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CBDC: New World Order – No Buy, No Sell!

CBDC: New World Order – No Buy, No Sell!

Foreign welcome to LED live it's a show where we use the Light of Christ to expose the darkness found in media and our culture today and today I'd like to welcome Heidi and Eva here today thank you so much for joining us on the show you knowNone of us here are financial advisors but you know although we're not of this world we're living in this world and money is one of the things that make the world go around and so thank you both for for being on the show can you tellUs a little bit about what you do and the company that you run okay sure yes thank you so much for having us um so I'm an attorney I'm a New York lawyer and I've been licensed in New York for since 1998 and so I practicedActively in New York for 20 years until 2016 when I left the practice of law to go full time into trading the financial markets and I trade currencies I trade on the spot Market I trade currency Futures as well as equity and commodity features as well okay so because I tradeCurrencies I'm always monitoring what the central banks are doing and the statements they put out there and what their activity is because it matters you know what the dollar does impacts all the other currencies of the world and vice versa it does the Yen the Euro and everything else so I've been watchingWhat the central banks are doing and since the pandemic they've been very active toward developing a central bank digital currency that's right so and um I have my own conversion story that kind of ties into this too because I was raised Adventist I left the church in college just drifted away during collegeNot keeping Sabbath not going to church and then I was out of the church for about 31 32 years and I was brought back in during the pandemic when I saw because you know I went to law school I practiced law for these decades and I saw the Constitution being thrown outThe window and that concerned me and I saw the potential for the Revelation prophecies to start playing out wow and they're playing out in the big way and the pieces are being moved into place to cause the type of financial repression that needs to happen for Revelation 1317 to be true that no man may buy or sell save that he had the mark of the beast or the number or his name so that's what started me on this that's number one what brought me back to the church and I when I saw these thingsHappening when I saw uh there was a particular business in New Jersey that fought the lockdowns and determined to stay open and were suffered with fines every day from Governor Murphy in the state of New Jersey they fought them they went toe-to-toe of them they'reLike we are not going to be ruled by you know a tyrannical Governor we're going to stay open we use responsible practices and we're not closing and they were fined they were the government the governor and the state of New Jersey really persecuted them and tried to makeAn example of them and in while the matter was in litigation and in controversy that the state seized their funds seize their bank account they woke up to a bank account of zero mercy and it was their entire legal defense fund over a hundred and seventy thousandDollars this was attila's gym in Belmar New Jersey in that case they were on Tucker Carlson a few times so it was pretty high profile yeah today was sentencing day for a South Jersey gym owner Ian Smith was sentenced to one year probation for contempt of courtSmith who owns the attilis gym in Belmar defied covid-19 shutdown orders last year issued by Governor Murphy he took the doors off the gym entrance so police could not lock them and I saw it on Tucker Carlson and I followed their case and I was I was just it really struck meOnce their funds were seized because I realized if they could do this to a small gym in New Jersey they could persecute Christians around the world the same way imagine oh you know waking up to a bank balance of zero exactly because we're worshiping on the wrong day I refund yourself rightSomething like that yeah but it's interesting the financial realm and prophecies would put you back into the church and there's a mixed opinion of people within the Church of whether you should engage in the stock market or not or if you you know Mark of the Beast andAll that kind of things you could really get into a rabbit hole but so I'm really interested in what you have to share today also detailing the connection because people may not understand that or may not even know what Revelation 13 is all about but before we get into thatI want to hear Heidi and what you do and how this connects sure so well we're sisters and so it she Eva's part of our organization called the wisdom Pearl and so at the wisdom Pearl we're providing biblical education and we organize conferences actually public conferences called the battle for your frontal lobeBecause that's really what it's about right absolutely it all comes down to Satan doesn't care how he gets you he doesn't care if the Mark is in the hand or in the forehead right right but we know the Seal of God is only in the forehead that's right so the battle isFor your frontal lobe our first conference was called fear not fear God because you know the pandemic instilled so much fear into people whether it was medical agencies or government agencies or them combined people were just fearful and we wanted to talk about some of the current topics in society that areCausing people fear and give them a Biblical perspective because that's what it comes down to what does God's word say about these things that are happening in society and so Eva was one of our speakers and she spoke her topic was called hope during times of troubleAnd so she spoke introducing this topic of cbdc's and how it connects to Revelation 1317 and we had several other speakers as well and all the videos are available on YouTube if the audience wants to check them out they can go to YouTube and search the wisdom Pearl and they canGo to our website the and find out more about the other topics that we're going to be discussing for example we have an upcoming conference and this that's also the battle for your frontal lobe series The subtitle of the next one is