics that can be used to identify Market top tops and bottoms in crypto first off we've got the net unrealized profit to loss or nupal for short it's like a mood ring for the market it shows us a difference betweenWhat everyone's crypto is currently worth versus what they paid for it when nupal gets really high Snoop Dog level high it might just be time to sell a high nle is a likely indicator that the crypto has reached its Market top on the flip side meanwhile if nupal is superLow the party's just getting started the markets are probably at a low point and this is the time to buy and then of course there is the gu's dad indicator when my father asks about whether he should buy crypto then sell sell it all sell it all today okay after nle we haveThe percent of addresses in profit it's pretty straightforward this metric looks at the percentage of folks who are sitting on gains with their crypto at today's prices if nearly everyone's making money then be careful the market might be overvalued and it might be time to sell but if it's the other way aroundThe market could be undervalued so it might be time to buy another cool metric is relative unrealized profit to loss this one is all about timing are people cashing out slowly as the market cap climbs or are we seeing a Mad Dash to the exit if it's the latter you mightWant to sell your asset quickly otherwise just like a run on the bank you might be left empty-handed and the final indicator I'll mention here is investor sentiment now this isn't just numbers it's about the feelings and moods of the folks in the market are people feeling bullish ready to chargeOr bearish ready to hibernate it's a mood Weather Vein watching this can give us hints about the Market's next move now taken together these metrics can help you anticipate Market tops and bottoms and since we all want to buy at the bottom and sell at the top these areVery useful metrics to have handy okay on to the next indicator here we have to talk about miners specifically miners Revenue think of miners Revenue as the heartbeat of blockchain networks like Bitcoin this is all about the income miners receive for keeping the network secure and transactions ticking overIt's a number that tells us whether miners are making bank or just scraping by now how do we keep tabs on miners Revenue easy there's a treasure Trove of tools out there from blockchain explorers to Market data crunchers and profitability calculators that give us the lowdown on how much these digitalMiners are digging up so why should we care well when miners are raking in the dough it's often a sign that the network is buzzing with activity and if the network is buzzing it's a sign that the network is healthy and we could see price Action Moving upwards on the flipSide low activity could suggest the opposite but it might also mean that mining is becoming too costly if mining expenses start to outweigh the rewards over a long enough time span miners might start to call it quits and this is problematic as you'll soon find out okayThe hash rate is our next indicator it's a crucial stat in the world of crypto especially if you're into mining or just want to understand what keeps a blockchain ticking here's the tldr the hash rate is like the horsepower of a blockchain network it's a measure of the amount of computational power beingExpended to secure the blockchain and process those transactions so why do we care about the hash rate well it's a big deal for the Network's safety when you hear about a blockchain's hash rate being high think of it as a good sign that the network is strong and secureMore computing power means it's tougher for hackers to break in or mess with transactions now mining gets harder when the hash rate goes up that's because blockchains are set up to keep things challenging as more people join in on the mining this keeps the pace of miningSteady so new blocks don't start popping up too quickly the technical term for this is quote difficulty adjustments another reason why a higher hash rate is a good sign is because it means that miners are deploying even more power and capital to protect the network rememberThough miners want to make a profit so if it becomes unprofitable for them to mine then they'll simply switch off their machines as they leave the network the hash rate will drop and if it drops too quickly then difficulty adjusts down again to the point at which it is onceAgain profitable to mine now this is one of the beauties of bitcoin's design the network can constantly adjust to prevailing conditions to incentivize miners to expend resources securing it okay let's move away from the mining current and ride the uh huddle waves sorry so hudle waves are a really usefulWay to gauge when investors who have been in the game a bit longer believe the markets have hit a high point glass node Academy explains this in great detail but for our purposes I'll keep it concise hodle waves show three types of coins lost or ancient coins which areOver 5 years old old coins between 1 and 5 years old and young coins which are generally less than 6 months old now we know from past precedent that there is a very low chance that coins dated over 5 years will reenter the market that's why they're classed as lost or ancient butWhen you see an uptick of of old coins re-entering the market it's indicative that these older Diamond handed investors are selling and as basic economics tells us increased Supply with no change in demand can drive prices downwards in other words if you notice a rapid increase in the number of oldCoins hitting the market prices could be about to swing so keep your eye out for that all right let's move on the network value to transaction Ratio or nvt is essentially the financial pulse check for cryptocurrencies acting as a gauge for whether a digital currency is potentially overvalued or undervalued toDetermine the nvt you take the entire market cap of a cryptocurrency and then divide that Hefty sum by the daily dollar amount of transactions flowing through the network the nvt is easy to