So get this almost 18 billion dollars yes with a B has been stolen by crypto scammers in the last two years alone crypto scams are the most widespread they've ever been and since I've been in the space for a while I've seen so many cases of just heartbreaking scams andPeople getting cleaned out for gut-wrenching amounts of money so I'm here to help put a stop to that in this video we are exposing the most common crypto scams looking at exactly what they look like with real world examples and how you can avoid them now I'm notGonna lie to you I've clicked a lot of dangerous links for this so drop a like if you appreciate all the risk I took to show you the inner workings of these scams now let's see how many times I can say scam in 10 minutes leave a commentDown below with your best guess and let's get right into it this first one is a true story from a viewer who all refers to as t for hobbyist privacy reasons about a year ago T was texted by someone on his telegram Channel he didn't know the person so he didn'tRespond immediately okay so time out here this is the first major red flag that he picked up on if someone you don't know direct messages you out of the blue especially on telegram where Bad actors unfortunately run rampant just assume that they are a scammer andBlock or ignore them now I get that people are looking for personal connections on places like telegram but scammers are using that to their advantage which creates these scenarios they befriend you and build trust before they ask you to do the real part of the scam so the day after the first messageT responded to the person and they started a conversation after a month this new friend started to talk about crypto and how much money it had made them now tea was never really into crypto but he was interested in how the other person had managed to make theirFortune the person guided T to a fairly legitimate looking website complete with a registered company certificate physical address and white paper but if you dig deeper you'll find that the company certificate appears to be fake the address is a residential house and the white paper was only two pagesWritten in broken English so as someone who has seen just about every trick in the book this screamed scam to me but to the untrained eye it looks very convincing also if it's not obvious the person who reached out to T is the same person that's running the fraudulentWebsite or at least working together with them so team made an account and started to deposit crypto and unfortunately brought in some friends who also made deposits using crypto purchased on a popular exchange over the next 12 months T kept investing and at the end of the year he had put in aboutFifteen thousand dollars which had tripled in value to forty five thousand dollars now notice how I said investing and tripled in value in quotes this is because the people on the other side almost definitely weren't making any Investments and just pocketed everything for themselves they claimed to invest itBut they don't and instead show you a fabricated dashboard with your account value going up remember it's all fake these are all just numbers they show you on a screen with nothing real behind them there's no real way for you to verify that they actually invested it inNow here's where the scan becomes clear when T wanted to make a withdrawal they refused coming up with a whole bunch of clearly bogus excuses tea caught on at this point especially since his new friend and eventually the fake company completely ghosted him he refused to send any more money and demanded hisMoney back but unfortunately it was too late and barring a miracle the money was gone now sometimes these scammers do allow you to withdraw once or twice to build trust especially so you'll trust them with even more money and maybe sell friends and family about it both ofWhich happen in this story they also typically demand that you pay an additional fee on top of what you sent them to unlock withdrawals and again this is just another attempt to extort more money out of you since it was all fake from the start and they neverIntended to give me your money back then this scammers right off into the sunset and leaving their victims high and dry with no real way to get their money back since you know transactions on the blockchain are final and there isn't much legal action you can take since theSpace is highly unregulated even outside of crypto this is a common scam since some Bank transfers are also irreversible if there is one positive to the story it's that t only lost fifteen thousand dollars not the forty five thousand dollars which again wasn't ever real gains on top of that this wasDuring a period of extreme volatility so even if T had invested that fifteen thousand dollars and so it would probably be worth far less than his initial investment anyway you know not a full loss but you know I'm trying to look on the bright side here so T ifYou're watching this I am truly sorry and I hope that my advice helps you I'm sure you will bounce back from this and I hope that your story can help others avoid this scan and after investigating them I found out that both their scam sites have been taken down so that's twoPoints for the good guys the second scam to watch out for also involves scammers reaching out directly to you but this time pretending to be either official support from a platform you're using or just a helpful Community member thankfully this one is a little more lighthearted and no one was hurt in theMaking of this up for the scammers who ended up wasting their time Insanity for this Reddit user's entertainment get bogus style so I'll just start this story with if someone messages you directly or DMS you on Reddit Discord Twitter or any other social media just assume they are trying to scam you andDo not click any links or respond to them even the YouTube comments here have a lot of scams the one thing that you should do though is subscribe so you can learn more about these scams and crypto or personal finance in general anyway these scammers mostly prey on peopleAsking for help and will direct you to a fake website so let's take a look at example of this from one of the numerous scams I found on Reddit so the scammer is pretending to be a friendly person in the community