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Andrew Gazdecki’s Expert Advice: A Comprehensive Guide to Acquiring the Top Startups on

Andrew Gazdecki’s Expert Advice: A Comprehensive Guide to Acquiring the Top Startups on

All right well let's take this off my goal for this webinar is really to show you as a potential buyer on really how to locate find and potentially acquire a startup that meets your specific criteria as I go through this if you have any questions um feelFree to show them in the chat and then we'll do a Q&A at the end but without further Ado we're the world's number one startup acquisition Marketplace and really in this webinar I'm going to be sharing some tips some advice on really how to maximize our Marketplace to acquire the best startupsAnd just as a quick agenda I'm going to be going an introduction of myself what we do as a company and then really dive in to why build versus buy why would you acquire business versus just starting from scratch and what are the benefits to that and then also things like how doWe help you acquire startups how do we make the process more efficient what tools have we built to help you specifically as a buyer and then also going over our dedicated support and our Platinum Services available to those looking to acquire businesses potentially in the five six seven figureRange and then also going over some successful acquisition stories at the end with some uh different types of buyers ranging from ones that have a private holding company private Equity or just maybe an entrepreneur like yourself so without further Ado I'm Andrew G Dei I am this person in thePicture I am the founder and CEO of two different companies business apps and altcoin both acquired um main point on this slide is I've been an entrepreneur I am an entrepreneur I've built startups I've sold startups I know how hard it can be to start a a business fromBasically Square zero and really that's one of the reasons I built was to help people connect in terms of buying and selling startups because even just finding really great opportunities in terms of Acquisitions can be a challenge for buyers and then also for business owners and startup FoundersJust finding the buyer alone can be such a challenge and so a lot of what we do at is we provide the highest quality deal flow specific to the criteria of businesses that you're looking to acquire and we're really looking to truly disrupt the m&a process and removing complexity and inefficiencyTo make it easier for you to close lifechanging Acquisitions so in terms of our impact we've been in business for three years we turn four in January and in that time period we've closed over a thousand Acquisitions over half a billion in closed transactions we have 300,000 registered buyers and today on theMarketplace alone we have over 1 billion in combined revenue across 2,000 listings on our Marketplace and then we are a global Marketplace so we've had Acquisitions on every continent except Antarctica we're still working on that one but 75 plus countries served so our impact truly is global so whether you'reIn the United States or any other country in the world we have businesses that are available to be acquired and we've helped people again in multiple different countries get into entrepreneurship through acquisition so now moving on to why should you consider buying a business versus just starting one fromScratch so I always love this quote from Moren Buffett buy a business don't rent stocks he's done pretty well with this strategy but more specifically when you buy a business or you acquire a startup from the very onset you have more control and what I mean by that is it'sEasier to to influence the outcomes because the customer has already been defined there's some traction within the business essentially you're not starting at zero so you're not chewing glass to get your first customers and you're buying product Market fit allowing you to move faster and then you can alsoAcquire a superstar team already in the business so you can really focus on scaling the startup based on your specific skill sets whether that's sales marketing you name it you can apply those skill sets to a business that you acquire and grow that further or you canCapitalize on momentum and buy a really really profitable business and then benefit from that from day one now to illustrate this we have thousands of startups ready to be acquired and the key point of this is these are startups with product Market fit so they have crossed the hardest part of the JourneyOf building a startup which is is just finding those first customers I've been there it's hard I have many fied startups and once you get those first customers you really have something on your hands and really it's just a matter of how far can you take it from there soRather than spending a year building the product a year trying to find customers you can leap frog all of that by entering entrepreneurship through acquisition and buying a business and so how do we set you up for success we have this Marketplace full of really high quality listings now how do we reallyHelp you connect with the owners of this of these businesses so again we have thousands of quality post Revenue online businesses for sale on the marketplace right now we also add about two to 300 new listings per month and then on top of that we have recommended business matching based on your specificAcquisition criteria which you're able to enter in within the acquire. comom marketplace and then in terms of just trust and safety so everyone's worst nightmare is acquiring something and it's a scam something doesn't add up and so we've built a safe and secure environment to manage your acquisitionEnd to end and what this means is from the legal documents being created the letter of intent the asset purchase agreement and then finally closing through our