Google is another form of chat GPT right it's just an earlier version if you're somebody who's coming from nothing your money is not going to be made on bitcoin um don't neglect and Overlook white papers I hear people say oh anybody who's looking at white papers is stupidLike you're stupid I mean you're investing in a startup Hocus Pocus pfp [ __ ] yeah it's over and Dead with there's no money in nfts yeah the real money is on the Chain which is the blockchain protocols so I have nfts yes but only select few the next evolutionOf nfts which it combines what's good everyone thank you for joining us and welcome to the web 3 experience every week we meet with the most Innovative Minds across culture business and technology to discuss how web3 is unlocking a new era of opportunity for entrepreneurs businesses and creatorsAlike by speaking with the Builders of tomorrow and hearing their unique perspectives on web3 and the World At Large we aim to break down the many existing societal Frameworks that blockchains aim to disrupt I'm your host Mosey and I'm freelance and welcome to the show Brando thank you for joining usToday uh so first just tell us a little bit about your journey you know into business investing uh and one eventually pushed you to jump into crypto head-on yeah so I mean the journey starts from Humble beginning right I come from nothing I I I I consider it racks to crypto richesUm you know I started off from uh nothing in 2016 I didn't know much about the space uh and you know I was introduced to it by somebody in Starbucks who randomly came up to me and showed me Bitcoin I didn't know anything about it they showed me uh this exchange with bittrexUm and I just saw red and yellow I mean red and green uh lines on it and it just looked foreign to me so you know I didn't really think too much of it at that time but another scenario came up maybe about a month laterAnd uh there was a an event being held at you know a community group that I was in and they were going to be talking about cryptocurrency so I went to it heard it out and I was just listening to their scam which was an also a scamUh they just pretty much wanted to get in people's money but I saw what the potential of blockchain Technology could be because they were breaking that down and I just saw that and he started to just immerse myself because I figured that there was something here and umYou know I feel like God led me to this opportunity and uh from then I just immersed myself studied I got certified in major different areas Bitcoin blockchain uh through IBM then I became certified through the metaverse in uh web 3 through a company called every realm uh formerly known as Republic andUh you know over time I initially just started to and wanted to learn as much as possible before I were to come out and speak on this publicly uh because I believe in if you're gonna speak on a topic you should be an expert in it right and that's whatI did I perfected my craft got certified in areas to separate myself and then one day God told me you know um to go in be an influencer in this space because there was a lack of influencers who knew what they were talking about one and twoInfluencers that had uh Integrity uh at that time you know there's a lot of people who were just Shilling assets to get money and I didn't want to be one of those I wanted to be somebody who would show you the other side of the coin soTo speak and um you know I I just made that that pack with God and I I feel like God has led me to that and you know since then um I mean of course there was pitfalls along the way I've endured uh major hurdles in life but also within cryptoUh but I've endured them all overcome them all and I I'm able to because of that I'm able to lead other individuals through my community called bigger than race uh to success in this space there's not too many crypto influencers who really get into this moneyUm and a lot of them you know they really don't even know what they don't know so uh you know I'm just thankful that God has led me in the direction in a path where uh I can do something that I could control and I didn't have anyAnybody dangling over uh any carrots over my head uh to dance like a monkey so to speak um so you know it's just been a It's been a a life-changing journey and you know we've helped a lot of people also change their lives through the works that we doAnd I you know I take full pride in responsibility in my role and I want to continue that um but you know just been so much that has transpired and uh God led me here yeah man I truly believe that everybody who's in this industry and is making an impact anImpactful presence trying to help people and trying to kind of um shed light on what the technology provides which is more opportunity for the underrepresented of the world right you know I'm Lebanese and and my culture my people our currency is completely inflated like literally 98 inflated overThe past five years if we could provide this new sense of knowledge for people in other countries in other parts of the world that don't have the opportunity that we have in LA and Miami it's like we're the most privileged people in the entire world you know outside of some ofThe richest places in Europe and in the Middle East but like you know we are privileged as [ __ ] so utilizing our knowledge and our education to help others understand and gather these opportunities you know that's kind of what we're here for and that leads me toMy next point it's like or my next question to you is after you developed you know such a strong conviction for the technology and for the culture of what three um what were the next steps to help you maximize on this new new opportunity in terms of your education gettingCertified you know connecting and networking with people in the industry like Outreach just what advice would you have for someone getting started I mean the advice that would have for anybody getting started is to find a community and find somebody who can guide you who's trustworthy yeah uh you know IDidn't have that when I came up I was the guy who had to learn by himself and you know be that spokesperson for other individuals uh I I feel like you need guidance and you also need to know what you're investing in study study study study study people's uh attention span these daysDoesn't afford them to be able to study and research and investigate truth on their own terms their their form of research is watching YouTubers who don't know anything and they don't know that they don't know anything and I've seen so many YouTubers who act like they knowWhat they're talking about and you would assume that they know what they're talking about but they have led people to lose a lot of money yeah because of lack of knowledge and information that they're presenting so find somebody who you trust who you can trust find somebody who actually knows what they'reTalking about it is very hard you know what I mean it's very hard and uh you know you just have to take your time I wouldn't