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Earning a Living through Day Trading: Mastering a Single, Effective Strategy (2023)

Hey guys Chad trades here in this video I want to go over the one simple day trading strategy I use almost every time I take a trade in fact I've literally used the same strategy same confirmations for like I said every trade I took this week so anyways let'sGo and dive into the computer I'll show you some of my trade Recaps and what this strategy is so hopefully you guys can get some free value and education out of this video all right so like I said I want to go over that one simpleStrategy I use to make a living day trading and basically what that strategy is is using a combination of levels support resistance supply and demand combined with the 200 day moving averages now I'm sure you guys have used moving averages or used levels in thePast but I want to give you some Pro tips that I never really heard anyone talk about and once I started understanding how to use them better I started winning a lot more trades so anyways what this Pro tip is is you know it's kind of common sense but again it'sSomething you don't really think about when you're trading right so what this Pro tip is is the market must be respecting the moving moving average for me to take trades off it so if I want to use the 200 day moving average as a confirmation let's say right I must seeThe market respecting that moving average for me to actually take a trade off it right based on the time frame I'm actually looking at and then there's one other thing I look at we'll talk about that in a second so for example let's go to the trade I took yesterday onWednesday um as you can see if I go we made around I made around $3,400 yesterday and let's go into the chart right so I'm going to pull up thinker swim and this was Wednesday yesterday so let's go ahead and zoom in here as we can see there's two main levels right soThere's this resistance level basically Supply Zone from this aggressive selloff from Tuesday and obviously our support level that got held up pretty much overnight during after hours now as we can see I'm on the 5 minute time frame right now right so if I actually zoomOut we can see that this blue line is my 200-day moving average for for the 5-minute time frame and what you'll see here is going back to this Pro tip the market has been respecting this moving average right the 5 minute time frame moving average right if we go back hereWe can see uh this is kind of acting as support once we broke through down here right we almost came up to it kind of acted as resistance we had a massive selloff and then as you can see once we broke it overnight on this Wednesday nowIt was acting as support once again and we're kind of trading above it which means the trend is up I want to focus on going long I want to look for setups to go long since we're above that moving average and the market seems to beRespecting it right so as we can see when the market opened at around 7:30 my time we were up right here and again I wanted to go long I wanted to look for setups to go long because we were above this moving average but I don't want toChase a trade right I want to make sure I get a good deal right so when the market opened at 7:30 my time I pretty much wrote on my plan I want to wait for a pullback not only to a support area right which could be down here but itAlso could be in this area where we had support so sometimes when you are establishing support levels you want to look for other things that give you a confirmation that that level will act as support and again one of the ways you can do that is using vwap or using aMoving average so as we can see this area right here where basically we had you know kind of support during pre-market if we just draw a straight box right till the end of the day we can see that this level lined up perfectly with our 5 minute moving average and weAlso know that the market you know was respecting it over the past few days right so this is kind of the thing I was waiting for even when the market open right Market open right here again I told myself I wanted to wait for a pullback to a support level that alsoHad some other confirmations in it in this case it was this moving average and a little bit of this vwap so that's kind of what I was watching now if we go back to you know this strategy you know kind of what I add to this is I also want toLook for other confirmations well what are some of the other confirmations I actually look for to enter the trade well usually you know we want to see some reversal candles I want to see maybe it's a double bottom pattern double top pattern I also want to makeSure you know it goes along with the trend you know maybe it's also uh near vwap right that could be a confirmation so I want to see at least you know two or three other confirmations along with you know kind of what I talking about here with the moving average and levelsSo if we go back to the Chart right we can kind of zoom in here and kind of just see right once we pulled back here to the support to this moving average now I'm basically looking for those other confirmations right so obviously when we initially pulled back I missedThis move so I was thinking about getting in here but again I just didn't have enough confirmation so once we actually moved up this is where I was like okay if we pull back here again what this is going to do is it's going to create a double bottom pattern rightSo sometimes in trading you kind of have to think a couple moves ahead of the market right you can't just react in real time and take trades off that it's kind of like a game of chess right you have to think a few moves ahead andThat's kind of what I was doing I was like okay what could the market do to give me those other confirmations well obviously once we got up here you know the old me would have been you know like oh I should have got in I would haveFear missing out and maybe I you know would just chase the trade because I think it's going to go up way up here then all of a sudden we pull back like crazy and now I get stopped out so obviously that's what you don't want toDo but when we're up here I was like okay if we pull back not only will we still be at our support level we still will be at the moving average but it's also going to create another confirmation for me which would be this double bottom pattern right and as youCan see that's exactly what we did we pulled on back here and now I saw some nice 5minute reversal candles I saw two different candles so as soon as this candle closed right here I actually entered the trade and I basically rode this thing up um over to our resistanceArea ended up making around 10 points on this trade all right so that's the first example from the trade I took yesterday now if we go to the trade I took this morning today as you can see um I used a little bit less size just because weDidn't pull back as much as I wanted to but I still end up making around 1,500 bucks so let's go ahead and go over that again I basically Ed the same exact strategy but this Pro tip really came in handy on the trade I took today rightGoing back to this Market must be respecting the moving average for me to take trades off