integration with escrow so you can be confident in your acquis positions that they're going to go through safely and that you're able toConduct proper due diligence and make sure that you're acquiring a business that's highly valuable and then something new as well that many people may not know about is we do provide one-on-one support from our experts to help you engage negotiate and acquire a targeted business so this is new for ourPlatinum buyers which I'll explain more in a minute and why that's important but I want to dive more into to again how we help you as a buyer when it comes to acquiring a business and there's a lot of other marketplaces out there there's Brokers out there as well and there'sOther ways of getting a hold of different businesses such as cold email you can DM businesses but we have a Marketplace full of quality listings ready to go so we have a strict curation process where we vet every single listing that comes onto our MarketplaceAnd we ID verify the list in we have Market guided valuations that inform realistic asking prices and then also helpful tools such as a recommendation engine search filters so you can go through the marketplace quickly and really focus on the businesses that are in line with what you're looking toAcquire whether that's a really large business or maybe you're just getting started and you want to find a let's call it a SAS company doing 20,000 in revenue or 10 10K and profit you can use our filters to really focus in on just those businesses and then also the legalDocuments kind of the boring stuff but also the really important stuff so two-way ndas to protect both parties as you really dive in deeper on the businesses and then again everything you need to close such as communication letter of intent asset purchase agreement builder then also free integratedEscrow now I'm going to be harping on this a lot but again expert support as well so we're available by email chat or phone support 247 and then also in terms of resources we have an expert course that really goes over the buying and selling of online businesses and then somethingBrand new that we've been working on is our buyer success team support for our Platinum members to really make sure that you're getting the most out of your subscription and to re reiterate that we're invested in your success and so you can get a free Advanced buyer courseWhich we acquired I've personally taken this course it was created by an individual named Ryan col who's bought and sold a number of different businesses on and we made it free for everybody so if you're a platinum buyer you can get a hold of this course and really dive deeper intoNegotiations how to structure a deal in terms of financing every single part from end to end teaching you really what private Equity or buying SAS companies um really is like from end to end but I really want to touch on again just the quality of our listing so how do weEnsure that we have the highest quality listing so every listing that comes in we make sure that email is verified their identity is verified we do some pretty strict due diligence on just the website URL we validate revenue and profit and we make sure that listingsAre up to date in terms of information and then also you're able to access items inside of what we would call a data room such as a p&l sometimes a due diligence package transition package and also we have seller financing available as well and if you look on the rightHand side here you'll see that we only accept about 46% of the startups that are submitted to our Marketplace and so what this does is this ensures that one of our core values at is really having the highest quality acquisition opportunities at all times and so weTend to say no unfortunately to startups more than we do yes based on a number of different criterias now going over the new tools and Hands-On support that we have available for you as a buyer and how you can benefit from them so this is what I would call your acquisition toolbox weHave custom lists so this enables you to track your favorite listings on the marketplace so typically if if you're looking to acquire a business you're going to be looking at a lot of different businesses and some people will track them in an Excel sheet a Google spread sheeet whatever it may beWe have that built into to saving you time and then also just engaging with owners of businesses and sharing different files or making data requests back and forth and then when you find a business that you think is a good opportunity you're able to quicklyBuild a letter of intent and send it to them in minutes and then if that letter of intent is accepted you can build an asset purchase agreement which is essentially the purchase agreement that allows you to really customize the deal structure that is going to make you andThe owner of the business happy as you move forward into escrow and then close safely and securely so I know it's really fun to you know talk about these things but I'm going to take a moment and dive through the marketplace to really show you howWe Leverage all of these items to help you acquire the best startups so if you're not familiar with at all what I'd recommend doing is clicking join now up here in the top right corner and then that'll lead you into an environment where you can onboard yourself as aBuyer now I'm just going to FastTrack that part and I've already registered as a buyer I've subscribed to the Platinum plan which gives me access to startups of all sizes as well as my support team and so when you first log in you're going to see that you're able to editYour criteria based on the specific types of businesses you're looking to acquire whether that's agencies mobile apps e-commerce companies SAS businesses you can customize your asking price also the TTM gross revenue TTM stands for trailing 12 months Revenue so that'd be the total