rush into anything I would try to uh learn and you know try to figure out what Bitcoin is first because that's where everything started yeahAnd you know because Bitcoin that is the blockchain it's the mother of the blockchain right and then all the all coins All The Offspring so understand what Bitcoin is first and then from there you can branch on and you know discover and research other assets yeahBut you know you want to learn the foundation first that's a great point so after you learn the foundation about you know maybe you you try to read a more concise version of what the the white paper is for Bitcoin to kind of understand that in a nutshell right soAfter you've learned these foundations how do you go about getting certified in these different areas um are there are certain requisites that you have to meet prerequisites to get into these courses or can anybody take them well anybody can take them you know um these these resources are out hereFor anybody uh but not everybody does it yeah um it's like like going to college right not everybody goes to college some people drop out some people say they want to go to college but they don't end up going to college so ultimately it all depends onHow you want to further educate yourself I did it for my reasons of wanting to be a top expert in the field I wanted to separate myself from all other influencers and you know I I think it has done just that and you know also like I I just wanted to know my[ __ ] you know uh so I just think you know if you're somebody who wants to educate yourself uh all you got to do is Google Google is your friend uh you know anything that you want to find there it's out there for you there's several uh companies uh several schoolsWho do blockchain certification uh you know whether it be Bitcoin web three the metaverse I mean it's all out there but I encourage anybody who wants to learn more and who wants to set themselves apart from other individuals uh to get certified yeah at the end ofThe day I think a lot of people kind of just get lost in Google sometimes too whether it's from the ads or the so many different you know uh courses mimicking each other you know so it's like it comes down to you what you said before about just who you know and theConnections that you have who you can trust to say yeah this is a good course man just take this one over the others there's not many 100 of us worthy uh names out there that aren't getting shield and paid to promote certain you know courses you know companies EtcNo I was just saying research is a skilled in itself you know not everybody knows how to research yeah not everybody knows how to talk to Google you know and Google is another form of shot GPT right it's just an earlier version yeah so you know I IThink you know people just have to get accustomed to research a lot you know the world that we live in people don't research they take everything from Face Value yeah the world that we live in is a short dopamine driven uh Society you know it takes patience and it takes uhSifting through the [ __ ] to find actual stuff using Google Scholar and these other things that you know you're taught through certain levels of education for sure so yeah let's talk about your uh your patreon community I saw that you started a patreon group and have a couple hundred uh members inThere you know crypto investors or just people coming into the industry you've had success over the years trading so kind of just tell us take us through that Journey about building the community and how you interact with members and and stuff in that sense yeah so you know I uh firstly started aYouTube channel and um I I was just putting out deep dive content breaking down specific assets talking and squeaking on topics that you know many people weren't covering and um you know I initially had people who found my work profound and you know they actually came up to me andSaid you know I would I would pay you for your Deep dive content so I said okay they brought our patreon I didn't know anything about patreon at that time but I researched it looked at it saw what it was and I was like okay let me start this patreon group because youKnow I I wanted to make this a business right so I started the patreon um and just promoted it if it built it built up on its own you know uh from people who watched my uh YouTube channel and uh you know we grew it over time uhIt's been fluctuating over the past since I started in what 2019 um but it's been consistent and you know I've had people with me two three plus years um and you know we just continue to do what we do and we provide content that you will never get anywhere on YouTubeIt's behind uh you know on the patreon and it's exclusive content and you know this this content changes people's lives you know um I feel like a lot of people miss the boat on opportunities because they see somebody and they prejudge it and I haveA saying never judge a book by its cover because that book can open up a chapter that can change your life and you know many people miss the boat because of pre-judgment but you know all those who I resonate with they take the step to go further in their education and theyUnderstand that they don't know what they don't know and they want to learn more and those individuals have changed their lives through the BTR Community which is a private patreon group and telegram group that's awesome man that's awesome and you yeah does patreon uh curate everybody together to be able to speakWith one another through the platform or do you guys have uh Telecom channels off off on other apps yeah that's that's why we we formed the telegram group okay um I mean there's different tiers of the patreon uh but you know anybody could pretty much see uh comments that oneMakes but you know we it's more intimate through our telegram Channel and you know there's a a lot of great things that I do they get access to me in ways that you wouldn't get access to and other YouTubers um we do these uh weekly weekly calls where we just break down uhCertain things that are going on in the world Trends you know it's basically a motivation you know a lot of people need motivation in crypto they need to stay online in mindset you know yeah I just help them navigate that and do that yeah there's a lot of things thatPeople see online that discourages them like if they're very late to the party or feel late to the party you know they just feel like oh I can't it's too late now but right it takes the those certain people or groups that really uh you knowHelp you forget about that [ __ ] and just kind of you know change your life for yourself and make decisions easier right so I saw on your Instagram in your Instagram you've grown your you have motivational quotes and and posts and shorts that you post you know you've grown into over a hundred thousandFollowers um would you say that people getting into maybe one day create their own patreon Community or become you know an influencer or educator of themselves to start just creating