called science versus science true science versus fake scienceAnd so you know we want to give a Biblical perspective on the things that are happening around us in society and Eva's Been instrumental in that in our organization with us and so it's a privilege you know for her to be you know reconnected with God and for us toBe able to work together that is a big blessing because it's a not just a family business it's a family ministry ministering to people as a family that's wonderful okay and all the links that Heidi just mentioned will be in the description below so take us to theTopic yeah so uh Central Bank digital currencies um those are uh so you know basically cryptocurrency that is decentralized for the most part as long as this there are many stakeholders it's a decentralized okay so they might be a variety of people watching so crypto like if you wouldExplain it in a sentence or two what what's cryptocurrency crypto is a digital currency that is designed to be decentralized uh users can use it without being controlled as to how you can spend it so it's kind of like I look at cryptocurrency as more or less a freedom currency and the differentCryptocurrencies have different aspects to them um but well to Anchor someone if you were to compare it to let's say our US dollar here what is the difference is like why would someone gravitate towards crypto versus using the US dollar uh I guess they would because it'sDigital money and it uh May or it may not it will not be valued typically like like the dollar would like people are worried about the valuation of the dollar and losing uh buying power uh cryptocurrencies uh they're they're subject to their own Market as to theirValuation okay so people would invest in or use cryptocurrencies because they may think they have an edge over the dollar in buying and selling and they can do so also most uh many of the transactions um can be done peer-to-peer or you know with different retailers that accept cryptocurrencyUm so people like to do that they can be done quickly efficiently digital currency it's instant you know usually typically there isn't much of a wait time um so it's people like that who are technically minded and and want that kind of ease of transaction okay the limitation is it's not acceptedEverywhere yeah that's the limitation isn't it although during the pandemic it skyrocketed or should it be the companies that are accepting it skyrocketed yes especially Bitcoin which is the major cryptocurrency that people are familiar with if they're familiar with any uh people use Bitcoin it's accepted uh around almost around the worldUm maybe not with every retailer but there's certainly countries like Nigeria where their population 50 of their transactions use Bitcoin wow I don't know they're very dependent on bitcoin because Nigeria is one of the countries that's Implement implemented a cbdc and they've been very authoritative in trying to enforce adoption and use ofTheir cbdc the e-nira how do you spend it is it on a card your phone cryptocurrency is typically stored digitally so it would be stored either in an online wallet which is not as secure as like a hard wallet like a USB drive you know a special it's not justAny USB drive it's a wallet that's secure with you know seed words and such I encrypted and everything like that so that's cryptocurrency but cbdc is the exact opposite of that so when you think of cbdc it is fully traceable fully programmable and centralized with one Authority your government or yourGovernment Central Bank and that one Authority will program the rules and regulations as to how you can use that currency wow and of course they're going to see every transaction and so what they deem is moral or immoral you know I I see all this going hand in hand withThe China Morelia what was it the social credit score yes so it's like oh you were buying a Bible that's that's hate speech cut your yeah cut your currency off yes or you were out in China for instance you could be out in a square where there's a protest going on andThat will you know be deducted from your social credit score and penalize you from being able to take out a loan or you know something like that and financially they impose restrictions on people who are not doing or doing unfavorable things from the government's point of view well even as as close asCanada there's a trucking protest and people were they were like not from that yeah they're like well we're gonna we're gonna carry gas to the truckers and those people who were just simply giving truckers gasoline had their Banks cut off exactly exactly we're getting so close to this like the controlling ofBuying and selling exactly and that control is more uh efficiently exercised by the government with a cbdc with the Central Bank digital currency because the Central Bank owns the currency they trace everything's fully traceable fully programmed by your government your central bank and so it can be programmedTo not work as to buying certain Goods or certain items that the government wouldn't want you to buy or it can also the government could limit your spending power they could freeze your spending power they could freeze your funds and they could adjust your balances with a cbdcThat's already been seen with the Brazilian uh cbdc a developer spoke out against that and said there's a feature in the cbdc in the code that permits the government to freeze your funds and adjust your balance and they're pretty much at the top of the food chain likeThere's no one holding the government accountable exactly there's no regulation for them who's going to stop your government right yeah boy I mean what we've been using all this time we've been using Bank digital currency when we use our credit cards and our debit cards and everything if you don'tLike the bank you're working with you can go down the street to another bank and work with them well if the government is your bank where are you going to go when they limit your spending power or they freeze your funds and already they've got us on a systemWhere you can't function without a bank I mean I I went as long as I could without a bank and then you start working for employers that say oh it's it's digital payment you have to have a bank and then yeah you're really stuck