In today's digital age, the rise of cryptocurrencies has unfortunately also led to a surge in scams and fraudulent activities.

This is the Swiss army knife of crypto wallets I mean it's made in Switzerland what you got in Switzerland you've got the Swiss army knife you're an amazing precise watches how they even make good chocolate and cheese over there so the the company's based there it's been around since 2017. andThere are a number of reasons why this wallet this this Hardware wallet is what I believe is the best one that there is available and I have tried them all you know I've got safe Pals I've got Ali Powers I've got Nano I've got Ledger X I've got blooming trees I've got triedAll of them right and a lot of them I get given and I just they're in boxes I don't even use them all right and all of these I don't use either to be honest I've just got seed phrases now written down which they're gonna be yeah everything's going to changeSo now the reason why this is so such an amazing wallet is because firstly for new users that are in crypto that come to crypto one of the major problems is that they lose their seed phrase or they get hacked or they get compromised somehowThis look I see this on a daily basis in the telegrams and the discords people losing their money right so they've solved this problem ease of use so you know having devices with screens on them and all this honestly it's just a hindrance why not have somethingSimple now what I like about this app is that it's an app when you're fine so I mean a phone is an extension of your arm isn't it literally so why wouldn't you have something on your phone okay now the actual card itself uh I believeIs just incredible so it's just like a you know just like a credit card right so it fits in your wallet but you'll notice that there's nothing on it there's no screens on it it doesn't need any charging it doesn't need any firmware updates it doesn't need a screen because all itIs is NFC so it just is a tap okay so it means that whenever you want to confirm a transaction or connect to anything because this connects to web3 dapps we need to do is just tap it or just put it in front of the phone so itReads it right that's it now why is why is this important well if you look at a device all these ones were the screens right all these ones are so many with screens right every single uh little thing that's added to something is a point of failure right nowI know that with these you have to store your seed phrase right so you have to put it somewhere safe now this solves that problem now you might look at this I'll tell you I said well you might look at this as a con I look at it as a proSo when you first install this which is really simple I'm not even going to show you a video tutorial because it's so easy a five-year-old can do it you just basically put the card in front of it you go through the problems it's easy right you have three cards all right andI recommend getting the there's a two card pack and a three card pack and I recommend getting the three because each card is actually a key as a backup now how this works which I think is just awesome is that when you first install the app and you connect the cardWhat it does is it generates the seed phrase right then it's it generates the key randomly generates it right then and it's bound to the Chip And so because there is a chip inside here okay and also when you first create the uh when you first you know connect the walletThere's an access code all right so you put on an access code like a password so if you ever lose your phone right or it gets damaged and you need another phone I'm going to show you if we look on here I'm going to show you actually how to umSo I have uninstalled I've connected these all up these cards all up and I've done you know created my access code but I haven't got the app anymore on the phone so let's just treat this like a new phone I've lost my other one it's damaged all right I've just got a newPhone so I'm in the App Store here as you can see this tangent I'm going to click on install which won't take long it's pretty quick then I'm just going to grab one of the three cards I don't even know which one it is to be honest I just grabbed one ofThe three they've all got their their own number on the back so when you do actually install when you first connect them up it'll ask you and you'll it'll actually show you the number on the back okay so I'm going to click on open all right now it says see where it saysScan card and click on that okay I'm just going to put this in front of it it's got it already my access code which is what you use like your password when you first setup click on that we can continue it allows me to put thisIn front again and put that in front and that's it just do the terms of service accept and yes biometric so Biometrics when you allow that it just means that you know if you can use your thumbprint when you sign into your phone instead of yourAccess code and that's it you see I've got a little bit of ethereum in here I've been testing this all right and that's it so I've just restored my wallet after losing after losing my other phone this is a new phone and I've restored it it'sThat simple now why this is cool is because for Christmas presents and if they give these to people you can you know get these three cards you can load load the one card well all three connected the other two are just backups off this one so you can load it up withLike a hundred dollars worth of bitcoin right send them to somebody for Christmas or for their birthday I'm going to be giving them to my nieces and nephews in New Zealand this Christmas and for their birthdays probably and um send it to them and then when they getIt all they need to do is install the app and you just give them the access code and then they've got access to the wallet it's incredible what a solution now these cards this NFC is great because the technology is just I mean it can't be hacked allRight but these are very durable like the types of videos online where they've Frozen them and thrown them out of airplanes and run over them and shot at them and done all this to them so I mean I'm not going to show you all that but these are these are very durable umAnd you know like no cables you don't have to charge it I've got an old uh from a company called cool wallet it's got a screen on it's really cool idea hence cool wallet but you still got to charge it it's got points of failure right all right and it's you know thereIs no connection there's no Bluetooth so even if you look at the new Nanos in that they're Bluetooth Bluetooth can be hacked you've got connection problems this doesn't there's no there's no connection there's no connection to the internet there's no connection via cables I mean it's incredible now you might beThinking to yourself oh okay well what happens like if the the cards have got the seed phrase on it but what about the app on the phone like what happens if the app if the app gets like you know something happens and it's not allowed to be in the App StoreAnymore right it gets taken out or the company goes bankrupt or something you know major happens well if you have a look on here uh we're always right here you can see here tangent okay it's got GitHub it's open source so you can download the APK just load itStraight on your phone all right so that's the Brilliance of this is that you're not restricted there's no limitations now it's got like I think it's over 2700 so it's probably closer to three thousand and different assets that you can have on this card all the main onesEverything's you know they put they're adding new ones all the time but you can also if I click on for example I come down the bottom here and I'll click on manage tokens you can see that little plus sign up here okay so if I click on that I canActually add custom tokens anyway so you've got that opportunity as well all right so now another incredible