content after you've gathered that first knowledge base right just creating content first and then let the community members kind of followOnce you introduce something later on yeah no I I mean you know if if one has a desire to uh be an influencer uh you know then that that's the path that you take but you know understand that the path that you take as a crypto influencer comes with major responsibility yeahYou know and it I think one should really respect being a crypto influencer uh because you have people's money at stake and I take this [ __ ] very serious you know I've had people who come up who have watched me and studied me and thinkThey can do what I do but they find out that it ain't as easy as it looks and you know those individuals have cause people to lose a lot of money um and you know I just feel like before you even make that decision study study study and understandWhat you're talking about yeah understand the perspective of a crypto investor you know understand the the opportunity really at hand and you know I don't think most even really understand that you just have people who want to capitalize on a new trend because it's new and not enough ofThem take this as serious as it is right as they should yeah just like in the nft uh like summer of 2020 when all those different nft Putters were coming out companies were understanding and seeing all the money and and defying and nfts at that point so they were like okayLet's jump in without educating themselves first right so then a lot of them got burnt didn't mint out or floor crashed immediately after and then their reputation is tarnished in web3 right and that's what we see over and over and over again same thing happens with influencers who maybe have had someFollowing and some other thing you know comedy or whatever and then there's this new industry and they're seeing a lot of traction on on social media so you try to jump in give advice do this and that we saw a lot of celebrities doing this with nit collections who got burnt youKnow Kim Kardashian had to pay it's funny that she's the only one that went after and she paid you know a million dollars or something in reparations which is what like half of social media posts for her so yeah nothing it's it's like so a lot of influencers come inTrying to extract value right at their game so they're extraction 100 from other people about their own game and that's what we're trying to change right we're just trying to be thoughtfully educating people without needing something in return right yeah no you know I mean you know yes that's what we we wouldHope that majority of these influencers do are doing but you know it's not the case because yeah everybody wants money and um I I feel like you know as long as you do good work you'll make the money you know the money exactly so that's that's that's my motto likeI'm not really trying to do this I know my worth right I could be charging thousands of dollars but I was led to help the little dog the underdog become a big dog because this information is is information that you know is is not easily accessible no and you know if ifWe think about what separates the 99 from the one percent is knowledge knowledge equals power so if you have the knowledge then you have the power if it's utilized in the right way so I felt like you know there's a group of people out there who want to change their livesBut there were they were lacking information in this space and they just needed somebody who had their back you know I'm somebody that people can trust blindly you can trust me blindly and I hope I hold that reputation very strongly because I want you to believe that and anybody in my group canTell you you know what I'm saying I got people all the time we they can become a millionaires you know what I'm saying just because of the technology and what we're investing in and how we see this space but you know I I just think people just need to come in this spaceWith the right integrity and understand like if you don't know something say you don't know it and try to get the information because I've met a lot of people who are in certain places and positions in this space and they're giving out wrong information yeah like you telling me a walletA specific wallet is not decentralized wallet when it definitely is is a problem if you don't know the difference between centralized and decentralized that's a big problem and you're leading the wrong information out there to people and you know that's how people lose a lot ofMoney like FTX and voyagers and all the other exchanges right if people understand what the difference between centralized wallets and decentralized so many people could have saved all of the money that was just recently lost yeah beauty of self-custody it's the beauty of self-custody exactly and yeah I actually literally often for otherPeople but I'm actually hosting in uh educational webinar right it's going to be a six week series um every week can be a new topic but I'm going to try to help people create wallets and understand the difference between custodial and non-custodial while it's hot and cold going exactlyAll of it nfts to the the metaverse to cryptos yada yada but so let's let's drop some knowledge on some people I want to hear your insights like where do you see the future of currency and value exchange you know you you're big into into Bitcoin and uh how would youExplain Bitcoin and other digital currencies you know Finding their way into society you know what are your convictions well I wouldn't say I'm big on bitcoin uh personally yeah um I don't I don't hold any Bitcoin I I feel like uh if you're somebody who's coming from nothing yourMoney is not going to be made on bitcoin right you know what I'm saying because you can only hold so much of it you're only gonna have uh you know fractions of Bitcoin so I I'm big in all coin in the altcoin area but you know I I will sayThis uh we do know that currency is changing and everything is going to be digitized we're moving into the fourth Industrial Revolution uh which is where uh where the physical world is merging with the digital where robots algorithms AI cryptocurrency autonomous vehicles all of this stuff is working its way into our systemWe can see that I live in California there's uh robots delivering doordash yeah Postmates you know what I'm saying so I feel like where we're moving is into a digital world the money is going to be changed we're not going to be operating the way that we're used to operatingSooner than later and I feel like the real value is on the blockchain the real money is on the blockchain because these assets are underpinning the new economy the infrastructure the new economy so they say data is the new oil where all of the data is going to be on chain yeahSo I feel like these specific protocols uh called cryptocurrency or digital assets they they will be deemed as money like they are now and you know we'll have uh introductions to new currencies which will be called cbdc's Central