in the loopUm so would you tell someone would you advise well you're not a financial advisor but if someone were to ask you would you advise against going with that kind of digital Bank is this something that we can stay away from as long as possible or you see like Hey we're probably allGonna get in at some point while we have choices we should exercise those choices and of course I'm not a financial advisor and I cannot give Financial advice um we can all make choices and right now where things exist in the United States is we don't have a cbdc yet the New YorkHub of the Federal Reserve is their Innovation Hub is working on a cbdc has been working on a cbdc for some time but what we do have which was started in July is fed now fed now is an infant an instant payment infrastructure an instant payment service that allowsBanks and businesses to transfer money efficiently through the Federal Reserve and allow instant payments for their customers so uh last I checked they were about there were over 50 organizations who were certified to participate in fed now you can go to the fednow website and look at the list of organizations thatAre listed to and certified participate so that's a number of major Banks major credit unions banking institutions service providers liquidity providers uh and they can there there's a list of them that are certified to use it so that means that every transaction goes through the Federal Reserve and they canSee all the transactions that are happening and fully traceable and Jerome Powell actually said in September of 2022 when he was asked about a U.S cbdc what the aspects would be he named four aspects one would be it would be intermediated meaning it would be Federal Reserve working through theBanks to the customers second it would be privacy protected third it would not be anonymous it would be tied to a digital ID wow so they could see exactly what transactions you're making if they wanted to limit the sale of guns they could program the currency not to work to purchase gunsIf they combined it with a social credit score or a climate change you know score or carbon footprint score I can't buy gas today or you can't buy gas today or something can't book that airline ticket because you had too much stake this month you know or imagine if youDon't get that inoculation that is being highly recommended or mandated not down your social credit score a lot what we just went through a season Affair and there's still a lot of fair that is ex that exists today how do you think the government is going to MarketOr entice people to join into this well there's a number of ways I could do it they could start with the weakest Among Us which are uh people who are financially um you know weak in debt in debt um who need uh welfare or Universal basic income if they wanted to bring inUniversal basic income they could issue that in Central Bank digital currency if they wanted to issue uh the treasury is one of the institutions of course that's certified to work with fed now and with this dvdc they could issue cbdc as your federal tax refund or any payments thatThe government would issue under Medicare Medicaid could just be cbdc that means your doctors would have to accept it your grocery store would have to accept it in the bank if banks you work with will have to accept it so it could really go through the entireEconomy yeah like that I see that yeah write a lot of incentives too right like during the pandemic people got checks from the government right I mean people are getting but imagine if your incentive from the government is coming in the form of a cbdc and you have to spend it that wayAnd then you know imagine that you know people just get used to that convenience right and they don't think anything about it right and so then you know look at what happened when when they were really really pushing you know the coveted inoculations I mean people were getting you knowFree meals a hundred dollar gift cards and it really was the fear of missing out oh I won't be able to travel or maybe I'll lose my job so it doesn't make sense that's an easy transition of I want to do this and this is what IHave to do to get there so and that was paired with incentives yeah right so imagine if an incentive is being offered along with this right 500 bonus or what have you yeah right how does all of this fit into Revelation 13. what is what's talked about in Revelation 13. soRevelation 13 uh talks about the end times uh the Beast and the mark of the beast and everything especially Revelation 13 17 says no man may buy or sell save they have the mark of the beast or the number of his name the type of financial repression that has toExist for them to force the mark of the beast for the two Beast powers and you know the first Beast and the second beast in Revelation and any Beast Powers working with them to try to force you to take the mark of the beast they have toLimit how you can buy or sell and essential Bank digital currency is a perfect technology to make that happen because the government can instantly program whether or not you can spend that cbdc yeah whether or not you would be able to spend that digital dollarYou know are you did you take all of your mandated inoculations um did you comply with the things you were supposed to comply to or were you seen at a protest maybe in on January 6th yeah or did you go to the One World Church on that day that you're supposedTo correct were you attending church on the prescribed day that's a good point you bring up about January 6 because even with all that you're saying and I understand it it's still hard to conceptualize because of the mentality of the people in this particular country the freedoms that we enjoyIt's hard to imagine that people wouldn't take things into their own hands and create their own system separate from the government or start bartering or just like there will be such a Revolt maybe even a civil war that may take place but prophetically we know that it's going to happen so rightCorrect the Bible predicts that this will happen right now so you said what can we do earlier we can exercise Choice while we can exercise choice so if they do come out with a cbdc hopefully we'll still for a while have other forms of payment we can use