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Token Unlock Updates: November's Impact on Crypto Market. In the world of cryptocurrencies, token unlocks are significant events that can have a massive impact on the price of tokens. Staying informed about upcoming token unlocks is crucial for investors and enthusiasts alike. In this article, we will discuss three token unlocks scheduled for November and their potential implications on the crypto market. Price of tokens and so it's just a good idea to be aware of those that are upcoming and specifically our research here is showing us that token unlocks in November are going to amount to about $450 million suie just had 34.62% mber which amounts to nearly $16Million and today we've got three crypto token unlocks that we feel you ought to be aware of for the month of November welcome to the channel my name is MADD and this is altcoin Buzz best of luck as always if you choose to invest or capitalize on unlocks whatever it may be just remember that I'm not a financial or investment adviser and therefore this video is not official Financial or investment adviceIf you missed out on the exclusive altcoin buzz and engine starter $100 Ido giveaway for open fabric AI that's unfortunate but you got to keep checking out altcoin Buzz Alpha we're still giving away free exclusive giveaways in the form of monthly free memberships check that out with the informationBelow plus our campaign with engine starter is ongoing and we're going to have more giveaways and More allocations in terms of Ido prizes coming up in the near future check the link and the pin comment under this video for more information okay we are beginning here at number oneOn our list with hash flow which has one of the biggest unlocks we've ever seen candidly hash flow is a decentralized exchange a deck and it operates across multiple blockchains and hash flow plans to release 16.4 million of its hft tokens on the 7th of November so in just a few daysThis will be valued at approximately $ 41.3 million at current in prices and constitutes about 74% of its circulating Supply like I said one of the biggest unlocks we've ever seen and here specifically are the allocation plans early investors are going to get $15.39 million ecosystem development will be allocated $12.10 million the core team $11.89 million and $12,000 is going to go towards Community rewards and as fans of this project may already know hash flow releases $44,000 worth of hft tokens daily for rewards for community members and for ecosystem development and hash flow released 3.2 million hft tokens worth$830,000 last month alone now the token price took a tumble it fell over 34% within 2 weeks before recovering and hft is currently trading still at a bit of a lower price 25 cents at the time of this recording and is about 9 19% down sinceIts last token unlock so look if you like the project I would advise that you wait until the dust settles right after the effect of this particular token unlock goes away because in all likelihood it's probably going to add selling pressure and make the price goDown a little bit further but after that again once the dust has settled you may want to look for a good entry point afterwards next up and at number two on our list here of token unlock is Aptos data from token unlocks is actually showing us that Aptos has theHighest unlock for November in terms of value not by number of tokens but by dollar value the layer 1 platform plans to release 24.8 million AP tokens on the 12th of November and that November unlock is worth about $72.97 and makes up a full 10% of its circulating Supply so another big oneHere even bigger in terms of dollar value here's the breakdown abdos allocates the bulk of these tokens or about $82.5 million to core contributors then around $8.6 million that goes to investors another $22.3 million is reserved for the community and finally about $9.3 million that goes to theAbdos foundation and abdos did have a similar release on October 4 5 million a tokens that was valued at $31.6 million interestingly the price of AP surged not a whole lot but by 2% from $484 to $494 over the next 7 Days right now A is trading at6.68 that is up marginally on the day but up 43% since the October unlock so this project has reacted a little bit unexpectedly to the unlock and is certainly bucking the trend but going back to that breakdown that I discussed a moment moment ago with such a highPercentage going to early investors and insiders it's going to be interesting to see if they sell or if they hold we also have to remember that Aptos had a 5H hour Network outage in November and we're also still in a bare Market or at least an unconfirmed bull market soThese are all variables that those insiders are going to have to measure and they'll make their own judgments and their own decisions but uh they'll certainly consider these things all right and finally last but not least here on our list we're looking at Avalanche ticker avax which has a heavy unlock scheduledFor November this is of course a layer one blockchain it's going to be releasing 9.5 million avax tokens on the 24th of November so near the end of the month this is going to be valued at around $12.59 million at current rates and represents 2.7% of its circulating Supply here's the breakdown forAvalanche 53.1 $1 million that's going to go to the Avalanche team another $26.55 million goes to strategic Partners about $19.67 million will go to the Avalanche foundation and about $ 13.28% that's a very serious number here and as we can see these figures are pretty big in terms of dollars but muchLower in terms of circulating Supply but there could still be a selloff in fact I would argue that we should anticipate a sell-off the last Avalanche unlock was on the 26th of August and the avax price didn't respond very positively it fell about 12.5% from approximately $104 to$878 within about a month within 30 days now avax currently trades at $12.10 it's up about 4% on the day and this represents about a 15% growth since that August token unlock but it was delayed growth so I would play it prudently if I were you and uh if I wereTo capitalize on a token unlock one way or the other just keep a close eye on the price of avax we have a couple of other honorable mentions here not to dive into them but you probably should be aware that notable unlocks also include row and optimism