Bank digital currencies um one being usdc you know the digitalWhich is the new dollar and you know you have all of them uh cbdc's from every country on blocks running on blockchain but you know that that's where I I see happening I see a lot of the things that we see on movies and TV shows like Black Mirror they're coming to lifeAnd all of the technology is here because we're investing in it and you know a lot of jobs that people think are safe they're going to be losing they're going to be replaced right you know there's people right now as we speak it's what I think 700 000 people lostThe job so far this year so we're gonna see that happen more and more people are going to be moving in working and earning in the metaverse you know I think that's where we're headed well not think I know that's where we're headed and uh you know I think peopleAre in for a rude awakening if they're not aware of what's getting ready to happen yeah I think these new technologies are just gonna just kind of force the evolution and flushing out those those Generations that didn't deal with technology that much you know because they're working onThe jobs that are very simple and easily replaceable by AI you know so so as we let's talk about that as we transition into a metaverse right and what ways do you see all these digital Tools in web 3 kind of coming together to form the so-called metaverse and create these digital environmentsYou know what does a true metaverse look like well you know they're firstly so far everything looks like it's separate but there will come a time when everything will be interconnected when the term is called interoperable right so all of these things are being built out now but it's designed to come togetherAnd connect so I mean honestly if we can say that again I said later connect later once all the information yeah so I mean the infrastructure is being built now a lot of it is being connected as we speak in 2023 like we have ai enhancing and taking metaverse to the next levelAnd we'll see more and more of that as we continue this stuff will be connecting and uh you know these these Protocols are are going to be working in conjunction with each other uh because you can't have one without the other yeah and um you know I I just foreseeThat uh these things are these assets are going to be taking on a mind of its own I mean even if you look at chat GPT uh chat GPT is just the first version you know they want people to get used to using chat GPT and taking that to the next level andThere's already things in the background that's going to take Jack GPT to the next level but then introduce new marketplaces AI marketplaces and services where people can utilize them because ultimately you want to get to a place where we're working alongside the AI and robots right like The Jetsons yeah everything wasPredicted beforehand so like I feel like too like there's certain protocols that are going to they're already here just you know like they're going to be replacing these uh lawyers attorneys uh insurance agents accountants uh I mean anything that you can think of is really getting ready to be replaced yeahThere's so many AI tools today on different applications like you know you could create your own website the full template for your website using AI you create all the content within the website for AI put together videos with you know uh what's it called when you put somebody else's face saying someScript that you could generate from gbt you could have Morgan Freeman reading a script from chat gbt that you created you know to to publish or sponsorship we're entering an era in which our enemies can make it look like anyone is saying anything at any point in timeJordan peel created this fake video of President Obama to demonstrate how easy it is to put words in someone else's mouth moving forward we need to be more Vigilant with what we trust from the internet not every right so like in the future there's going to be full applications and platforms that compileAll these AI tools together just to do full full-blown tasks for people and companies 100 so that's going to cut out so many millions of jobs it's like just people need to understand just people need to understand how powerful AI is you know it's like a human brain that doesn't make mistakes100 I mean uh if if people really understood what what was happening right now as we speak I mean we knew that AI was going to be taken off this year in 2023 right yeah so and a lot of these there's protocols that we're invested in that are enhancing chat GPTUm that are the are the actual AI that is due to take over the world so to speak like that mind High brain that connects everything that everything connects to it and it just gets stronger and stronger and stronger the AI is already getting smarter as we speak all of theseIndividuals that are typing into chat GPT they're only helping grow the AIS uh intellectual ability so you know I mean I I just think man honestly people are in for a rude awakening and it's these types of conversations that need to continue to happen to to bring awarenessTo what's going on because if you don't know you won't even be needed as a sir honestly speaking Yeah like you go watch Black Mirror the Black Mirror is telling people that you will be working in the metaverse and you you you really won't be happy it's because people are goingTo just become so so used to consuming content that they need so much more of it right and as these Technologies progress and the content is more immersive and more addicting and more dopamine driven people are gonna be [ __ ] stuck in these digital societies and it's notLike we can stop it you know the technology is going to come either way and there's going to be people who fall under that belt and the people who utilize it to their advantage and you know up like use it as an opportunity so it's just it's very interestingBecause a lot of society you know there's there's a something that I've read it's like 85 Society or followers 10 or leaders and five percent are in the middle because they don't believe either side and they just you know have their own opinions on the world and seeIt for how it is and I feel like all those people in the five percent are in crypto and what three in developing Technologies right seeing the future of the society so 85 percent of followers you know a lot of these people are going to be in the metaverse consuming contentAnd providing Revenue to other content creators either a consumer you're a Creator nowadays seriously 100 you know what I believed in Muhammad I believe that just from my experience their sheep even in crypto yeah man yeah because you have people's NPCs everywhere oh my God it's so real butYou know that's why AI is going to be so uh such a major factor even in regard to gaming which is going to be these new economies that people are going to be playing to earn watching to earn moving to earn listening to earn reading return yeah everything right so just bringingUp the MPC aspect to