Step-by-Step Guide: Mastering the Crypto Market with Your Own Trading Bot
Title: Building Your Own Automated Algorithmic Crypto Trading Bot: A Comprehensive Guide
In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of building your own fully automated algorithmic crypto trading bot. From setting up the necessary infrastructure to configuring the bot and developing a trading strategy, we will cover all the essential steps to help you get started. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, this tutorial will provide valuable insights and guidance to help you navigate the world of algorithmic trading.
Part 1: Creating the Necessary Infrastructure
– Setting up a virtual server in the cloud
– Securing the server
Part 2: Installing the Software Components
– Installing Docker and Docker Compose
– Installing the Fractrade trading bot
Part 3: Configuring the Trading Bot
– Exploring the most important configuration options
– Enabling the web interface and Telegram capabilities for remote management
Part 4:
🙂 long time No si.
Thank you soooo much! 🙃
Well explained, I have learned a lot, thank you
Great Job Man, now some neural network creating … and we all done 🙂
Thanks ! Very interesting and comprehensive
Amazing tutorial ❤️
Awesome work thank you!
Hi there, @1:31:00 or so, you present your strategy results. I couldn'T help but notice that the "absolute profit" is ~370% whereas the "market change" is ~366%. This is not a valuable strategy that will pay off the hours spent setting all that up. IMHO, Algorithmic trading should be used to replace human, hence on short time frame charts: 1min, 5min, 15min or so. What is you view on that? Consequently, the strategy ran by a bot should be a scalping one, realizing small profit multiple time per day. Also, it is very important to stress the role of the exchange fees. Not sure how freqtrade is handling that during backtest, but high fee exchanges can ruin a strategy. Last point, the server on which the API key and secret will be stored must be very secured. Cheers.
Thank you 👍🏻
Well analyzed as always. <I've seen a lot of newbies enquire as to whether or not it is too late to buy assets especially BTC, ETH, SHIBA & XRP…most having the intention to hodl these assets. The truth is that the market remains unpredictable especially in the long-term. I must say tradn offers far more benefits than just holding, I will advice traders esp newbies to have orientation of trading before they get involved in it. .Prices will go up or down, but in order to be able to ride with the wave of the market you have to put your assets into active trades. I have made over 8BTc in 6 weeks from implementing trades with signals and insights from a professional, Barton William.
so i just started editing a stertiges and I cant back out of the nano menu how do it do that or save it and go back thank you
Thanks DCD, much appreciated. Rather slick production, nice 🙂 Best of luck to you for the year ahead. 🍺
Just watched the first ten mins of your video. It is really great. I just want to ask – with this setup/build, would this work with DeFi exchanges?
Hey, is possible to contact you PM?
Hey thanks alot for the vid, but multibot is not working with docker! so could you please make a video about that?
OMG haha. I got problem that ssh not working when custom key name is used. I just had to add it to ssh config.😂
Thank you. This looks like fun…
my Static Pair List wouldnt work, and bot kept crashing, until i wrote the pairs like this…
"pair_whitelist": [
(platform: Docker Desktop on Windows10)
This is so much fun – thank you for this guide. Just a comment: i was getting errors until i changed the static pair list from "BTC/USDT" to "BTC/USDT:USDT" (at 59.23) – maybe because im using docker-desktop on win10. Thanks again 🙂
Thanks for your great tutorial, especially the part of futures trading interested me a lot as there is not too much documentation on it.
I have a Freqtrade bot set up with Isolated Futures trading and currently running it in Dry mode.
I tried to enable 3 x leverage in the strategy and put the following parameters in the strategy file:
# Leverage
leverage = 3.0
max_leverage: float = 5.0
but the system always takes leverage=1.0 to simulate. Can the trade with leverage not be simulated or does it simply need more configuration settings that I have not yet found or understood? Maybe you have a tip for me. The documentation and everything there on the subject on youtbue I have already tried.
NICE VIDEO I'm celebrating a $80k stock and crypto 115k portfolio today. I started this journey with 20k all thanks to LUNA
Great work. Thank you for sharing!
re Pairlists – I've returned to Freqtrade with a new Win10 PC. Now i dont have to put BTC/USDT:USDT, i can stay with the original instructions of BTC/USDT. Dont know if i did something, or if its the updated software… Anyways, just saying. Thanks everyone.
Thank you, Could you please make a guide to run multiple bots on the same server?
Thanks a lot
When i try Hyperopt this strategy i get following message
freqtrade – ERROR – The 'buy' space is included into the hyperoptimization but no parameter for this space was not found in your Strategy. Please make sure to have parameters for this space enabled for optimization or remove the 'buy' space from hyperoptimization.
sudo docker-compose run –rm freqtrade hyperopt –config user_data/myconfig.json –enable-protection –strategy myStrategy –spaces buy –hyperopt-loss SharpeHyperOptLoss -i 1d -e 100
As a fellow dutch user iam saddened with the recent Binance news. Thats not what we need for the upcoming bull market. What is your strategy exchange wise? Thanks for the tutorial.
set it up in proxmox ?
Not finished yet but explanation is clear. Only about the ssh i can not send the ssh file to my server. I think you work with a linux client and i have a windows client that does not have the ssh-copy-d command. Is there a windows alternative or maybe i can copy it manually ? See at timepoint 23:20
Suggestion: it's good to split the video on parts with time codes, so that it's easier to navigate.
Great work. Thank you a lot!
Wondering where are you located in NL and if you got sort of club by interests?
anyone managed to achieve profit with this ?
The worst thing you can do is expose your FreqTrade interface over the internet. Even in their documentation they discourage that.