revenue they've made over theLast 12 months and then also the TTM net profit but then also getting more specific such as your interest or the Industries or business models really letting you get very very granular in terms of your search so just for the sake of an example I'm going to increase this to maybe you know25,000 net profit maybe we'll increase to 20,000 and then when I hit save what I'm able to do is get in instant access to startups that meet that criteria so three parts So based on your criteria if I click this out now I can start seeing all businesses that meet myCriteria and then another place to check out as well is popular listings so these are the most popular listings on our Market Place based on how many people are interacting with the listing how many people are submitting offers and my personal favorite is our top pick soThese are hand curated listings that our team is personally working with and so kind of diving in to the listings a little bit so assuming that you're interested in this listing you're able to see high level information about the business how profitable is it what doesThe growth look like how much revenue is it generating how much profit is it generating who are the competitors is pre-financing available and we have all this different information and we even have connected metrics where you can see the actual growth rate of the business to really be confident that theFinancials are stating are correct now if I wanted to request access to this company I would simply sign in and you can do this as an individual or as a company and then once I sign the NDA then I would get access to the data room based on whether the business ownerApproves my listing or not now if you want to look at all the listings you can click all listings and search by a number of different categories but really apply what you're specifically looking for so these are all the different listings that we have available and you can even see that someListings are under offer so you can get an idea of kind of where businesses are trading today and then also how many people are in the conversation so how much activi is on these listings so that's kind of a high level overview and then also in terms of theCourse that I was just describing a second ago so this is the the course that we offer all of our platinum buyers that really helps you understand how do you get started again why build versus buy how do you choose a niche how do you set up your investment thesis and thenAlso sourcing how do you automate your deal flow with and then negotiations and due diligence how do you once you find a company that looks interesting what should you do from there and then also find financing and closing now a lot of the times we seePeople that will buy startups on they'll grow them and then also resell them so also how do you do that how do you grow the business what are some ideas and then how do you exit that business successfully we even have resources such as the acquisition Playbook 10 proven postacquisitionStrategies to increase Revenue by 10% or more and a lot of these ideas are pretty simple raise pricing increased conversion rate optimization and a number of different things and so if you go to Just blog at we have a ton of different resources to really help you understand just all the nuancesBehind Acquisitions on acquire. comom so getting back to the presentation and then these are all customer testimonials as well so you can see just the amount of activity that we drive on our Marketplace so whatever you need anytime a day we are here to support you so weHave chat support 24 hours 7 days a week email support 24 hours 7 Day days a week we have a help desk full of templates that allow you to understand how do you use our letter of intent Builder how do you create an asset purchase agreement what are the best sort of dealStructures that you should be looking at what are the most common and also the resource center where you can get answers from our blog quickly and easily so we invest a lot in your success in terms of where you wherever you are in terms of your education on acquisitionSo whether you're first starting out or if you're an experienced private Equity Firm we have resources available to you now going over the endtoend acquisition support so again from a high level you'll want to create a short list so going back to my account if I go toMy deals I I can see the short list of companies that I'm potentially interested in and then from there I can request access or I can create different lists and add them to the list that I just showed you and this really helps with organization inTerms of these are all the companies I'm looking at these are all the companies I want to do a little bit more due diligence on so that's just one piece right there and then allowing you to quickly sign an NDA to access the private data room and within the private data roomYou'll see the name of the business owner you'll be able to access the business's website and start the due diligence process and also begin communicating with the owner of the business to set up a call and get to know them and really see if this is an opportunity worth pursuing and once youGet past that you're probably going to want to make an offer and so creating a letter of intent couldn't be easier on and we allow you to include terms such as seller financing or conditional holdback you can also input custom terms as well and really have anOffer that aligns with both your goals as well as the business owners goal as well to make sure that when you acquire the business it's an offer that really aligns with both of your expectations for example you can add in a three to six month transition period So when youBuy the business if there's additional information that's missed during due diligence you still have the business owner available to help and then also the