besides it we canChoose banks that are not working with fed now yet you know and that can be done now that can be done now you can check which bank you're banking with and check it with the list on the fednow website and if you're working with a bank that's certified to participate inFed now you can leave that bank and go to the bank down the street who's not participating with fed now and you can tell them I'm working with you because you're not certified you're not a certified participant in fed now and I want no part of this and I want no partOf cbdc you might find that the banks don't even know about this or at least the bank employees aren't really included into this in fact that's what Heidi found yeah yeah we recently uh we recently formed the wisdom Pearl as a non-profit and so when we went to openThe bank account I made very sure you know I looked at the list of areas of area banks in New York and and on Long Island and there were only a small handful of banks that were even an option that were not participating in fed now but we found a couple that wereNot and we went to them and you know we're sitting with a bank manager and a bank representative and you know I I asked them I said so are you familiar with you know cbdc's and you know and that our country is looking to develop a cbdc and they said noWhat's that come again what's that yeah I said so do you know what fednow is and they said no and we had we ended up going to another bank and at that bank the representative asked well what brought you in today and I said what brought us in is the factThat you're not a registered bank and fed now and you know we're looking to bank with a bank that will protect our rights as long as possible okay I wonder what the the incentive for the banks to join into this why are so many banks uh working with that probably just goingAlong with the crowd being Progressive or seeing where things are headed and wanting to capitalize as much as possible what would you say to someone who may walk away with this thinking if I am either banking with a bank that's part of fed now or if I join in withCbdc that I'm joining in with the mark of the beast well first of all we want to establish that a cbdc is not the marker of the Beast right we know that from studying the Bible right we know what the mark of the beast is and it is not a chip it isNot you know a currency it is not anything like that but as Eva was saying in Revelation 13 17 one of the very prominent verses about the repression that will come to those who are keeping the Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus is a financial repressionRight and so the verse clearly says that no man may buy or sell save or accept that they have the mark of the beast or the number of his name and so you know this is just one of the ways that they can get people in complianceOr in line so that when laws are passed for worship on a specific day that is not God's day right they will already have these controls in place and think about today how many people are just so comfortable and so convenience oriented right that willJust go along with this and we know that that's why people will receive the mark of the beast in their hands action based it's action-based right so I didn't want to cut you off but I just want to establish that we know that this is notThe mark of the beast the mark of the beast involves worship yes absolutely yeah you're absolutely right and I'm glad you jumped in there and the cbdc would be part of the enforcement mechanism to try to constrain the user and force a certain behavior that the government would like to see it's aMeans to an end yes okay yeah and there's another um so you can think of Central Bank digital currency and this is not an exaggeration it's digital Financial enslavement that's disguised as money you participate in it you're giving the governor government the right to curtail your freedoms and spending if you do notHave a financial if you do not have the freedom to conduct whatever Financial transactions you wish to conduct you're not free your Freedom's been taken away from you and the fact that the the currency is fully traceable and the government can see all of your transactions that's aWaiver of your Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure because right now if the government wants to see what you're spending on they're supposed to get a warrant they're supposed to go to court and get a warrant and then present that to your bank and then they can see yourTransactions that's the way it's supposed to work whether or not they go around that is another story especially with the January six people I've been thinking this has been implemented like small steps for a long time because like I said now we're in a system where you can't not have a bank butEven if you were like well I spent I I always spend cash are you going to use that you know grocery store thing that's going to save you 10 cents well that's linked to your name so there's always a paper trail somewhere there is a trail saying oh weSaw that you went to the grocery store here how I spent cash have you scanned your little card yes constantly they've been conditioning us to accept that kind of lack of privacy check in yeah check in to save 10 on your meal we got we know exactly where you've been whatYou've been doing yes yeah I mean anyone who has a smartphone yeah listening all the time yeah it's listening to you all the time yeah so this is just one of the ways that the government would enforce the type of behavior that they want to see it is asWe've seen so easy for the world to slip into a frenzy but as Christians we have promises in the Bible and the Lord says you know I haven't given you the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind so amen what are some stepsThat a Christian can take to ensure that they have a sound mind during a period where choice is taken away like what can be done now as we move towards that time well um like I said you can choose a bank that's not participating in set fedNow but like I said before I and we can contact our politicians and let them know that we do not want this okay so we can try to put it off as long as possible we can try to fight and I think we should fight we should resist weShouldn't