wanting to help someone with a simple transaction so this RedditUser posted on the Solana Reddit asking for help and is fortunately very aware of all the scams he was just posting to bait some scammers and mess with them like I mentioned earlier almost immediately he gets two messages and again this one was by far my favorite the scammers says the transaction isQuote stuck because of an error with the mainnet API node block and later says he needs to desegregate the API node using the web3 block reset repository interface now that all sounds really scary especially to someone new to crypto but they literally just smashed a bunch of technical buzzwords togetherThat don't mean anything desegregation of an API node block web 3 block repository interface yeah that's definitely an issue with your flux capacitor we might need to drive through the lightning bolt at exactly 88 miles per hour so yeah that entire sentence was complete nonsense our Valiant RedditUser pretended to be confused by the instructions before the scammers finally gave up and stopped responding I'll link the Reddit post down below if you want a good laugh so crypto is complicated but if it's coming from a random user on social media they're likely trying toMake it sound more complicated than it actually is so that you just get confused and do what they say now we're about to fly into the danger zone do not do any of what I'm about to do this is so that you can see what the full scamLooks like if you click that link like I did here and clicked literally any of these options it always leads to the same thing it will have a field that asks you for your seed phrase which will give the scammers full access to your wallet even if you use a hardware walletSome of these sites are more sophisticated and use wallet connect which runs malicious code that also gives the scammers full access to your wallet and again also if you use a hardware wallet so be very careful doing anything on any website the internet and especially crypto is still the wild westSo you need to keep your guard up this last one is a quick one I wanted to show you and it involves airdrops this is basically where you get tokens for free for just holding another coin or token now there are some legit air drops like on the cosmos network but unfortunatelyPretty much all of them are scams these days take a look at one of my Wallets on the polygon Network which is just riddle with these scam airdrops you see that I have polygon Matic which is the only thing I've ever sent to this wallet asWell is these two other tokens and if you didn't guess these are the completely worthless scam airdrop tokens so just like in the previous scam I showed you interacting with these tokens in any way also runs malicious code that also gives the scammers full access toYour wallet again even if you are using a hardware wallet the best way to avoid this scam is to just ignore them if an unexpected token shows up in your wallet search the name of the token plus scam into Google and you'll likely find your answer there most wallets let you hideOr ignore tokens which will stop showing these tokens on your wallet without you interacting with them and it won't trigger that malicious code they will still be on your address but you won't actually see them ignorance is a bliss right so that's it those are all theMost common crypto scams that are being used right now thank you so much for watching if this helps you leave a like to get this info out there and help other people avoid getting scanned stay safe and I'll catch you in the next one take it easy

I'm going to show you how to send crypto for pretty much anywhere to your Ledger Hardware wallet alright so here we are with my phone the first thing is get the address so let's head over to accounts so what you can do is Click into this weWant to receive so hit this uh ellipses button and then hit receive so now you'll see that we have the address shown up with both the QR code go ahead and click this copy address button a couple times just to make sure that you got it all right so now that weHave the address let's go into coinbase and we will hit send we'll send one just as a test transaction just in case you never know then go ahead and click continue and then sometimes it'll just automatically paste the address in but if not you go ahead and click paste so let's go aheadAnd preview this end right this isn't going to actually send it yet okay let's go ahead and send this so click Send now okay and it says successfully sent so that's it that is all you need to do to send crypto to your Ledger

so Hardware wallets are the most popular they've ever been you know because of the whole FTX clown Fiesta and as someone who makes a lot of content about Hardware wallets I've been getting tons and tons of questions from you guys about how they work which is great that people want to learn about taking control of your crypto however I'm seeing a lot of the same confusion about Hardware wallets and how they work so I'm here to answer all your questions about them I sifted through all the YouTube comments on all of my videos which most creators usually dread but you guys are actually very kind and positive so from that I pulled together all of the common mistakes and frequently asked questions about Hardware wallets which I'm not gonna lie it took a while like several days so drop a like if you guys appreciate all the hard work I put into this video now let's see how many times I can say Hardware wallet in 10 minutes leave a comment down below with your best guess and let's get right into it first question is my crypto store on the device no crypto is stored on the blockchain not on the physical device only your private Keys which give control over your wallet are stored on the device number two does my device need to be plugged in in order to receive crypto no crypto is received over the blockchain again not on the physical device itself so you can receive crypto at any time even while you're sleeping question three what happens if my Hardware wallet is destroyed or gets lost all right I didn't miss good so for example it gets run over by a car melts in a fire or is dropped off a boat in the ocean yes these are all real questions I got your crypto will be safe because again it