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Creating a Code-Free Cryptocurrency Wallet: Is it Possible?

Creating a Code-Free Cryptocurrency Wallet: Is it Possible?

In this tutorial i'll show you how to use no code tools and freely available plugins to create a crypto wallet that you can design however you want now by the end of this video tutorial i'll show you how i take crypto from wallet one which you see over on the left here andSend it over to wallet two which you see over on the right now just before i jump in i just want to remind you that we offer a comprehensive no-code blockchain development course designed for non-technical founders looking to build blockchain projects so if you're serious about building a blockchain basedPlatform i'll include a link to our course as well as a coupon code for 100 off below so that said let's jump in okay so first of all the wallet i'm going to build today was built using bubble as well as the free nexus blockchain plugin but keep in mind thatMost of what i'm showing you here today can also be accomplished with bubble as well as another 50 plug-in called web3 and metamask now we'll be uploading more videos soon showcasing the metamask plug-in but for now i just want to stick with the free nexus plug-in so let'sTalk about how to build a crypto wallet using this plug-in now this wallet can be used to transfer cryptocurrency like nxs the way that you see i have it set up here but this wallet could also be used to transfer any assets or tokens on the nexus blockchain so let me show youQuickly how i have this set up again i'm not going to go too deep into nitty gritty technical details here because it's beyond the scope of this tutorial our nexus development course alone is over seven hours long what i want to do now is simply introduce you to some ofThe top level logic to show you how this can be built using no code tools so the very first thing we need to do is we need to set up some type of login system to be able to interface with the nexus blockchain now essentially what you're trying to do here is you'reTrying to synchronize data between two separate systems now on the one hand we have bubble and we need to satisfy their new user registration requirements and then on the other hand we have nexus and we also need to satisfy their new user registration requirements now obviously getting users to sign upFor two separate technology systems would create unnecessary friction between your users and your application for example you don't want to say you know click here to sign up for our application and then once the user logs in have them create another account over on the blockchain so essentially we needTo think creatively about how to create accounts on two different systems at once but before we can do this we need to know the account creation requirements of both systems now when we look at the nexus documentation we can see that to sign a user up we need the followingPieces of information we need a username a password and a pin now notice like most blockchains we don't require any type of email address or personal identifiers now let's look over at bubble's new account creation requirements now at a minimum bubble requires an email address and a passwordNow i want to be clear here that there are a handful of ways that we can deal with the new user account creation process based on the needs of the application being built so for example bubble's requirement for an email address might be off-putting to some appDevelopers the same goes for sharing a password between two separate systems now at the end of the day you need to make your own choices about how to handle this i'm going to show you one possible way that you can use to handle this process of trying to create twoAccounts during one sign up process okay so here i have my create wallet account signup form now you'll notice that i have an input field for username password and pin which you'll probably remember were the requirements for the nexus user creation process but what about the email address and passwordRequirements which were strict requirements of the bubble platform so let's jump into my bubble workflow here so you can see how i've creatively handled this okay so at the top level you'll see i have three steps in this workflow the first step involves creating a user on the nexus blockchain the second stepHere allows me to create a user account within my bubble application and the third step simply shows a success message to the user in the front end if the workflow is finished successfully okay so let's dive deeper into each step now essentially when i'm creating a newUser on the nexus blockchain i'm simply mapping these input fields from the front end into the required fields which you see here now using the free nexus blockchain plugin or using bubble's free api connector plugin as i'm doing in this example is an easy way to interface with the nexus blockchainIn this example we're using the api to create a new user but this process is almost identical if you're using the free nexus plugin as well the next step is a bit more challenging because remember even though after this step the user is now signed up with an account onThe blockchain we don't want to ask them to sign up again for our bubble application so here is one suggestion which allows you to do two things at once so if i expand the details of my second step here you'll see that i'm asked for the basic bubble loginRequirements those are remember email and password however you'll remember that in my front end i didn't set up my application to ask users for their email address so the reason i'm able to do this if we jump back into my workflow here and we expand the second stepYou'll see that i'm using a creative workaround to the email address issue essentially what i'm doing is i'm taking a response from step one which is the user's genesis id and i'm appending it onto a sort of generic or throwaway email address now this does a couple ofImportant things first each user account in bubble requires a unique email address two users can't have the same email address so i have to find a way to creatively create a unique throwaway email address for each new user during the sign up process luckily during step one when the userRegistered for the nexus blockchain will get a response which includes the new user's genesis id now genesis id is just kind of a fancy block chainy way of saying user id now if i log into my nexus account here you'll see under my username i have aGenesis id this id doesn't change and it's created as soon as i create my account for the first time so jumping back into bubble i can use that user id or genesis id as the first part of my user's throwaway email address and then simply append any generic email addressI want onto the end here for example if my site was i can just put the user's genesis id and then append at so what this is now doing is satisfying bubbles requirement for an email address while at the same time allowing the userNot to really have to give us their real email address during the account creation process again this just really helps me keep my new user creation form as simple as possible in order to reduce sign up friction okay back into my workflow again now remember bubble besides requiring an email address alsoRequires a password again there are multiple ways to handle this but one of the easiest is to simply use the password the user gave in