How to set up your velar wallet how to buy bitcoin how to sell bitcoin how to send bitcoin how to receive bitcoin how to manage your cryptocurrency everything in one place let's get into it so going down into the description of this video you will find a link that saysOpen your velar wallet here click on that link that will bring you right to this window that you see over here now what you can do is you can start from the top fill in your name uh just say whatever your name is from where or your surnameOf your country and your email address and everything that's applicable to you if however you have either a google or an apple account you can just log in with one of those i am going to do it the old-fashioned way i will type in all of my thingsLet me just say let me just say me at aha and when you are done you can click let me just make a password of one two three four five oh it must be six seven eight nine and then let's put some letters and things in thereOnce you're done click on i am not a robot and say next so obviously google wants to save your username and password and you can just tell it to save it now it will send you an email let's see if the emails arrived ah what do youKnow right there click on this one i can say verify my email address that will take me straight back to the lars page email is verified and you can click on sign in will bring you back to this page to make sure that you actually know what you're doingMake sure your details are right click on i'm not a robot click on next or use the apple google or facebook login and here we go now the country that you entered it will obviously want you to put in a number for that specific country let me put in my numberClick next it's going to send you a pin number that you have to fill in to carry on i received my pin number don't know if you can see it there but that's okay my number eight seven double two double seven huh don't worry it's not the same for you andThere we go you are officially in velar now from here it requires a few extra steps you need to show them that you are who you say you are which means you're going to have to submit original id or a passport or a driver's license and you you have to verify yourResidential address so all of this is really easy click on verify my identity right here you type in your address okay and select south africa if that's your country you'll everything and then when that is ready oh there we go say save and continue from here it's going to want my id andPass my id and my everything else now let's talk through this you will need a valid id document and you will also need a smartphone let's start with the smartphone let's go over here we want to go to south africa obviously you're going to select the country that you are inLet's just see over there we are my number let me just get that again Click on next if you use that if you've typed in your telephone number and now what's going to happen is they will send a link to your telephone i received the link and let's click on that and see where that will take me now as you canSee that brings you to this place over here this is the start of the process so don't worry we've got you covered all that you need to do now is press start the session what you want to do is press allow and the rest of the sessionI am going to do on the computer because it doesn't allow you to record the screen while you are doing identification verifications and i'm back on the computer there we go now it will bring you to a page that looks like this where you mustTake a picture of your haha of your id so i will look for my id and put it right here where i am now basically taking it like this i've got my id here make sure that you take a picture of your id on a table putIt on the table in front of you get the picture nice and there we go as you can see it's loading again now it asks you to turn your id to the back okay take a picture of the back it's loading again loading loadingOh now it wants to take a selfie so let me let me pose nice obviously don't do weird things um let's go yes okay there's a selfie okay now let's see now it's checking if my id and me looks the same so there we go and then as you can see it saysThank you all that i want to do now is i want to click on continue and it will tell me that i'm ready and right there you've got your velar wallet set up and we are ready to go so let's click on go to wallets right here you are inside of your velaWallet so let's have a look around at a glance they will show you a few of the wallets that you have and places where you actually own cryptocurrency so if you own solana it will show here if you own ethereum bitcoin uh ripple or rand it will obviously show over here butValar has got many many more how do you deposit rand into your velar wallet you would come over here and you would click on the deposit button okay this will tell you give you all sorts of tips and tricks on what you need to keep in mindSelect the bank that you want to do if you are at standard bank just select standard bank or all other banks for anywhere else in the world obviously this will show the banks of your region select the bank that you want to use and it will give youThe bank details that you should use also make sure that when you do the transaction you want to use this reference number click there it's copied to a clipboard it makes it easier to copy and paste everything to your bank account so that's how you would depositRand if you go back to your other wallets now that you've got rand inside your velar wallet let's have a look at how to buy bitcoin the easy way you can either go to the top click on buy or sell here or you can come all the way down to theBottom and click on this button over here you would choose your cryptocurrency again we're gonna say we want to buy bitcoin so you will come all the way to buy and that will be over here you chose bitcoin now in your rand wallet you can yeah youCan say from which wallet you want to buy and let's say you want to buy 10 000 runs bitcoin from there it will just you can just click on review buy and it will give you a final quoted price and you can say yes and the money the bitcoin will beDeposited into your account into your bitcoin wallet let me show you where you can come back up to the top click on wallets and you will see that they will the money will be removed from your and account and deposited into your bitcoin account and that's how easy it isLet's say now you want to deposit bitcoin which means you want to receive bitcoin from someone you made your money and you became a bitcoin millionaire and you want to receive the money how would you do that now funny enough if you want to receive bitcoin or anyCryptocurrency for that matter i'm just going to use bitcoin as an example but it works exactly the same for any of the other cryptocurrencies if you want to receive money you always have to click on the deposit okay deposit means you want to put money in but you're putting money in fromSomewhere else it's coming from somewhere which means you receiving it what you want to do then is you want to click on copy this address and send this address via wechat or whatsapp or any of the other messaging platforms that we can use or facebook messenger or send itTo the person that wants to send you some bitcoin and that's the way that you will receive your bitcoin so thank you guys very much give this video a like if this helped you to set up your vlar v wallet and also subscribe check out my other videos on the channelI've got many things about anything about cryptocurrency and i'll see you in this video on the screen right now
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