it okay so if we go back here as you can see yesterday we ended up going to this resistance area and then we pulled on back we got here againWe pulled hold on back and what you'll see now if I zoom in here right what you'll see is the 5 minute moving average like yesterday the market was respecting this F minute moving average no problem right every time we pulled back here price seemed to bounce offWhere today during pre-market before the market even opened right this whole area we kind of cut through it we went up it we went down it we cut up it again right it was very choppy so basically what this means is the market was not respecting this moving average so when IWent into today to make my plan I didn't care about the 5-minute moving average because again the market wasn't really respecting it so what I did was I simply just went into a different time frame I went into a 10-minute time frame and now as you can see the moving average isGoing to be different on the 10-minute time frame and now I want to see okay is the market respecting the 10minute time frame moving average as we can see um it was acting a resistance here act as support here and we didn't really pull on back to it tell earlier this morningThis is at like 3:00 a.m. so obviously I was sleeping then and as you can see we pretty much bounced off it and had a big rally up back to this resistance area so when I saw that when I was making my pre-market plan I'm like okay the marketIs actually respecting this 10-minute moving average let me go ahead and see if I can spot a level off of that and basically what I saw if I zoom into today right we can see I got this level from premarket so this is at 3: in the morning basically drew the support areaObviously viously none of this happened yet this is before the market open basically I got to my computer at around 700 a.m. my time so we're basically trading right here and we're just bouncing off this moving average once again and it also lined up with the support area we got from premarket andAs you can see now this support area that I drew also had a confirmation which was this 10-minute moving average which the market was respecting and by the way guys I posted this support area in my Discord before the market open today if you guys want to join it it'sCompletely free and open to the public so as you can see before the market open I wrote my levels for the s&p500 and the NASDAQ I do this every single day in here this is basically what the market looked like uh before the market openOnce again if you guys want to join our Discord Community it's completely free and open to the public like I said I post my levels in here every single day and we also have a community where you can ask questions and network with other Traders so if you guys would like toJoin us in here we'd love to have you like I said it's completely free to join all you have to do is go to the first link in the description below so anyways let's go ahead and go back into the trade today right so going back toBasically what my strategy is is looking for a level we found that support level and we also saw that that support level lined up with one of the moving averages which was in this case it was on the 10-minute time frame Market seemed to be respecting it now I'm looking for otherConfirmations right what are some other confirmations I can use to actually you know justify during this trade so if we go into this as we can see when we pulled on back here right I just got to my computer around 6:50 700 a.m. and essentially we were at this level we'reAt the moving average we saw some 5minute reversal candles and we also had a clear double bottom pattern right so now what I can do is I can actually I want to go into the one minute time frame and if we go into where the marketOpened like I said I got to my computer at around 7 and I saw where we bounced off that level so basically right here where is where I kind of got to my computer I started making my plan around 7:00 my time 30 minutes before theMarket opened this is where I was like okay I just missed out on an A+ setup we saw some 5 minute reversal candles uh we had a level we had a moving average there right so we had multiple confirmations we had the double bottom pattern on the 5 minute time frame andThe 10-minute time frame so now I was like okay now I want to wait for a pullback to potentially enter this trade because I think we're going to get back up to this resistance level once again uh so that's kind of what I did as youCan see we pulled back a little bit I wanted to get at least into our Zone again so I kept on waiting and as you can see literally on this candle once this candle closed this is where I entered half my position right so againI was waiting for us to fully test you know this low around 278 to enter my full position but like I said I didn't want to miss the entire trade in case we didn't pull back so after this candle closed basically I entered half of my position and from from there we justStarted ripping up right literally before the market opened as you can see uh we ripped up all the way back to this resistance and we got all the way up to 293 3 minutes before the market opened this is at 727 and I literally took off the trade from there because you knowJust in case the market opened and we end up dumping back down I wanted to you know secure my profits and that is how I was able to make around $1,500 this morning like I said it would have been closer to three but I only added half ofMy position just because I didn't want to miss the trade and I wanted us to wait to pull back a little bit more but obviously we never got there so anyways guys that is my strategy the main thing here uh the lesson I kind of want you toTake away from this specific video is when you're using moving averages or EMA indicators make sure the market actually respects it to take trades off it or to use it as a confirmation because a lot of times people will be like oh we're at the moving average right does thatMoving average even matter if the market isn't respecting it right so make sure it's actually respecting it for you to use it as a confirmation and obviously you know all the other stuff I always talk about make sure we're in a level make sure you have some otherConfirmations to take the trade make sure there's a good risk reward ratio and pretty much everything is lined up all at once so anyways guys that is the strategy I follow pretty much 80 90% of the time when it comes to actually day training I hope you guys enjoyed thisOne if you guys have any questions around this let me know in the comments below and like I said before if you guys want to join our Discord Community where I post my levels in here every single day on the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ marketLike I said before we'd love to have you inside our community all you have to do is go to the first link in the description below to join us or just head over to this link right here that being said guys as always I hope youHave a great rest your day let me know if you have any questions in the comments below and with that being said I will see you in my next video with another day trading lesson

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