track on sites like glass node and coin metrics the reason Savvy investors keepAn eye on mvt is it helps them determine whether the the crypto is well priced is it priced like a rare diamond or a common Rock a towering nvt might signal an overpriced Market while a basement level nvt could mean there's a bargain to be had for those of you out there whoAnalyze stocks you can view the nvt as being analogous to the price to earnings ratio a measure of price to Value generated Beyond just a simple valuation tool nvt can hint at imminent Market shifts a sudden leap or nose dive in the ratio often precedes significant priceMovements and it's not just about an individual coin nvt also allows Savvy traders to line up different cryptocurrencies side by side offering perspectives on which ones might be unfairly overlooked or too eagerly hyped based on their transaction volumes in other words it can help you determineWhich altcoin to buy at a given time right then nine down one to go so the final indicator we'll cover is smart money labels these are really useful indicators an excellent way to get an edge in this game if you want to know people's agendas you should follow theMoney but if you want to know if the markets are about to move you should follow the smart money labels smart money labels as the name suggests help us understand what the most informed and influential Market players are doing these labels track very ious investor wallets or addresses and they don't justShow the size of their Holdings but more importantly reveal their investment patterns and Market foresight if you want to know what the best in the business are doing smart money labels are the way to go so how can you track this well again this is where analyticsPlatforms like nanson come in nansen has a handy set of labels that help us spot the experts in the crypto trading world these labels give us a glimpse into who's making smart Investments early on and who's earning big from providing liquidity on popular platforms like UnisSwap or sushi swap they also point out the investor wallets that seem to have a knack for making the Right Moves for the bigger players like investment funds there's a label that shows us how they're spreading out their crypto Investments so while it's always better to do your own research before investingYour next best bet is to follow the smart money and if they're smart enough you too could see some pretty eyering gains so check it out all right folks that's about it for the indicators today I'll leave links in the description below if you want to learn more about these resources andHave a play around with them we also have a video interview with the CEO of nanson which you should check out too link below now though it's over to you do you use the indicators we've mentioned in this video If so we'd love to know your thoughts and are there anyOther indicators you would recommend drop your comments below oh and while you're down there don't forget that deals page that's where you can find those exclusive exchange signup bonuses and trading fee discounts as well as much more besides something that you won't get anywhere else and if you foundValue in this content a like and a subscribe would be much appreciated okay until next time thank you for watching and I'll see you again soon this is Guy signing Off

The scariest thing about crypto is the price tag seeing cryptos that cost thousands of dollars can be intimidating especially when you need to put down four or five figures to buy one eth or one BTC now many seem to think you need a lot to make a lot however thisCouldn't be further from the truth you can invest in crypto with as little as a few dollars and you can still make massive amounts of money if you invest a small allocation strategically of course this is easier said than done that's why today we're going to give you aStepbystep guide about how to invest in crypto if you're on a budget and how you can turn a few bucks into billions my name is guy and this is the coin Bureau I'll start by saying that nothing in this video is financial or investment advice it's purely educational cryptoContent that's meant to help you on your crypto Co Quest if you are looking for financial or investment advice please contact a licensed financial adviser in your area who knows about crypto okay that said the first step to investing in crypto on a budget is to understand your number one enemy fees onCryptocurrency exchanges depending on the exchange and the amount it can cost as much as 10% of your initial investment just to buy the crypto you want that means you're immediately at a loss more importantly if you plan on trading crypto on exchanges then you should know that those trading fees canAdd up too not only that but some crypto exchanges have surprisingly High minimum trades on the spot Market never mind the enormous funding fees that you often pay when trading on margin if that wasn't bad enough most exchanges also charge an arm and a leg to withdraw your crypto toYour personal wallet depending on the blockchain you're using and how busy the network is it can literally cost you up to $50 just to withdraw your crypto never mind the fees for withdrawing your feat thankfully there's an easy way to reduce these fees and even get extra money for buying and trading yourFavorite coins and Tokens The Coin Bureau deals page it offers trading fee discounts of up to 60% on the best crypto exchanges along with sign up bonuses of up to $40,000 now unfortunately the coin be deals page can't help you with the sizable withdrawal fees that these exchanges sometimes charge fortunatelyThough it can help you get a discount on some of the best hardware wallets in the industry wallets that will keep your coins and tokens safe while you accumulate these are exclusive deals that we've managed to negotiate on behalf of our viewers and if you want to take advantage of them while they'reStill around use the link in the description so this ties into the second step to investing in crypto on a budget and that's to choose the crypto