bow down to this type of or bend over for this type of you know repression unfortunately during the pandemic we saw a lot of people just allow their rights to be taken away from them out of fear or convenience no you know that it's happened before in theName of like after 9 11 after 9 11 people were willing to give up their um freedoms for security they could do they would do the same thing here potentially um so we can try to fight it as much as possible and I think we should fight itAnd we should resist and we shouldn't give up our freedom so easily because they're so precious and we we're not used to this in the United States we're used to thinking we have freedom right at least thinking we have freedom and exercising that freedom and once it's taken awayWe're not gonna be able to get it back right right well we are we are called to resist although we know the inevitable so in resisting we're just making sure that we align with the correct Choice especially when it comes to worship that in preparation as we're resisting inPreparation for that time when choice is taken away I'll be more specific someone might listen to the show and say oh I got a stockpile you know or oh I gotta have a cash in in my house or what have you would you say those are practicalThings that that should be done oh I gotta leave all form of city and go out into the country like those kind of things has that ever come up in these conversations that you've been having as steps towards the inevitable well that can help and that can uh giveYou a little more freedom a little for a little bit longer but um ultimately we know that the Bible predicts this is going to happen and it's going to extend globally to everyone around the world even if you're in the country you're going to be on land where you have toPay taxes and you're gonna have to pay taxes eventually in cbdc um you know according to what we see in Revelation and how we think see things moving every major country is working on a cbdc and the bank of international settlements did a survey um and they just released a report ofTheir survey and it said that 93 I believe it was 93 of the banks that they surveyed are working on a cbdc so all the countries there's a number of countries that already have it Caribbean countries and Nigeria with e-nira China has their pilot program uh the ewon orThe digital one and actually they're promoting it big time right now the Asian game started September 23rd and are running through October 8th and they're trying to encourage adoption and use of the E1 with an app trying to get people to buy their tickets for the games using the app using the CentralBank digital currency trying to get International users to use the you know the cbdc issued by the the CCP you know the Communist Chinese Bank you know the Bank of China so so really what this did for you was you were in a place where you you wereRaised in the church you heard these prophecies but you but I didn't believe them yeah I didn't believe them yeah how could this possibly happen we have a constitution we have a supreme court we have a Judiciary that's supposed to guarantee our freedoms how could this possibly happen and when ISaw the Constitution being thrown out the window during the pandemic I was like oh it's on you know I better start reading my Bible again and I have to start going to church again and it's just so it's just so clear to me how these pieces are fallingInto place and people don't realize it so I'm trying to sound the alarm I'm trying to make people aware and I'm trying to encourage people to spread awareness of this so we can resist it as for as long as possible but really we know from The Book of Revelation thatThis is eventually going to happen so the most important thing I think people should do is to reinforce the relationship with God and really build and strengthen their relationship with God and really don't skip your morning devotions because you know you're gonna we're gonna come to a time we're gonna we're gonna beTotally dependent on God yeah we're not going to be able to spend our money where even if you're sitting on a pile of cash you may not be able to spend it at some point right so you're gonna be totally dependent on God you know and I've heard Pastor Pavel Goya forInstance say recently um and he's I'm sure he said it before Jesus is coming soon you know and um we're going to be that generation that sees Jesus face to face so do you want to see do you want him to say to you um well done faithful servant or I IDon't know you all right all right you know you hit the nail on the head in in that response so the three that I got from your the three ways to prepare that I got from your answer was one get involved right uh in terms of the the policies happening in your localGovernment be aware of what's happening and then develop sorry and bring awareness spread that awareness yeah it's got to be a Watchman right yeah and then have that relationship with God those three combined which also intertwine because you can't be involved if you're not aware and then how can youGet involved as a Christian responsibly unless you have that relationship with God so all three uh combined together will bring that that peace of mind during this time and also have us be a light to those who may not know or who might be part of that frenzy so that wasActually yes absolutely absolutely it's a great time for people to detach from their belongings yeah that's you know psychologically even right because we many many people in all around us in our culture in our communities in our country we could never imagine the time when every Earthly support will be cut off yeahBut that's right around the corner and so you know out of convenience out of luxury out of whatever it might be people are dependent on their smartphones their Smart TVs their Smart Homes all their smart devices and we've become just so conditioned and accustomed to our belongings and ourDevices and what we have and what we really need to have As Eva said is a relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ or so fixated on a problem or hypothetical and not seeing the solution right in front of you correct like to make it personal for me it was a veryHard transition for me to move out of New York to