asset purchase agreement Builder which helps you customize and finalize your deal and then built-in escrow so you can close safely and securely whichI highly recommend don't ever do an acquisition without using escrow it protects you from scams it protects you from Bad actors and it really helps ensure that you can rest assur that what you are acquiring is what's being shared with you by the owner of the businessAnd with our new buyer success program we'll help you customize your buyer profile so you really stand out within the marketplace because again with 300,000 buyers you want to do as much as you can to really stand out and give buyers confidence or excuse me give sellers confidence because as much asYou're doing due diligence on a business that you're interested in sellers are doing the same thing to you as well they're looking at your profile they're looking at proof of funds and so I'll touch on that a little bit more in a second but this is the team that'sAvailable to help Platinum members so this is a new buyer success program that we're just launching where you get expert help one-on-one to really learn how to acquire the biggest companies on our platform so we'll learn will teach you how to manage the complexity of a seven eight figure deal will help youUnderstand how the platform works on a deeper level but really cater to your needs so we personalize and we customize and automate your deal flow so you get a Competitive Edge over your competition which is other buyers with a free buyer scorecard and I'm going to go over thatIn a second and then really just unding your acquisition goals whether you're looking to acquire something on the smaller end of the Spectrum or you're looking at the seven eight figure deals we have something for pretty much everyone so again going back to the marketplace if I'm looking to acquire aBusiness for a large amount let's say I'm just specifically focused on SAS businesses that are doing at least a 100,000 profit so I can set that criteria and then all of the businesses that meet that criteria will now show within your criteria settings but you may be just starting out andMaybe your mass maximum asking price is let's just say 25,000 and so this will lower the revenue limits and so from here if I do this you can see that we have businesses kind of available for any type of buyer whether you're looking for just a product to add on to your existingStartup you're just looking for a business to acquire and potentially grow and resell later whatever it may be we have the tools for you to quickly filter through the marketplace and we'll help set all of that up for you to ensure that you're only looking at the listingsThat are relevant to your specific search so now the buyer scorecard so this is where my team can really really help you stand out from the crowd when when you're looking to acquire a business and this is really really critically important because when you're selling a business putting yourself inThe seller shoes they're going to be looking at your profile so you want to make sure that you have a good profile pick that you have a nice about you in terms of who are you what is your acquisition experience how many Acquisitions are you lookingTo close annually and and then we also help review your criteria we help you with organization upkeep and allowing you to leverage our platform to the best of its ability and really make sure that when you are looking at hundreds of businesses you're not having to just endlessly scroll through the marketplaceAnd we can keep your search specifically focused on what is relevant to you and then we also help you understand what is the best way to outreach to a business owner how to make the best first impression and then also how to Showcase your ability to close so in this exampleThis would be a perfect buyer profile in my opinion so LinkedIn is connected Platinum buyer badge verified funds up to 1.5 million a really thought out bio about yourself to really give the seller some confidence that you are a real person that you have expertise in the business that maybe you're looking toAcquire and that you are a serious spire and so my team is more than happy to help set all of this up and really make sure that when you do reach out to Founders on they're going to respond to you and be excited to speakWith you so now I'm going over the types of buyers on and who's seen success working with us so first example would be CED balky he's the founder and CEO of a private hold holding company called awesome motive so we helped him acquire a company called push engageWhich was a great addition to his portfolio of WordPress companies so he focuses specifically on WordPress applications he's also the founder of WP beginner and he's done a number of transactions on and then also Ryan kulp he probably holds the record for the most Acquisitions I definitely know theFastest acquisition he closed an acquisition within 48 hours and again it was on the smaller end but he's also closed some of the bigger Acquisitions as well and he's the one which we acquired the course from so he's an entrepreneur he's done a ton of Acquisitions and he's potentially justLike you where he realizes that you know his skill set is in sales and marketing and really growing businesses and so he will acquire businesses grow them and then later resell them or hold them for uh profitability and then also Joe spyer as well he's done a fantastic job in termsOf acquiring businesses scaling them up and then also reselling them to really have a process that can be very lucrative if your skill set is like mine where as a Founder I'm a sales and marketing entrepreneur rather than a technical entrepreneur and allowing me to skip through the part of findingThose first customers or the customer ICP is clear the maybe there's just a couple distribution Channel set up and it allows me