Welcome to our qbank webinar happy to see so many of you joining us today this webinar today is about a powerful Dam setup for Unstoppable retail growth my name is Alexandra Hagmann and I'm a dam expert here at qbank and will host this webinar for you todaySo today we will cover this following topics so why do retailers need a dam them as part of the ecosystem and lastly we will also go over a case to show how a setup with Cuban can look like if you have any questions use the question tab on the right and we willTry to answer them at the end of the session I hope you get some inspiration after this session today and let's get started so before we diving into the retail part of them I just briefly wanted to mention what the dam is for you who are new to the topicSo digital asset management is all about organizing storing and distributing digital assets and content so these different assets can be everything from images videos presentations and documents and we help customers reduce manual work by simplifying and automating the work with assets for example by automating the formatting of the assets with theDifferent for the different platforms we help ensure brand consistency by managing and controlling the usage of Assets in an organization we help customers reuse content instead of always creating new content by using the metadata of each asset to maximize findability we also help customers short on time to Market by integrating kubank toDifferent systems such as CMS where you get the right format of an asset to the right system so let's jump into the retail part of it so why should retailers use Adam firstly centralized management of digital assets it's what it's all about pretty much retailers often have a largeVolume of digital assets including product images videos and marketing material at them provides a centralized location for managing and organizing these assets making making it easier for retailers to access and actually use them improved efficiency Adam streamlines the process of creating managing and distributing digital assets it can automate tasks such as fileConversion and resizing which can save retailers a significant amount of time and effort consistency in branding Adam shorts that ensures that all digital assets are consistent with the retailers branding guidelines this is important for maintaining a strong brand image and delivering a consistent customer experience across all channels increase collaboration a dam allowsMultiple teams to work together on digital assets this can be especially helpful for retailers with virtual teams so if you're spread across the country or even spread across different markets enhanced security a dam provides greater control of who can access and who can actually modify the different digitalAssets it can also track usage and ensure compliance with copyright laws which can help protect the retailers from legal issues so challenges for retailers you might recognize yourself in your company in these challenges for example that it is challenging in managing and distributing product assets both internally and externallyIt can be difficult collaborating and sharing material maybe it's even shared over wheat transfer today or that you need to share each file individually due to its big large size may be challenges to distribute in-store material to all your stores across the country or even across the different markets marketsThese challenges are resulting in unnecessary manual work high risk of human error inconsistency in branding you might not even be able to keep track of who has the latest version of the asset you might not have control of where the assets is actually being used and lastly it can be time consuming justFinding the assets if they are stored or someone someone's computer for example or the server this can also lead to the need to create new materials as you actually can't find the existing material so damn is one of the systems that you as a retailer or should be working with todayAdam is a central part of the ecosystem when we talk about them we talk about asset first by viewing it as asset first means that all original assets should be stored in a dam and that asset should always be coming from your Dam and not from another system for exampleUploading images directly to your CMS that has been stored on your computer for example so there's no traceability of the dots by integrating your other systems to qbank you can let Q Bank be the stores for all assets for your entire organization there are different ways to retrieveAssets and information to your Dam firstly supplier onboarding what I mean with this is for example creating a collaborative collaborative site called move word in qbank with the aim for suppliers to share assets with me at the metadata directly to your Q Bank where you can thereafter publish it further toThe remaining of your system this is an easy and time efficient way of collecting assets from your suppliers a way to retrieve information is to integrate your Dam with your Pim system for example this is a very common integration among our retail customers today by integrating to the system Q BankReceives product information which connects with the right product image inside of cubemac as well by also working with qbank's function mood board again you can collaborate with a photo studio agency or partner where they can upload assets to the Q Bank billboard which then will make it available directly in your Q bankWaiting for your approval lastly for the inbound there's also a possibility to integrate to a third-party database for example validu is a common connector for the food and grocery segment thereafter if we look at the outbound so to push assets and information from qbank to the other systemIt's common to share assets with resellers or stores if you also have retrieved product information from for example a Pim then this can be shared as well you can share this from either our media portals or our mood boards by doing this you can control the users of assets andConsistency in branding for the different stores or resellers and lastly by integrating with the different system such as a ping my marketing Automation and social media CMS Point of Sales for example you can publish your assets from qbank in the right format by letting qbank automatically recrop resize or any otherFormatting on assets directly published directly to your other systems and why not automate all of these processes and let the system actually work for you instead of work with you there are endless integration possibilities to connect Q Bank to other systems and platforms to effectively effectively retrieve or push out assetsWherever they are needed for your organizations a part of the sharing possibilities with qbank it is a very common that our customers and specifically our retail customers want the Branded media portal a media portal is a portal to share assets such as product images for for example resellers press or other partners someOf our retail customers have taken it a step further by also integrating their Pim or Erp system to qbank immediate portal to make the media portal