So what exactly is going on with this crypto be Market is it on its last legs I'm not sure and it's hard to say but looking at some objective metrics Bitcoin gained 27% in the last 30 days shown here salana also gained about 70% chain link is up 44% all of this sinceThe start of October but by no means is it altcoin season yet and that means we still have an opportunity to buy altcoins that we think will explode in the coming Bull Run and so we are going to seize that opport unity in this video we're counting down four altcoins thatNot only are going to survive this current bare Market but that are 100% Going to thrive in the upcoming crypto Bull Run welcome to the channel my name is Maddie and this is altcoin Buzz best of luck if you choose to invest just remember that I'm not a financial or investment adviser and of course that means that this video is not official Financial or investment advice we're going to begin here at number oneWith render Network ticker R ndr which is very active in the AI or the artificial intelligence space it provides decentralized GPU computing power and that's very lucrative right now of course since AI uses a lot of GPU computing power and therefore render is a P2P that's peer-to-peer MarketplaceFor spare GPU however slight criticism to note here their servers run on AWS and the Google Cloud platform or gcp which in all fairness is not exactly decentralized it's also a permissioned system meaning that not everybody can take part but that being said in late October the render Community voted on aProposal and they actually voted in favor of adding the beam compute client proposal by 99% and this gives AI operations with GPU A major advantage development can deploy faster without having to deal with the infrastructure so for example machine learning workloads will increase and then this inTurn should reflect positively on the r anddr token price and already that price has done well we're taking a look at the last year here of R anddr Performance and we all know the last year has been very choppy and very ugly in the midst of this bare Market but that being saidR anddr increased by no less than 367 per. over the last 7 Days the price is up by about 28% and over the last 30 days we saw a 70% price increase we feel that things are only going to get better for render and for R anddr in theUpcoming Bull Run if you missed out on the exclusive altcoin buzz and engine starter $100 Ido giveaway for open fabric AI that's unfortunate but you got to keep checking out altcoin Buzz Alpha we're still giving away free exclusive giveaways in the form of monthly free memberships check that out with theInformation below plus our campaign with engine starter is ongoing and we're going to have more giveaways and More allocations in terms of Ido prizes coming up in the near future check the link and the pin comment under this video for more information coming in at number two onOur list here is Caspa ticker K which is a proof of work blockchain that uses the ghost dag protocol traditional blockchains can orphan new blocks if created in parallel however the deal here is that kaspa's block dag which is a directed as cyclic graph lets themCoexist and you can see how that works here in this visualizer the chain is also super fast with one block per second however the team is even eyeing 34 blocks per second and eventually has set a goal for itself of 100 blocks per second one of the projects in the CaspaEcosystem is change and this is another project to keep an eye on by the way with the change wallet you can actually make fast and easy kasas payments you only scan the QR code the KAS coin saw a fair launch in other words there were no pre-sales or pre-allocation it's climbedBy about 5 or 6% over the last 7 Days 8 or 10% over the last 30 days but when we look at the year-to-date price here the last 12 months we see an increase of 2569 per. so really just a stunning year for caser K project number three on our list hereFor today is a cache Network tier akt it runs on the cosmos Hub and is part of the IBC and similar to render it's active in the Computing Market it also has a decentralized Marketplace for cloud computing but in contrast to render aach is fully decentralized as weAlready know Ai and its machine learning needs lots of computing power and the way things look right now ai is only going to continue to grow which means that platforms like a cash will also grow aache offers what's known as a supercloud this uses 85% of computingPower that already exists but is not used by existing data centers and I'm happy to say that a string of recent positive events on a cache saw the token take off in price in August and then subsequently yes a price correction did follow but now the token seems to be onFire again during the last 7 days we saw about a 20% increase 30% over the last month and in the last year