to really do more of what's working or stand up some other distribution channels that I'm personally versed in and then also another example is um Dirk from SASGroup so SAS group they focus on generally seven eight figure Acquisitions and they are a private Equity Firm based in Europe and they acquired a company called my Works off of acquire. comom and they are absolutely fantastic to work with as well and then also eall he is theFounder and operator of micro Angel and so he has also a private holding company and I really like this blog post of his where he actually outlined a framework where he's essentially taking 500,000 and acquiring micro SAS companies and his goal is to turn that into 1.4Million over the next two years and I believe he's passed that goal by quite a bit so in terms of August 2023 performance we've done 82 successful Acquisitions 25 million in closed deal volume and as of right now we have over 200 startups under offer so every singleMonth we see about a 100 Acquisitions Clos on our platform so tons of new listings being taken live every single day every single week and we want to help you connect with them as a buyer to really help reach your goals so with that being said if you join as aPlatinum subscriber what we'll do is we'll connect with you and we'll help set up all the items that I just outlined in terms of your buyer scor card really helping you get the most out of stand out from other buyers and successful acquire a startup that specifically meets yourCriteria and so with that said thank you for attending this webinar I hope this was a good overview of really how to get started and just to kind of go over how to get started is register click join now and in terms of the PlatinumProgram and what it offers you can go to our pricing page and see everything that comes with this but long story short is with the subscription as a platinum buyer will help set up your profile will help automate your deal flow and then you'll get relevant deals targeted to you yearRound and so with that said I'm going to go ahead and open it up to some Q&A because I'd love to hear what everyone is thinking so if you have questions feel free to put them in the chat I'm going to go over um some questions thatHave already been flagged for me thank you Roger okay does do any diligence on listings prior to them being listing yes we do so we go through everything from we'll look at the financials make sure they make sense we'll ID verify the owner of the business we make sure thatThe business actually existed at certain we put it through a number of different things we'll do even just simple things such as we'll type in the business's name look up how what's your social presence to really ensure that it's a real business and it's not a dropShipping scam or something like that so we pride ourselves on having the highest quality listings of any Marketplace within the industry so the second question I'm getting is what types of buyers do you typically see on so what's what's really cool about is we've somewhat democratized entrepreneurship throughAcquisition and what I mean by that is yes we do work with some of the largest private Equity firms we do work with public companies with that have corporate Dev teams but we also work with individual buyers and entrepreneurs that are looking to diversify their investment into potentially a passiveProfitable business that you can acquire and essentially hold for the long term or on the other end you can buy a a business that maybe is missing a few items and you see some excellent growth strategies where you can take it farther than the original owner of the businessUh was able to take the business and then two more questions how do I show I'm a serious buyer and how can I differentiate my sh from other premium other buyers and what's the difference between free premium and platum buyer so I'm going to bucket this into oneQuestion so how do you show you're a serious buyer subscribe to the Platinum plan on acquire. comom and the reason for that is we'll help set up your buyer profile so you really stand out from other buyers by verifying proof of funds connecting your LinkedIn profile writing a thoughtful bio about yourself becauseSellers really do look at these items and then will also help automate your deal Flow by setting up all of your criteria so you're getting the most out of then some other good questions keep them coming what deal types are available through so we help SAS companies e-commerce companies mobile appCompanies agencies our main focus is really think of just profitable online SAS or excuse me profitable online SAS is our strongest category but our Marketplace is built for any type of profitable online business here's a good question so if a seller hasn't responded to my inquiry how persistent should I be in chasingThe seller so what you can do is reach out to our support team at any time and then one other thing I'd like to show as well in terms of how we keep the marketplace quality high is you can actually report a listing so if you comeAcross a listing and you think this seller has no intent to sell it's a scam there's some and this is how we keep keep the marketplace uh secure and safe and high quality is a lot of our buyers help us in case they come across something so ifYou do see something that seems a little off report it to us and we'll look into it within hours and then another good question does acquire. comom help with help buyers with financing options we do but only on specific startups so they have to meet a certain criteria and generallyOn the larger side one thing we can help you with is understanding certain types of financing options that you can work with on the seller what I mean by that is seller financing so if you're looking to acquire a business for 500,000 that doesn't necessarily mean you have to pay500,000 for that business