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BAD Token Market Analysis | Bad Idea AI Coin Price Prediction | Bad Idea AI Crypto News | BAD Crypto

BAD Token Market Analysis | Bad Idea AI Coin Price Prediction | Bad Idea AI Crypto News | BAD Crypto

Hi all welcome back to our channel so in this video we'll be discussing about bad idea AI token which gives an around 6656 percentage hike in the last 30 days we will analyze what this token is and we do the future prediction for this token so let's get started so what isActually a bad idea AI token which is also known as bad token so as per its white paper the AI technology has become an extensive force in our lives raising questions about it impact in response they have introduced the token name bad or this decentralized experiment that margins blockchain AiAnd Dao in an adventurous and we mean squared endeavor with AI and the community leading the way they are embarking on the risky journey in the hope of securing a positive outcome bad idea is a bold and playful decentralized project that explodes a world where Ai and human sharing decision makingIt is an experiment in trust where human and AI collaborate in a token nice ecosystem to save the future through this journey it will be a person's of mortality responsibility and essence of humanity that the token while unique and Innovation is in concept currently lacks practical utility additionally there is limited information availableAbout its roadmap and future plans so before going ahead with the price prediction and market analysis I am requesting you please subscribe to the channel to get daily videos on training cryptocurrencies now let's discuss about the career market for bid token the current price for this token is0.00017 USD and within 24 hours of trading volume of around 10 million USD and oec and I cop seven percent in the last 24 hours and currently holding a rank of 250 position in coin market so if you want to buy this token you can buy it fromThe Top If You Can See exchanges like bitmap superex unicever and pancakes are now let's discuss about the price prediction for that idea AI token according to the Deep technical analysis on the best price data of bad in 2023 the price of bid idea AI is forecasted to be aroundMinimum value of 0.0006 but within maximum value of 0.0008 in an average case we can expect around 0.00075 USD so what is the feature of this token the future of this token is highly dependent on the overall performance from the crypto industry when it comes to an investment in bidYou need to make sure that you are using right strategy however it is still an excellent investment for those who have high tolerance of breaks and a solid financial position in addition to its speculative nature we do also offer exposure to Global Technology and enable screen focal systemSo is it a good opportunity for investment or not so as it expected to continue to expand a shortage Trend to encourage price rise please note there is some risk to any investment just invest you know what you can accomplish before coming any convolution and also contact the maximum research as possibleLet's wrap up today's video on Bad Idea AI point if you enjoyed the video don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe to our channel for more exciting crypto content

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