add to it these AIS are going to be making these AI driven NPCs even more real because now they're going to have a mind of their own that goes to the movie have you ever seen free guy yeah yeah really great you know of course butIt's just a pre-tell to what's coming you know Ready Player we talked about this with other guests too Ready Player one is is we talked about this with uh Joshua and G who's on the community council for board AP Yacht Club and it's basically like a precursor for whatSociety will look like right it's it's a warning he he calls it this is a warning for what Society will look like if we don't harness the Technologies in a beneficial way for society if we let the same you know um like same processes centralized processes that occur take over thisTechnology and use it for their own benefit they're just gonna have so many more levels of control over everybody until we're this huge dystopia right 100 predictive programming yeah man yeah I was just saying that there's a movie on Netflix called jungle uh which is pretty much talking about AI in theMetaphors well yeah I thought it was Jungle too Jung e right it's crazy right yeah I didn't know where I thought I saw jungle whatever we were watching it in the community and I wanna I'm gonna actually we're gonna have a conversation about it this weekendUm but that that movie it just shows me and it's just confirmation that you know I'm invested in the right areas you know what I'm saying it feels like every movie nowadays you know is running out of topics so now they're really looking into what future Society will look likeIn like you know future Innovations and and we're seeing more and more and more on them uh trending on on Netflix seriously yeah I think we could probably say that all the top actors now have these at least one or two movies in this dystopian future Society you know it'sJust yeah I mean you know I feel like it's all orchestrated at the end of the day yeah um you know because the powers that be control every Outlet to the media and they have to tell you what they're doing before they do it and these are just cleverWays to put out the truth before it hits you and most people just don't even see this stuff coming I mean uh you know it it I'm waiting for the movie the remake of The Jetsons like I want to see that yeah you know what I'm saying and I knowIt's coming uh but yeah I just think people need to be aware they just need to open their eyes and understand that this stuff is not fairy tale all you have to do is tune into the recent uh talks that go on that recently just happened to conference at Davos theWorld economic Forum they are the leaders of the world who are making decisions in releasing the framework the infrastructure the ideas to where they're going to shift the masses yeah and that's where we're going but like I said before it goes back to people not doing research they just take andListen to what they've seen here on YouTube on the news on in the newspaper they don't research it they don't go deeper so unfortunately millions of people majority of the world the sheep of the world will be inside of the metaphors yeah and it's sad too it'sLike so many people don't see the world for how it is and are constantly you know following the media centralized media you know and they're fighting you know Fox and CNN and they're both getting fed the same story with a different [ __ ] angle and perspective it's like bro don't you guys see thisFrom both sides how probably you know the story that's not on either of these channels is the truth but don't don't you guys see that so it's like so many people are already manipulated to the to the and I wanted to bring up how youSaid how the powers that be have to show their hand before they play it right like they show it with movies and and there's I don't I'm not spiritual or religious in like a big way but there was something that I read about like evil and demonic stuff how how whenPeople are in the Illuminati or had you know kind of given their soul to the devil that they have to show their hands before they they do evil [ __ ] that's why we see all these weird pedophilia and uh bondage with kids and but like with the with the Balenciaga Saga like dude theyDid all this on purpose it's like the the powers that be behind that company have some sort of contract with some sort of being so that they have to kind of show us what evil [ __ ] that they're doing you know and it's scary and notMany people can speak about it and be on filtered about it but you know [ __ ] it well yeah you know and I'm glad that you brought that up you know not a lot of people can because many of the people in certain positions of influence they haveSigned deals with those powers that be exactly so I'm free from it you know I'm in Hollywood I know how Hollywood runs I come from uh entertainment uh family uh and I I'm a firm believer that the evil is real you know I've seen demons rightIn front of my face in Hollywood and they they're hidden in plain sight some of the people that you think are the most brilliant producers are the most evilest [ __ ] on the planet yeah you know even these celebrities so you know I and the the sad thing Muhammad isThat people can see what these companies are doing in plain sight people talk about it put out the truth but people go right back to support them yeah so where where's the logic you know there's a disconnect I just think it's sad man but you knowThis is the world we live in there it's good and evil there's a balance of Good and Evil dark verse light I mean Star Wars has told us this over and over again um there is beings a Galactic Federation now here that is overseeing Earth there you know justBecause the evil is here there's there's a hierarchy there's levels to this [ __ ] yeah and you know you ever seen certain people who speak out on certain topics they end up getting guilt yeah look at the crypto influencers that have been the crypto billionaires that have been killed recently over time why theyGetting killed dude did you ever see that the guy in the Bahamas the maker dial founder yeah yeah the makerdale founder speaks up about the Mossad and different Elite uh Elite groups having some sort of sex trafficking and pedophile ring running out of the Bahamas which has always beenA rumor you know with the epsteins and the Bahamas has always been for for evading certain things you know yada yada where was Sam bigman Freed at he was there he was there um so this this kid tweets about all this and the next day they find him washed up in theBahamas on ashore dead you know and it's just like when you poke when you poke the bear like the the Big Bear the bear that looks over everybody the bear that makes Bears when they want the Cycles to change you know that's crazy right but when you look over when you when youStart poking it there's some powerful powerful powers out there that don't give a [ __ ] about anybody but maintaining what's here right what's been established for a century so yeah no