Tennessee and one of the main reasons was like there's like no public there's not even sidewalks in my area like to go from place to place I would need a car yeah but I have a carSo it's okay for me personally right so I have a car so why am I worried about public transport why am I so fixated that there's no sidewalks when that doesn't necessarily apply to me as an individual and for the individual that it may apply to they don't have a carWell again I have a car so I could be of help to that person so taking that example and applying it broadly of like sure you might be so fixated on this issue but the solution is right here and we should be praising God for theSolution in our lives yes praise God so the other thing um that I've been reporting on on my sub stack my sub stack is revelation 13 17 and you can find it there and I publish all kinds of news coming out with respect to cbdc's andHow close we are along with Bible verses and encouraging people to depend on God and and you know seek God and really for everything for all of your friends and it helps support her Ministry it does help support my Ministry yes so one of the things I've reported on also isSo it's not bad enough that they want to control your money with cbdc they also want to control all your assets so the bank of international settlements is the central bank that the central banks go to and they um they facilitate cross-border settlements and such like that and so they issued their annualReport and they issued one chapter of their annual report in June 20 2023 and what they laid out was a plan for tokenization of all privately held property on a global unified Ledger RC so the token would be coded with smart contracts and rules and regulations asHow the the asset can be owned how it can be transferred if it can be transferred if you can retain ownership of your asset and also The Ledger the unified Ledger would have a data environment that would incorporate data from Real World events that could potentially impact the transferability of your assetYou'll own nothing and be happy exactly exactly that's exactly how they would accomplish that you might think you own something but guess who controls it yeah not you so I encourage people to you know stop by my sub stack Revelation 13 17 and I try toShare these things and try to share some encouragement and um perhaps you know some words of wisdom if I can awesome thank you for that reason from the Bible okay so people can't people part of that list can reach out to you for maybe uh with specificQuestions or anything like that yes yes of course post comments post questions I answer all comments and questions and awesome fantastic we'll have that resource in the in the links below and Heidi if someone has a question about what you're involved and how can theyReach you sure they can reach us at the and uh we encourage people to come and you check out our website check out our upcoming conferences can they register on the website they sure can they can buy their tickets online and um our next conference people will notWant to miss especially if they care about some of these really hot topics in society today a such as creation versus Evolution if they care about the gender dysphoria that's going on in our schools and if they care about the climate change agenda that is uh right rightBefore us I think if they go to this they're going to get equipped with how to respond to some of those they sure will you know you might believe something but can you defend your beliefs that's something that I love about apologetics yeah yeah thank you Heidi thank you for having usAnd thank you Eva thank you so much appreciate both of you well if you were blessed by our conversation today I I hope that you would like this video and share it to those around you also subscribe if you're new here we're here every Friday on LED liveUm also if you're interested in what little light Studios has going on you can go to our website and if you'd like to support us financially you can do so through that same website or you can go to Little Light Studios we have a new Venture going on right nowWith little light kids you can subscribe to that YouTube channel it's content all for kids the link to that will be in the description below thank you so much for watching we hope you have a blessed weekend and we'll see you next week on LED live bye-bye then very soon we willBe beyond the god of the Bible there are 11 genders that The Vedic tradition recognizes so for all those genders understand Native Americans have recognized five genders this dual gender is one of the conspiracy against the humanity when the Kundalini your Kundalini is awakened fundamentally first thing will happen isYou are identity about you for the purpose for which you the body will become clear to you can I ask how many genders you think there are over 10 is it a social construct would you say yeah two gender genders or no like whatever you feel it's I thinkIt's really fluid right now you know it's getting more and more acceptable to be whoever you want to be so non-trivial it has the potential of a civilizational destruction in the short term the problem with AI is that it might control your brain through words and II'm with us for thousands of years um just think of the Bible and just think of the Bible registered to our science versus science conference to find Hope in the science that complies with the gospel and this conferences was inspired from a quote published in 1890. I have beenWarned that henceforth we shall have a constant contest science so-called and religion will be placed in opposition to each other because finite men do not comprehend the power and greatness of God manuscript 16 1890 talks from our speakers will address Evolution versus creationism Gender dysphoria climate change agenda Every day is an opportunity to show kindness to the world foreign to do something that lets someone know you're thinking of them every day is an opportunity to give without expecting anything in return Every day is an opportunity to notice someone in need and to go out of your way to help them every day is an opportunity to do one small thing to show someone you care to make the world a better place

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