more of a reseller portal so in these cases when a reseller is logging into the media portal they can see their orders because of the Erp isIntegrated and therefore see the product asset um they need to collect these assets can also hold all the product information in queue bank if qbank is integrated with the pin system we also have a feature in Cuba called mood board which I briefly mentioned earlier so mood board is a collaboration tool umTo share and collect assets from stakeholders who does not have access to your Q bank so here suppliers for example can upload assets and they will come directly to your Q bank waiting for your approval it's also used for retailers to collaborate around images in generalAnd if you want to learn more about movers we just actually had a webinar about this a month ago and if you want you can watch the replay on our website and there will be a link in the chat coming here now and you can view it there if you'd likeSo I also wanted to touch upon a few of our key features in qbank that our retail customers really appreciate so firstly I want to touch upon a file name marketing so find a mapping and pretty much automates the tagging by mapping your naming standards to certainProperties in qbank so if you name your files in an efficient way you can minimize the tagging of the metadata naming pattern changes naming of an asset when it's published to another system so for example different systems or suppliers might want the naming of the file in different way for example oneMight want the eieam number underscore color underscore season for example well and other system or supplier might want um Define name as article number underscore color underscore system how to deploy this feature is used by most of our customers today and it's because it helps to automate the publishing process of assetsIf a media is uploaded and tagged by for example Instagram and then it will be automatically published directly to integration to a brand watch for example and brandwatch is a social media tool that many of our customers have integrated to templates you can set up unlimitedAmount of templates in your Q bank and when the templates are connected to the different publishing sites to the Integrated Systems those formats of the assets will be published with the templates there is a possibility to remove background around pack shots use clipping path and so on also a lot ofThe basics of cropping and resizing is on reverse email search this is pretty common that you might have an image on your computer that is a little bit pixely and it's lower resolution and you're having trouble finding the original with this feature you can drag and drop the low resolutionImage two queue Banks interface and it will search and find the original for you it's very simple and easy version management when you continuously work with an asset for over a period of time that usually becomes different versions of it in qbank you can add newer versions toThe same asset and it will be stored and traced as well as the previous versions of it photo over it too this tool is to create and manage photo orders towards an agency or a photo studio so simply create the orders directly from Quebec Banner Builder so this is the lastFeature for today as the banner Builder is a relatively new feature and you use panability to automatically create personalized price offerings with input from your promotional campaign tool so you can see the examples here in the right corner where the price icons are generated on top of the pack shotsInside of qbank this can then be publicly published and used in apps and in the marketing automation tools for example so the last part of this webinar today for the customer case so what you see here on the screen is a mix of what a retailer retail customerSolution looks like today and not to scare you and this is a large solution that I'm showing it's common that customer starts with a smaller solution and then in a couple of years it can grow to something like this so QB bank is very scalable in that waySo an example of how this solution would work is that Q Bank reads information from the master data system that you see here at the bottom left corner almost so it reads in the information from the master data system every night to receive placeholders for product images in qbankIf an image of the product is mixing it can send out an automatic message to the internal or external resources to add assets to qbank for example to mood boards or the photo order tool to your agency you can send out this part images will then be enriched with information fromThe Pim system which you also see here on the left this can then be distributed and published to the system so for example to the CMS e-commerce to digital signage to the stores Point of Sales so the cash register enter your media portal so it can be seller portalsAnd press portal so in general it just collects all the information automatically if qbank misses information it asks for it either to external sources or to different systems and then it can push it out to all the systems that that need they need the images and the informationSo when this Distributing these assets as well features such as the naming pattern can be used if the different Integrations or different system demands different filing name so in summary centralized management of digital assets a dam provides a centralized location for managing and organizing these assets making it easier for retailers to accessAnd use them improved efficiency a down streamlines the process of creating managing and distributing digital assets consistency in branding are damaged towards that all digital assets are consistent with the retailers branding guidelines increase collaboration Adam allows multiple teams to work together on digital assets which can improve collaboration and communicationAnd lastly enhance security Adam provides greater control over who can access and modify digital assets so thank you so much for listening in today please feel free to write any questions you might have um in the box to the right I think it is and while I give you a minute to thinkOf any questions you might have I just wanted to mention that we have an upcoming webinar June 1st with my colleague Daniel who will be talking about managing documents in Quebec and also one another fun thing is that qbank is hosting an exclusive event here at our office in Stockholm 25th of MayIt will be an after work with some inspirational speakers and mingle with some Cuban customers and also us here at qbank and of course we will have a lot of fun and there will also be a link in there chat for those who would want to joinAnd I really hope I can see some of you there let's see here if there are any questions that has come no questions yet so if you have any questions then feel free to contact us you have my contact details here on the slide and if you want to have a closerLook at qbank let me know and we can schedule in admo and otherwise I hope you got some inspiration today um and thank you and have a great day everyone
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