you're you're absolutely right but here you know what Muhammad they're you're right with everything you said rightBut there are people out here that those beings cannot touch oh yeah you know oh yeah just because those beings are governed by something more powerful than them and I'm willing to put the bank on that because I should have been dead a long time ago yeah but here I am doing God'sWork so if if anybody is in disbelief if God is real or not all you got to do is look at my life because I'm living proof and I'm going to continue to do and live in the way that serves the most high because and it's not to that that you're not toDiscredit anybody who's not spiritual or religious or anything I can eat food with the devil worshiper right it's just your food is going to be burnt and mines is gonna be just blowing and Shining you know I'm saying it's just a big difference so you know to each his own but you knowI just think there are powers that govern over the world but there also are powers of light that are even more stronger than those uh of the dark but you're right man uh a lot of times people come up missing even with uh your boy John McCafe yeahHe just speaking about the tweets he released some tweets about some information and he put the location which was in Florida in Miami and next couple days [ __ ] gets bombed crazy man right crazy yeah yeah yeah I burnt the whole building down didn't they bruh they took the whole building theyDon't care who was living there because the information they don't want that information out and especially when you have and I think too A lot of these other crypto uh billionaires who who died I also believe there was more to the story I feel like they want controlOf those assets that they had because those people had a lot of Bitcoin they had a lot of these Theory you know what I'm saying those core assets yeah and I think a lot of times too they want they come to them in the background andThey want them to play ball in a particular way we want you to park this money here and they don't do it you know because you know crypto us crypto people we're you know we're rebels in our own way yeah you know so I feel like theyDidn't play ball in those ways and they wipe them out take the money puff man it's tough all right so so knowing what you know about the business world and uh you know going through Hollywood and seeing different situations different parts of the world what what virtues or principlesUm do you stand by as as a human and as an entrepreneur you know what would you tell somebody like these are these are principles that I look for in somebody that I would go into business with them and I you know I would trust them integrity authenticityCommon Sense social IQ is important it really is yeah it's very very you know but um people who do what they say and say what they mean yeah um their word as well and somebody who who is a uh a believer in some kind of higher powerYeah because those who believe in that uh do as thy will you know type of way you know your liable to do any damn thing to somebody and you know that that I'm very cautious on dealing with people like that but you know I mean mainly man just people who want to betterThemselves people who are living of a righteous lifestyle you know I mean I've dealt with a lot of people man I've dealt with a lot of sharks a lot of wolves and sheep's clothing yeah and you know I had to deal with them because I felt like I I needed themBut I don't need anybody but God yeah I need I want to work with people who understand The Power Within them yeah you know so authenticity man Integrity is key uh because it's just not out there like that yeah you got a lot of people whoAre willing to do anything for to get ahead yeah definitely definitely exactly what you just said and I was just about to say you know humans are inherently self-interested you know they're inherently greedy um since the times of you know conquerors and lands being divided and you knowSelf-interest has always been our demise so it's like how do people go about their lives idolizing other people over a higher power or not believing in in something greater than people you know people are all driven by their own self-interest at the end of the day that's why the only people you couldReally trust in today are your parents family members but even family members will betray you you know it's like you're even parents will betray you too man it's so at the end of the day who you got who you have to trust like yourself and knowing that there's something above allThese other people you know just kind of guiding your life and and playing your fate out how it's supposed to play out yeah that's not 100 man it's hard finding good people that you can trust it is it is and when you find them you know you want to hold on to themYeah definitely definitely right buddy it's hard man hopefully you got some good people that you you can uh depend on and you know but that's why you know it even results back to this like even in crypto you need somebody of authenticity integrity someone who doesn't need to gain noSomebody who's not self-interested because you know the little money that I do charge it don't really benefit me I'll make more money in crypto than anything you know what I'm saying what you know there's a exchange that needs to happen in any type of service or exchange or spiritual gift or you knowWhat I'm saying so um those things are key man you you just want to be able to find people that you can trust and it's very hard and when you find them you want to hold on to them that's why I've had people with me since they entered my community and theyAin't gonna leave because there's too much value that's provided and you won't get it everywhere and that's believing to come back you know what I'm saying that's awesome man it's important to have a community of people who who trust you and and genuinely see your intentions for for doing goodBecause as we've learned to hear you know we're both out on this Mission and we both feel like we got this purpose to like do right by kind of our you know I would say our ancestors like my people in Lebanon and good word right just to kind ofTo bring more opportunity to to a country that you know maybe a country that offers a lot of it here but to countries that don't offer a lot of it across the world you know yeah um so so you talked about how you've you've been in the industry since 2016And you've made connections with people so what have you guys gathered for the future of crypto like where what web3 cryptocurrencies or companies what three companies or cryptos excite you for the future do you let us sear some Alpha yeah I'll tell you a couple uh since we're talking about AIUh Singularity net okay is one that is going to change the world they're already changing the world um you'll hear more and more about I don't know if you've ever heard or seen the robot Sophia that does these interviews yeah yeah yeah so they're behind that alongside Hanson robotics uhSo