exchange or platform that's right for you this is something that most people don't think about when they get into crypto theyJust go with a name they recognize and then make it their only option before you create an account on a crypto exchange you want to make sure that it supports the cryptos you're interested in one of the biggest mistakes you can make is paying fees to get your moneyOnto an exchange only to find that it doesn't support the crypto you want I'm speaking from experience here on that note once you've identified the exchange that supports the cryptos you're interested in you want to make sure that you won't be charged a fortune for getting your money in and out typicallyExchanges will have this information on their website the card fee and bank transfer fee just don't forget to account for the fees that your own bank will charge you for buying crypto by card or wire transfer you'll be shocked at how much the banks can take sometimesDepending on where you are in the world you can use a virtual bank like revolute as a middleman to reduce these fees Dy on that one from what we've seen the best way to get your money on and off exchanges is using fast payment systems there are just two problems there theFirst is that most crypto exchanges don't support fast payment systems the second is that fast payment systems are precursors to dystopian cbdcs more about that in the description I digress now another another factor to keep in mind when choosing a crypto exchange is to make sure that it supports the cryptosYou're interested in on blockchains that aren't absurdly expensive to use ethereum in all seriousness if you're investing on a budget you need to watch out for these fees unlike Fiat fees fees for withdrawing coins and tokens on certain blockchains aren't always noted on the websites of crypto exchanges thisIs simply because these fees tend to change from frequently it also doesn't help that many crypto exchanges don't note which networks they support on their websites either to be honest the best way to check this is to make an account and check it manually yourself before buying it never hurts to haveMore than one exchange account which is why you should seriously take advantage of those offers on the coin Bureau deals page remember Link in description now this relates to the third step to investing in crypto on a budget and that's to choose the coin or token that's right for you if you're investingOn a budget because you don't have much to invest to begin with then you're better off investing in established cryptos that will be around indefinitely by contrast if you're investing on a budget because you're gambling well then feel free to splurge on the most speculative coins and tokens you canFind if you're having a hard time finding these coins and tokens on centralized exchanges though then you might be going a bit too far out on the risk curve besides being listed on an an exchange that you can use and supported on a blockchain that won't blow up yourWallet when you withdraw the crypto that's right for you is one that you can understand and get on board with this requires research which you should always do regardless of how much you invest we've probably got over a dozen videos about how to research cryptocurrencies and we strongly suggestThat you watch them if you have the time if you don't then at least listen to interviews with founders of the crypto projects you're interested in these will tell you most of what you need to know the only thing I'll caution is that crypto Founders can often sound very convincing if they're sayingSomething that you don't understand then don't assume that you just don't understand instead assume that they're trying to sound smart to make the crypto project seem more legit than it is a crypto projects founder should be able to explain complex Topics in a way that's as easy to understand as as thisVery video they should also be transparent about important factors like the token allocation and technical issues if they can't then they either suck at communicating or the crypto project itself sucks news flash it's often the latter now once you found a crypto project that you think is rightFor you then you should double check to see if there aren't already some other crypto projects out there which do the same thing better this can admittedly be hard to assess and it's also hard to square with the importance of market cap for context it's a crypto's market capThat determines how much it can pump or dump not its price so if you find a promising crypto project with a large market cap and then notice a competitor that's just as good but with a smaller market cap chances are that competitor will perform better in percentage termsRegardless of price this pertains to the fourth step to investing in crypto on a budget which is to set your expectations if you're looking to make a million dollars overnight well I regret to inform you that this is pretty much impossible if you're looking to turn aFew hundred into a few thousand over the next year or two however this is more than possible that's because we're nearing the end of the crypto be market and we'll soon begin the crypto bull market if the next bull market is anything like the previous ones then weWill see lots of coins and tokens go up by 10x maybe go up by 100x and even a few go up by a THX moonshots if you will there are just two caveats here the first is that we're in a kind of crypto limbo where prices could still drop byDouble digits if not more the second is that altcoins will offer the biggest gains but we probably won't see a bull market among altcoins until after the Bitcoin harving in the spring of next year if you watched our video about when to accumulate altcoins you you'll knowThat altcoins could still fall to their all-time lows between now and then in some cases this could correspond to a percentage loss of 50% or more obviously that will be brutal if you're investing in crypto on a budget however if you're willing and able to hold on to the coinsOr tokens you've chosen