so a lot of people right I've seen it kind of in person yeah my phone right there I'm gonna I'm gonna prove and pull up the kucoin account uh and I'll show it to you I actually have a current trade open as well um this is a uh this is a an account that I literally started and I for example opened up a Bitcoin long a Bitcoin short today because obviously any time of the market Longs you short because they're you're liquidity to go the other way and uh and it worked so let me show it to you as proof so I took 100K account it was at 5K uh right there you'll see it you'll see 30k underneath on an open trade and then you'll see the open p l you'll see the open p l that says 70k that means that's the amount of balance in the wallet and then you have a 30 000 position open on a BTC short with uh with three grand and net profit so that puts my account from 5K to 107k and the reason I did that was to prove to people that it's not about how much money you have it's about the information that you have that allows you to multiply that money but not only multiply it back to the idea of Capital Club to preserve that money and yeah multiple times but the reason I do it is because I want to prove people that it's possible so what did I learn one most people over trade yeah right so most people spend too much time in front of the charts instead of spending more time in front of the books and in front of learning and researching dude I do not want to be the guy like ramble too much room for failure too much room for error too much room for missing the target I want to be the sniper I want to be calculated I want to wait on the tree I want to make sure the the weather is good I want to check the humidity and I just want to fire one bullet in his [ __ ] headshot that's why we did the same thing not only with crypto but with e-commerce Our Winning products one of every four products that we would launch was a winner why because we spent so much time learning so much time doing the research that when we deployed a strategy it worked back to Miyamoto Musashi said life is about training and the purpose of training is for you to be able to react without thinking that it's so ingrained in your nature that people like dude how do you know Bitcoin was going to go up and down because I've been looking at the chart every single day for five years yeah and I've been understanding it learning it studying becoming one with it and there's people like whoa that's that's that's crazy you're not using technical analysis let me break it down to you [ __ ] the top dogs ain't using technical analysis they only use technical analysis to know what the noobs are doing these guys are out here looking at bigger things and I'll give you an example let me tell you one I can't say who the billionaire is but uh there's this really well-known billionaire that what he did was uh he wanted to open up certain positions with oil right you want to make some oil trades at a multi-billion dollar level do you think this guy got on trading view did some did some important resistance to figure out if he was going to buy some crude oil yeah no he realized that you know the containers that you have the crude oil stored in the lids would go up and down in accordance to the level of the oil Reserve so the lid was kind of not a sealed lid it was a lid that was placed over the top so what does this dude end up doing he launches satellites into space outside the box to measure the level of the lid and therefore know the reserves that are held in oil and make his trades in his positions in accordance to that information where are you gonna get that dude that takes critical thinking experience that takes knowledge and you need to be able to put that into play at a micro level so that then you can do it at a macro level so you got to think outside the box you can't be thinking how the Sheep are thinking dude if everybody's looking at the same technical analysis everybody's going to do the exact same thing and it doesn't work so you need to be able to use it as a measurement but it can't be that alone you need to be able to equip yourself with as many tools as possible I love that let me ask you this I think the whole red pill movement has a very big correlation with crypto right because crypto's messaging at its core is decentralization right being against the government in a sense or being not attached to the government right The Independent Idea do you think crypto is really going to be that Ace to be like the good verse to evil no why not because the US government can print a trillion dollars right now and buy all the Bitcoin in the world so this idea that for example Fidelity Fidelity has trillions of dollars of assets under management hopefully somebody can look up the logo of fidelity it's it's a little Masonic uh uh logo and they started mining Bitcoin 2015. Kathy Wood she was buying she bought a hundred grand worth of bitcoin at 250 dude the big dogs have been in way before you you think you think you got the information first you think you landed on a Reddit forum and you're ahead of ahead of all the guys that are actually institutionalizing and making the rules and setting things in stone you're mistaken
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