it's called token tickers agix uh you know I'm a firm believer in Tron TRX you know and the last one I'll tell you is hedera hashgraph now of course if you were in my community there's a whole bunch of stuff that we have but you know this isThese are great assets that I could definitely just put my name on and you can see over time that you know uh they'll rise up and you'll just see there'll be more and more adopted globally yeah and uh you know the the companies in the tech speaks forItself in the utility of those data sets speaks for itself and it's there's nothing out there like them good and so when you're looking at these companies like the ones you mentioned are you looking for certain news events or fundamentals behind them you know a fixed a certain fixed Supply or marketCap that you certain volume you know weekly monthly but what fundamentals do you look for is it just kind of based on the technicals of the technology and the company behind it well yeah well firstly when you're looking at these crypto projects a lot of times and when I gotIn you know we're investing in startups right now a lot of them have become full-grown companies but you want to have your investor mindset of you investing in a startup so you want to read the white paper look at the goals look at the teamLook and analyze the team and see if the team makes sense in order to achieve the goal that they're setting out to to achieve within that white paper all right so you research them you know connected dots we look at who's investing in them um you know of course we look at theTokenomics but you know a lot of some certain factors don't really matter and you know other YouTubers bring up all that Hocus Pocus BS but a lot of it doesn't really matter uh but we look into uh of course news articles make it play into it we read medium blog postsUh and a lot of times these assets they tell you the biggest Alpha in places where you need to read and I've seen these websites show One Way in like 2018 2019 fast forward to 2023 this [ __ ] is not even the same and what they told you before is not what'sBeing presented now but it's still in play but they've just updated and things have gone to the next level so I feel like if you want to know the future you need to go back to the past because there's a whole lot of alpha in areas where people are not looking people areOnly looking what YouTube is present and the YouTubers aren't even presenting the real [ __ ] just immerse yourself with that info um don't neglect and Overlook white papers I hear people say oh anybody who's looking at white papers is stupid like you're stupid yeah because you don't understand the importance of theWhite paper yeah and these are new YouTubers and influencers who are saying this type of stuff and I'm just like oh my God yeah I mean obviously not all white papers are foolproof you have to see who's writing the white paper who's involved behind the company you know like a lot ofPeople get scared from my papers because doing you know the nft craze and the IPO phases like there was everybody was coming up with white papers and they were all similar right so it's like now that we're past the saturated [ __ ] though you know you can a white paper isWhere they're telling you here this is the game plan this is our vision and obviously like you said sometimes they change but depending on who you're trusting in from a company standpoint you should be you should be okay with that if if that happened in an event butSometimes if you're investing in like a more sus company and they just change the road map on you you know like maybe after the seed or something because they had something in the terms of service that said this is all this is how we envision the road map planning out orSomething you know it's subject to change right so a lot of people don't even see that and it's like wording is everything and they'll tell you right in their terms like listen we're writing all this we're promising all this but none of this is Promised like these are ourPromises but we're not promising it you know it can change 100 I mean you're investing in a startup so people exactly understood that from the gate then they would understand how to approach crypto investments in the beginning yeah you know what I mean it's just they're startups with anotherLayer for the community building for transacting for data storage you know it's just another layer for interacting with community and using all the tools that we have digitally you know in a concise way right 100 yeah and you know I I think people should know this too not every protocol or project orBusiness that's operating in blockchain technology they don't have to constantly update you if you read if they say it's an open source protocol yeah that means what it says it's an open source protocol so they have already got it to the place to where it's open and the team doesn't need toBe there because it's self-sustainable yeah you know what I'm saying it's meant for autonomous vehicles and autonomous things iot to interconnect and speak to each other and for these autonomous vehicles to self-custody themselves and earn money and pay themselves so you know you don't really need a team atThat point that's crazy it's all you know like you said while wording and understanding what we're reading and yeah comprehending and reading in between the lines I don't think people do that well yeah yeah we're still in this centralized society and people need to understand that pretty much everythingIs um exploited exploitative or taking your data or you know profiting off of you online in some way whether you're buying a product or taking your information in some way you're the you know uh what's the saying what's the saying if you're not you're not the uhIf you're not the something you're the product if you're not paying for a service online then you are you're the product because like that you if you're not paying for a service that means that they're paying they're getting paid by using your data and selling it to otherCompanies that's their only sure there's like there's there was an example that we had like if you're in in a loading screen or an ad pops up for like a weird Candy Crush type game or a very simple game right that game is free they don't make any money the only thing thatThey're making money on is collecting your email address or your IP address or your phone number and selling that to other companies who need to know what data metrics you hit while you were on this advertisement or whatever it is right it's crazy that's how that's howThe digital economy Works in terms of monetizing on on free services it's all data all data so imagine imagine owning the other protocols to these uh play their earned games free play to earn games and merge that with the blockchain and all that data so yeah you knowNow that's what we're going to see these actually Infinity numbers again so what do you let's talk about that uh we have a few more questions like what's your opinion on