we saw a 300% increase in the ticker akt and based on the future of AI everything we've been talking about it seems like there's aLot of Runway left here and just for context to get to the all-time high which was $87 that just about requires an 8X from here I'm really not surprised if we can not only meet that but exceed that in the coming Bull Run and finally last but not least a bitOf a heavyweight here at number four on our list we are considering the graph ticker GRT which really is the Google of blockchains right it's an indexing system and as such it allows developers to find data from blockchains so as a result developing daps becomes easier and that means it makes life forDevelopers much simpler by implementing three steps data from other blockchains is collected organized and stored by the way I want to shout out and give kudos to the finatics YouTube channel for this visual explanation video the graphs token GRT has a great use case you payWith GRT for your queries and so there's always demand for the token at least as long as devs keep using the platform and the graph is built on ethereum which means it currently supports over 40 networks and these also include non-m chains like Cosmos the graph is Fast andThe data loads in milliseconds in your apps also the graphs team keeps building right right they keep adding new features to the platform the graphs had a pretty good run it's actually up 6% at the time of this recording it's up about 27% in the last 7 Days 25% in the last30 and also about 30% in the last 12 months but again its previous all-time high $284 is much much higher than we currently sit right now even with this market cap of over 990 billion I think it very easily could attain reattain if you will and then Sur pass that previousAll-time high in the coming crypto Bull Run keep an eye on GRT it's a bigger entry on this list but that doesn't mean its future is any less bright

FTX is transferring these altcoins to exchanges to sell off and is Bitcoin about to begin a bull run after this insane month this is your altcoin Buzz news hey what's up everyone my name is Cody Buffington make sure to like subscribe and turn on notifications so you know when Dr latest content followUs on Twitter allcoin buzzo and as always this not Financial advice and we wish you the best of luck in your crypto Adventures allcoin buzz and collaboration with engine starter brings you an exclusive giveaway now get a free one- Monon Al coin Buzz Alpha membership that includes buy and sell callsPortfolio updates air drops and Ido strategies as well as new gems and q&as if you're an engine starter stake a hurry up a sign up and get your cash back with the link in the description below Bitcoin has seen its highest monthly close since May of 2022 afterOctober delivered near 30% bitcoin price gains after navigating a choppy mid-mon trading environment haers were treated to a finale similar in character to October's initial breakout monitoring resource coin glass thus put October as the second best performing month of 2023 Bitcoin gained 28 half% trailing only January's 39.6% striking a similar note TraderMustache eye the TK cross indicator for a rare bull market trigger the TK crossover produced a once in a cycle bull flag on the monthly close he said the last three times Bitcoin has closed above the conversion line in the TK cross indicator we have seen a bull runIn the following months for at least 300 days and on a slightly more conservative note onchain monitoring resource material indicators suggested that bullish momentum while still present is waning compared to last month they said still waiting for a retest of 33k although we may not see until after anAttempt at 36k and later today the United States Federal Reserve is announcing his interest rate policy amid a tesing inflation environment Fed chair Jerome Powell will also deliver a speech and hold a press conference crypto Tony commented on this saying so today we have the fomc so we expect moreVolatility and more movements as the talk begins and data is released I personally expect a pause no hikes so I expect we see 36k hit on this data following a fake out down first I'll keep you all updated also make sure to check out rany's ta video on our combTrading Channel to see how he's trading this Market in news our partners at open fabric AI have just announced the launch of the open fabric AI Festival this Festival will feature weekly unveilings of fresh generative AI challenges accompanied by enthusiastic user engagement in competitions that center around creating content using these Aid drivenApplications with a prize B of $100,000 open fabric is a decentralized AI platform where AI innovators data providers infrastructure providers businesses and users can meet to create use and monetize Cutting Edge AI Solutions and their new ofn token is now accessible via pit payment pit payment is a crypto payment company invested byCoinbase and incubated by binance so much is happening with open fabric lately and with our AI Festival launching soon there's a lot to be excited about check out open fabric AI with the link down below Solana is up massively this week reaching a peak of 3984 at the time ofWriting Solana which has now returned to the number seven spot on market cap rankings has now seen its value rise 62% in a great month of October notably nearly 2% of all discussions related to to top 10 100 assets are related to so and Rising volume would be bullish andAmazon web services the cloud computing branch of the e-commerce giant has officially integrated salana nodes into its offerings the move reflects Amazon strategy to