until the crypto bull market really takes off then chances are you'll end up with gains that are 50% or more to put things into perspective BTC is projected to hit over $100,000 during the next cycle a 3 to 4X gain from current prices as mentioned inThe introduction you don't need to have 30 or 40 Grand to invest in BTC some crypto platforms will let you invest with as little as a few dollars the catch is that these crypto platforms are custodial meaning that they technically own your crypto sometimes they don'tEven let you withdraw this is a problem if you're planning on holding the coins or tokens you bought for 1 to two years which is roughly when the next crypto bull market should start to Peak ideally you'll want to buy the cryptos you want send them to your wallet and then forgetAbout them until you see celebrities promoting crypto on TV now that my friends is when you'll know it's time to sell as you might have guessed this is the fifth step to investing in crypto on a budget taking profit as with researching cryptocurrency we probably have over a dozen videos about how andWhen to take profits as with research there is a shortcut to taking profit as well if you see the coin or token you bought all over the crypto news and on crypto social media like Twitter then chances are it's time to take profit if you see coins or tokens you bought allOver the mainstream media and on local Billboards and such then it's probably time to cash out completely and if your friends and family start asking you about the the coin or token you bought sell everything and run for the hills in all seriousness social sentiment is a surprisingly accurate indicator of whenIt's time to buy and when it's time to sell before you ask yes we have a video about sentiment trading too now the tricky thing about sentiment trading is that you can often get caught up in the narrative and start believing that your 10x will turn into a 100x one way toProtect against that is to take profits along the way so that if you do get caught up the hype you still have something left at the end of the day but the best way to protect yourself against the hype is to set a Target and stick toIt if you've been accumulating a crypto that you've researched a certain is good and that has a market cap of say between 10 and $100 million then setting a target of 5 to 10x is realistic unless it turns out to be a total scam once you've set a Target then you can decideThe increments at which you cash out for for example you could take a small profit every time your investment goes up by 50% or by 2x sure you'll end up with less money than if You' sold at the very top but the chances of you managingTo do that are very slim never forget that and this brings us to the big question and that's how you can turn a few bucks into billions before I give you the answer I want to give you an example to prove that it is possible spoiler alert but nobody has actuallyTurned a few bucks into billions using crypto even so similarly massive gains have been made in fact it's believed that the most profitable trade of all time came from a Sheba enu investor who bought $8,000 worth of shib when the mem coin first launched after 400 Days that shib was worth over$5.7 billion interestingly though it appears that this shib whale never sold though they did transfer tokens around now it goes without saying that this trade if you can call it that is not something that happens every day in crypto still there are many successful Traders out there and because mostCryptocurrency transactions are publicly viewable it's easy to see what these Traders are doing on chain Twitter users such as look onchain do exactly that they follow the so-called smart money and identify accounts that have consistently made abnormally profitable trades the current pinned tweet or post highlights a wallet that was abnormallyGood at trading Matic and turned 1K into 30k speaking of which a few members of the coin Bureau team have made 100x Returns on cryptos like cardano's adaah one of them missed out on a 500x gain on decentraland Manor it's safe to say that nobody could have predicted thatFacebook would Rebrand to meta and cause a metaverse pump believe it or not but there are many examples like this and most of them involve investing in a meme coin long before anyone knew it existed or took it seriously in almost every case it was either total luck orStraight up insider trading sometimes however it was because someone was paying attention this underscores how profitable it can be to Dy before you spend a single Cent If you do your due diligence you can with a bit of luck thrown in turn hundreds into millions from what we've seen the shortcut inThis case is to participate in token launches or get an airdrop from a new crypto project the former often requires doing lots of research and having lots of connections which are surprisingly easy to make if you put in the effort to become a part of an emerging cryptoProject or Niche the same ease applies to the latter people have made thousands just from playing around on blockchains if you are truly investing on a budget then setting aside that money to pay for fees on new blockchains to participate in new ecosystems could be the best wayTo go Heck if you become a part of those communities you could find yourself being offered a crypto job that gives you a much bigger budget now that my friends is living the dream and that's all for today's video if you found it helpful then smash thatLike button to let us know if you want to keep getting more helpful content subscribe to the channel and ping that notification Bell if you want to help others then be sure to share this video with them if they're into crypto of course and if you want toHelp yourself remember to check out the coin Bureau deals page don't forget that it has up to 60% discounts on trading fees up to $40,000 in bonuses on exchanges and the biggest discounts on Hardware wallets that you can find the link is in the description thank you allSo much for watching and I'll see you again soon