nfts and how they play a role in forming these new digital economies you know I I think the only nfts ofValue are ones with true utility so that being in-game assets yeah or you know specific nfts with a real protocol behind them like elitia AI so to speak which is bringing PRP nfts uh to life with AI but all of this other Hocus Pocus pfp [ __ ] yeah it's over inDead with there's no money in nfts yeah the real money is on the Chain which is the blockchain protocols so I have nfts yes but only select few but in-game assets that I can use to leverage and mortgage and rent out uh when player earned economies take off exactly but IWouldn't be investing in the united personally I bought I've bought I would say over 500 nfts in the past few years a lot of [ __ ] a lot of solid things that I like I it took me minting a lot of [ __ ] to find out that utility gaming connection communityBuilding is all that really matters in nfts right it's all about the nfcs are just tickets that access utility in many different ways whether it's just connecting with people digitally having a ticket to a video game in the future you know I've got so many different nfcs that I viewAs characters and video games in the future right right like my boarding my board of Yacht Club mutants are a prime example like I've got both of them locked up right now in their staking protocol and I'm making thirty five hundred dollars a month in eight coinFor staking these these two assets on their protocol right that makes sense this is going to be accumulating and accumulating and accumulating they raised 500 million dollars in their seed round right backed by some of the biggest funds in in the world and when this video game comes toFruition and I have all of the I have a lot of the money that is transacting within this metaverse right that's free that's like Dude that that's what I'm talking about that's the type of [ __ ] that I'm on but you know and then I I can imagine if you owned imagine if allThe fortnite like I I always bring this up for people like metaverse uh a comparison is fortnite that big map thing about that as a metaverse and all the properties characters um skins everything in there was a limited Supply and had a fixed number of assets right that means that the valueIs going to trickle to the rarest the the highest the highly sought out assets that are typically you know low quantity in how many are out there in Supply so it's like if you bought some people buy like skins for fifty hundred dollars right but the skin is not theirs it'sFortnite you're just paying to access the skin and use it and reflects on other people but somebody else could buy the skin you can't verify that hey there's only 50 of these skins in the world so if you enter this mint and you win this skin then you have all of thisValue in this character in The Skin now that you can sell at free market secondary market value whatever the true fortnite Community Values this at you can resell it for that that's an nft that's the future it's fortnite with all of those properties and houses inside ofIt you know actually owned by owners all the the characters actually owned by owners everything going through this ecosystem is the digital monetarily um you know you can transact with it in an actual monetary sense it's future gaming yep yep yep in-game assets are only the nits to hold and you knowThere's also the next evolution of nfts which it combines uh programmable nfts with AI so they can take the mind of your own so right the owning the protocols and stuff like that and owning in-game assets to where we could earn yield on or rent out mortgage utilizeAnd combining with guilds that makes sense but don't bring me no pfps because I don't want them man that should have done it was done last year I'm glad though um yeah but the future of nfts is just honestly like like dude Dynamic nfts for instance like you were talking about AISo like AI um nfts that are tied to the API of some sort of metric right like let's say the C the sea level rising or falling and the art on your wall the sea level is rising and falling with the metric right okay so in the same senseLet's say in the future we have like an like a watch a health watch Apple watch and it's tied to an art piece on our wall that says what our mood is so like the art piece is happy or sad or tired or you know like the heartbeat is isBeating fast the art on the wall will kind of emulate it that [ __ ] is coming oh it's I'm sure it's coming augmented reality is the next Trend in you know combine that with nfts uh Apple has their glasses coming out Google so yeah man you're right I meanAll this stuff is here and I'm sure it seems like you've got your head on the on the school in in regard to making this passive income in regard to uh I got into crypto while I was working at a law a law office in Miami I was clerkingBecause I wanted to get into logs and studying for the Elsa and I'm like dude what like every day I'm doing paperwork the same [ __ ] but different names same [ __ ] different name it's like I I am a more I'm made for more you know like like I can't do this monotonous lifeThat so many people accept so so that that brings me let's let's close it up um like yeah kudos to you I'm 24. no I just said kudos to you oh I thought I said how old are you oh no thank you brother but yeah no let's wrapIt because I gotta I'm off to get official yeah so what what are your biggest motivators in life you know what what's your hunger where does your success Drive come from we kind of talked about it a little bit but knowing what you know now if youCould travel back and speak to Brandon as a teenager or Brando is it random yeah uh what advice would you give Brando honestly just getting to where you're at yeah I would tell him trust your intuition yeah trust yourself more you know um because it was me trusting me which gotMe to this position uh I would also tell him to ignore the hate yeah and choose your friends wisely yep you know what I'm saying those are the things I would tell him because those him knowing that would have avoided a lot of [ __ ] a whole lot yeah so you know and youKnow what also just to to lean on God you know throughout any and everything because you know I veered away at a certain point but God held me down through throughout the entire time and you know even my ancestors like you said before you know soUm yeah that that's what I would tell you yeah all right brother well Brando's it was a pleasure speaking to you a pleasure to meet you um hopefully we can link up and do something if you're if you're in South Florida you know hit us up let's definitely do it I'll be inFlorida soon and uh we'll chop it up come to the studio we can have another uh in person episode let's do it better there because I feel like you know the one-on-one vibe you know collectively no we'll get all the brains involved for sure let's do itIt was a good talk though I appreciate this have a good one man

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