upfront what you can do is structure a deal where maybe 80% is Cash on closing so that would be be 400,000 cash on closing and then 100,000 is financed by yourself through monthly or quarterly payments over the course of 12 or 24 months so weDefinitely do help with that and we can educate you on Deal structures or if you just go to our blog and just type in Deal structures you can see a number of them all right so some people are asking can you share a link to the Advan bu course she mentioned earlier forPlatinum subscribers we definitely can so for every everyone who attended this webinar what we're going to be doing is reaching out to you to see if this makes sense and if it does we'd love to see you upgrade and then we'll PR be providing all the items that I went overIn this webinar which includes really optimizing your profile it's so important it's so so so important you don't want to be the person on with no picture uh weird bio you haven't verified funds and you haven't set up your search criteria we want to really optimize your profile so when you doFind a startup that you're really interested in you're right at the top and then from there we'll provide the course but then also talk to you oneon-one in terms of any specific questions that you have about how the marketplace Works things that you're interested in and really help set you upFor Success so we definitely definitely will do that all right well I think that's kind of the main questions for now I'll go ahead and ask answer one here's a good one what are the top considerations if I'm interested in buying a business on acquire that's based internationally andI'm based in the US so that's a really really good question so in terms of the region that you are based in so let's say you're looking to acquire business in another country there's going to be a lot of different scenarios but my best recommendation is let us know yourSituation and we can refer you over to potential legal help to ensure that if you do buy a company internationally that you're safely protected but the top considerations would definitely be uh do you trust the seller does all of the financials check out and then when you do buy internationally absolutely use anEsro service so you're not sending money overseas and you're not able to have any legal recourse if needed so this is why we built our intent Builder this is why we built our asset purchase agreement Builder this is why we built um an escro integration so you can safely andSecurely closed so definitely utilize those toolings to really help ensure that you're acquiring something and you're not going to get uh you're not going to have a bad time is is maybe a better way to put it another great question is it necessarily to have technical skills to acquire SAS businesses in theMarketplace so here's a good tip for if you're not technical so if you're not Technical and you're looking at all these businesses I'm not technical at all either and it is really hard for me to run this business and not want to acquire a startup I'll show you oneBusiness that that actually gets me kind of excited so this one right here is in my list so here's what I would so if I wasn't running I would be on here acquiring businesses on I really like this one here AI power personalized cot emails at scale forIncreasing response rates so what I would do is I would work with a third-party agency and I would have them do a code review with the owner of the business as a stop Gap and then if I actually do buy the business you can also work with the owner of the businessTo be on standby for bug fixes or additional features these are all really really great negotiation points where you can have a Consulting agreement available with the owner of the business if they're a technical founder so there's definitely ways for you to vet startups in terms of the technicalAspect even if you're not technical but um definitely make sure that that's a key part of your due diligence is the technical aspect as well all right and then I guess just kind of the last final point is um if all of this sounds appealing to you youWant to sign up as a platinum buyer you want to enter entrepreneurship through acquisition you want to really see if you can buy a business grow it or maybe you're on the other end and you want to buy a really large business go sign up for the Platinum subscription or you canEmail Platinum my team will reach out to you with any questions and then from there let us talk to you schedule call my team so we can go over your specific acquisition position criteria so we can really help narrow down that search and then go over aStrategy in terms of how are you going to finance it how are you going to structure the deal based on your specific criteria and your ability to close and so we're happy to go through all that as well as providing the course so sign up for platinum email PlatinumAcquire. if you have any additional questions and stay tuned for more webinars like this we're going to be going over uh more topics uh in the near future but thank you so much for attending I really enjoyed this and let me just get some feedback how did everybody like thisWebinar excellent it was nice thank you great presentation all right more examples we we'll have more examples next time informative well done all right I appreciate every single one of you I really really do thank you so much for just your time and the comments coming in uh really motivate me butAgain check out um there might be something in there that is appealing to you and if there is we'd love to see how we can help facilitate that acquisition so I hope this was helpful and I hope you all have a great week and again we're here to assist you in yourAcquisition needs and we look forward to working with you all right see you everybody appreciate you All

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