the front end here for both the blockchain as well as your bubble application essentially the same password can log a user into bothSystems again there are pros and cons to this approach but i'm just showing you one way which you can deal with the sign up process here lastly two other things i'm storing here are the users blockchain username as well as their genesis id both of which will never change again this is entirelyOptional but the reason why i want to store these pieces of data is because it allows me to use this information dynamically within my application to streamline processes and reduce overall friction later on let me give you an example here remember i'm building a wallet now let's keep in mind that everyBlockchain api call will have requirements so for example the nexus blockchain requirements for me to send an access through my application require that i have the following parameters pin session amount address from and address two well in my opinion you don't really want to have to ask your users to fillOut five fields it creates a lot of unnecessary friction and as you can see over in my front end here i'm only asking my users for three things even though the api requires a minimum of five so again how am i getting around this well first of all session id isEasy it's dynamic and we can store a new session id for that user each time a user signs into our system so that just happens behind the scenes and we can pull that data in dynamically from our database on a per need basis but that still leaves us with four requiredFields again we shouldn't get rid of pin for security reasons so we have to keep that and we have to know who we want to send nxs to which will likely change each time we send nxs and we also need to know how much we want to send eachTime we send nxs again which will likely also change each time we send so we can't get rid of these but what about address from the thing is the logged in user will always be the sending user if you log into your bitcoin wallet or ethereum wallet forExample and you send crypto from one account to another it's always going to be you who's sending you don't want the application to ask you who is sending the money it will always be you but in our case the api needs to know this piece of information so we need toSatisfy the needs of the underlying technology without inconveniencing our users again this just requires some upfront planning and creative thinking but one way to deal with this is during the sign up process remember previously i showed you how i was storing the user's genesis id which remember willNever change during the account creation process well now i have that piece of information that the api requires as a parameter to send nxs so i can design my application in a way to give this data to the nexus api without having to bother my users about it this gives myUsers a streamlined experience while allowing me as the application designer to satisfy the requirements of the underlying tech because i don't want to speak in abstractions let me just quickly jump over into my plugin section here and show you what i have for my api set up hereNotice i have set up many different api calls here for my application to work but the api call we're using to create our wallet is this one here which i've called finance api custom debit nxs now notice if i scroll down under my json object i'm required to use a minimum ofThese five parameters so in the back end of my bubble application this is where i'm setting that up in order for me to use this api call within my application again you could skip this step if you're using the free nexus plugin but personally i find working with the api aLittle bit more flexible so at the end of the day we have our login system and wallet now and i can easily show my nxs balance here as well as any other system or account information i want and then allow my users to transact through my application again doing somethingSimilar using the paid web3 and metamask plugin would be entirely possible as well which would allow you to interact with the ethereum blockchain smart contracts and erc20 tokens but now let me just quickly show you how this works on the nexus blockchain by bouncing back and forth between two nexus accountsUnder my control so i'm going to send 10nxs to this address here which has a current balance of 10. so i'll enter my details here and then i'll click on send now in under one minute this transaction will have arrived in the destination account okay so it's been one minute and i'veRefreshed my page and you can see here now that the account to the left is down 10 nxs and the account to the right is up 10 nxs for all live mainnet transactions these transactions can be verified in your nexus wallet as well however for your application usersYou're often trying to abstract this blockchain system away from your user so they don't need to download anything or create accounts anywhere else essentially you as the application designer can use the nexus bubble plugin or the api connector plugin to interface with the blockchain and pull in allRelevant data so that your users get a streamlined user-friendly and more customized experience another really interesting thing about creating a wallet like this is not only can i transact using nxs but if i'm working on the nexus blockchain i can add as many tokens or assets to thisWallet as i want creating essentially what would be a sort of multi-currency wallet another fascinating feature of the setup we have here is that i can use these exact input fields to pay an underlying asset on the blockchain so let me give you a hypothetical example imagine weHave user one and user two who both own fifty percent of the underlying asset and for simplicity's sake let's just call this asset apartment asset now let's imagine user three wants to rent that underlying apartment for let's just use simple numbers here 1000 nxs perMonth so user 3 would simply need to log into their wallet and send 1000 nxs to the address of the underlying apartment address and then the blockchain would automatically split the payment from this transaction based on the percent ownership of the underlying asset therefore user 1 in this example wouldGet 500 nxs and user 2 would also get 500 and xs and fractional ownership can get much more granular and interesting than this so for example imagine you tokenized an art asset on the blockchain and distributed partial ownership of that piece of art now imagine a galleryComes along and wants to rent that piece of art for one month again that gallery would then pay the underlying r asset and the funds would get automatically distributed based on the percentage of ownership from each user now because the payment is made to the address of the underlying asset again remember whichWill never change the revenue share is automated based on who owns what at any given time so if this is interesting to you and you want to learn more we offer a comprehensive no code blockchain development course where we start from scratch and i mean we start fromAbsolute zero and we teach non-technical founders how to build blockchain applications from the ground up again i'll provide a link to our course as well as a coupon code for 100 off below thanks for stopping by today and don't forget to subscribe to be the first toGet access to our no code blockchain development content take care

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