Trading was so difficult for me when I first started there's so much information out there so many different strategies and techniques that you've got no idea where to start and even when you start your journey there are hundreds of pitfalls that can cost you time and a specific strategy we'reFocused on today in this video cost me thousands of dollars and I'll even share the stories of how it happened and also cost me hundreds of hours not to mention a ton of stress and I really don't want anyone else to have to go through this on their trading Journey so if you'reInterested in Saving yourself a bunch of money and a bunch of time and becoming a more profitable Trader this video is for you I know there are people out there making this exact mistake and this is going to be one of the primary reasons they are not making money in the marketsOne thing you learn later in your trading career and with most things in life is that you make more money by doing less it's more important for me to say no to bad trades than yes to good trade and this specific strata strategy will help you filter out a lot ofNonsense see in 2017 I made a ton of money in the bull market and my strategy was Finding really strong narratives and betting heavily on altcoins this worked really well except in 2018 it stopped working and by the time I realized and I'd taken my money out of the market itCost me about four hundred thousand dollars then I switched strategies in 2018 I was mostly scalping on the intraday time frames Found A system that worked really well every time BTC E4 EOS at the time would rally I'd aggressively short the market and keep trying toCatch the top of the bear Market rallies I was making hundreds of thousands of dollars a day at the time which was a ton of money for me and it was great until that also stopped working so again I was stuck having to find my nextStrategy that was going to make me money and that's when I discovered altcoin trading in 2019 it started a little bit earlier in 2018 but 2019 as I went really hard on it and I found the missing piece I found what was missing from my training and that'sWhat I want to share with you today see without this you're never going to succeed in trading because the first secret is that there is no Holy Grail now I'm using this terminology from a fantastic book called trade your way to Financial Freedom sounds a littleGimmicky but it's really good so what is the Holy Grail so the Holy Grail is this idea that there is this one magical thing that when you find it you suddenly start making money and you become a professional Trader that one pattern or that one formula or that one tradingStyle that's going to make everything click and your portfolio numbers start to go up but that's not how it works the market is not static the market is constantly changing you need to know what market conditions you are in and you need to trade accordingly adapt your systems or have specific systems forDifferent market conditions so my missing piece in 2017 was that we were in a very bullish Market in fact one of the craziest bull markets I've ever seen and my strategy was great finding narratives trading narratives buying highs selling higher when the market is super bullish is an extremely effectiveStrategy and one of the best ways to make money I won't pretend to be a genius that's money printing season just identify them and most your trading profits will come in these market conditions so here's a three-step system to identify bullish market conditions you need to First Look at MarketStructure Market makes a low then it makes a new high then the low is higher than the previous low and you can see keeps doing this sort of structure every time it makes a high and comes down the new low is higher than the previous slope the new high is higher than thePrevious high and every time it does this you know that this trend is continuing and if we watch the market continue here you can see that it came down didn't really test this one and now it's off to make new highs continues going again new High new low is higher than thePrevious low you've got a new high here and this Market structure as you can see you've got a high here you've got a low here then this next high higher than this one this next low higher than this low and it keeps going and it keeps going until you see something like thisPrice made one final one there came here and then broke down below this that is the market structure broken you can see this trend over here that we saw the whole way up shifted so this here the series of higher highs and higher lows is a bullish Market structure step twoReally easy you want to look at moving averages because if you have three of them they're going to all fan out like this as the market goes up when they're fanned out with the lowest one on top and the highest one down here if you want to see my settings here I'm usingThe 7 the 30 and the 100 day moving average these will give us a clear indication of the trend and you can see over here as the market structure broke so did all of the these moving averages pretty much at this level here where the structure shifted so did the movingAverages step 3 you actually want to look at the distance between the highs every time we make a new high how much higher is the next one so for example we have this we have this move there we have this move here this move here andThis move here now he's got a really simple example to help you visualize can you see how this indicates the strength weakening we huge move here huge move here weaker and weaker you see signs of Market structure weakening when the distance between these two highs gets shorter and the explosiveness gets lessNow outside of the charts you want to be looking for lots of positive news Euphoria and hype when you see Market structure lots of higher highs lots of higher lows lots of moving averages Fanning out you see the distance between each high is really big explosive movesEvery single time we hit new all-time highs and you combine this with really positive sentiment lots of euphoria in the market you have money printing season even right now in the market the reason I've managed to trade this move here so well is just this strategy lookHere we have our high our low price exploded up and it made a new high a new low exploded up again new