accommodate the increasing demands of the cryptocurrency and blockchain sectors with this integration developers can now leverage aws's infrastructure to interact with the blockchain platform Renown for itsScalability and Swift transaction capabilities additionally with aws's Suite of monitoring and management tools developers can gain real-time insights into node health and performance allowing for prompt troubleshooting and optimization Cloud nodes are an ideal choice for large traditional Financial firms or web through native projects that want to use a lot of nodes butDon't have the proper infrastructure or sufficient finances to build them themselves Salon is only the second blockchain powered by the blockchain node Runner initiative after ethereum for new projects hoping to deploy an RPC node to interface with salana blockchain node Runner unlocks an easy frictionless way that is simpler out of the boxSolution tailored for launching daps quickly with this Enterprises and businesses around the globe can take advantage of salon's Enterprise scale throughput and low fees whale alert a crypt tracking platform reported a colossal transfer of 30 million xrp tokens from bibit to an anonymous wallet the significant transaction recorded on October 31st isNot an isolated event within the same time frame the platform noted another substantial movement of 25.3 million xrp tokens worth about $1 4.68 million which came from an unidentified wallet to bitstamp interestingly Whispers in the crypto space suggest a possible connection between one of the anonymous wallets and ripple Labs theseBack-to-back transactions highlight prevailing Trend where Wales accumulate xrp tokens in millions a pattern observed intensively over the past 3 weeks amid this there is a palpable bullish sentiment towards Ripple's token intensifying curiosity and speculation among crypto enthusiasts parallel to the whale activities Bill Morgan and xrp Advocate shared upbe updates on xrpHealthcare an Innovative platform operating on The xrp Ledger this pharmaceutical and Healthcare Venture is stretching its wings into the burgeoning healthcare markets of Dubai in the Middle East this strategic move underscores the potential of blockchain technology in revolutionizing healthcare xrp price recently witnessed a 7% surgeTrading at 60 cents and over the past week xrp's price has soared by more than 10% with a 17% increase over the last 30 days in conclusion xrp's recent wh activity and bull sentiment combined with the xrp healthcare expansion in an intriguing future for xrp according to spoton chain addressesRelated to FDX and Elam research transferred $13.6 million to binance and coinbase on November 1st this development comes as San bigman Free's case continues on allegations of Fraud and money misuse among other things FTX deposited 8.12 Million worth of three assets to coinbase earlier today which includes $485 Million worth of GRT $2.3Million worth of render and $967 worth of maker as of November 1st FTX and Alam research have deposited a total of$ 78.1 Million worth of 22 evm tokens to exchanges after 3 hours additional deposits totaling $5.49 million were made and the top assets in this roundWere $ 2.64 Million worth of dydx $1.05 Million worth of AXS and $522,000 worth of a according to spot-on chain FTX and alamer research have deposited approximately 83.6 Million worth of 26 evm tokens to exchanges in September a Court ruling granted FTX the authority to sell stake and takePrevented measures to mitigate risk associated with their assets as a result FTX had control of roughly $3.4 billion worth leading to these significant money transfers litecoin's price failed to break above the $70 resistance last week however two pivotal onchain indicators keep the Bulls hopes of Litecoin reclaiming the $80 territory aliveLitecoin miners trading activity has influenced the Litecoin price downtrend that followed the August 2nd having event recent data readings showed that this could soon take a positive spin unlike other major projects like Bitcoin and salana litecoin's price did not raise to a new 2023 Peak during last week's crypto Market rally howeverOnchain data shows that node validators on the Litecoin Network have continued accumulating large amounts of Litecoin in anticipation of prices hitting new peaks in the future in the month that followed the August 2nd Litecoin having event the minor sold off 500,000 Litecoin coin or 20% of their 2.55Million Litecoin Holdings on August 3rd as the overall sentiment surrounding the ecosystem turned negative this resulted in a 31% decline in Litecoin price from $90 down to $62 between August 2nd and September 6th but since their balances dropped to 2.05 million on September 6 the in the block chart shows that theMiners have started accumulating again as of October 31st they now hold 2.41 million Litecoin in their cumulative balances minor reserves track the real-time balance of deposits and wallets controlled by recognized node validators and Mining pools typically a persistent increase in minor reserves is a bullish signal it means that theLitecoin node validators are holding out for future gains rather than liquidating their block rewards in the short term the global in-out of the money data which is the onchain representation of the Litecoin holders historical buying Trends also confirms this prediction it shows that $75 territory is the most significant resistance blocking the $80Territory but if the miners keep buying and trading activity continues to rise the Litecoin price could rally past $80 that's it for outcom news update I'm R Buffington thanks for watching