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  • fashioncoder
A Guide to Purchasing PLS on the Ethereum Network

A Guide to Purchasing PLS on the Ethereum Network

Hey everyone is me fashion coder and today we are going to be going over how to get wrap pulse two pulse to pulse chain so this is super exciting Richard Hart tweeted that you finally can use uniswap to be able to go in and do thisAnd so I'm going to go through a full tutorial on how you can do it yourself so I've been waiting to make this video for so long so I'm so excited and so let's just get started alright so if you don't have a centralized exchange you'reGoing to want to get an account with one of those my favorites personally coinbase um I use lots of other ones too like the first one I ever got into was binance and I know that there are different ones that different countries uses use too because you know you justLike different countries a lot of different ones so make sure that you have a centralized exchange because this is going to be how you onboard your money into the ecosystem all right so if you come into your account you can see that you can buy all these differentCoins well I'm personally going to be buying is ethereum I already have bought it I already sent it to my metamaskala but all you do is you come in and buy it and then you're going to trade it and send it to your metamask account now ifYou don't have a metamask account go to and create one now metamask is my favorite wallet I know lots of other wallets are um just as good but I personally like metamask because it's been what I've been using for since like day one so metamask is awesome just beSuper careful that when you go in and make your account that you are being very careful with the words that they give you of write everything down and then just security is such a big deal you do not want anyone to take like your coins and so just be soCareful so I am in my metamask account right now and we can see that I sent over a little bit of ethereum into my demo wallet so we can go through this together all right now if we go to uniswap I connected my wallet and if you just go in and searchUm W pulse it is going to pull up for me because I added it um but what you're going to do is I'll link it below you can also look it up below but right here I have the token address for um the wrapped pulse from pulse chain soI just came in here and I copied the address which is right here I went into uniswap and pasted it and then it pulled it up and did the whole thing and it's not asking me for it right now because I already went in and did it alright so I want to swapSome of my ethereum for the wrapped pulse and so I'm going to come in here I don't want to do the max because I'm going to have to pay a gas fee to swap it as well host to bridge it so to do both those things you know I don't wantTo use all of it so let's see if I do the .02 I think that'll leave enough for gas and actually we're going to do 0.15 just to be safe I want to make sure I have enough for gas so we're going to do that I might need okay perfect so right hereWe are going to Quick click swap confirm swap and this is how many pulse we're going to be getting it's going to make me go through this okay see so like 10 swap actually I'm going to do less because I know with the bridge that feels a little bit greater so we're justGoing to go like this but for the purposes of this particular video it is okay that you know we're going through like this okay so total it's going to cost me 29 of each which is fine typically you're going to be sending you know a lot more though so the feesAren't as bad so like say I sent a thousand dollars and the fee was ten dollars like that's truly not as bad and it makes me feel less bad with it being so low you know I'm like oh my gosh that's kind of a lot but we can come inHere we can watch and we can actually import the token too because we already have it pasted oh tweet add custom token and just like that look we have our tokens all right so now what we're going to do is we are going to go to and we areGoing to come over to the bridge we are going to connect our wallet metamask okay you connect to the right wallet and then in here we are going to let's just do the max all right so right here we're doing the max make sure that you do the toggle of receive the pulseOkay um because right here that is where it's going to bring in the wrap pulse as pulse which is what we want this is what we've been waiting for so it is going to have a bit of a bridge fee so we're going to get less so I have121 000 here but it's going to give me 120 000. and this is going to take a little while so this isn't going to be instantaneous like we saw the unit swap but if we click Send we are going to click Send again we are going to confirm right hereAnd then it is going to send it over to pulse X and our pulse J network and we're going to be able to swap from there so the reason why this is such a big deal is if you haven't been in pulse chain yet it launched just a couple ofWeeks ago and what is going to happen is we have been waiting for this because people haven't been able to transact because they don't have polls to be able to do anything so this is amazing all right so we are going to be waiting for this if we click on transactions we'llProbably be able to see that I've done other transactions yeah right here um and so right here we can see this and these other transactions have gone through previously and we're going to be waiting on this one now if we come to pulse chain and go to pulse X we areGoing to be able to see that we can come in and do this now if you haven't added um pulse chain yet you just come in here and it's going to switch the network for you so switch Network in wallet we're going to click switch right there andThen right here we can see that we can come in and switch our pulse for whatever it is now if you have any questions feel free to put them in the comments below this is so exciting I can't believe we're finally here and really Richard said this himself this isBasically like day one because now anyone anywhere can be able to go in and do this all right don't forget to like And subscribe I'm so excited that I'm going to be able to make all sorts of pulse chain videos um here on out and I'll talk to you later bye

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