is stored on the blockchain as long as you have your seed phrase you can restore it onto a brand new hardware wallet device and pretend like that horrible boating accident never happened number four what happens if the company that makes my Hardware wallet goes out of business your funds are not affected since only you have the seed phrase and only you can restore it onto another Hardware wallet from a different company if need be so let's play some devil's advocate here in the worst case scenario as an example let's say all ledger devices somehow vanish off the face of the earth oh I didn't miss again along with the Ledger company you can just go out and buy a keystone or a trezor hardware wallet and restore your seed phrase onto these again as an example now let's take that a step further and say that every single Hardware wallet and device manufacturer has been Thanos snapped out of existence again as long as you have your seed phrase you still have access to your crypto you can just restore it onto a software wallet like metamask or trust wallet and do what you need to do but just know that this is a last resort please do not do this unless you have exhausted all other options number five can I have multiple devices linked together on the same C phrase yes you can and this is actually recommended in case one dies you can still access your crypto no problem using the second one as a backup for example I have my ledger Nano X as my main wallet with my ledger Nano S Plus as a backup I also have my Keystone in this setup so that I can use metamask mobile with a hardware wallet it's the only option for this right now and I'll put links down below to the devices themselves as well as my in-depth comparison of them numbers 6. can I see my crypto Holdings on the device itself even with a large screen like this no a hardware wallet is also called Cold Storage which means it's not directly connected to the internet since that would add a security risk if it's not connected to the internet it can't connect to a blockchain and it can't access any data like how many Doge Elon rocket coins are in your wallet alright lucky number seven should I subscribe to Adam absolutely it's quick and free I'll love you forever for it and you can always change your mind later now for the real question seven can I back up my crypto on my current wallet directly without moving anything no you cannot secure your existing wallet with a hardware wallet because they just don't work that way Hardware wallets have you create a new wallet from a new seed phrase since your old one was created on software exposed to the internet where you could be affected by hackers data breaches Etc remember these devices are not directly connected to the internet question 8 if I don't want to create a new seed phrase and wallet can I just type my old seed phrase I got for my software wallet onto the hardware wallet device no because it's already been exposed to the internet which again opens you up to hackers data breaches Etc I mean technically yes you can do it but it defeats the purpose of using a hardware wallet in the first place number nine how do I transfer and secure my crypto on a hardware wallet you will need to transfer them over to an address the hardware wallet generates there's so many ways to do this depending on where you're sending from and what device you have but if you want to see an example with coinbase and Ledger check out my video up here and down below number 10 does a hardware Wallet work with the place where I buy my crypto and usually these are exchanges like coinbase Finance uphold Etc yes it will only if it allows you to transfer crypto out from the platform because again it needs to be on your Hardware wallet address in order to be secured number 11 does trust Wallet work with my Hardware wallet no trustwallet does not work with any hardware wallet again you'll need to transfer your crypto to your Hardware wallet address in order to secure it number 12 when should I get a hardware wallet anytime works and it's never too late but it will be easier if you start with one since you'll have to transfer everything onto it anyway number 13 what happens if crypto crashes again nothing crypto crashes do not affect access to your crypto on a hardware wallet it only affects the Fiat or dollar value of your assets and could affect any centralized platforms that you hold crypto on like we saw with FTX so I don't recommend you hold any crypto on any of these platforms right now if you want the full story of their terrible collapse check out the videos up here and down below number 14 if I transfer crypto to my Hardware wallet do I have to pay taxes on it first off I'm not a legal tax expert so go talk to someone for definitive Financial advice but generally no here in the U.S Canada and most of Europe transfers are not taxable events you're free to send as much as you want back and forth without getting taxed but you will pay a lot in fees probably question 15 can I stake my crypto buy nfts and use other dapps on Hardware wallet yes you can do almost anything a regular wallet can it depends exactly on what you want to do but every Hardware wallet I recommend can at least be used with metamask so that will give you access to a lot by itself if you want to learn how to do that link will be up here and down below question 16 am I totally safe while using a hardware wallet no you still need to be careful not to enter your seed phrase anywhere except on the physical device itself or connect your wallet to random or fake websites which contain malicious code Hardware wallets help with both of these but you still need to keep your guard up if you don't want to get hacked my video up here and down below will teach you how so that's it those are all the common mistakes and questions about Hardware wallets let me know if you have any more that I missed or how many times I said Hardware wallet in this video I'll probably go back and count later at some point thank you so much for watching if this helped you leave a like to help get all this useful info out there stay safe and I'll catch you in the next one take it easy I haven't shown this guy in a while so look at him he's already needing he's so excited I know I gotta go back to editing I'm sorry buddy