thing about this is that it connects to a web 3. so if I click on these little three dots of the top here it uses wallet connect so just about everything's got wallet connectRight so if I click on wallet connect okay there's nothing in the here now but you can see this little plus sign down here so that's for example let's connect to openc okay so I've got openc open here and I'm going to click on connect walletAnd down here you can see wallet connect Okay click on wallet connect gives me a QR code on the app I'm going to click on the plus sign while using the app yep I'm going to scan that all right comes up here on the screen start click Start boom I'm connected allRight see that that's showing exactly how much I even put an nft on here just to make sure everything works look pancake Swap all right so if you want to swap tokens connect wallet see it's got wallet connect right here I'll click on that QR code it's comingThe app click on the plus sign that code get back a bit there we go start click on start you connect it I mean so you know you can connect to all the dapps all right so look when you want to receive for example let's click on bitcoin there'sYour address right there you can copy it okay or you can you know give that QR code you know let's look for new people to crypto this is a perfect solution it's so easy to use and you've got like like I said there's no you know there'sNo cables you don't have to charge anything it's so easy to install you don't have to worry about the seed phrases right because this is how people lose their money have to worry about the seed phrases getting fished all right and you know it's easy look down here seeThe actions right there if I click on that you can buy and sell all right can buy and sell if I actually come back to ethereum and I click on that and then I click on actions it's actually got swap as well see look you can do everythingOn an app this is where you can even buy it uses Mercurio I think it is which is a payment processor so probably not that cheap but hey the option is there all right so I mean look I think it's an amazing and amazing Hardware it's definitely theBest one that I've come across I'm already using it okay I actually was using it for trading today this morning so uh connecting to a decentralized trading app okay so I was actually using not on this card I've got another set of cards that I'm going to be just usingFor trading so that's the beauty of this it's cheap it's dollars look at this come here look at this for three cards and that's the one I'd recommend to get it's 55 bucks it's cheap look you look at all these other ones look at Nano they're like 145150 bucks all these other ones are over 100 bucks you can buy two sets of these three sets of these for the same price as one of these other ones I mean it's ridiculous it's so cheap and I've actually partnered with these guys now look here's the thing they didn't contact meI contacted them because I got one of uh my um one of my users one of my members and my Discord group actually put me onto this shout out to bags full um he actually put me onto this and I at first I was hesitant because I wasThinking oh it's just like the cool wallet you know but once I looked into it I was like hellish impressed so I actually contacted them and says look I want to do a video on this because I think this is really important for you know for all people in crypto butEspecially for new people you know this is there's some safeguards in this that you just don't get um that seed phrase being on the chip it's an amazing concept right I love it and you know no connections to anything this is what's this is the Brilliance ofIt so I actually contacted them and they've given me a discount code which is cool so I'm in for you guys so you get 10 off that as well so if you use my promo code better humans with a z so you just go to tangent.comI'll leave a link in the description all right and go and order yourself one when you check out there'll be the referral code or the promo code just put them better humans and then it'll give you 10 off as well look I have never contacted a company beforeJust haven't done it but once I saw this and I you know got my hands on it and I was like man this people need to know about this and look there's heaps of videos online about this so I'm I'm surprised that um you know a lot of other peopleHaven't heard about this but it's brilliant because even look even if you're into crypto you're a Deegan right and you're into these really high risky dapps look at this so if we come down the bottom here and I go to manage tokens right because like most of these you know highRisk platforms use usdt most of them just Tron so look if you come here look at all the different networks you can use just for usdt I mean it's got everything on this for them you know for important things that you actually need and the important assets it's got everything on itUm you know like I said the phone is an extension of your arm it makes sense to have an app on your phone and with the ability to actually get the APK so if you you know if it does get removed from the app store for someReason I don't think it will but if it if it did you can get the APK and these cards you've got three of them all right that's like having three seed phrases it's the same thing just think about this if you've got seed phrases and books lying aroundRight and your house gets broken into people are gonna if they know if they if they're specifically targeting you for crypto which is possible you know they're gonna get those seed phrases they're gonna find them if they find one of these cards and they take it they can't do anything about it theyActually need the access code to get in it all right so they can't get the sea phrase so they need the access code they would need there is a way of receiving access code but you need two of the cards so chances are very very slim it's way safer than anything else outThere and you know like there's just no points of failure on this it's an incredible wallet so look I hope you enjoyed the video it's pretty short and sweet but I just wanted to look it's one other thing I just wanted to mention is that it's e-a-e-a-l-6 level security that's beenTested on it all right so if you look at Nano and safe pal and all those those are eal5 right so it's even gone one step further in the testing for security on this right that look there's videos on this where they've thrown them and you know they've Frozen them they'reThrowing them out of planes they've shot the damn things I've done everything with these bent them and they still work right so they're very durable as well so if you're worried about having on your pocket you'll sit on and it bends it's not going to matter you know it'll stillIt'll still connect all right so but I also think it's the perfect gift for somebody it's the perfect gift for 55 bucks right you get three cards you connect them you load them up with 100 bucks a Bitcoin what a perfect gift for somebody I mean I'm going to beGiving all these to my nephews and nieces in New Zealand for sure it's a perfect gift right because all they do is when they receive the card all right as they install the app you just give them the access code boom that's it there's the 100 worth of bitcoin incredibleSo look and you know the fact that you don't even have to ever update the firmware that's one of the things that I the issues I had with the Nano was you know I didn't use one for a couple of years and then when I went to it theFirmware was so outdated that I just had so many issues with it so you know that's the beauty of this okay so look uh and when you order make sure that you use that that code better humans you get 10 off look honestly it's the best one thatI've seen there is nothing else out there like it most secure easiest to use perfect for new users get into it have yourself one wonderful day and I'll see in the next video Foreign