High new low exploded up again I saw the distance get smaller between the two and that's why I was looking for shorts and turningBearish at 25k why because I saw the structure shift I saw that this was a bullish breakout then I saw that it was weakening that and it was unlikely that we'd be able to break this resistance because of that if I had this in 2017 maybe I wouldn't have lost that fourHundred thousand dollars now remember in 2018 our scalping ER sptc If I Had A system that was really good at shorting Market rallies that is all I did on repeat day in and day out and my hit rate was through the the roof that was some months where I had 90 plus successRate with my trades this is actually how my account started on Twitter I just publicly grew using this exact strategy and account from 30k to 45k in one month I didn't realize this at the time but my strategy was working really well because it was the right strategy for the marketAt that time so let's take a look now I don't know if it was instinct or luck but take a look 2018 starts over here and that's exactly when the 2017 Market structure went from bullish like we described earlier and take a look the moving averages will be doing exactlyWhat you'd expect Fanning out and then what happened right at this level here we saw that big shift we went from bullish to bearish in a bearish market we see the opposite here low high lower low lower high then again similar low another lower high lower highSimilar low a little bit lower and it keeps going all the way down to here now why was my shorting strategy working so well because we were in bearish market conditions just like before so step one you look for the series of lower highs and lower lows you look for movingAverages that are going in a downwards Direction Fanning out downwards and step three this one is a little bit different to look for the end of these sorts of bear Trends it doesn't really matter if the distances get less because you often ends up with periods of very lowMovement like this where price badly goes up and down and just goes sideways a lot almost consolidates now in a bear Market you can see a lot of these periods within and it doesn't mean the bear Market's over it just means it could go sideways for a while and thenCrash back down afterwards and then you see sideways for a while and the only time you see a proper shift is when you see like before a change in Direction you can see we may 8 lower highs here and that's when the market shifted fromThese it broke up then it again broke up this key level over here got above so it's a little bit different in these bearish conditions the bonus signs you want to look for for these sorts of market conditions where it's great to try short every single rally is theCoins don't pump to news in the bull market when great news comes out crypto currencies go crazy in the bear Market they just don't react whatsoever good news comes out about a protocol upgrade good news comes out about an airdrop and the price stays static or even continuesTo go down these are Key signs of bear Market activity so again if I could have identified why my strategy was working at the time I would have been able to stop it earlier because remember I said some months I got 90 eventually that came down to 50 sometimes under 50 whereSome months would be profitable some months wouldn't be profitable and it really just wasn't the type of system I should have been trading when the market started going sideways for ages because it was those long sideways periods that really started to hurt most of 2018 the beginning of 2019 was boring sidewaysAction where it was extremely difficult to make money so now my scouting system wasn't working anymore and I was back at square one this is where I had a real crisis like am I going to have to every few months spend weeks because I mean weeks I spend weeks back testing mySystems trying to find something new that works it was emotionally difficult because this is why I came to trading because I didn't want to have this sort of uncertainty with my income anymore I was happy to make more or less some months but I didn't want to have toRefine my strategy my Holy Grail every single time and that's when I came to my realization I make the most money in Bull markets I make decent money in Bear markets the thing they both have in common is the price moves a lot whenPrice moves a lot I can make money I can find opportunity when price doesn't I cannot in fact I lose money so I need to avoid these sideways market conditions so step one was just avoiding these sideways market conditions but that wasn't enough because I wanted to beMaking money then the solution came to me uh just because the macro Market is ranging doesn't mean some coins aren't going up or down a lot and that's when I doubled down on my altcoin trading because even though Bitcoin and ethereum were going sideways if you were out there creating altcoin watch listsPutting a lot on key levels you could find explosive coins that would go up loads and you didn't even have to catch them early as I showed last week with two trade cfx and Neo that are already pumped several thousand percent I still gave you traits that made about 20 eachThat is because you can look for bullish conditions within the ranging markets just on the right assets and this was my strategy for most of 2018 the start of 2019. I would constantly share altcoin watch list because I'd be waiting for those explosive movements so I can diveIn and get my mini bull market conditions where I would make tons of money these secrets should be able to save you a lot of time and money in the markets I have tons of free resources out there now with these you're going to actually be able to simplify yourTrading you're going to be doing less work and making more money that's the core thesis behind what I do and what I teach now if you've made it to the end of the video this message is exclusively for you for the first time ever I'm opening a mentorship program if you wantTo work closely with me to accelerate your trading career check out the link in description below and see if it's a fit I'm not interested in taking on a large group of people so this will close up very quickly and if you're interested you'll want to apply now
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